GIVE YOUR FIGHT TO GOD | The Battle Is The Lord’s – Inspirational

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The Battle Is The Lord’s – Inspirational

Battles are a part of life. We all face them. When facing battles in life that seem impossible to win, God can step in and make the impossible possible. God fights for you, not against you, and he never loses a battle.

The Scripture talks about how there is a set time for God to favor you, a set time to heal you, a set time to turn the problem around. If there’s a right time; that means there’s a wrong time. If it hasn’t happened yet, then it wasn’t meant to be. Instead of fighting where you are, why don’t you embrace where you are? “God, I know You’re ordering my steps; I’m right where I’m supposed to be. Lord, I want to thank You that my set times are coming.” I can promise you this: God is not going to be one second late. He’s not going to accidentally miss your set time.

You will not have to fight this battle.
And God sent me here today to tell you He wants his battle back.
There are some things that you have been trying to fight in your own strength and figure out in your own flesh.
And God says, I want my battle back.
He says, you don’t have to fight it, just stand firm and take your position.
So in other words, you don’t have to fight it.
You just have to face it and if you will face it, God says I will fight it.
I don’t know any better news in the world than to stand in the reality that the God of heaven and earth is fighting my battles this very moment remind yourself that the battle is the Lord’s.
It’s not just your battle, it’s not just up to you.
It’s not just your ability in all of life’s battles. Listen, it’s the Lord’s battle.
Every single one of us here is facing some form of a battle.
I do not know what it is but God does. It may be health related.
Maybe some people are battling some really serious health concerns.
Some of you may be just found out and you’re looking for answers or it could be financial, maybe challenges with the current finances or decisions you want to make about finances moving forward.
That is the battle or it could be relationships or maybe the lack of relationships or a really strained relationship or a relationship.
You’re asking whether you should keep on whatever your battle is, the bad news is.
I don’t know it, the good news is God does.
And he wants to encourage us by saying the Lord God is the one who will fight that battle for you and give you the victory.
Your victory is not dependent upon you. It’s dependent on God. The battle is not yours. The battle is God’s.
You did not have to fight this battle.
When you’re in the battle, you need to be reminded, you need God, you need God, you need him.
Notice this in Deuteronomy chapter 20 starting in verse one.
It says when you go to war against your enemies and you, this is what you’re gonna see, horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, why would you lead me to fight against enemies that are bigger and stronger and faster and more well equipped than I am.
God’s like because you have me.
He said this is what you’re gonna see armies that are bigger than yours.
They’re gonna have horses, they’re gonna have chariots.
He says, do not be afraid of them because the Lord your God will be with you.
That’s so important for us to get that into our spirit today.
Remind ourselves that God He promised he’s gonna be with us. When God sent his son Jesus to the earth.
He says his name shall be called Emmanuel, meaning God with us.
I think that will change everything about your perspective.
If you just get a hold of that one concept, He’s with me.
It is a wonderful thing to know. You’re not alone.
It’s a wonderful thing to know that God’s gonna fight your battles for you.
You’re not alone. You’ve got the best bodyguard in the world and he never leaves you and never forsakes you.
You’ve got a wonderful savior who has his eye upon you, who knows every trial and difficulty you go through.
God fights our battles for us.
And this is the most important scripture I want you to see today.
It says for the Lord, your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.
So he doesn’t tell them exactly the tactics that they’re going to use because those tactics change all the time.
The how always changes. But the what never changes. The why never changes. Don’t be terrified.
Don’t be panicked. Don’t be full of anxiety.
Yes, there’s a lot of things when you start looking around at our world today, things to be afraid of.
God says do not be afraid put your hope in me.
Put your confidence in me when you’re on the Lord’s side, defeat is the only thing that’s not possible.
Has God ever lost a battle?
No, God has never lost any battle that he chooses to fight. God doesn’t lose battles.
He’s God. God wins. God doesn’t lose battles that he chooses to fight.
God will fight your battles for you and he will win them.
And that’s a good way to live your life. It’s a wonderful way to live.
He will help you.
He wants you to trust Him and put your faith in Him and he will remove all those worries that you have over certain problems or temptations or whatever may come.
God wants you to remove those worries and those troubles and be free.
He wants to give you freedom and give you the joy you ought to have in this life.
God is in control. And as if we’ve come into the family of God, he is not just He’s not fighting us.
He’s fighting for us. God is our refuge.
That word just means literally shelter from danger.
He’s a shelter we cling to or run to in danger and not just our refuge, but also our strength.
The reason why you’re tired all the time is because you’re trying to fight battles that belong to God.
Are you tired?
Are you tired of facing all these battles on your own?
And, and you’re really, if we’re true you’re about ready to say a God.
Um I don’t know how much longer I can do this.
In fact, Lord I’m on the verge of giving up and you may be at the point that I God, I just feel like giving up and God says, great, why don’t you do that right now?
Give up and give in.
I give up trying to win on my own power because I’m tired.
Instead I surrender myself and I surrender my situation completely to you.
Psalm 30 says, we put our hope in the Lord.
He is our help. He’s our shield in him. Our hearts rejoice for we trust in his holy name.
Somebody needs to hold on to that scripture this week, you’re fighting through something, trust Him in the moments that we’re at our lowest.
But God can do more in 24 hours than we can on our best day.
And when you’re at your lowest, he does his best work.
So whoever this message is for God said, you gotta face it.
You can’t fight this on your own and all of the ways that we manipulate our lives and all of the ways that we manipulate our situations.
And then we come to this point where we realize there’s nothing I can do about this one.
This one is too big for me.
And God says, really that might be a sign that the battle is not yours.


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