Fresh Cut: You’re Getting Cut Either Way // Fresh Fruit (Part 4) // Michael Todd

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Hi, my name is Amberly, and I have the honor of serving as one of the executive pastors here at Transformation Church. We want to thank you so much for joining us, no matter where you’re watching from. If you haven’t already, be sure to like and subscribe. We truly believe that God has a word for you today, so let’s dive into this incredible message.

Welcome to Transformation Church, where we are passionate about worshiping God. I’ve never actually started a sermon without my suit jacket, but after the powerful worship that just took place, I had to take it off—it was distracting! My collar was up because I was praising so hard, and I realized it was becoming a distraction both in the spirit and physically. So, I made the choice to remove it.

We’re in week four of a series we’re calling “Fresh Fruit.” At Transformation Church, we believe that this year, God has given us a prophetic word: the word is “fruit.” Out of our lives, marriages, finances, businesses, and thought processes, there needs to be fruit. Many of us have not seen fruit in our lives in years—it’s been the same old cycle. But I believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit, the revelation through teaching, and the spirit of God that is present here, coupled with your desire to continue seeking God, this year is going to be a year of turnaround for many of us.

You don’t have to believe that, but those who do will experience something powerful. The Bible tells us that it’s according to our faith. You have nothing to lose by believing God.

In the brief time I have to preach today, I’m going to share something that I hope will leave a lasting impact on you. The series is called “Fresh Fruit,” but there’s a tagline that we haven’t emphasized yet, and today, by the Holy Spirit, I feel it’s time to focus on it. The full name of the series is “Fresh Fruit: The Proof is in the Fruit.”

Write that down—the proof is in the fruit. I want to address the believers for a moment. If you’re not a believer yet, I love you, and I’ll talk to you in just a second. But for now, I’m speaking to those who have confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done—whether you’ve struggled with addiction or mistakes from last night—what matters is that you’re here. Some Christians won’t tell you this, but I will: I’ve been there, and I’m with you.

For believers, we talk too much. We talk about what we’re going to do, the Bible plans we’re going to finish, the weight we’re going to lose, the lifestyle changes we’re going to make—but may I suggest that you could save yourself a lot of words by just being the proof of what you desire to do? The proof is in the fruit. Nobody can argue with fruit. They might ignore it, but they have to step over it to move on.

Too many believers are walking around with no fruit. We talk about everything we’re going to do and hypothesize about it, but when we fail to produce fruit, we criticize others who are producing fruit, just because it’s not the kind of fruit we would produce. But you have nothing to show for all your talk.

I want to free the church that desires to produce fruit. Everyone say, “More fruit!” Too many of us are still trying to prove ourselves. You’re dressing a certain way today trying to prove something, and I’m here to tell you: let that go. We spend too much time trying to prove things to people who either don’t notice or no longer exist. You’re still trying to prove to your mom that you’re worthy. You’re still trying to prove to a coach or boss that you’re capable. But what I want to free you from today is the need to prove anything to anyone.

The desire to prove things comes from an internal doubt about our ability to actually produce. When we don’t believe we can produce what we said we would, we start trying to prove that we are enough. It’s time to break free from that need to prove yourself.

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