Freedom From The Spirit Of Depression (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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Freedom From The Spirit Of Depression (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discover how you can experience freedom from the spirit of depression when you strengthen yourself in the joy of the Lord and spend time in worship.

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You are watching the sermon, Freedom From The Spirit Of Depression, preached on Jul 21, 2024 by Joseph Prince..

This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

All of us at certain times in our life experience a certain measure of depression. Why? If you’re a believer, you’re under attack. That’s why you need to put on the armor of God and the helmet of salvation.  Jesus is anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows. He’s the most joyful one.

The joy of the Lord is our strength,  the joy of the Lord. The Lord has joy.  It is not my joy. Jesus took our sorrows.  He felt the pain of it, the weight of it.  He carried that depression that you feel at night.  He carried it even unto death. He saw you.  He saw you. We need this anointing,  this oil of gladness upon our young generation,  upon our people because they’re under special attack with depression.

Amen. He’s no respecter of persons.  However, he’s a respecter of faith.  I’ll tell you that. Something about faith  that makes God bypass hundreds of people  just to focus on the one that has faith.  Amen. There can be a multitude touching him,  pressing on him, a lot of superstitious touch and all that.

But when the touch of faith comes, it stops him in his tracks and he will turn   around and look at the one person who has faith. And that’s why faith is the greatest holiness   because the Bible says that our  hearts are purified by faith.  Acts 15, right?  Having purified their hearts by faith.

I think Pastor Lawrence alluded to this   right in your sermon. See,  they didn’t listen. I was listening.  I was listening very intensely  that people are saying,  how do you purify your heart? Oh,  you do this, you do that.  We are putting more effort  in holiness and all that.  Actually we want holiness.

All of us want holiness because holiness   actually leads to a life of victory, freedom,  peace, love,  joy, and the best part of it,  it glorifies the Lord. Amen.  And we all want to glorify the Lord, but how to get there from here,  that’s a question. And where I think   some people would dispute my teachings, which I believe is based on the word of God,  would be how to get there from here.

A lot of how to get there from here is by   efforts and by disciplines and all that. And I believe it’s by faith,  more revelation, more faith,  more experiencing of the holiness of God, and then it works out in your conduct as well.  Okay? Do you understand that so far?  Amen. The story I was   just talking about refers to a time when God  spoke to Peter to preach in Cornelia’s house.

That’s the first time the Gentiles had the  opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.  And Peter was first unwilling, but then God gave him a vision.  And after that vision, he realized that God   is calling him to preach to the Gentiles. He came to this Italian house was run by a urian.  By the way, all Urs in the New Testament,  you find that they all appear in a good light.

All Urs in the New Testament   appears in a good light. Even in the book of Acts,  the one who took care of Paul and save him  from the madness and the frenzy of the crowd   is a good illustration. Not all of them are safe,  but one or two became believers. But you can see like Cornelius,  he got saved.

We can see it’s always a good effect,  a good impression. So Cornelius was from the Italian regimen.  So as they were having pasta  passing out the ness and all that,  Peter knocked on the door  and they had a crowd there.  And Peter’s first announced opener was like this, this is how you open a speech in case you don’t   know how to open a speech. Learn from Peter.

People like me normally don’t  fellowship with people like you.  Talk about this generation  saying things like that.  He says, people like me,  me, don’t fellowship people like you.  But then God has taught me that I  should not call things that are unclean,  unclean. He taught me to call.  Y’all know the vision that God says, right?  What I have cleansed. Don’t call unclean or don’t call common.

And that’s how the Jewish  people treated the Gentiles.  So Peter also had his own prejudices  and he has to learn that the Lord,  his heart is bigger than just Israel. And the reason he raised Israel,  and he’s not finished with Israel yet  they have a place in the covenant.  Even in these last days, they play a major part.

You find that God’s heart is for the world. Jesus himself said to Nicodemus,  for God so love Israel. No,  the world that he gave his only, but the reason he chose this nation is so that   everyone can see that if this nation follows him, how blessed they are,  they’ll say that How wise is this nation whose  God is the Lord happy is the nation whose God   is the Lord.

They’ll see,  obviously it’s going to be a manifested  blessings where they can see God’s goodness,  God’s grace on this nation, but they fail.  Then God says, if you fail,  then all the nations will see. When the curses come,  when bad things happen, they’ll see why did this happen to this nation?  Because of all the curses that came, but praise be God.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. Amen.  Amen. So he’s in Cornelius’s house and the   Bible says he was preaching and preaching. By the way I quoted that just now,  that’s from Paul’s Peter’s. I say Paul Peter’s lips where he says   God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about  healing all that were oppressed of the devil.

He was saying, no,  the Holy Spirit didn’t fall at that time. And Peter himself,  the preacher wasn’t expecting  the Holy Spirit to fall.  But when he came to this point, he says about Christ,  he says to him, everyone who believes receive forgiveness of sins.  The Bible says at the very next verse, when he said that,  what he say again when true Christ or to him all  who believe in him receive forgiveness of sins.

While Peter spoke these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all of   them that were in the house and they hurt  them speaking in tongues praising God.  No author call nothing because Peter most  likely might not pray for them to receive.  I come already enough. One,  I appreciate the gospel.

He might even think that   God gives the Holy Spirit only to the Jews. So God didn’t wait for his permission because   this occurrence never happened again. So it was unique in that situation.  Of course it’s going to happen  still today while I’m preaching,  things happen. Amen.  Why not? While Joseph spoke these words,  amen.
But it’s got to be words from the Holy Spirit  because Joseph in and of himself has no healing,  no power. Amen.  It’s got to be the words of the Holy  Spirit and you’re always praying for me,  right? That when I preach you will hear the ram of God.  And I always pray also, I endeavor to preach,  ask the Oracles of God.
Oracles of God doesn’t mean that   every word must be from scripture, like lineup online,  everything from scripture. Yes,  it must be based on scripture. And I think I have a lot of   scripture verses down to the years. I preach a lot from a lot of scripture verses,  but speaking as the Oracles of God means  you speak as if God is speaking to you   and God will never deviate from the scriptures. But it’s not speaking Bible chapter and verse.
Amen. So while Peter spoke,  the Holy Spirit fell and the  word fell is this very same word   in the Greek as when the prodigal son came home, the Father fell on him and you read the word in   the modern version, embrace him.  The word fell means embrace him.


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