Give Superman a Rest | Joel Osteen

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Give Superman a Rest | Joel Osteen

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It’s easy to get so caught up meeting other people’s needs and measuring up to their expectations that we put ourself on the back burner.
The demands of work, we have a boss to please, spouse to keep happy, pressures of raising children, gotta get them to football, the other one to dance, need to run to the grocery store, dinner has to be perfect, then off to the neighbor’s birthday party.
We can’t let anyone down. They’re counting on us. We have this hero mentality. We’re always strong.
We’re always the one that comes through, that cheers them up, fixes the problem, that stays late.
We’re doing all these good things keeping everyone around us happy.
The problem is, we can become depleted, drained, worn out. We’re making sure everyone else is a priority.
You need to make yourself a priority. Your first mission is to keep yourself healthy.
It’s not selfish to take time for you. You need time to get refreshed, to be re energized.
You shouldn’t be so busy you don’t have time to be alone, time to laugh, time to exercise.
You need recreation. You need these things that help you stay in balance.
See, when people are making a lot of withdrawals, you have to make sure you’re putting in a lot of deposits.
If you’re giving all the time and never filling back up, you’re going to be depleted.
You’re good to others, why don’t you be good to you? You’re kind to others, be kind to you.
Be generous to you. Be loving to you. Don’t live with that hero mentality.
Gotta be strong, gotta be at every event, gotta be super mom, outperform, overachieve. I can’t say no.
What will they say? People will take as much as you give them.
They’ll let you work 24 hours a day if you will.
When you’re rundown, emotionally drained, physically worn out, that’s not just doing you a disservice, it’s doing your family and those around you a disservice.
Not only that, it’s not healthy. It’s raising your blood pressure, causing you to live stress, overwhelmed.
Nobody can make this change except you.
You have to be the one to say, I’m gonna make some adjustments to my schedule.
Not gonna go running every time this friend calls.
Not gonna live up to the pressures and demands that are not reasonable. I’m a keep myself healthy.
I’m a make sure my emotional well-being is good.
And if you don’t learn to say no to some things, then nothing will change.
Because the people that are counting on you to perform, to always be there, they’re They’re not gonna say, Why don’t you take a break?
Why don’t you spend the evening doing whatever you want? I’ll cover for you. No, you have them trained.
They’re expecting you to be there for them. The moment you aren’t, they’ll say, what’s going on?
Where are you, Superman? Tell them Superman went to the phone booth and turned back into Clark Kent.
Superman was tired. Superman needed rest. Superman had to get back in balance.
They may not like it, but your health, your emotional well-being is more important than keeping everyone happy.
When you make these adjustments, don’t be surprised if you feel guilty. I should be helping.
I should be at my neighbor’s, I should be working late.
Don’t be guilted into doing things that are keeping you out of balance.
There’s nothing wrong with taking time for you. When you’re tired, you need rest.
When you’re drained, you need to be replenished.
Now, I’m not saying don’t work hard, I’m all for working, achieving, being responsible.
What I’m saying is stay in balance.
You can’t work all the time, serve your family all the time, be strong for others all the time.
Sometimes you have to say, Sorry, I need a break. I need a moment to recharge.
There’s been a lot of withdrawals, I need to make some deposits.
For me, it’s easy to work all the time. It’s easy to go 90 to nothing.
I like to be productive, achieving.
But I’ve learned I’m not as creative if I don’t have time for recreation.
I’m not as productive if I hadn’t taken time to laugh with my family, have fun together, exercise.
That’s how I get refreshed. Work out, play basketball. When Victoria needs to be refreshed, she goes shopping.
She’ll spend 3 hours at the mall, never buy a thing. Me going shopping, I’m drained in 5 minutes.
Everyone is different. Do what replenishes you, what brings you back in balance.
I know my brother Paul gets refreshed by crocheting.
When Jesus was on the earth, He went around healing people, teaching in the synagogues, lifting people up.
Everywhere he went, there was a need. People would come up, will you heal my child?
Will you come to our city? Can I touch the edge of your robe? He had all these demands.
Imagine how he felt. As the son of God, he had this incredible power, anointing, wisdom, so much to offer.
Yet at times, when he was tired, the scripture says, he would go away from the crowds up into the mountains and get alone so he could be refreshed.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
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