Faith Overcoming Fear-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

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Faith Overcoming Fear-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

Are you struggling with fear? In this FULL SERMON of “Enjoying Everyday Life,” Joyce Meyer discusses how to overcome fear with faith, emphasizing that faith acts as an antidote to fear. Tune in to learn how to activate your faith and put on the armor of God to stand strong against life’s challenges.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

[Music] let me ask you a question are you do you have any kind of fear in your life today about anything in particular if you do maybe write it down right now on a little piece of paper if you got some note paper with [Music] you well thank you for joining us today on Enjoying Everyday Life you know I want to talk to you today about how you can overcome fear but you can only over come fear with faith it’s like faith is like the antidote for fear and every time fear comes knocking on your door you need to send Faith to answer and you

know today in the world there are so many things that people can be afraid of but this is a great opportunity for us to ramp up our faith and put our faith in God you know one of the things that you can do is every time you start to feel afraid is say out loud God I put my trust in you you know faith is a force that’s on the inside of your spirit but faith has to be released and faith is released I always like to say it this way it’s released through praying through saying or through doing and so today we’re going to talk in

particular about the shield of Faith it’s talked about in Ephesians chapter 6 that’s a chapter about spiritual warfare and how you can defeat the enemy through putting on the armor that God gives you to wear thank God he does not leave us defenseless he always shows us a way that we can have Victory because God’s will for you is to have Victory he wants you to enjoy your life he wants you to enjoy him he wants you to enjoy everything that he gives you but fear is a thief it actually makes people Miser

able keeps them from making progress and keeps them from enjoying anything and I know there’s surely people watching today that you have fear in some area of your life right now perhaps you have financial problems or you’re fearful about your marriage or you’re fearful about one of your children there’s so many things today that are going on that really are not good and the Bible actually tells us that in the last days men’s Hearts will fail them for fear so we have to stand against fear we can’t

just hope we don’t have fear we need to do something about it when it comes and so Ephesians 613 in the Amplified Bible says therefore put on God’s complete armor Now put on are action words I always say I I put my clothes on every day I’ve never one time gone in my closet and just stood there and had my clothes just jump on my body I have to pick them out I have to put them on if I put on something that doesn’t look good I take it off and I put on something else and we need to realize that God has

given us armor but he says to put it on therefore put on God’s complete armor that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day of danger you know Satan is our enemy he’s never going to leave us alone now we have periods of time where he may leave us alone but he always waits for an opportunity to come back and attack us again during 40 days and 40 nights when Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by the enemy he defeated him every time Satan tempted him he defeated him but at the very end

it says Satan went away to wait for a more opportune time so even though you win a victory that doesn’t mean that the enemy is never going to come back and tempt you again and I don’t know if you’ve realize this or not but I’ve realized that every storm is not in the forecast I can get up and think I’m going to have a a great day and I’ve got a plan and everything’s going to go a certain way and then bam all of a sudden something happens that I’m not expecting well you know sometimes those unexpected

problems are the ones can cause us the most fear that’s why we need to pray on a regular basis we need to spend time with God we need to realize that we do have an enemy and that his purpose is to make us miserable the Bible actually says that fear hath torment and I know I grew up rooted in fear my father was abusive he was mean he was alcoholic and he just created a lot of fear in our family and so I know what it’s like to be a friend and it took me a lot of years after growing up that way to get over that and I’m so glad that I’ve

learned about faith you have faith don’t even say I wish I had more faith you have faith if you’re going to pray anything about faith pray that you will use your faith because the more you use your faith the more it will grow and the stronger it will get that’s why sometimes God allows us to be in situations where we are forced to use our faith because that is the only way that it will grow put on God’s complete armor that you may be able to resist we have to resist the enemy the Bible says in James 4:7 submit yourself

to God resist the devil and he will flee if you don’t resist him he’ll take over resist and stand your ground on the evil day of danger and then in Ephesians 6:16 it says lift up over all the covering Shield of saving faith upon which you can quench all the Flaming missiles of the wicked one but the two words I want you to really pay attention to is lift up there again it’s like put on it’s an action word he’s saying I’ve given you a shield of faith that will cover you and will protect you

in every situation the enemy brings against you but you have to lift it up or you have to release it other pieces of armor that we read about in Ephesians 6 is it starts out by saying tighten the belt of Truth well truth is the word of God so what does he mean tighten the belt of truth that means whenever your faith is being tested when fear is coming against you you have to hang on to the word of God even tighter than what you would at normal times you may need to spend some extra time with God you may need to spend some extra time in

the word you may need to spend some extra time in prayer it says put on the breastplate of righteousness and I love that because righteousness which is a gift that we’ve been given by God through the death and the resurrection of Jesus 2 Corinthians 5:21 says he that knew no sin became sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him that means you have been made right with God you do things wrong but who you are as a child of God that God sees as right with him but it says we’re to put on the breastplate of

righteousness the breastplate in battle covers your heart don’t let the enemy get into your heart and lie to you put on the shoes of peace we’re to walk in peace do you know that the enemy doesn’t know what to do with you if he is attacking you and you remain in peace and that’s challenging to do I know but you can learn how to do it I’ve learned how to do it I’m learning how to do it I’m always growing in that area but the more experience you have with God the easier it becomes to be peaceful in times of

turmoil when the enemy would love to make you afraid and then it says put on the helmet of salvation well a helmet covers your head and I believe that that refers to our thinking in a battle we need to think the way God would think which is not fearful thoughts but thoughts of Faith many times when the enem is attacking me I will say things like this is going to end well or I know that God loves me when you’re in a time of battle and your circumstances are bad and it’s seems unjust and unfair and you don’t

understand what’s going on don’t ever say well God don’t you love me God loves you and he wants you to be rooted and grounded in his love for you and he wants you to be so sure of his love for you that nothing can ever separate you from that love knowing that God loves you is powerful so when you’re in a time of battle think God loves me think I know this will work out good in the end and think whatever ever I need to go through this God will give it to me you know when we’re having a problem one or

two things will happen if you pray God will either deliver you from it or he’ll give you the grace to go through it when I was being abused as a child I prayed that God would deliver me from the situation but he did not choose to deliver me from the situation but he did take me through it and I gained experience and knowledge about the faithfulness of God that I’m able to use now in teaching other people the helmet of salvation our mind has to be renewed according to the word of God probably one of the first and

most important things you need to do after receiving Jesus Christ as your savior is to learn about the power of your thoughts as a man thinks so does he become if you want to have faith you can’t think fearful thoughts so when those thoughts come you can cast them down and replace them with thoughts of faith God is for me he’s not against me God is on my side I’m going to win this Victory however long it takes God is going to give me the strength to deal with it and go through it then it talks about the

sword that the spirit wields which is the word of God you see when you put the word in then when you need that word the holy spirit will bring it out many many times I’ll be going through something and I’ll be praying and all of a sudden the holy spirit will remind me of a certain scripture that brings Comfort to me in the time that I’m going through like God is the God of all comfort and he Comforts us so when we see other people in problems and difficulties we can Comfort them knowing the word of God

is so important that’s why the Bible says that we’re to meditate on the word the word meditate means to roll something over and over and over in your mind or to even mutter it softly with your mouth and I spend time every day especially in the mornings as part of my prayer time with God just thinking about and even speaking out loud different scriptures and you’d be amazed if you’ve been walking with God very long and you’ve been studying the word you probably know a lot more than you think you know and God will bring

those scriptures to your remembrance but the Bible says let him who has my word speak my word Faithfully there’s power in speaking the word of God out loud and then it says cover everything with prayer I put a prayer cover over my children most days when I pray I will just simply say I’ll call my children by name and say I cover them with prayer I put a prayer cover over them and I ask you to protect them and I ask you to keep them healthy and I ask you to bring them into a deeper relationship with you

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