Fresh Vision: The Power of Shared Vision // Fresh Fruit (Part 2) // Michael Todd

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Hi, my name is Charles, and I serve as one of the executive pastors here at Transformation Church. Before we dive into today’s message, I want to take a moment to say thank you for joining us. It means the world to us that you’re here, no matter where you’re watching from or who you are. I believe that this message will encourage your faith and hopefully transform your life. If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to subscribe to our YouTube channel—not for us, but for you. We want to be a resource to help strengthen your faith and walk with you on your journey of following Jesus. Again, thank you so much for joining us, and I hope today’s message blesses you.

Are you ready? I said, are you ready? Because today marks week two of our series, “Help Me Fresh Fruit.” This year, as a church, we have decided that we will not settle for anything old, stale, or crusty. Everything in my life has to be fresh and good. I want fresh relationships, fresh ideas, fresh wisdom, fresh perspective—what else do you want to be fresh in your life? Yell it out or leave a comment! Fresh revelation, fresh communication, and even fresh finances. Someone just shouted, “Fresh money!” Yes, that’s right—fresh by faith. We’re not just looking for new things, we want fresh things—things that God’s hand is on. We want to live in a place of fresh fruit.

The word of the year at this church is “fruit,” and God has given us a vision to help you get everything in your life fresh. Today is Vision Sunday, and I’m excited to share how to gain vision and how that aligns with the vision of our church moving forward. I want you to know that this message applies to you because everything I share today comes from the Word of God. Whatever vision God has given you, you can apply these principles to see freedom and growth in your life. You’ll also learn about God’s plan for you and how He planted you in this church to produce more fruit than you could on your own.

There are people who think they’re better off outside the church, but let me tell you, you’re not. You might feel more isolated, more free to do whatever you want, but God’s favor is in the house of God. The church is God’s plan to bring out the best in you, so you can go out and produce fruit. Shout it with me—fruit!

John 15:16 is our anchor scripture: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit.” If you’re wondering about your calling—bear fruit. If you’re waiting for a specific prophetic word—Jesus already gave it to you over 2,000 years ago. He chose you and appointed you to bear fruit. It’s interesting to me when people are uncertain about God’s plan for their lives. I ask them, “What are you doing where you are?” Are you bearing fruit in that season? Sometimes people don’t like their job or situation, but God is watching what you do with what you have. Even in seasons you’re not fond of, are you still bearing fruit? God cares about how you steward what you already have. So before you ask for something new, ask yourself, “Am I bearing fruit where I am right now?”

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