God is Love | Dr. David Jeremiah | 1 John 4:8, 16
God is Love | Dr. David Jeremiah | 1 John 4:8, 16
“I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do” (John 17:4).”
― Dr. David Jeremiah, Where Do We Go from Here?: How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems
― Dr. David Jeremiah, Where Do We Go from Here?: How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems
Message Description:
It’s so simple yet deeply profound: God Loves You: He Always Has – He Always Will. Dr. David Jeremiah shares about the most perfect love that can ever be known.
It’s so simple yet deeply profound: God Loves You: He Always Has – He Always Will. Dr. David Jeremiah shares about the most perfect love that can ever be known.
In our human relationships. We love another person because we see something in that person that attracts our love.
But God’s love for us is uncalled, caused. It’s unprompted. It’s uninfluenced, it’s free, it’s spontaneous.
There is nothing we can do to cause God to love us and there is nothing we can do to prevent Him from loving us.
God loves us because He has chosen to love us and He loves us because that’s all He can do.
God is love. Nothing you will ever do could make God love you more than He loves you right now.
Not greater achievement, not greater beauty, not wider recognition, not even greater levels of spirituality and obedience.
Nothing you have ever done could make God love you any less.
Not any sin, not any failure, not any guilt, not any regret. God loves you.
He always has and he always will.
Our lives are divided into days are days into moments and sometimes a moment is all it takes for God to encourage us, meet us in our deepest need and strengthen us to face the day.
What will your next moment with God bring you in moments with God Dr.
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Request moments with God today, somebody once told me that it was the truth.
So simple, it didn’t need to be written about. And I said, no, it’s the truth, so profound.
I don’t feel worthy to write about it.
You know, a lot of people are really confused about God’s love.
He doesn’t love the way we do. We love others because of what they do for us.
He loves us because it’s his nature to love.
And when you know the love of God, it’s the most amazing thing.
I was looking for a way to help people simply understand God’s love.
The love of God is like a universe you’ve never been to before.
And when you try to understand it from God’s perspective, you know, we’re not equipped to do that.
And what I’ve tried to do and God loves you.
He always has and he always will is to echo the heart of God to the people of the world.
The interesting thing about knowing God is to realize that God has always loved us.
And it’s just the most wonderful thing when we discover that because then we can start loving him back.
The Bible actually says God is love.
When you know that you know, when you know somebody loves you, when you know God loves you, makes all the difference.
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Some years ago, a missionary woman by the name of truly Crunk wrote a book called Over Mountain or Plain or C.
And in this book, she told the story of a little girl who visited her home one evening and who stayed a little bit too long, darkness had fallen and she was afraid to walk home and truly a explained to the little girl that she should not be afraid.
She said, Dolan, God loves you honey and He will take care of you as you walk to your house.
And the little girl replied very solemnly, no, God does not love. Little girls.
Truly said she was never able to forget that simple statement.
And it made her want to tell all little girls everywhere that God is love and does indeed love them.
It may not seem strange to us that anyone would doubt that.
But in all of the non Christian religions, if God is portrayed as personal at all, he is not a giving, loving God, but rather he is a God of appeasement one whose demands must be satisfied in order to receive his attention or his favor.
Christianity alone offers a very different picture.
The Bible says on two separate occasions in first John chapter four verse eight and in verse 16, God is love.
He who does not love does not know God for God is love.
God is love and He who abides in love abides in God and God in Him.
What does John mean? When He says that God is love?
First of all, we must understand what He does not mean.
He is not simply saying that God loves that is true, but that’s not what John is saying.
No, John is telling us that love is the very essence of God’s moral nature.
He is telling us that God himself is love and that love is not just one of his attributes.
But that love is who he is.
God defines what true love is and he is the source of all true love.
Like truly Kronk, I have a burden to tell you that God is indeed love and that He does love you.
But what exactly does that mean?
You know, there’s just as much confusion about love as there is about the nature of God.
Recently, a group of Children were asked, what does love mean?
Rebecca, eight years old said when my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time. Even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.
She said, I read that to my wife and said, don’t even think about it.
Hmm Billy four years old said when someone loves you the way they say your name is different, you just know that your name is safe in their mouth.
Bobby is seven. He said Love is what’s in the room at Christmas.
If you stop opening your presents and listen, Nikki, who’s sick said, if you want to learn to love better, you should start with somebody.
You hate Tommy who was sick said love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.
And Cindy said during my piano recital, I was on stage and I was so scared and I looked at all the people watching me and I saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that and I wasn’t scared anymore. And that’s love.
Now, there’s a little truth in all of those statements.
They’re kind of interesting, a bit humorous, but it is important that you begin to understand what love is.
If you’re going to understand what it means, that God is love and God’s love is so different than what we’ve.
You love to be in our culture. Today.
When we open the pages of the Bible and began to read about the love of God, we’re looking at a multi faceted diamond.
You see love in a way that you never dreamed it could even be described.
In fact, this is such a vast subject. This is such a wide endeavor.
How could any human being ever write anything meaningful about the love of God?
And then I remembered as I was growing up a song that George Beverly Shea used to sing in all of the Billy Graham crusades and the words to that song go like this.
Could we with ink, the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made?
Were every stalk on earth, a quill and every man a scribe by trade to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky.
The love of God is a vast subject far beyond any human ability to comprehend it.
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to learn all about it that we can.
So for these next few moments, I want to tell you some things I’ve learned about the love of God.
Some of the things you may know already, but some may come as a surprise to you.
First of all, the Bible teaches us that God’s love is uncalled, caused, it’s uncalled, caused the world today says I love you.
If you are good looking intelligent and wealthy, I love you.
If you have a good education, a good job and good connections, I love you.
If you produce much and so much and by much, there are so many ifs hidden in the world’s love.
These ifs enslave us since it’s impossible to adequately meet up to them.
So the world’s love is and always will be conditional. But God’s love is not like that.
God does not love you because of anything in you, in our human relationships, we love another person because we see something in that person that attracts our love.
But God’s love for us is uncalled caused. It’s unprompted. It’s uninfluenced, it’s free, it’s spontaneous.
There is nothing we can do to cause God to love us and there is nothing we can do to prevent Him from loving us.
God loves us because he has chosen to love us and he loves us because that’s all He can do.
God is love. Nothing you will ever do could make God love you more than He loves you right now.
Not greater achievement, not greater beauty, not wider recognition, not even greater levels of spirituality and obedience.
Nothing you have ever done could make God love you any less.
Not any sin, not any failure, not any guilt, not any regret. God loves you.
He always has and he always will.
When he wrote his letter to the Ephesians, Paul said it this way, God’s love for us is according to the good pleasure of his will.
Why does he love us? Because He chooses to Brennan Manning once asked about the most important things he had learned about God’s love and he responded this way.
He said as a man, I love the Jersey Shore.
I love Handel’s Messiah hot fudge and my wife Rosalind. I love what I find congenial or appealing.
I love someone for what I find in Him or her. But God is not like that.
The God and Father of Jesus loves men and women, not for what he finds in them, but for what he finds in them of himself.
It is not because man and women are good that he loves them.
It is because He is so unspeakably unimaginably good that he loves men and women even in their sin.
It is not that he detects what is congenial and appealing and he responds to us with favor.
He is the source of love, he acts, he does not react. He is love without motive.
God’s love is uncalled caused. Maybe you’re among those who grew up thinking that you had to do so many good things for God to love you.
And if you didn’t, he wouldn’t.
Maybe you grew up in a family where you were on that kind of a performance basis.
Maybe you heard your mother say when you were growing up, honey.
If you don’t do this, mommy won’t love you anymore. You need to put all that behind you.
If you want to know the love of God, because love from God is uncalled caused love, it comes from Him.
It has nothing to do with you.
Not only is his love on caused, but as you study the Bible, you begin to realize it’s also very unreasonable.
God’s love is unreasonable. From the beginning of the Garden of Eden.
There was no cause or no reason from a human perspective for God to love Adam and Eve.
There was no reason for Him to cover their sins with the skin of a sacrificed animal.
Nor was there a reason for God to spare Noah and his sons and their wives.
There was no reason had any human being been in God’s place.
He would have shouted enough sooner rather than later.
There were countless reasons for God to have lowered the curtain on the human drama, but there were no reasons humanly speaking for him to press on in spite of the predictable failings of all of us because of this.
We say that God’s love is unreasonable.
And Paul writing to the Romans put it this way for when we were still without strength.
In due time, Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet perhaps for a good man, someone would even dare to die.
But God demonstrates his own love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
That’s exactly what He did.
He died for you and for me, all of us, card carrying sinners and enemies of God.
Yet it was in that situation that love manifested itself a wholly unreasonable act of a righteous man dying in the place of unrighteous men.
God’s love is uncalled, caused and it’s unreasonable and it’s unending. God’s love is unending.
The Bible says that God is love and the Bible also says that God is eternal.
So if God is love and God is eternal, then God’s love has to be eternal. He’s the everlasting God.
He’s the alpha and omega. He’s the beginning and the end.
He is the one who is and who was and who is to come. He’s the Almighty.
We all divide time in the past, present and future, but God doesn’t live in those categories.
God’s name is I am not I was or I will be I am. He inhabits eternity.
He’s the king eternal of Him.
The psalmist wrote even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God now, since God is eternal and God is love, his love is eternal.
And that means that the love He will have for us in the future will never be greater than his love for us now.
And his love for us now is not greater than it has been in the past.
He loves us with an everlasting eternal love. And the prophet Jeremiah put it this way.
The Lord has appeared of old to me saying, yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Therefore, with loving kindness, I have drawn you how awesome to know that before the worlds were created.
God set his love upon you upon me before we had any being God loved us.
In a couple of chapters of this book that I have written ideal with that subject.
There’s a chapter called God loved you before you were born.
It’s the answer to all of this question about abortion. And when does life begin?
The Bible says that life begins at conception and from the very beginning and long before the beginning, God set his love upon us.
And J I Packer J I Packer in his classic knowing God said, what matters supremely is not the fact that I know God, but the larger fact which underlies it, that He knows me.
I am graven on the palms of his hands.
I’m never out of his mind, all my knowledge of him depends on his sustained initiative in knowing me.
I know him because he first knew me and he continues to know me. He knows me as a friend.
He knows me as one who loves me.
And there is no moment in my life when his eye is off of me or his attention is distracted from me and no moment.
Therefore, when his care falters, he loves me and is constantly taking knowledge of me in his love.
God’s love is uncalled caused you can’t make him love you because he already does.
God’s love is unreasonable. It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s true. God’s love is unending.
There’s nothing you can do to keep Him from continuing to love you.
He’s loved you from beginning and He will love you all the way to the end.
The Bible teaches that God’s love is unlimited.
Somebody has said that God’s center is everywhere and his circumference is nowhere.
God fills the heavens and the earth with his presence.
Behold says the scripture, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain you.
And Paul acknowledges that God is not far from each one of us.
For in Him, we live and we move and we have our being where God is love is, allow me to illustrate this wonderful truth by changing a couple of words in a very familiar Psalm.
We all know about Psalm 139 and how it talks about the omnipresence of the Lord, but I’ve just changed one word so you can get the point tonight.
Here’s what it says. Oh God, where can I go from your love?
Or where can I flee from your love? If I ascend to heaven, your love is there?
If I make my bed in hell, behold, your love is there.
If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there, your love shall lead me and your love shall hold me.
If I say surely the darkness shall fall on me, even the night shall be light around me.
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide me from your love. Where do you go to get away from God’s love?
There isn’t any place you can go because God is love and God is everywhere. I have met people.
I’m sure you have to who believe that they have pushed God’s love beyond its borders.
God couldn’t love me anymore. After what I’ve done.
How many times have you said this in your own heart?
Whether you want to say it out loud or not?
How many times have you allowed yourself to think this thought?
But our human experience has taught us there’s a limit to love.
And we often put God in that box, but God doesn’t live in that box.
And as we often do, we create God in our own image thinking that He has limits like we have limits.
But I’m here to tell you tonight that God’s love is unlimited.
He cannot be bound in any of the structures that we know. He is God who is everywhere.
Therefore, his love is everywhere. No matter where you go, you can’t get away from it.
He is always going to be there in His love and his love is unchanging In a world that moves and changes so fast that it’s almost impossible to keep up with it.
Here is one of the characteristics of Almighty God that we need to remember.
Malachi 36 says it this way for I am the Lord and I do not change.
Psalm 33 11 says the counsel of the Lord stands forever the plans of his heart to all generations.
Psalm 102 says, but you are the same and your years shall have no end.
What a wonderful thought to know that because God is unchanging, his love is unchanging.
His love is constant in its faithfulness and continual in its expression.
Here’s a way to understand that I read this when I was reworking this one day, I ran across this sometimes we joke and we say about marriage, the honeymoon is over, but that’s because we are finite.
That’s because we can’t sustain a honeymoon level of intensity and affection.
We can foresee the irritations that come with long term familiarity. Can I get a witness?
We can stay as fit and handsome as we once were, we can’t come up with enough new things to keep the relationship that fresh.
But God says his joy over us. His people is like a bride groom over a bride.
He is talking about honeymoon, intensity and honeymoon, pleasure and honeymoon energy and excitement and enthusiasm and enjoyment.
He is trying to get into our hearts what he means when he says he rejoices over us with all of his heart and adds this to it that with God, the honeymoon never ends.
He’s in finite, in power and wisdom and creativity and love. Now watch this.
He has no trouble sustaining a honeymoon level of intensity.
He can foresee all the future quirks of our personality and has decided he will keep what’s good and change.
What isn’t? He will always be as handsome as he ever was.
And he will see that we get more and more beautiful forever and he infinitely creatively thinks of new things to do together with us so that there will never be any boredom for the next trillion years of eternity.
God is on a honeymoon with you and me. His love never changes. It’s always the same.
One of the problems that we have in our culture is that people say things like this.
Why are you leaving? Well, I just don’t love her anymore.
I often have a problem with that because love is not something we have emotionally.
Love is a command. God says, husbands, love your wives.
Well, I don’t feel like loving her, doesn’t make any difference. Love her anyway. That’s what the Bible says.
If you love her anyway, pretty soon you’ll feel like loving her right toward the end of his earthly ministry.
The love of Christ was tested.
Do you remember this through a period of deep disappointment because of the unfaithfulness of his disciples.
Thomas doubted him. Peter denied him three times.
Judas betrayed him into the hands of his enemies when he needed them to watch and pray with him and for him, they fell asleep instead, while he was beginning to agonize over the cross and its implications.
They were in a room arguing over which one of them would be the greatest in the future kingdom.
Have you ever read what the scripture says about this?
Listen to this in the midst of all of this.
Not only did Jesus humble himself as a servant and wash their feet, but he continued to love them.
I remember the day I read this with astonishment.
Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come, that he should depart from this world to the father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end through all of their disloyalty, through all of their betrayal, through all of the things they did to break his heart.
He never stopped loving them for one moment Jesus loved for his disciples was unchanged, even by their betrayal and their abandonment.
Did you know there’s a good side and a better side to God’s unchanging love.
The good side is that God won’t wake up in the morning and decide he’s had enough of us.
The better side is that even when we wake up in the morning and decide we’ve had enough of Him, he will still love us when the Bible tells us that God’s love is unlimited.
I think it means that God’s love is something like the love of a mother.
Perhaps a mother like this mother.
In a story that I read told by Michael Brown, he said, a friend told me about a boy who was the apple of his parents’ eyes tragically in his mid teens, the boy’s life went astray.
He dropped out of school. He began associating with a bad crowd.
One night, he staggered into his house at three a.m. completely drunk.
His mother slipped out of bed and left her room.
The father followed, assuming that his wife was in the kitchen, perhaps crying as had been so often the case.
Instead, he found her at her son’s bedside, softly stroking his matted hair as he lay passed out drunk on the covers.
What in the world are you doing? Honey?
The father said, and the mother answered, he won’t let me love him when he’s awake.
So I have to love him when he’s asleep and I’m here to tell you, God loves us when we’re awake, when we’re asleep, no matter what condition we’re in.
He never stops loving us. His love is uncalled. Caused. It’s unreasonable. It’s unending, it’s unlimited. It’s unchanging.
Let me tell you something else. It’s uncomplicated. It’s uncomplicated.
Karl Barth was Switzerland’s greatest 20th century theologian.
He accomplished some great things as a theologian.
He wrote 13 volumes of church dog matics, a theological work containing more than six million words.
When Barth made his only trip to the United States in 1962, he was supposedly asked by a student to summarize the millions of words about the Bible and theology that he had written while his audience awaited to be amazed by a profound statement from this theologian.
He said, Jesus loves me. This I know for the Bible tells me.
So Jesus loves me this I know for the me so ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me. No. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Mm He Jesus loves me the so do you know what the message of God’s word is?
Jesus loves me. This I know for the Bible tells me so. So God’s love is uncomplicated.
The question then becomes, who does God love? If God is love, who does He love?
Well, the Bible tells us that he loves his own son. Doesn’t that make sense?
On two occasions, the Bible tells us that God expressed his love for his own son at jesus’ baptism and at his transfiguration from the heavens, were these words, these words of God’s love for his child.
This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
The first thing we know when we study the love of God in the Bible is that God loves his son, we also know and this should be not a surprise to most of us here that God dearly loves Israel.
Did you know the Bible tells us that?
And we’re reminded when we were there, how desperately these people need to know of the love of God, but also of the love of this nation.
The Bible says that God loved Israel so much that he used a metaphor to describe it.
He said that as long as the sun and the moon and the stars shine in the heavens, as long as the heavens remain immeasurable and the earth’s foundations are un discoverable.
As long as that happens, God would continue to love Israel.
God said before I stop loving Israel, you gotta pull the moon and the stars out of the sky.
You’ve got to destroy the heavens, you’ve got to destroy the un discoverable earth before God will stop loving Israel.
There are many today who teach that God does not have a plan for Israel today.
I do not want to argue with you about it except to ask you to carefully read the scripture because the Bible tells us that God loves Israel and he has a plan for them.
And it is in our best interest as a nation to remember that those who bless Israel, God will bless and those who curse Israel, God will curse.
And then let me tell you the third thing we’re coming down to the end of this.
Let me tell you the third thing God loves those who believe in Christ.
God has a special love for those who believe in his son.
In fact, in John 1723, we read these words that the world may know that you God have loved them as you have loved me.
Jesus said, God, you love Christians the same way that you love me. In his letter to the Colossians.
Paul said of Christ followers that they were the elect of God holy and loved. God loves his son.
God loves Israel. God loves all those who love him.
But how many of you know, the most important thing for us to remember is that God loves the world, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
He loves the world. He doesn’t love the physical world, the earth and the sky. That’s not what that means.
He loves the world of humanity.
The Bible says in Romans 58 that God commends His love toward us that while we were sinners, Christ died for us, this world that God’s love is a world that was ruined by man’s sin.
Yet it is this world without strength and weak and sinners that God loves.
It is God’s love that is the motivating force behind our salvation.
Listen to these words from Ephesians, but God who is rich in mercy because of His great love with which He loved us.
Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ for by grace, you are saved.
God loves his son. God loves Israel. God loves those who believe in Christ.
God loves the world, but most important of all. God loves you. He loves you.
God does not love populations. He loves people. He does not love masses. He loves men.
He loves us all with a mighty love that has no beginning and can have no end.
Are you aware of how much God loves you?
A young girl who we know who is very, very successful in the entertainment business?
Sent me a note and in the note she said, you know, nobody would ever believe this because I’m so confident in front of everyone and won awards and all this sort of thing.
But she said I have such a hard time believing that God really loves me.
And I’m always trying to figure out a way to make Him love me because I don’t feel his love.
And you know, a lot of times that’s true if we grow up in a family where we don’t have the love of our fathers.
Sometimes we just transfer that over to our heavenly father. We think our heavenly father is like our earthly father.
And she was reminding me of something that I’ve run into throughout all the four decades that I’ve been preaching the gospel.
One of the most important things for us to know in our hearts is this.
You are loved by the father.
He loves you, he loves you more than you could ever know more than I can ever express to you.
Edward Farrell was a priest from Detroit who took a two week summer vacation to Ireland to celebrate his favorite uncle’s 80th birthday on the morning of the great day, Ed and his uncle got up before dawn and dressed in silence and went for a long, long walk along the shore of Lake Killarney just as the sun rose, his uncle turned and stared straight into the rising sun.
Ed stood beside him for 20 minutes with not a single word exchanged.
Then the elderly uncle began to dance along the shore line with a radiant smile on his face.
After catching up with him, Ed said, Uncle Seamus, you look very happy.
Do you want to tell me why? Yes, lad. The old man said tears washing down his face.
You see, the father is very fond of me.
Oh, my father is so very fond of me in that moment that we often experience if we’re open to it.
He understood how much he was loved by the father in heaven.
And the overwhelming sense was such that he couldn’t contain himself. And he began to dance along the shore line.
Have you ever had a moment like that?
Have you ever awakened and said he really does love me many of, you know, that years ago I went through a bout of cancer and every six months I have to go back to the scripts clinic and get a scan and then I have to wait for a whole week for them to tell me if I’m okay.
I always believe I’m all right. But you know how your mind can do things to you.
If you have a little ache you didn’t have before. So my doctor was late.
I had to wait on him for a long time and finally he comes marching.
He says, well, you’re just great. Jeremiah. Just great. I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep doing it.
Everything’s fine. He went off and told me my blood pressure is 1 16/65.
And that’s not possible for somebody who lives like I do. My wife, my wife says I’m a carrier.
I think that’s probably more like it. I give her high blood pressure.
I, I don’t have it, you know, but I always have one of those God moments on my way home from the hospital.
I’ve developed a little routine.
There’s a little coffee place right outside the Scripts Clinic and they have the best lemon cake I’ve ever eaten in my life.
But I never eat lemon cake unless I get a good report.
So when you get a good report, I had two pieces yesterday and I don’t call Donna and say it’s okay.
I called down on the phone and say honey, I’m eating lemon cake, baby.
She said bring me some and I did.
And when you realize how good is God to you, even in a simple thing like that, preserving your health, you just stop for a moment and you just are overwhelmed.
He really loves me. God loves me.
He really does and he doesn’t just have to love you during the good times.
You know, God loves us when he’s correcting us. God loves us when he’s disciplining us.
God loves us as every father should love their own.
But if you came here tonight and you wondered if you were in God’s good graces.
If God loves you, I can say with absolute assurance, no matter who you are, no matter where you’ve come from, no matter what you’ve done.
God loves you. He always has and he always will. Max Lucado.
My good friend said, one of the sweetest reasons God saved you is because He loves you.
He’s like having you around.
He thinks you’re the best thing to come down the pike in quite a while.
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk.
He’s always ready to listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, but he chose to live in your heart.
And the Christmas gift he sent you to Bethlehem. Face it, friend God is crazy about you. ST Augustine.
Put it this way. God loves you as though you are the only person in the world and he loves everybody the way he loves you.
D.L. was preaching in Chicago one time, a man partly under the influence of alcohol, seeing the warm lights of Moody’s Tabernacle, staggered up the stairs to the front door.
And when he opened it, he saw no one inside, but he saw a motto hanging above the pulpit and the motto said, God is love.
The man slammed the door shut and he staggered down the steps and muttered to himself.
God is not love. If God were love, he would love me and God hates me.
He continued his walk around the block still muttering to himself.
But the words that he had seen in the church began to burn images in his mind.
Power seemed to draw him back to the Tabernacle and by now thousands were coming for the services.
He went back into the building and found himself seated inside as Mr Moody began to preach when the sermon was over.
Moody, made his way to the door to shake hands with the people as they left.
But this man didn’t leave. He continued to sit in his seat weeping and moody came over to him and put his arm around him and asked him.
Is there something I can do for you? What was it in my sermon that touched your heart?
Oh Mr Moody, I didn’t hear anything you said. It’s those words up there on the wall.
God is love. Those words are life changing words for all of us, for those of us who are Christians who have forgotten about that tonight, we can take a spiritual shower in the love of God and let it just wash all over our souls.
And for those of us who have never accepted his love by receiving his son, Jesus Christ, the Bible says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever put your name in the whosoever space one day I did that as a young man for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
That if David Jeremiah would believe in Him, he would have eternal life and not perish.
You can become a part of God’s loving family.
If you will believe in your heart, that God loves you and then say, Lord God, thank you for loving me.
I want to receive that love by receiving your son Jesus Christ.
Nothing is as profound as the word of God.
And now Dr Jeremiah has a Bible for every member of the family.
There are numerous versions of the Jeremiah study Bible.
Perfect for adults and teens and the airship genesis kids study Bible will bring the truth of God’s word to the young ones in your life.
For more information or to order, go to David Jeremiah dot org slash Bible.
But God’s love for us is uncalled, caused. It’s unprompted. It’s uninfluenced, it’s free, it’s spontaneous.
There is nothing we can do to cause God to love us and there is nothing we can do to prevent Him from loving us.
God loves us because He has chosen to love us and He loves us because that’s all He can do.
God is love. Nothing you will ever do could make God love you more than He loves you right now.
Not greater achievement, not greater beauty, not wider recognition, not even greater levels of spirituality and obedience.
Nothing you have ever done could make God love you any less.
Not any sin, not any failure, not any guilt, not any regret. God loves you.
He always has and he always will.
Our lives are divided into days are days into moments and sometimes a moment is all it takes for God to encourage us, meet us in our deepest need and strengthen us to face the day.
What will your next moment with God bring you in moments with God Dr.
David Jeremiah has crafted 365 thoughts designed to encourage powerful daily moments between you and the Lord.
This beautiful soft leather devotional features 365 daily devotions that include scripture readings and biblical insights from Dr.
Jeremiah to help you grow each day, an ideal companion to your Bible study.
The moments with God 365 day devotional can be yours for a gift of any amount.
This devotional is also perfect for sharing with others and with a generous gift of $120 or more.
In support of this program, you’ll receive a four pack of moments with God.
Find the perfect moment to share Jesus with someone.
You know, thank you for your support of the ministry of turning point.
Request moments with God today, somebody once told me that it was the truth.
So simple, it didn’t need to be written about. And I said, no, it’s the truth, so profound.
I don’t feel worthy to write about it.
You know, a lot of people are really confused about God’s love.
He doesn’t love the way we do. We love others because of what they do for us.
He loves us because it’s his nature to love.
And when you know the love of God, it’s the most amazing thing.
I was looking for a way to help people simply understand God’s love.
The love of God is like a universe you’ve never been to before.
And when you try to understand it from God’s perspective, you know, we’re not equipped to do that.
And what I’ve tried to do and God loves you.
He always has and he always will is to echo the heart of God to the people of the world.
The interesting thing about knowing God is to realize that God has always loved us.
And it’s just the most wonderful thing when we discover that because then we can start loving him back.
The Bible actually says God is love.
When you know that you know, when you know somebody loves you, when you know God loves you, makes all the difference.
Connect with turning point on the go anytime anywhere.
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Plus for the young ones in your life, the new airship Genesis pathway to Jesus mobile game, an engaging narrative puzzle adventure game that explores the life of Jesus available now on the app store.
Some years ago, a missionary woman by the name of truly Crunk wrote a book called Over Mountain or Plain or C.
And in this book, she told the story of a little girl who visited her home one evening and who stayed a little bit too long, darkness had fallen and she was afraid to walk home and truly a explained to the little girl that she should not be afraid.
She said, Dolan, God loves you honey and He will take care of you as you walk to your house.
And the little girl replied very solemnly, no, God does not love. Little girls.
Truly said she was never able to forget that simple statement.
And it made her want to tell all little girls everywhere that God is love and does indeed love them.
It may not seem strange to us that anyone would doubt that.
But in all of the non Christian religions, if God is portrayed as personal at all, he is not a giving, loving God, but rather he is a God of appeasement one whose demands must be satisfied in order to receive his attention or his favor.
Christianity alone offers a very different picture.
The Bible says on two separate occasions in first John chapter four verse eight and in verse 16, God is love.
He who does not love does not know God for God is love.
God is love and He who abides in love abides in God and God in Him.
What does John mean? When He says that God is love?
First of all, we must understand what He does not mean.
He is not simply saying that God loves that is true, but that’s not what John is saying.
No, John is telling us that love is the very essence of God’s moral nature.
He is telling us that God himself is love and that love is not just one of his attributes.
But that love is who he is.
God defines what true love is and he is the source of all true love.
Like truly Kronk, I have a burden to tell you that God is indeed love and that He does love you.
But what exactly does that mean?
You know, there’s just as much confusion about love as there is about the nature of God.
Recently, a group of Children were asked, what does love mean?
Rebecca, eight years old said when my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time. Even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.
She said, I read that to my wife and said, don’t even think about it.
Hmm Billy four years old said when someone loves you the way they say your name is different, you just know that your name is safe in their mouth.
Bobby is seven. He said Love is what’s in the room at Christmas.
If you stop opening your presents and listen, Nikki, who’s sick said, if you want to learn to love better, you should start with somebody.
You hate Tommy who was sick said love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.
And Cindy said during my piano recital, I was on stage and I was so scared and I looked at all the people watching me and I saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that and I wasn’t scared anymore. And that’s love.
Now, there’s a little truth in all of those statements.
They’re kind of interesting, a bit humorous, but it is important that you begin to understand what love is.
If you’re going to understand what it means, that God is love and God’s love is so different than what we’ve.
You love to be in our culture. Today.
When we open the pages of the Bible and began to read about the love of God, we’re looking at a multi faceted diamond.
You see love in a way that you never dreamed it could even be described.
In fact, this is such a vast subject. This is such a wide endeavor.
How could any human being ever write anything meaningful about the love of God?
And then I remembered as I was growing up a song that George Beverly Shea used to sing in all of the Billy Graham crusades and the words to that song go like this.
Could we with ink, the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made?
Were every stalk on earth, a quill and every man a scribe by trade to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky.
The love of God is a vast subject far beyond any human ability to comprehend it.
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to learn all about it that we can.
So for these next few moments, I want to tell you some things I’ve learned about the love of God.
Some of the things you may know already, but some may come as a surprise to you.
First of all, the Bible teaches us that God’s love is uncalled, caused, it’s uncalled, caused the world today says I love you.
If you are good looking intelligent and wealthy, I love you.
If you have a good education, a good job and good connections, I love you.
If you produce much and so much and by much, there are so many ifs hidden in the world’s love.
These ifs enslave us since it’s impossible to adequately meet up to them.
So the world’s love is and always will be conditional. But God’s love is not like that.
God does not love you because of anything in you, in our human relationships, we love another person because we see something in that person that attracts our love.
But God’s love for us is uncalled caused. It’s unprompted. It’s uninfluenced, it’s free, it’s spontaneous.
There is nothing we can do to cause God to love us and there is nothing we can do to prevent Him from loving us.
God loves us because he has chosen to love us and he loves us because that’s all He can do.
God is love. Nothing you will ever do could make God love you more than He loves you right now.
Not greater achievement, not greater beauty, not wider recognition, not even greater levels of spirituality and obedience.
Nothing you have ever done could make God love you any less.
Not any sin, not any failure, not any guilt, not any regret. God loves you.
He always has and he always will.
When he wrote his letter to the Ephesians, Paul said it this way, God’s love for us is according to the good pleasure of his will.
Why does he love us? Because He chooses to Brennan Manning once asked about the most important things he had learned about God’s love and he responded this way.
He said as a man, I love the Jersey Shore.
I love Handel’s Messiah hot fudge and my wife Rosalind. I love what I find congenial or appealing.
I love someone for what I find in Him or her. But God is not like that.
The God and Father of Jesus loves men and women, not for what he finds in them, but for what he finds in them of himself.
It is not because man and women are good that he loves them.
It is because He is so unspeakably unimaginably good that he loves men and women even in their sin.
It is not that he detects what is congenial and appealing and he responds to us with favor.
He is the source of love, he acts, he does not react. He is love without motive.
God’s love is uncalled caused. Maybe you’re among those who grew up thinking that you had to do so many good things for God to love you.
And if you didn’t, he wouldn’t.
Maybe you grew up in a family where you were on that kind of a performance basis.
Maybe you heard your mother say when you were growing up, honey.
If you don’t do this, mommy won’t love you anymore. You need to put all that behind you.
If you want to know the love of God, because love from God is uncalled caused love, it comes from Him.
It has nothing to do with you.
Not only is his love on caused, but as you study the Bible, you begin to realize it’s also very unreasonable.
God’s love is unreasonable. From the beginning of the Garden of Eden.
There was no cause or no reason from a human perspective for God to love Adam and Eve.
There was no reason for Him to cover their sins with the skin of a sacrificed animal.
Nor was there a reason for God to spare Noah and his sons and their wives.
There was no reason had any human being been in God’s place.
He would have shouted enough sooner rather than later.
There were countless reasons for God to have lowered the curtain on the human drama, but there were no reasons humanly speaking for him to press on in spite of the predictable failings of all of us because of this.
We say that God’s love is unreasonable.
And Paul writing to the Romans put it this way for when we were still without strength.
In due time, Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet perhaps for a good man, someone would even dare to die.
But God demonstrates his own love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
That’s exactly what He did.
He died for you and for me, all of us, card carrying sinners and enemies of God.
Yet it was in that situation that love manifested itself a wholly unreasonable act of a righteous man dying in the place of unrighteous men.
God’s love is uncalled, caused and it’s unreasonable and it’s unending. God’s love is unending.
The Bible says that God is love and the Bible also says that God is eternal.
So if God is love and God is eternal, then God’s love has to be eternal. He’s the everlasting God.
He’s the alpha and omega. He’s the beginning and the end.
He is the one who is and who was and who is to come. He’s the Almighty.
We all divide time in the past, present and future, but God doesn’t live in those categories.
God’s name is I am not I was or I will be I am. He inhabits eternity.
He’s the king eternal of Him.
The psalmist wrote even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God now, since God is eternal and God is love, his love is eternal.
And that means that the love He will have for us in the future will never be greater than his love for us now.
And his love for us now is not greater than it has been in the past.
He loves us with an everlasting eternal love. And the prophet Jeremiah put it this way.
The Lord has appeared of old to me saying, yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Therefore, with loving kindness, I have drawn you how awesome to know that before the worlds were created.
God set his love upon you upon me before we had any being God loved us.
In a couple of chapters of this book that I have written ideal with that subject.
There’s a chapter called God loved you before you were born.
It’s the answer to all of this question about abortion. And when does life begin?
The Bible says that life begins at conception and from the very beginning and long before the beginning, God set his love upon us.
And J I Packer J I Packer in his classic knowing God said, what matters supremely is not the fact that I know God, but the larger fact which underlies it, that He knows me.
I am graven on the palms of his hands.
I’m never out of his mind, all my knowledge of him depends on his sustained initiative in knowing me.
I know him because he first knew me and he continues to know me. He knows me as a friend.
He knows me as one who loves me.
And there is no moment in my life when his eye is off of me or his attention is distracted from me and no moment.
Therefore, when his care falters, he loves me and is constantly taking knowledge of me in his love.
God’s love is uncalled caused you can’t make him love you because he already does.
God’s love is unreasonable. It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s true. God’s love is unending.
There’s nothing you can do to keep Him from continuing to love you.
He’s loved you from beginning and He will love you all the way to the end.
The Bible teaches that God’s love is unlimited.
Somebody has said that God’s center is everywhere and his circumference is nowhere.
God fills the heavens and the earth with his presence.
Behold says the scripture, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain you.
And Paul acknowledges that God is not far from each one of us.
For in Him, we live and we move and we have our being where God is love is, allow me to illustrate this wonderful truth by changing a couple of words in a very familiar Psalm.
We all know about Psalm 139 and how it talks about the omnipresence of the Lord, but I’ve just changed one word so you can get the point tonight.
Here’s what it says. Oh God, where can I go from your love?
Or where can I flee from your love? If I ascend to heaven, your love is there?
If I make my bed in hell, behold, your love is there.
If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there, your love shall lead me and your love shall hold me.
If I say surely the darkness shall fall on me, even the night shall be light around me.
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide me from your love. Where do you go to get away from God’s love?
There isn’t any place you can go because God is love and God is everywhere. I have met people.
I’m sure you have to who believe that they have pushed God’s love beyond its borders.
God couldn’t love me anymore. After what I’ve done.
How many times have you said this in your own heart?
Whether you want to say it out loud or not?
How many times have you allowed yourself to think this thought?
But our human experience has taught us there’s a limit to love.
And we often put God in that box, but God doesn’t live in that box.
And as we often do, we create God in our own image thinking that He has limits like we have limits.
But I’m here to tell you tonight that God’s love is unlimited.
He cannot be bound in any of the structures that we know. He is God who is everywhere.
Therefore, his love is everywhere. No matter where you go, you can’t get away from it.
He is always going to be there in His love and his love is unchanging In a world that moves and changes so fast that it’s almost impossible to keep up with it.
Here is one of the characteristics of Almighty God that we need to remember.
Malachi 36 says it this way for I am the Lord and I do not change.
Psalm 33 11 says the counsel of the Lord stands forever the plans of his heart to all generations.
Psalm 102 says, but you are the same and your years shall have no end.
What a wonderful thought to know that because God is unchanging, his love is unchanging.
His love is constant in its faithfulness and continual in its expression.
Here’s a way to understand that I read this when I was reworking this one day, I ran across this sometimes we joke and we say about marriage, the honeymoon is over, but that’s because we are finite.
That’s because we can’t sustain a honeymoon level of intensity and affection.
We can foresee the irritations that come with long term familiarity. Can I get a witness?
We can stay as fit and handsome as we once were, we can’t come up with enough new things to keep the relationship that fresh.
But God says his joy over us. His people is like a bride groom over a bride.
He is talking about honeymoon, intensity and honeymoon, pleasure and honeymoon energy and excitement and enthusiasm and enjoyment.
He is trying to get into our hearts what he means when he says he rejoices over us with all of his heart and adds this to it that with God, the honeymoon never ends.
He’s in finite, in power and wisdom and creativity and love. Now watch this.
He has no trouble sustaining a honeymoon level of intensity.
He can foresee all the future quirks of our personality and has decided he will keep what’s good and change.
What isn’t? He will always be as handsome as he ever was.
And he will see that we get more and more beautiful forever and he infinitely creatively thinks of new things to do together with us so that there will never be any boredom for the next trillion years of eternity.
God is on a honeymoon with you and me. His love never changes. It’s always the same.
One of the problems that we have in our culture is that people say things like this.
Why are you leaving? Well, I just don’t love her anymore.
I often have a problem with that because love is not something we have emotionally.
Love is a command. God says, husbands, love your wives.
Well, I don’t feel like loving her, doesn’t make any difference. Love her anyway. That’s what the Bible says.
If you love her anyway, pretty soon you’ll feel like loving her right toward the end of his earthly ministry.
The love of Christ was tested.
Do you remember this through a period of deep disappointment because of the unfaithfulness of his disciples.
Thomas doubted him. Peter denied him three times.
Judas betrayed him into the hands of his enemies when he needed them to watch and pray with him and for him, they fell asleep instead, while he was beginning to agonize over the cross and its implications.
They were in a room arguing over which one of them would be the greatest in the future kingdom.
Have you ever read what the scripture says about this?
Listen to this in the midst of all of this.
Not only did Jesus humble himself as a servant and wash their feet, but he continued to love them.
I remember the day I read this with astonishment.
Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come, that he should depart from this world to the father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end through all of their disloyalty, through all of their betrayal, through all of the things they did to break his heart.
He never stopped loving them for one moment Jesus loved for his disciples was unchanged, even by their betrayal and their abandonment.
Did you know there’s a good side and a better side to God’s unchanging love.
The good side is that God won’t wake up in the morning and decide he’s had enough of us.
The better side is that even when we wake up in the morning and decide we’ve had enough of Him, he will still love us when the Bible tells us that God’s love is unlimited.
I think it means that God’s love is something like the love of a mother.
Perhaps a mother like this mother.
In a story that I read told by Michael Brown, he said, a friend told me about a boy who was the apple of his parents’ eyes tragically in his mid teens, the boy’s life went astray.
He dropped out of school. He began associating with a bad crowd.
One night, he staggered into his house at three a.m. completely drunk.
His mother slipped out of bed and left her room.
The father followed, assuming that his wife was in the kitchen, perhaps crying as had been so often the case.
Instead, he found her at her son’s bedside, softly stroking his matted hair as he lay passed out drunk on the covers.
What in the world are you doing? Honey?
The father said, and the mother answered, he won’t let me love him when he’s awake.
So I have to love him when he’s asleep and I’m here to tell you, God loves us when we’re awake, when we’re asleep, no matter what condition we’re in.
He never stops loving us. His love is uncalled. Caused. It’s unreasonable. It’s unending, it’s unlimited. It’s unchanging.
Let me tell you something else. It’s uncomplicated. It’s uncomplicated.
Karl Barth was Switzerland’s greatest 20th century theologian.
He accomplished some great things as a theologian.
He wrote 13 volumes of church dog matics, a theological work containing more than six million words.
When Barth made his only trip to the United States in 1962, he was supposedly asked by a student to summarize the millions of words about the Bible and theology that he had written while his audience awaited to be amazed by a profound statement from this theologian.
He said, Jesus loves me. This I know for the Bible tells me.
So Jesus loves me this I know for the me so ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me. No. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Mm He Jesus loves me the so do you know what the message of God’s word is?
Jesus loves me. This I know for the Bible tells me so. So God’s love is uncomplicated.
The question then becomes, who does God love? If God is love, who does He love?
Well, the Bible tells us that he loves his own son. Doesn’t that make sense?
On two occasions, the Bible tells us that God expressed his love for his own son at jesus’ baptism and at his transfiguration from the heavens, were these words, these words of God’s love for his child.
This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
The first thing we know when we study the love of God in the Bible is that God loves his son, we also know and this should be not a surprise to most of us here that God dearly loves Israel.
Did you know the Bible tells us that?
And we’re reminded when we were there, how desperately these people need to know of the love of God, but also of the love of this nation.
The Bible says that God loved Israel so much that he used a metaphor to describe it.
He said that as long as the sun and the moon and the stars shine in the heavens, as long as the heavens remain immeasurable and the earth’s foundations are un discoverable.
As long as that happens, God would continue to love Israel.
God said before I stop loving Israel, you gotta pull the moon and the stars out of the sky.
You’ve got to destroy the heavens, you’ve got to destroy the un discoverable earth before God will stop loving Israel.
There are many today who teach that God does not have a plan for Israel today.
I do not want to argue with you about it except to ask you to carefully read the scripture because the Bible tells us that God loves Israel and he has a plan for them.
And it is in our best interest as a nation to remember that those who bless Israel, God will bless and those who curse Israel, God will curse.
And then let me tell you the third thing we’re coming down to the end of this.
Let me tell you the third thing God loves those who believe in Christ.
God has a special love for those who believe in his son.
In fact, in John 1723, we read these words that the world may know that you God have loved them as you have loved me.
Jesus said, God, you love Christians the same way that you love me. In his letter to the Colossians.
Paul said of Christ followers that they were the elect of God holy and loved. God loves his son.
God loves Israel. God loves all those who love him.
But how many of you know, the most important thing for us to remember is that God loves the world, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
He loves the world. He doesn’t love the physical world, the earth and the sky. That’s not what that means.
He loves the world of humanity.
The Bible says in Romans 58 that God commends His love toward us that while we were sinners, Christ died for us, this world that God’s love is a world that was ruined by man’s sin.
Yet it is this world without strength and weak and sinners that God loves.
It is God’s love that is the motivating force behind our salvation.
Listen to these words from Ephesians, but God who is rich in mercy because of His great love with which He loved us.
Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ for by grace, you are saved.
God loves his son. God loves Israel. God loves those who believe in Christ.
God loves the world, but most important of all. God loves you. He loves you.
God does not love populations. He loves people. He does not love masses. He loves men.
He loves us all with a mighty love that has no beginning and can have no end.
Are you aware of how much God loves you?
A young girl who we know who is very, very successful in the entertainment business?
Sent me a note and in the note she said, you know, nobody would ever believe this because I’m so confident in front of everyone and won awards and all this sort of thing.
But she said I have such a hard time believing that God really loves me.
And I’m always trying to figure out a way to make Him love me because I don’t feel his love.
And you know, a lot of times that’s true if we grow up in a family where we don’t have the love of our fathers.
Sometimes we just transfer that over to our heavenly father. We think our heavenly father is like our earthly father.
And she was reminding me of something that I’ve run into throughout all the four decades that I’ve been preaching the gospel.
One of the most important things for us to know in our hearts is this.
You are loved by the father.
He loves you, he loves you more than you could ever know more than I can ever express to you.
Edward Farrell was a priest from Detroit who took a two week summer vacation to Ireland to celebrate his favorite uncle’s 80th birthday on the morning of the great day, Ed and his uncle got up before dawn and dressed in silence and went for a long, long walk along the shore of Lake Killarney just as the sun rose, his uncle turned and stared straight into the rising sun.
Ed stood beside him for 20 minutes with not a single word exchanged.
Then the elderly uncle began to dance along the shore line with a radiant smile on his face.
After catching up with him, Ed said, Uncle Seamus, you look very happy.
Do you want to tell me why? Yes, lad. The old man said tears washing down his face.
You see, the father is very fond of me.
Oh, my father is so very fond of me in that moment that we often experience if we’re open to it.
He understood how much he was loved by the father in heaven.
And the overwhelming sense was such that he couldn’t contain himself. And he began to dance along the shore line.
Have you ever had a moment like that?
Have you ever awakened and said he really does love me many of, you know, that years ago I went through a bout of cancer and every six months I have to go back to the scripts clinic and get a scan and then I have to wait for a whole week for them to tell me if I’m okay.
I always believe I’m all right. But you know how your mind can do things to you.
If you have a little ache you didn’t have before. So my doctor was late.
I had to wait on him for a long time and finally he comes marching.
He says, well, you’re just great. Jeremiah. Just great. I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep doing it.
Everything’s fine. He went off and told me my blood pressure is 1 16/65.
And that’s not possible for somebody who lives like I do. My wife, my wife says I’m a carrier.
I think that’s probably more like it. I give her high blood pressure.
I, I don’t have it, you know, but I always have one of those God moments on my way home from the hospital.
I’ve developed a little routine.
There’s a little coffee place right outside the Scripts Clinic and they have the best lemon cake I’ve ever eaten in my life.
But I never eat lemon cake unless I get a good report.
So when you get a good report, I had two pieces yesterday and I don’t call Donna and say it’s okay.
I called down on the phone and say honey, I’m eating lemon cake, baby.
She said bring me some and I did.
And when you realize how good is God to you, even in a simple thing like that, preserving your health, you just stop for a moment and you just are overwhelmed.
He really loves me. God loves me.
He really does and he doesn’t just have to love you during the good times.
You know, God loves us when he’s correcting us. God loves us when he’s disciplining us.
God loves us as every father should love their own.
But if you came here tonight and you wondered if you were in God’s good graces.
If God loves you, I can say with absolute assurance, no matter who you are, no matter where you’ve come from, no matter what you’ve done.
God loves you. He always has and he always will. Max Lucado.
My good friend said, one of the sweetest reasons God saved you is because He loves you.
He’s like having you around.
He thinks you’re the best thing to come down the pike in quite a while.
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk.
He’s always ready to listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, but he chose to live in your heart.
And the Christmas gift he sent you to Bethlehem. Face it, friend God is crazy about you. ST Augustine.
Put it this way. God loves you as though you are the only person in the world and he loves everybody the way he loves you.
D.L. was preaching in Chicago one time, a man partly under the influence of alcohol, seeing the warm lights of Moody’s Tabernacle, staggered up the stairs to the front door.
And when he opened it, he saw no one inside, but he saw a motto hanging above the pulpit and the motto said, God is love.
The man slammed the door shut and he staggered down the steps and muttered to himself.
God is not love. If God were love, he would love me and God hates me.
He continued his walk around the block still muttering to himself.
But the words that he had seen in the church began to burn images in his mind.
Power seemed to draw him back to the Tabernacle and by now thousands were coming for the services.
He went back into the building and found himself seated inside as Mr Moody began to preach when the sermon was over.
Moody, made his way to the door to shake hands with the people as they left.
But this man didn’t leave. He continued to sit in his seat weeping and moody came over to him and put his arm around him and asked him.
Is there something I can do for you? What was it in my sermon that touched your heart?
Oh Mr Moody, I didn’t hear anything you said. It’s those words up there on the wall.
God is love. Those words are life changing words for all of us, for those of us who are Christians who have forgotten about that tonight, we can take a spiritual shower in the love of God and let it just wash all over our souls.
And for those of us who have never accepted his love by receiving his son, Jesus Christ, the Bible says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever put your name in the whosoever space one day I did that as a young man for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
That if David Jeremiah would believe in Him, he would have eternal life and not perish.
You can become a part of God’s loving family.
If you will believe in your heart, that God loves you and then say, Lord God, thank you for loving me.
I want to receive that love by receiving your son Jesus Christ.
Nothing is as profound as the word of God.
And now Dr Jeremiah has a Bible for every member of the family.
There are numerous versions of the Jeremiah study Bible.
Perfect for adults and teens and the airship genesis kids study Bible will bring the truth of God’s word to the young ones in your life.
For more information or to order, go to David Jeremiah dot org slash Bible.