Extraterrestrial Contact | Jonathan Cahn

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Extraterrestrial Contact

Extraterrestrial Contact #2288. Man has long sought a sign of extraterrestrial contact, but you can actually take part in it. In fact it’s crucial. Master these practices and it will change your life!

Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First……. #boomchallenge

Prayer, only three things it says for your life and prayer without ceasing is one of them.
So it’s gotta be real important, real important because your whole life is supposed to be worship to God.
Your whole life is supposed to be glory to God your whole life.
So if you want and so you gotta have direct contact, you gotta have that.
If you don’t have that, everything else is uh shallow on the outside. You gotta have the direct thing.
It’s like you have a marriage and you never have direct contact.
There’s something wrong you want God’s will for your life. You gotta be directly in touch with Him.
That’s gotta be a joy.
The Bible speaks about the secret place, the secret place, you know, I will meet you.
You know, I will see your for me in this, let me see you in the secret place, hide me in this secret place.
See, you need a secret place with God every day. You need a secret realm with God in your life.
Every moment you need to have that. But you need to have secret time with God.
You know, remember what God said I will dwell with them.
But you gotta make me a place, you gotta make me uh a tent and it was secret holy of holies.
Nobody went in there except the high priest. Once a year, it was a secret place. What did I say?
God’s power is most strong in a secret place.
God’s glory is most strong in your life, in the secret place.
So you need a secret, you need a place that is secret from everything else that is even secret.
This is gonna sound weird but it’s even secret from Christianity.
And what I mean by that is all, there’s a million Christian things and it’s all, many of them may be good.
That’s fine. But that’s, that’s maybe the holy place is, the secret place is just you and God away from religion, away from away from everything.
Now you need all the rest. I mean all the rest is part of life.
You know, it’s all, I mean, we need ministry, we need this but it begins in the place that’s just you and God.
You, you’re not a, you know, it’s like even if you’ve been a, a great minister, you need to get away from that to be with just God.
And then you can go back to that with the power of God.
You need a secret place with Lord is just me and you me and you so well.
What about Yeah, and then you can love your then you can love your spouse, but it’s you and Him first.
It’s, it, it, and it’s a place that the Lord is just me and nothing else.
You need a time in your life and you need a place every day of your life where you are separating from everything where you are just making contact, you’re in contact, you’re in communion and it’s important to have a fixed time too.
And it’s not saying that you can always do it. Things come up.
But in that with a Tabernacle, God made that said, make a Tabernacle, it was a fixed space.
They couldn’t just do other things because if they didn’t have that fixed place, you know, they’re gonna start selling things in there, they’re gonna start doing a million things in that place.
So, in the same way in life, if you don’t have a fixed place, a fixed set time in your life, a fixed space for God, everything’s gonna crowd it out.
Nature hates a vacuum. So everything in your life, business, busyness, you know, uh the television, the web is gonna crowd it out so that even your problems will crowd out.
So you need that Lord no matter what I am with you at this time and maybe at occasionally emergencies come up.
Well now, ok, I’ll be, I’ll, I’m gonna make that time here, but you need it.
The problem is if you don’t fix it in some way, it’s not gonna be there.
I want to look at the words, some of the words that are used for prayer.
And I wanted you to see kind of some revelations of this, one of the words for prayer in the New Testament.
I’ll do it the best like everybody. No, no, no.
It was the whole thing. Not just the, it was the F L.
Oh, forget that, that you don’t have to know that. But here’s what we have to know.
The word in Greek means to determine the word for prayer.
Here means to also to determine what prayer determines. Everything else.
Prayer determines, will determine your day prayer, being in God’s presence or not, will determine the rest of your day prayer.
Even can determine the history. The changing of history. Prayer determines another word for worship in the New Testament.
Greek is, is which means also which means to minister as it’s used to be to minister the Lord.
So not only that you’re praying, you’re actually ministering to the Lord. You’re blessing the Lord.
Another word is try that one. And that is a wonderful word because it means to kiss.
The word for prayer also means to kiss. Who say what kiss?
Well, some people get like, you know, ok, you’re talking about kissing God.
Yeah, I am not physical, not carnal, spiritually, you are one spiritually what is kiss. It’s an expression of love.
It’s joining to another person to kiss God.
Well, what does it say in the song of Solomon, let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.
It means that it’s deep. It means that it’s love. It’s like kissing.
Here’s another one and not be on, which means literally be in the face of or in the presence of before the face of that.
Some prayer is you’re just, you just wanna be with God.
Sometimes you have to be quiet and stop talking and just be with God.
Lord just be with Lord, just, just Lord in your presence, in your presence. Worship.
It says, pray without ceasing pray without what does that mean?
Pray without some people take this and run with it in the wrong way.
Sometimes, you know, you know, you can be at a, at a, at a, at a prayer meeting and someone just takes it, I mean, God bless them, but nobody else can get a word in after that.
We’re gonna pray Lord for the people in Africa by name.
Every one of them run to, you know, alphabetically an hour later, I’m up to Abu Abbas.
Oh no, they’re still in the a or sometimes you’re at a, at a, at a dine.
Listen, listen, we aren’t to be able to pray long but don’t pray for the sake of when you’re other people and you’re showing how much you pray.
Uh You know, there could be at a diner, you know, and I, we always give thanks and say grace.
And I think it’s also a good witness to do that, that people see the believers, you know, but some people, oh Lord, we beseech thee and manifest our gratitude for the tuna melt and the happy waitress special.
And, and now lord, we ask for your mercy on the condiments.
So we have the catch of, it’s not about how much you do.
You know, you can, you know the, the, the, the Lord said, don’t think it’s your length of prayer.
You’re gonna impress anybody. The pagans do that. They just go over repetitious.
That, that’s not, that’s not it, you know, but, but it’s not that, you know, or sometimes, you know, you ever been with, with the believers and they’re going on and on and listen to me, but it’s, it’s just them going on.
It’s not so much. And sometimes you say amen and you’re not saying amen because you’re spiritual, you’re saying amen to stop the prayer.
Have you ever done that? You’ve amen? Somebody to stop the prayer i in a submission.
Well, it’s not that, but on the other hand, what does it mean?
We are to be able to get into God’s presidency again.
God is never looking at the words and he’s never looking at, at how much what we do outwardly.
He’s looking at the heart and we do need to be in his presence but with him and, but, and, and we do need to let it go.
But what does it mean to go on? It says, pray without ceasing well, that’s something different.
It’s not just the experience of prayer. It’s talking about, it’s talking about the practice of prayer.
It’s talking about see if you, if it’s just, hey, I prayed the prayer.
That’s not what I prayed, my prayer.
If I prayed my prayer, the prayer is over and there are prayers to say that are over.
But what it’s saying is something deeper. God wants us to be in a state of prayer.
That means it doesn’t mean that you’re always saying this and you’re always having your eyes closed, but you’re always in a state of communion with prayer, you make it your practice.
It’s not based on feeling, it’s not based on, on, on an experience.
It’s the way it’s my state of being.
I’m first of all, I’m that I make prayer a regular part of my life in everything that is my decision.
I have to choose that. I, because I do it when I do, when I feel like it, I gotta do it when I don’t feel like it.
That’s the practice of prayer there.
And but then I, that I am continually Lord I’m with you at every moment in every situation to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch, go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
You can also get more at Jonathan Khan’s Facebook or write us direct at Hope of the World Box.
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Just write to Hope of the World box 1111, Lodi New Jersey 07644 USA or go to Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.

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