GOD Is Counting On You – Take It All Back Vol 3

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GOD Is Counting On You – Take It All Back Vol 3

Dr. Winston shares a story about a man who went to Africa to teach at a local church but had sent an outdated photo of himself for the airport transfer. The airport transfer that came to pick him up looked for him for hours. Finally, someone approached this older gentleman and asked him if he was the person they were looking for. He kindly answered yes and that he had been there for hours. They said to him, “Sir, you do not look like your picture.” In this third installment of Take It All Back by Dr. Bill Winston, you will have the opportunity to answer the question, “Do you look like the picture of what the bible says you look like?”

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GOD Is Counting On You – Take It All Back Vol 3

Series 497

The Believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers.
Up next on the Believer’s Walk of Faith.
Please count the law. I’m counting on you to pray for the sick.
I’m counting on you to witness to the lost. I’m counting on you to save these cities.
I’m counting on you to send missionaries to the world.
I’m counting on you to reverse what’s going on in this earth.
I’m counting on Strife costs you some.
And now this is Abraham when he accepted the call of God and he got anointed by God or got in covenant with God and the blessing was on him.
So he’s now getting rich. And the Bible says in verse 2, Abraham was very rich. Very rich. Okay?
Now, he had flocks, herds, and Abraham had silver and gold and cattle, but he had his nephew with him named Lot.
Now Lot Abraham really didn’t supposed to take anybody with him.
But Lot, his nephew, wanted to go so he took him. Sometimes we take folk.
So Lot turned out to be a lot of problems.
So now here’s Abram and he and Lot, they were there in verse 8 and what happened?
8 through 11, their herdmen began to be in strife. Yes. The herdmen. Herdmen, look it up.
It’s having to do with with shepherds. And a shepherd today is a pastor.
So pastors begin to be in strife.
Now the problem with strife is it will cause the enemy to steal everything you’ve got.
So he can start some strife in his own strategy to get people, to make people lose what they’ve got.
Now, so here’s what Abram said and it’s a lesson for us all. Here’s what he said.
Let there be no strife between us. If you choose the right, I’ll take the left.
And if you choose the left, I’ll take the right.
Now, how did he know that even whatever side he took, the blessing is going to kick in.
See? So you don’t need to argue with nobody. Tell them take the refrigerator.
Don’t take it. Take the stuff. Are you following what I’m saying?
And so as a result of that, they separated and Lot got in trouble right away.
Now the enemy came, 4 nations or whatever, there’s some bullies, and they took Lot, took his wife, took his family, took took the kids, took all the people, took all the goods and went off and Abraham had to go get them.
All right. Now my point to you is stay out of strife. Yes.
Let’s look at some scriptures on strife and see what it says.
Look at Proverbs chapter 28 verse 25, we’re going to have you read that in your best voice. Ready? Read.
Isn’t that something? A proud heart will stir up strife. Let’s look at another scripture right there.
Chapter 13 verse 10. Ready? Read.
Only my pride comes in contention.
Ain’t that something? Most divorces happen because of strife. Hallelujah, God.
And strife is present because of pride. Nobody wants to bend.
You’ll find people like that and strife and so forth, they like strife.
They got strife at the house and try to bring strife to the job.
They’ll find somebody to talk about, run down, so forth and get people in stride.
Are you following what I’m saying?
Now look what it says over here in first Corinthians chapter 3 in verse 3. Ready? Read.
For you are still unspiritual, having the nature of the flesh under the control of ordinary impulses.
For as long as there are envy and jealousy and rankling and factions among, you.
Are you not unspiritual and of the flesh? Behave yourselves after a human standard and like mere unchanged man.
See down in 3 d ain’t nothing but strife down there. Strife everywhere.
Strife in politics, strife in all kinds of places. Much of strife.
Now, the last thing in that area is Psalm 133.
Look at it in verse 3. We’ll just look at verse 3 by itself. Ready?
Notice when there’s unity, there’s power.
Yes, sir. All right. Now, that’s the first one and that is the cost of strife. Yes.
Now another one is the cost of pride. Now go look at Genesis chapter 11 in verse 4.
And they say, go to let us build us a city
Now notice it’s let us.
So what pride likes to do is elevate itself. Yeah. Yeah. Amen. It likes to elevate yourself.
Yes, Lord.
Now look at another scripture found in first Peter 5 verse 6.
Humble yourselves therefore under my hand and cry that he may exalt you in many times.
I guarantee you, if you are not just a hearer of the word, but a what?
Doer as well, It will bring you to humility. Amen. That’s why people are proud.
Knowledge alone puffs up. You ain’t doing nothing, but you’re talking a lot.
Now I know there’s nobody here and nobody over my stream. You got what I’m saying? Yes.
I’m saying this pride thing. Now, where did the pride start? Who’s the author of pride? Satan. The devil.
All right. Let’s look at that, please. Let’s go to a scripture. Job chapter 41 and look at verse 15.
All right? Ready? Read.
His scales are his pride, shuddeth together as with a close ear.
1 is so near to another that no heir be caught between them.
All right. Now wait a minute. Let’s just stop right there. Show scales. Scales. Okay?
That could be a several different things, but this is Leviathan.
That’s Leviathan.
All right? This is it’s like an alligator a crocodile. Nothing can get between these scales.
The Holy Ghost can’t get in there because it shut up.
Look at Joshua chapter 6 in verse 1. Joshua chapter 6 in verse 1. Ready? Read.
Now, shut up, that means they won’t take advice.
They’re not teachable at all. Let me come over here now.
No. Look at Job 41 in verse 34. Ready? Read.
See, he’s a king of pride.
That’s what lifted up Nebuchadnezzar.
Pride, that’s what lifted up, uh, the pharaoh where Moses pride.
That’s one of the biggest differences between the church and the world, is pride.
Here’s a man full of pride. Watch what happened now.
This is, uh, I call this, uh, ain’t too proud to be.
Uh, so let’s look here at this Naaman who was a Syrian captain, but he had leprosy.
So he went to the king.
King said, I heard a prophet down there and go get him to pray for you.
So he took some stuff, went to get to the prophet and he spoke to the prophet about, said to the prophet’s servant, said, Tell your master to come on out and pray for me.
He said he went in there uh, and the prophet, uh, Elisha said, Tell him to go deep, uh, in the river Jordan.
And he went out, says, uh, the boss man said for you to go dip in the river Jordan.
He said, What? He said, Does he know who I am? That’s pride, see. That’s pride, see.
He said, Well, yeah, he knows you are. He said, I’m not going to do that.
Turn around right now. But his servant, which was probably without a horse and running along beside him, said boss man, if he’d have told you to do something great, would not you have done it?
You hear what I’m saying? He talking about the church.
See, people want this pulpit, but they don’t want to pray in their closet.
See, they want something great. They want to be seen and elevated.
You get elevated from your knees.
I spent time in prayer over in Oak Park.
What we were saying over there, we didn’t have nothing.
Any more because we didn’t have any more money, but we went down and every morning I got up before day and got on the football field at Oak Park High School and I walked the track.
I did that when it was winter, when it was snowing, when it was raining.
I got elevated from my knees.
No, you want to start on top and that’s a mistake.
It’s called pride and it comes before destruction. Got it.
No more pride in this church. Time to pray? Go pray.
So if nobody sees you, God sees you.
This is our message for breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough.
They want to be seen. Let me tell you something.
It’s key that in some positions you’re going to have to not be seen.
You’re going to have to go along with the fact that God sees you.
I had to go along with the fact that he saw me.
He heard my prayer. He got me out of where I was in.
People didn’t understand it, but I’m walking that track.
I was happy and full of joy because I saw, I know that God wouldn’t let me down if I do what he says.
He’s gonna do what I need. And so I just kept praying.
Proverbs 16 and 18. Put it up there.
Ready? Read. My Lord.
Look what it says here. Mark chapter 7 and verse 25.
For a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit,
woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell at his feet.
Jesus’s feet. Keep going. Keep reading.
That’s when some people would have turned around.
He didn’t call me a dog. I’m out. I’m out. I’m out. Why? Pride.
Pride is not willing to go through what you need to go through to get to what you need to get through.
God is not willing to do that. We paid a price. We paid a price.
We didn’t have anything.
When I was downtown and Steve Singletary was with me, he said, I passed by a store downtown.
He said, Bill, your son needs some shoes, some tennis shoes.
David had just asked me for some, but I didn’t have the money. I didn’t have it.
I was going through. He said, well, come on in.
What size does he wear? I called back to find out. He bought me some tennis shoes for my son.
I’m saying, but I was paying the price.
But look
at me now.
My wife, she was right with me.
Stuck by me all the way. Didn’t criticize me. Didn’t beat me down.
My kids, my kids stayed right with me.
They didn’t beat me down. No, no, no.
People talk about me because we started Lake of Bilaspi full of joy.
Because we read the scripture says, though your beginning be small, your latter end shall greatly increase.
He called a woman a dog. I don’t care how you look at it.
It didn’t run her off. Ain’t too proud to be.
Not too proud.
Man, if you don’t have one way it’s going to happen another way.
I’m not going to go away crying so forth. No, God’s going to take care of it.
He’s going to help you. So what am I saying?
You follow the word and you’ll find the word will bring you to humility.
Say amen. Let’s follow God and follow his instructions.
Last part, the cost of discipleship.
I read a book, cost of discipleship years ago by a guy named Diedrich Bonhoeffer, one of the first books I read.
And so what happened is I found out that it cost something. It cost something.
It’s not that God wants us to suffer, but he knows that when we’re going through this earth, we’re not like them.
And it can draw persecution, you know, people can talk about you, so forth and so on.
So I just want to look at a couple of people here, Abraham.
And here’s Abraham in Genesis chapter 22 in verse 10.
God is looking for somebody to count on.
I know somebody called me the other day, we talked about something and he said, Well, the doctor said this about me and blah blah.
I said, Oh, okay. I said, Okay.
He said, I’m telling you this because I’m counting on you.
They’re counting on my relationship with God that they can get some relief.
I’m counting on you. That’s what they should say about every Christian.
I’m counting on you. God was counting on Abraham to offer up his son.
Abraham, I’m counting on you.
How about Joseph over in Genesis chapter 45 in verse 5? Notice what happened here.
Joseph was going to give them a way to save the world from starvation.
Watch what Joseph had to go through.
Falsely accused, come on, put in jail, come on, treated bad, brothers tried to kill him, so forth.
But Joseph, I’m counting on you. How about if you go further, Esther?
Esther chapter 4 in verse 14. Here’s Esther.
Esther said, I don’t know about going in there to the king.
He’s not inviting me in there and anybody comes in there’s a law that says you you’ll get killed.
Mordecai says, Esther, I’m counting on you.
As a matter of fact, Esther, you’re going to save the whole race from genocide.
I’m counting on you, Esther. Then you go to the New Testament, Mary.
And here’s God coming to Mary. The angel said, You’re going to have a child.
He said, I said, It’s going to happen to me. Said, the Holy Ghost won’t come on you.
And pretty soon in verse 38 of chapter 1 of Luke, she said, well be it unto me.
Watch this. Mary, I’m counting on you. Watch this.
I’m counting on you that you won’t abort this one.
I’m counting on you, Mary, because this one is going to save the world.
So I know you’re going to go through some ridicule.
I know they’re going to talk about you because you’re expecting you ain’t married.
Now I’m not saying that that’s law, but I’m counting on you. Yes.
But I’m just saying, Peter, I’m counting on you. Luke chapter 22 and verse 31 and 32.
Peter, Satan has asked for you personally that he’s going to sift you like wheat.
But Peter, I prayed for you that your faith will not fail.
And when you are converted, sit in your brotherhood.
I’m counting on you, Peter. Yes, sir.
It’s a
Rhema word, man.
Yes, it is.
The apostle Paul, I’m counting on you, Paul. Yeah. Yeah. I’m counting on you now.
I’m counting on you to take the word of God to the Gentiles.
I know you don’t want to go, you don’t like them, but I need you to take it to them.
I need you to go for me, Paul.
Starvation and in jail and one time he was killed and they raised him up.
Oh, yes. But here’s what Paul said in Acts chapter 20 verse 24, none of these things move me because I’m out not for myself.
I’m for the kingdom. For the kingdom. Counting on you Paul.
Yes, Let’s put up Hebrews chapter 12 in verse 2.
Jesus, I’m counting on you.
I’m counting on you to go all the way down in hell Yes.
And pay the price for every human being and I’m a raise you up again.
I’m counting on you, you’re naked on the cross. I’m counting on you to not be ashamed.
Living word, I’m counting on you. I’m counting on you to save these cities.
I’m counting on you to save our children. I’m counting on you.
You got to see it. You got to see it. Glory.
He’s counting on you.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
That’s what I have in my heart.
I always have this remembrance that if I don’t go, who will he send?
He’s counting on us. Watch this.
And we will not let him down. Give the Lord a praise. Come to the Lord.
I’m counting on you to pray for the sick. I’m counting on you to witness to the Lord.
I’m counting on you to save these cities. I’m counting on you to send missionaries to the world.
I’m counting on you to reverse what’s going on in this earth. I’m counting on you.
Hello. Bill Winston here.
I wanna share with you the latest mission that God has sent me and those who are part of my team on, and that’s called operation tent cities.
So what are we doing? We are actually, uh, bringing the gospel and bringing, uh, opportunities to 10 cities.
We try to select the 10 cities that are most challenged with crime and some other things that are going on, and we select these cities and actually come to them, unite the pastors in these cities.
We actually go to the poorest of the neighborhoods and and be a distributor of food and clothing.
And we actually have, uh, things like, uh, contests for, uh, uh, those who have come up with new ideas.
We call it a pitch contest.
We actually have opportunities with people there from companies with jobs that the people can come and actually get a job.
We even have expungement, people who have gotten out of incarceration, but they’re, you know, they still have a record.
We wanna clear that record. We do all of that in Operation 10 City. It is a powerful program.
We even, uh, that particular night, we finish up with a miracle service that I myself conduct.
So it’s a powerful time. It’s a one and a half day experience going through the cities to bring that revival that is so needed.
But we are determined to close this wealth gap.
We’re determined to turn around these cities and and be able to go into the atmosphere and stop the very spirits that are behind the crime and all the things that are going on.
I mean, this is gonna be a new day.
God wants us to take these waste places and turn them into the gardens of Eden, and that’s what we plan to do.
So I wanna show you a couple clips of that so you could see for us, and God bless you, and keep walking by faith.
Operation tent city is a 10 city campaign, empowering communities of people across challenged metropolitan cities throughout the US, restoring hope, providing resources, and imparting entrepreneurial education.
Operation 10 city features a free mega event with programming for you and next generation leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs centered on community outreach, business and entrepreneurship, and faith.
Operation 10 city has impacted 1000 today in Saint Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
With a singular vision to inspire people and communities to access true economic prosperity and self sufficiency through wealth building and ownership.
It’s a lot of single parents like myself that’s doing everything by they self and this actually is a big help.
It’s in these days and times the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
You know, and people are doing what they can to take what they have to make it.
Some of us are, like, swamped in bills and in in property taxes and in, um, this is excellent.
We appreciate the blessing.
Today, I am here because I would love to expunge my record.
I have made several mistakes at a young age.
Me having my record expunge will be the most powerful impactment in my life because I plan on getting my CDL
so I
can be a truck driver. I have a future.
When I came here, I felt the presence of God. It was so powerful.
When praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing.
And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your city.
Today’s dynamic message, take it all back volume 3 is available in its entirety on CD or MP 3, on DVD or MP 4.
To order this 4 part teaching, contact us at 1-800-711-9327 or online at billwinston.org.
I wanna ask you a question.
If you left this earth today, where would you go? Glory to God. I got good news for you.
You can choose the place. Hallelujah.
I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be with them when I leave this earth and I’m gonna live a long life.
Well, here’s what I want you to do. To be certain, why don’t you pray this prayer with me.
Dear Lord, come into my heart.
I believe that you died for my sins and you rose again and now I believe in you.
Thank you Lord for saving me. In Jesus name, amen.
Now if you prayed that prayer, I want to send a book to you.
It’s called born again and spirit filled. It’s talking about what your next steps are. Send for it today.
I want to congratulate you. You have just made a decision and now you know where you’re going.
God bless you and walk by faith.
Now remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you, and keep walking by faith.

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