Friday Blessings! October 6, 2023

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Morning friend, I pray God showers His blessings over you this day. Thank you for being a wonderful friend.

Morning friend, I pray God covers you with His peace and fills your heart with joy. You are a gift from Him! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Good morning friend, may God’s grace fill you with strength and courage for the day ahead. Love you lots!

What a blessed morning! Thank you for being such an amazing friend. I pray God guides you today and gives you peace.


Dear God,

On this Good Friday, we come before you with humble hearts, remembering the sacrifice that your son, Jesus Christ, made for us on the cross. We thank you for the gift of salvation, and for the love and mercy that you have shown us through your son’s death and resurrection.

As we reflect on the events of Good Friday, we ask for your guidance and wisdom. Help us to understand the depth of your love for us, and to live our lives in a way that honors that love. Give us the strength to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, to show compassion and forgiveness to others, and to always seek your will in our lives.

May this Friday bring peace and happiness into your life, as always may the Lord be there with you, and guide your footsteps along each day of your life!

Today may this Friday bring be showered in God’s blessing. May He reveal His will to you and give you the grace you need to accomplish it.


May God’s love shine in your life, and may He give you a moment of peace during this Friday to reflect on His grace.

May the Holy Spirit be with you this Friday and all throughout your life.

May this Friday be filled with miracles from above and blessings from the Lord. May He heal your body, mind, and soul.

I pray that this Friday is blessed with joy, happiness, peace, love, and faith. May God’s grace be upon you always!

Blessed Friday morning! Let your eyes be upon Jesus today and your heart filled by His wonderful peace.

Today may your Friday morning be filled with blessings as you find strength through faith in God!

I pray that this Friday morning is overflowing with joy, peace, and happiness. May the Lord fill your heart today, as you walk along each step of the day.


Dear Lord,

As I enter into this Friday, I lift up myself and my family to you. I pray for peace and happiness to fill our hearts and homes. Guide us through the challenges and opportunities of the day, and give us strength to face whatever comes our way.

May we approach each situation with kindness, grace, and a positive attitude. Help us to be a source of love, comfort, and joy to those around us. Protect us from harm and negativity, and fill us with your peace and presence.

I am grateful for my family and all the blessings in my life. I pray that we may use these gifts to serve you and bring goodness to those in need.

In your name, Amen.


  1. I need all the prayers that I can get. All the turmoil that has been all throughout my life has beaten me down emotionally. I lost my lady and unborn child but I tried to save them but I failed. I have t tried to commit suicide 4 times within 6 months of each other, and God won’t let me succeed. When life only gives you disappointment and let downs, the fight starts to leave because hard as I fight to live, I just keep getting beaten down. I changed my whole life because of the mishaps and nothing good comes my way. In Matthew he said that when you do for someone to keep it in silence and God will bless you. But why did God take the only person who ever loved me away from me and it’s hard to moving forward because life is not worth living without the who loves you. And society won’t even let me rent a place to stay because I have drug charges on my record, but I’m only human and I’ve made bad choices and I’ve made mistakes but is that a reason not to let me rent a place for me and my daughter to live because of the life that I was raised in. In the new testament it teaches compassion and forgiveness, but why man won’t forgive you for your transgressions against society but they want God to forgive them for their sins. I’m am deeply troubled and I don’t know what else to do anymore.

    1. I can say I was there. I was doing drugs and lost custody to my two children. Got clean did everything by the book and have exceeded every expectation that the father and his mother had and I still have no place. I can now get them and spend time with them but never did I regain the mama position. I gave up on God. I was sure that was just a book like any other that tells ppl how to live and be good. But once I really started giving him my problems and praying I started seeing things fall in my lap so that made me even more curious. My heart hurts still but not as much bc something about his word mixed with a little bit of faith works miracles .then I start even paying my tides and seen a little change in my financial status. MY PROBATION office SENT ME A $600 mystirialy I overestimated my dues. Little things you’ll notice change when you want to notice it. God is good. Always. Please pray specifically for your heart and the strength and comfort to see past your pain and try to build a relationship and know him. Read the word daily, it’s comforting in an unexplainable way. You do have to listen and obey and it may require leaving the hate and letting yourself feel joy. Just try harder to keep your eyes and heart to him and really try to hear him lead you. There’s really no other way for peace. You still have breath you are still being worked on. Let him use your story!!!!

  2. I have seen many things happen on my phone but I have never seen any coin in my pocket but people they enjoy my money and I’m very to see this because it was happening all the time to know about it and they receive money on my phone.. I want everyone to know this people are not good because gaming me

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