Friday Morning Prayers! December 08, 2023

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Friday Morning Prayers!

Prayer for the day

My time spent in prayer with You, dear Lord, is the highlight of my day. To know You are waiting to have this communion humbles me. Yet You say I can come boldly—this I do now, knowing You hear me!

Happy and blessed Friday! I pray that as you walk along today, you will find joy in knowing God’s love is for you!

I pray that this Friday brings to your heart a sense of thankfulness for all the good God has done in your life.

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Friday Morning Blessings

Prayer of the Day: Thank You, Father, for the way You take up residence in my heart. You are not distant or out of reach. I thank You that You dwell in me and are involved in every area of my life.

Blessed Friday morning! Let your eyes be upon Jesus today and your heart filled by His wonderful peace.

Today may your Friday morning be filled with blessings as you find strength through faith in God!

I pray that this Friday morning is overflowing with joy, peace, and happiness. May the Lord fill your heart today, as you walk along each step of the day.

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How blessed is this Friday morning! May you bask in His great love for you and may you rejoice in your salvation.

Good Morning! May this Friday morning bring to your life the Holy Spirit’s love and His peace. May you find strength in Him, always!

It’s Friday! That means the week is coming to a close and weekend near. This is a great time to go to Friday night service at church. But if you can’t make it to church you can still enjoy God’s presence at home in prayer!


Faith is a powerful force that we have access to and should be very thankful for. When we live by faith, we release God to do amazing things for us and through us. Faith is the leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness (see Colossians 1:4). We can come to God in childlike faith, simply believing His Word and placing our faith in Him to do what He has promised.

Some people say that they have no faith, but that is not true. We all have faith, but we may not choose to put it in God. When you sit in a chair, you have faith that it will hold you up. When you deposit money in the bank, you have faith that you will be able to go back and get it when you need it. What, or whom, are you placing your faith in?

I urge you not to put your faith in something unstable and shaky but put it in God who is a solid Rock and never changes. He is faithful and will always do what He promises to do.

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