Epicenter Israel: What’s Really Happening in the Middle East? – Part 2 (Luke 19:29-44)
Epicenter Israel: What’s Really Happening in the Middle East? – Part 2 (Luke 19:29-44)
Prophecies past and present converge as signs point to Israel’s imminent restoration and Christ’s return. Darkness is rising, but God’s final Word stands.
you know what today is Palm Sunday today is one of the most convincing days if not the most convincing day believe it or not in Bible prophecy as to why you should be a believer in Yeshua that is Jesus as hamashia as Messiah Yeshua hamashiach why do we believe that Jesus is the Messiah many many reasons why today is one of those days where it is listen it is forensic you can literally apply scientific investigation to what transpired 2,000 years ago on a Sunday and we’ll give you specifics about that but it’s for the skeptic you
should go and see and study for yourself because you’re responsible to do that so much so you’re going to hear about this in a moment from none other than Jesus himself so we’re going to look at Luke chapter 19 on today this Palm Sunday and um we’ll get into the entire meaning of it all you guys do know I hope that today is part two of what we started last week we are looking at a special Bible prophecy update message yet at the same time we are incorporating which is not a problem the remarkable awesome
events of Palm Sunday so Luke chapter 29 if you would and I’ll begin reading in verse 29 if you pick pick it up in verse 30 nice and Loud if you would and it came to pass that when he that is Jesus Drew near to bethe and Bethany at the mount called olet that he sent two of his disciples saying loose it and bring it here and if anyone asks you here’s the code word if anyone asks you why are you loosing it thus you shall say to him because the Lord has need of it those that’s awesome so uh wait verse 33
yes but as they were loosening the cult the owners of it said to them why are you loosening the cult then they brought him that is the CT to Jesus and they threw their own clothes on the colt and they set Jesus on top of them on then as he was drawing near listen up everybody then as he was drawing near to The Descent of the Mount of Olives the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty Works they had seen blessed is the king comes in the name of the Lord peace inen glory
inest and some of the Pharisees count on these guys to be the Party Poopers called to him from the crowd teacher rebuke your disciples and said to them I you keep Sil stones will immediately cry out now as he drew near and saw the city that’s Jerusalem and and wept over it saying if you had known even you especially in this your day the things that now they are hidden from your eyes before I keep reading can you guys just Mark that verse you just read Jesus said to them if you had known even you especially in this your
day there’s a reason why he said this everybody verse 43 for the days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you surround you and close you in on every side and let you and your children within you to the ground and they will not leave in you one stone upon another because you do not know the time of your visitation because you did not know the word in Greek is recognized you didn’t open your eyes to see the time of your visitation had come father give us ears to hear what
the Holy Spirit would say today with power that Christ would be glorified and Lord that we would make us even more so your disciples today than ever before and for anyone who doesn’t believe in you doesn’t trust you doesn’t have your love your forgiveness your peace your comfort the security of eternal life through Jesus Christ we pray Lord God Almighty that today would be the day that they would recognize their visitation we pray in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen Church you may be
seated and um I have lovingly reminded you that you’re not ready for today I’m going to prove it to you in a moment but um I’m going to ask all of you to take notes you need to take notes today you’ve got to take notes today there’s going to be things that are going to be going by so fast that you’re going to want to go back and review or uh you’re going to want to remember whenever we write notes down we remember better and then on top of it I really encourage you to have a Bible I know
many of you use a device and that’s great if you use it right some of your devices you can write on them and take notes that’s great some of you are very clever by the way I haven’t figured this out yet some of you have downloaded my notes this morning before you even come to church and then on your iPad or tablet you actually write on the notes that you’ve downloaded which is brilliant uh good for you and then you store them in a file and you wind up building your own biblical commentary uh
for future study what a great thing to do well Mark this down would you this amazing day Palm Sunday 2,000 years ago was a day written in Scripture it was one of the great days of biblical prophecy fulfilled it’s not often when you can stand and say this is the day that prophecy is coming to pass but they did that 2,000 years ago and it was all predicated by the way upon four remarkable eyewitness accounts of the Old Testament promises you can mark it if you would it’s Matthew chap 21: 9 to 10 Mark 11: 9 to1 Luke 19 we just read
it verses 37 and 38 and John 12:16 all of these speak about the quadr pH onic delivery and eyewitness account of what is called Palm Sunday Palm Sunday comes out of the ancient Psalm 3,000 year old Psalm in the 118th Psalm of the Messiah how would Israel ever come to recognize their Messiah that’s the question friends if you’re Jewish today if you’re watching if you’re Jewish the question is natural for you to ask the question how do I recognize the Messiah we we believe a messiah is coming how do I recognize him and the answer is
a great answer to the great question the Bible gives you the very road map or characteristics of how to identify the Messiah listen up everyone all of us it’s how you recognize false Messiahs from True Messiahs how about that God gave you the ability to test the spirits and that testing comes from the Bible and so here we are in Palm Sunday why is it Palm Sunday you’re going to want to write this down on March 14th 14 or March 14th 445 BC see that’s a long time ago March 14th 445 BC why is that a big deal because
archaeological evidence has revealed to us that it was on March 14th 445 BC that King artic xeres gave a passport with a blank check mind you to a guy by the name of Nehemiah his cup Bearer that is in your Bible that Nehemiah and Nehemiah was given the safe passage to go all the way back to Jerusalem to rebuild the streets and the walls and to reestablish Jerusalem for the Jewish people 445 BC that is a long time ago the Book of Daniel tells us Daniel 9: 24- 27 that concerning the last days and the ministry of the
Messiah that the Messiah would appear to Israel 173,880 days you want to write that down 173,880 days is equal to 483 years based on a Babylonian calendar see why do you tell me that because your Bible from Genesis to Revelation is based on a Babylonian calendar 360 days to a Biblical year 483 years from March 14th are you with me are you sure March 14th 445 BC 483 years later which is 173,880 days bring you till Sunday April 6th 32 ad why is that important because Rome Israel the Sanhedrin
eyewitnesses people who were there for Passover week from all over the Known World secular history all of them record that it was on that day that Jesus Christ came into Jerusalem riding on the back of a donkey and was heralded as king and it was one of the most remarkable moments in Bible prophecy so much so listen up it has yet to be denied or refuted or debunked from forensics this is how true and how real God is and Israel was to know it you read it a moment ago Jesus told them if you had only recognized this thy day church
family listen this is dead serious stuff he held them accountable to know the very Day based upon the very scriptures that they had in their possession that every synagogue in the world had they knew that from the going forth of that command to restore and rebuild the walls given to Nehemiah to the coming of the Messiah would be 483 years we knew the exact day and not only that we knew the exact year April 6th for 483 years after the command turns out to be April 6th 32 ad what a remarkable thing again write
this down to the nation of Israel the first coming of Christ is known as Palm Sunday you say wait is it the first coming of Christ hit the the baby being born in Bethlehem nope or how about the first coming of Christ is his crucifixion nope if somebody ever ask you when did Christ first come to Jerusalem the answer is Palm Sunday and by the way did he come physically everybody yes did he come riding in the back of a little donkey yep did everybody shout Hosanna Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
yep and the second coming of Christ guess what the only thing that’s different is that he comes the second time to rule and Reign he rides on the back of a not a donkey but a what a horse and he comes as king to what name Israel to what city Jerusalem both second comings are recorded in Daniel 9: 24 to 27 and it’s got to be Jerusalem it’s got to be Israel and they are absolutely to profound bookends to the existence of the nation of Israel notice that when Israel at the first coming was in existence it was under Roman
occupation the second coming of Christ he will come to liberate Israel and Jerusalem from Global occupation and the rule of the Antichrist one on a donkey humble Meek and Mild because he was prophesied that he would go to the cross in the Old Testament the second coming of Christ no donkey but an incredible White Horse and the Bible says that uh out of his mouth goes a sharp two-edged sword that with it is the word of God that with that he will strike the nations with judgment that’s the Christ that’s coming Listen
by the way both of those events are physical returns to Earth to Jerusalem to Israel in between somewhere in between is what’s called The Rapture it’s not a it’s not a coming the Rapture of the church is not a coming it’s an appearance Christ never comes to Earth in the Rapture 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 and John 14: 1 2 and three tells you that he’s in the atmosphere to receive his church and then he goes back to where he came from and I hope that happens today uh that would be great I still have a long day
ahead of me I’ve got buds to do yet and a Hospital visitation going on after that I believe now but come Lord Jesus church are you ready for something get your phone out get your phone ready I’m telling you I’m not joking do we really know what we’re talking about when we talk about this Palm Sunday and Jesus Christ in Bible prophecy why are we think about us right here right now we are people from all walks of life right here right now many Middle Eastern people attend this church for one of the very Reasons I’m going to
be giving you soon why is that the case why do we have many Egyptians who attend here what about Lebanese what about listen why is it that Persians have found a home here in this church in studying the Bible for the same reason why the Portuguese have or what are you you see it doesn’t matter what pigmentation or what nationality you and I are what has brought us together is the truth of almighty God and this is the truth that we’re about to look at and I need you to take photos because you can never write fast
enough I can barely say it fast enough obviously the topic is the prophecies regarding Jesus Christ in the Bible and we are going to match them up against the Old Testament scripture prophecy given listen the prophecy phy given and New Testament prophecy fulfilled you all see that now my before I go any further now my Jewish friends you’re Messiah you believe in a messiah coming that’s good so do we the difference is you believe your Messiah hasn’t come yet you’re waiting for him to come we believe that our Messiah your
Messiah is going to come again you see we believe that today according to the Bible what happened in Jerusalem is exactly what was supposed to happen based upon Bible prophecy but still to this day many Jewish people reject Jesus as Messiah Yeshua hamashiach so the question remains before you are you expecting the Messiah to come or are you expecting the Messiah to come again there’s a great difference because if you’re expecting him to come for the first time well Satan knows this and he’s going to create a man who who is
called the anti mhm the word anti in Greek means one of two things depends on the context it means the instead of or the opposite of the Antichrist operates as both he is the impostor Christ and Israel will worship him and he’s the instead of Christ where the world will bow down to him here we go why we believe Jesus is Messiah on this Palm Sunday number one the Messiah would be born of a woman that’s prophesied in Genesis 3:15 it’s answered in Matthew 1: 20 Galatians 4 verse4 number two the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem Micah
5:2 fulfilled Matthew 2 verse 1 and Luke 2: 4-6 the Messiah would be born of a virgin Isaiah 7 verse1 14 Matthew 1: 22-23 and Luke 1: 26-31 the Messiah would come from the line of Abraham Genesis 12:3 Genesis 22:18 fulfilled in Matthew 1:1 and Romans 9:5 the Messiah would be a descendant of Isaac Genesis 17:1 19 Genesis 21:12 recorded in Luke 3:34 six the Messiah would be the descendant of Jacob numbers 24:1 17 Matthew 1:2 number 7 Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:33 Hebrews
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