Don’t Settle for Safe – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Don’t Settle for Safe
Based off of her bestselling book, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts preaches “Don’t Settle for Safe” at The Potter’s House Dallas.
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
So my topic is indeed don’t settle for safe.
And my text is first kings 18 and seven.
I’ll be reading out of the new King James version.
I know daddy likes the King James version, but legacy does the new King James.
If that’s all right on today, first kings 18 and seven.
Now as Oba was on his way, suddenly Elijah met him and he recognized him and fell on his face and said, is that you my Lord Elijah and he answered him.
It is I go tell your master Elijah is here.
So he said, how have I sinned that you are delivering your servant into the hand of Ahab to kill me?
And as the Lord, your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom where my master has not sent someone to hunt for you.
We’ve been looking all over for you, Elijah.
And when they said he is not here, we all took an oath from the kingdom or nation that we could not find you.
And now you say after I’ve given up, after we swore we would never find you.
Now you tell me to go tell your master Elijah is here and it shall come to pass as soon as I am gone from you, that the spirit of the Lord will carry you to a place.
I do not know. So when I go and tell Ahab and he cannot find you, he will kill me.
But I your servant have feared the Lord from my youth. Was it not reported to my Lord?
What I did when Jezebel killed the prophets of the Lord, how I hid 100 men of the Lord’s prophets, 50 to a cave and fed them with bread and water.
And now you say, go tell your master Elijah is here. He will kill me.
Then Elijah said as the Lord of hosts lives before whom I stand, I will surely present myself to him today.
So went to me, they have and told him and they have went to meet Elijah spirit of the living God fall fresh in this place.
Do that thing that you do when hearts come together, crying out for change.
Oh God, I ask that you would begin to saturate this place that you would allow your anointing to flow.
Like never before that you would clear a path.
Oh God, where the enemy tried to trip us up or make us stop that you would clear a path.
Oh God, in this room that hearts would start turning back towards you, that families would be restored.
Oh God, that this nation would remember who was God and God alone.
And so I ask, oh God that you would remove any nerves, any fears, any insecurities that would dare threaten this word.
And instead you would allow your spirit to overflow. I am your vessel. Oh God.
And I humble myself under your mighty hand. And I say, have your way in Jesus name.
Amen. As I was studying for today’s message, I recognize that Oba was in a peculiar situation.
You see, the king of Ahab had been prophesized to by Elijah that a drought would come three years before we find them in the text and the drought came and there is a severe famine in the land and Oba is paying for the mistakes of Ahab’s wickedness and as is keeping this his faith, it’s his faith is still with him.
Yet he’s still having to live in an environment where his faith can’t really work on his behalf because it’s been confined by the wickedness that they have.
And so when we find in the text, him and Ahab have had a meeting and in this meeting, they said, listen, you know, there’s this famine, there’s a drought in the land.
And so I want you to go to where there used to be water and I want you to look at the place where there were springs and brooks and see if there’s any grass that’s still alive and if there’s any grass that’s still alive, I want you to bring it back so that we can feed the livestock because otherwise we can’t continue living the way we’ve been living.
What they were doing was looking at the carrying capacity of their environment in ecology.
There’s a term called the carrying capacity.
And the carrying capacity is the maximum number of a species an environment can support indefinitely.
So let’s say, for instance, you are shipwrecked and you find yourself on this private island somewhere and not the private islands that we see like on the news with mansions and homes already there, there’s a few fruit trees and you and X amount of people and you start doing the math because you recognize that we can’t just eat everything.
We see, we’ve got to ration this thing out and as we ration this thing out, we’ll see how long, how much we can eat based off of what’s being produced in the land.
It’s called the carrying capacity.
If we’re gonna be on this island forever, then we can only eat one mango a day because only one mango is produced from this tree a day.
So if we’re going to survive, we can only eat this much.
I’ll give it to you uh a bit different.
It’s like when you’re in relationship with a friend and you recognize that there are a lot of drama and you start looking at your nerves and seeing how many of your nerves you can ration out indefinitely.
And you start thinking like listen, if we don’t stay connected, I only have one nerve a month to give you.
And if you use that one nerve, I might have to move you out of my environment because otherwise you’re gonna overdraft me.
It’s my carrying capacity.
It’s not that I don’t want to help you.
It’s just that I only have a certain capacity and if you exhaust that capacity, then I’m going to be the one in trouble and you’re not changing any way from these conversations.
So I might as well do what I have to do to save myself. It’s my carrying capacity.
So that’s what you can tell them next time when they’re like, listen, can we get together and talk?
I know you helped me last time.
But this time for real, I’m gonna listen, you say, you know what based on my carrying capacity, I’m not gonna be able to meet with you.
This month, next month is looking a little bit better depending on how the kids are acting and how my husband’s doing.
Then I’ll know for sure whether or not I can carry your burdens and my burdens too.
It’s not you. It’s me, it’s my carrying capacity.
So ahab and are trying to figure out the carrying capacity of Samaria, how much can we eat before we have to start killing our livestock?
But I submit for your consideration while they were looking at the carrying capacity of Samaria that the Lord was trying to show Oba that his faith had a carrying capacity.
His faith, he had figured out how to live in a drought and to only have enough faith to survive indefinitely in that drought, but not to actually end the drought.
It’s like when we recognize that our marriages aren’t what they could be, but we only have enough faith to maintain them on the level that they are.
We don’t have enough faith to actually trust again and be vulnerable again.
We only have enough to, to make breakfast and go through the motions but not to actually save things.
Our faith, our faith, our spirituality ends up with these carrying capacities where we don’t dream anymore and we don’t push beyond the limits anymore because the last time we stepped out on faith that didn’t work out the way we wanted to.
So we learned to live life safe even if that means living in a drought.
And you know what’s wrong with being comfortable living in a drought is that you only attract thirsty people.
You only attract people who are just as thirsty as you are.
To be honest, the only people available and in your sphere of influence are people who are comfortable living in droughts.
Oh Feared the Lord Ahab did not yet.
They were still in the same drought.
And we get fooled into thinking that just because we fear the Lord that we’re different than the person who lives in wickedness.
Because until you actually start exercising that faith, are you really any different than the person you’re judging because your face looks more like religion than relationship.
When you don’t actually exercise it in your life is comfortable living in a drought.
I’m not exactly who I could be, but I can’t risk growing because growing requires vulnerability.
I’m not exactly maxing out my potential, but I can’t really afford to step out of my comfort zone because this drought is all I’ve known.
So I’d rather stay, stay in the drought. I love then pray for a rain. I can’t handle.
I’d rather stay in this Brokenness because it’s the way everyone connects with me.
It’s just how I am and I know I could change and I know I could be better but it would risk shaking up what I’ve learned to be comfortable with.
And so I’d rather just stay in this drought. Can’t go back to school.
I’m too old for that. I can’t write the book.
I can’t step out on faith.
I, I’d rather live in this drought and hate on people who had the audacity to go looking for water.
Sometimes people can be very hateful when they see you looking for water because they’ve been so comfortable living in the drought that they don’t understand why you can’t just be thirsty the way everybody else is thirsty.
But something down on the inside of me knows that there’s a well available to me.
So I don’t believe that this drought is my final answer.
I believe that I can step out of this drought.
I have enough faith to believe that I can tap into a, well, I have something down on the inside of me that knows that this drought is not my destiny, that this drought can dictate my destiny.
There’s something down on the inside of me that believes that I could find some water somewhere and that’s why I came into the potter’s house at nine o’clock in the morning because I just happen to believe that there’s a whale somewhere and I’m willing to step over thirsty people to get to my Well.
So is about to have an encounter that’s gonna stretch his faith I love in verse seven when he sees Elijah says now as Obadiah was on his way, he was on his way.
Not necessarily the Lord’s way, not necessarily the way that Lee He was on his way.
I’m trying to figure this thing out on myself.
I, I don’t have all the answers, but I’m on my way.
Sometimes you can’t afford to talk to God because if you did, he’d call you out of what you’ve been comfortable with.
So you learn how to live life on your way was on his way.
He was on his way and suddenly Elijah met him when he, have you ever had a suddenly kind of moment where God meets you when you were on your way.
And he says, no, I’m about to detour this thing because your ways are not my ways.
And I got something greater for you than what you concocted back in your insecurities.
And so allow me, allow me to have a suddenly moment with you.
And so sees him and he recognizes him and he falls on his face and he said, is that you my Lord and Elijah answers him.
It is I go tell your master, Elijah is here.
I didn’t understand how when said is that you my Lord?
That Elijah then takes a turn and says it is I go tell your master because I thought to myself certainly with acknowledging him as a lord that he would not then tell him that he had a master.
But then I realized I realized daddy that you can have a Lord and a master that you can come to church every Sunday.
But when you leave this place, your insecurity is your master.
That your bondage, that the place of your bondage is really your master.
That you can have a Lord and a master. That fear, fear can be your master.
Even when the Lord is your Lord.
Elijah said, yeah, you may recognize me as the Lord.
But until you tell your master that I’m here, I can’t really move in your life the way I need to until you tell your master that not, not the Lord that stepped into the room, then your fear is always gonna control you until you tell that thing that’s broken down on the inside of you.
That Elijah just showed up with a word from the Lord.
And that fear has no more power in this place that I’m no longer under the authority of my fear because I recognize who my Lord is.
Mhm Somebody’s got to leave this place and go tell their master you have no control over me any longer because I know who my Lord is.
And because I know who my Lord is, I don’t have to surrender or submit to anything other than the king of kings and Lord of Lords.
You’re no longer my master fear. You have no place here. Generational curses.
You have no place here. Depression. You are not my master, suicidal thoughts.
You are not my master, Brokenness over my Children. You are not my master.
I’m losing those things out of my mind. Failure. You’re not my master.
You have to recognize that when God places something down on the inside of you that the master that is fear tries to take it away from you and you find yourself balancing the act of knowing who the Lord is.
But having a master, a master that can’t grow you or stretch you a master that confines you and limits you a master that tells you you can’t do it just because no one else in your family has done it, that master, that master, that, that creeps into your mind in the middle of the night and says, you better give up, you better stop praying for that.
That blessing is not for you.
You’re not gonna be able to hold on to that thing that master, that master is going to have a confrontation with faith and must choose in this text between his Lord and his master.
Our master that fear places limits on our faith and what the Lord can do.
So all of this time, I thought that this text was about and ahab figuring out the carrying capacity of the environment.
But really it was about taking the capacities off of what his faith could do.
Because if he could stop rationing out enough faith to just get by and start living in a realm of faith that says, I can do all things through Christ, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, that everyone else can be in a drought.
And I still find water because that’s the kind of faith I have.
I thought that may be, this was less about what was going on in the environment and more about what was taking place on the inside of him.
And verse nine continues in my text and says to Elijah, how have I sinned that you are delivering your servant into the hand of ahab to kill me?
How have I sinned that you would choose me?
That you would make me stand out that you would cause me to disrupt the norm.
How have I sinned? That you would not allow me to fit in with everyone else that I can’t find any friends that I can’t find the path.
That how have I sinned? Oh, saw Elijah choosing him as punishment, not as positioning.
The way you see it is punishment that nobody fully gets you and not as positioning because you were never supposed to be in that group in the first place.
He sees it as punishment to be chosen instead of as a reward for His faithfulness.
If you aren’t careful, you’ll mistake what God is rewarding you with his punishment because we never recognize that the reward doesn’t come in the way we think it does.
When the reward comes, it tells us who our friends really are.
When the reward comes, it shows us what was really down on the inside of us.
Sometimes the reward means you have to lose your job to start the business.
Sometimes the reward means that you can’t be who you used to be and be who God has called you to be at the same time.
So we start breaking things off of you. Sometimes the reward for your faithfulness feels like punishment.
It feels like punishment.
How have I sinned that?
I don’t have anybody who really gets me. How, what’s wrong with me?
Why me, why me to risk my life?
Why me to risk being hurt. Why me? Why me?
How have I sinned that?
I couldn’t find a circle that everyone else had a mentor, but I couldn’t find one person report to me that everyone else had a daddy and everyone else had this white picket fence and my mama had a drug pipe.
How, how have I seen that? I’ve been set apart and punished.
What do we do when our positioning feels like punishment When that being separated and isolated feels like we’ve done something wrong.
How have I, how have I sinned?
How have I sent?
He says, and so over he was chosen to disrupt the norm, but he was gonna have to be willing to be spotlighted for a moment.
He was going to have to be willing to see that.
What I’m calling you to do is not going to kill you, but it is going to change you.
And in the process of changing you, I may have to hurt you a little bit, but I’m not gonna hurt you any more than I’m gonna bless you.
So though I’m slaying you, I need you to trust in me because I got a plan in all of this.
And the first plan means you have to contract your fears and you have to confront the fact that you wanted to fit in but couldn’t fit in.
But I strategic strategically placed you in rooms where you would not fit in.
But so that you would have access.
So that when I got ready to do what I was going to do in your life, you would already have access.
I placed you and companies, then I had to get fired from the company, but I needed you to see how the business operated so that when you start your company and then between it feels like punishment.
But when I get finished telling your story, you’re going to recognize it was positioning because had I kept you where you wanted to stay, you would have never manifest all that I placed down on the inside of you that you would have never created legacy.
The way that I have destined for you to create legacy. So you have to stop seeing.
This season is punishment. When it’s positioning, they’re not supposed to get you right now.
It’s not supposed to make sense right now.
The deal is not supposed to work out right now. It’s all about positioning the drought.
I used the drought to create the thirst so that I could get you alone so I could show you who you really are.
So all this time, you’ve been resenting the drop, but I use the drop to humble you because if I would have gave it to you, when you asked for it, you wouldn’t have valued it the way you’re gonna value it.
After this drought. I think somebody better turn to their neighbor and tell them the drought is over the drought is over, the drought is over.
I, I hear, I hear the clouds coming. I think, I think the rain is on the way.
I think, I think the drought is over. I think I learned my lesson.
I think I understand what he was doing now. I think, I think the drought is over.
I think, I think the drought is over.
You’ll know the drought is over when you start feeling unqualified for the next level because it means that God is about to grow you into becoming bigger than the drought.
Oh You didn’t realize it because he saw what Elijah was doing as punishment that he had actually ended the drought.
He just had to manifest it by doing it by doing what God called him to do.
In verse 10 continues and it says as the Lord, your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom where my master has not sent someone to hunt for you.
And when they said He is not here, he took an oath from the kingdom or nation that they could not find.
You had already made a vow with his fears, but faith was coming to break it.
The only problem is it was gonna risk vulnerability.
And this is the part where nobody likes to shout, which is like totally a bummer for me.
But if I don’t tell you this part, you’re not gonna understand why God has made you vulnerable in a season.
Where you ask for strength, you’re not gonna recognize how, when you ask for a new dimension in the next level, how first you had to risk vulnerability because says I’ve already told Ahab that we couldn’t find you.
I vowed that I couldn’t find you. I made an oath I gave up already.
I’ve already given up. I have a rhythm.
Now I come to church on Sunday.
I go to work Monday through Saturday and I don’t risk anything other than that.
I’ve already given up on that child.
I’ve already given up or that there’s anything you can do with my life. I’ve already given up on that.
I made an oath that I would give up that I wouldn’t try anymore.
I made a vow already that I wouldn’t do this.
And so you want me to go back and change the vow that I made with my insecurities and tell them that Elijah is here when I already looked all over.
You? See, I wanted to find you. I wanted to believe.
I wanted to have hope, but having hope hurt it hurt me.
Last time I had hope. It broke me. Last time I had hope. I lost my child.
Last time I had hope. I’ve already given up. Faith hurts.
This level of faith hurts.
I have enough faith to, to be in a drought, but I don’t have enough faith to go and tell that drought that it’s over.
I, I, I’ve already become comfortable in this drought.
I made a vow and now I have to go back and risk being vulnerable after I’ve built these walls that I love so much.
I got a risk opening up. I got a risk forgiving.
I got a risk looking back on my past and, and saying it’s ok.
I’ve already, I’ve already been there and, and thinks that he can predict the future because in verse 11 in 12 it says, and it shall come to pass as soon as I’m gone from you, that the spirit of the Lord will carry you to a place.
I do not know. So when I go and tell Ahab and he cannot find you, he will kill me.
Have you ever tried to predict the outcome?
I would have faith.
But if I have faith, I already know how this is gonna play out.
You’re gonna leave me just like you did the last time.
You’re not going to show up the way I needed you to show up in the past.
I’m gonna be out here vulnerable for everyone to see that.
I actually wasn’t comfortable living in the drought that I actually do want to save the mayors that I actually do want the kids to come back, that I actually do want the degree and I do want the business.
You want me to risk being vulnerable.
And the moment I do, I’m not gonna get in college, I’m not gonna have the finances.
I’m not gonna have the resources. The kids aren’t gonna listen to me.
You want me to risk being vulnerable while you disappear because sometimes the spirit of the Lord that we fill in the moment on a Sunday disappears when it’s time for us to actually walk this thing out, we can be on fire in the room.
But when it’s time to actually start acting out this faith, it seems like this thing has disappeared a little bit.
Where is the spirit of the Lord?
When I’m in this argument, where is the spirit of the Lord?
When I reach out and, and I don’t get the response, I need it in return.
I already know how this is gonna turn out thinks that he can predict the outcome.
He doesn’t recognize that in praying that his situation would change, that he would have to change too.
That means that you can’t know it all and surrender it all at the same time that you can’t predict the outcome and tell God to write the story.
At the same time, God says you’re gonna have to be a blank canvas in this season that you can’t let other people’s outcome determine your outcome.
That just because it didn’t work in the past doesn’t mean it’s not gonna work this time.
I’m going to do things a little bit differently.
The difference between the first time they looked for Elijah and the second time that Elijah appears is that the first time they were looking for it and the second time it came to them and that’s why you can’t rush the process because you can’t hustle up on this thing that God is trying to do in your life.
You gotta just make sure you’re in the right place at the right time because it’s gonna come right in.
You being in the middle of your way, it’s just gonna appear out of nowhere.
It’s just gonna appear in your finances. It’s just gonna appear in your household.
It’s just gonna here on 67 77 West Key Boulevard. Somebody’s gonna get a release.
Somebody is gonna get a word from the Lord that just appears.
I thought I was just coming to a regular Sunday service but I think a word just appeared down in my spirit.
I think something just shook up my fear. I think something just shook off chains.
I feel strong colds coming down. I hear chains breaking.
I hear somebody going back to the place where they used to be in bondage and coming back freer than they ever realized.
I hear Children coming back home. I hear marriages being restored.
I hear business meetings somewhere talking about people who are sitting in a church service.
I hear no, I hear a shaken ha is shaken, is shaking, is shaking.
Somebody’s capacity is stretching. Somebody is starting to dream again. Somebody is starting to believe again.
Somebody starting to tap into the power of God.
Like never before somebody is starting to believe that they really are who God said they are.
Somebody is starting to believe that no weapon formed against them shall prosper.
Somebody is starting to believe that their path can’t divine them. Somebody is starting to believe again.
I hear marriage is being restored something.
God has interrupted your normal programming to let you know that the drought is over.
That the bed is still on, that.
You can break out of your comfort zone that you can tap into. You’re unstoppable.
You can’t predict this outcome.
This isn’t gonna work out the way it worked out in the past.
Don’t let your past experiences pave the road of your present because I wanna do a new thing in your life and I can’t do a new thing.
If you’re still holding on to the old thing, I can’t do a new thing.
If you’re still holding on to the old thing. I know you couldn’t find me before.
But what does before have to do with now? I, I, I got something different for you this time.
You’re not gonna turn out the way your daddy turned out.
You’re not gonna do it the way your mother did it. What I have for you is for you.
And just because you’ve never seen anybody do, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it.
As a matter of fact, it is a sign that you must do it because if you’ve never seen anybody do it, there’s a lane somewhere with your name on it.
And that lane is reserved for you and you alone that lane can’t nobody mess with you in that lane.
Can’t nobody knock you off your course in that lane, competition doesn’t matter when you’re in that lane, there’s a lane with your name on it.
Somebody just found their lane. I can fill it in the room.
Somebody just found their lane. I can fill it in the room. Somebody just found their lane.
Somebody just took their faith off cruz control.
I have more to say, I just want somebody to worship God for being in their lane because it doesn’t seem like this moment is going to pass, which means somebody’s got to sow a seed in this environment and see the praise in this environment and see the worship in this environment because somebody just found their lane.
Somebody who thought they couldn’t move anymore, just found their lane. Somebody just recognize who they are.
Somebody realized the only thing that’s keeping the water from coming is what you believe.
The only thing that’s keeping the drought in place is what you believe.
And if you would dare change what you believe in the drought would be over.
If you would dare change what you believe is possible for your life, then the drought would be over everything you have in your life right now.
Is a result of what you believe. God said. If you elevate your thinking, I’ll do even better than that.
I do exceedingly abundantly above all.
I Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
You see, was riding off of the wave of what he had done with the prophets when he hid 100 prophets in two different caves.
He thought that he had had enough faith in the past that there would be no need for him to stretch his faith any further.
But he that began a good work down on the inside of him said, you can’t afford to play it safe in this season.
You can’t afford to have the kind of faith that keeps you safe in this season.
You need to have the kind of faith that starts shaking things up in your environment.
You need to have the kind of faith that starts demanding that the hand of God is on your Children.
The enemy doesn’t want somebody to get this message because if they get this message, their children’s children’s Children are going to be saved.
If you get this message down in a sober way, you’re supposed to, nothing’s going to be able to stand in your way in the same city where there was a drought for and the people of Israel.
Thousands of years later, a man named Jesus would walk into some area and he would tell a woman sitting at a well that you have a drought in your life that you don’t even know about.
And while you may give me water from this, well, I have the kind of water down on the inside of me that would cause you to never thirst again.
And if you drink from this water, a spring would come up from the inside of you and you would never ever be in drought again.
If you understood the power that was available to you, then out of your belly would flow rivers, rivers, rivers, the kind of rivers that made sure your Children never had a drought, the kind of rivers that would make sure generational curses were broken off of your family, rivers of living life.
Oh But you didn’t realize that he finally had back up because Elijah was there because Elijah was in the building.
He was no longer the only person who feared the Lord.
And I want you to know that 2000 years ago you’re back up, got on the cross and they stretched him wide and they hung him high.
So that when you were in a drought in 2017 rivers would be available to you.
I wish you would open up your mouth and make a way for rivers to start flowing from the inside of you.
I wish you would open up your mouth and let a spring come up down on the inside of you.
I wish you would open up your mouth and declare that the drought is over and declare that the drought is over, that your Children are coming home, that your marriage is saved.
I dare you to open up your mouth and declare that the drought is over.
You have no place here. Keep your hands off my Children.
That’s why I just right now in the name of Jesus, in the name that is above all names that this drought is over, that this drought has come to an end.
I do. Do you know who your Lord is?
Do you know who your Lord is the?
You gotta stop being comfortable in this trout.
You got a dare to get uncomfortable. You gotta dare to break outside of your comfort zone.
You can’t afford to play it safe any longer. You gotta risk something in this thing.
Your faith has got to put a down payment on your destiny.
Your faith has gotta put a down payment on this thing.
You gotta work for this thing. You gotta have faith for this thing.
You can’t just sit back and be passive. You gotta believe in this thing.
You gotta believe that what God has for you is for you. You gotta believe this thing.
You gotta believe that your best days are ahead of you.
You gotta believe that you haven’t lost anything behind you that you need it for God to push you forward.
You gotta believe this thing and what I saw in the text is at the moment, went and told they have that Elijah was here that they have met Elijah.
The master went in, submitted to the Lord.
I dare you to start telling your finances and to start telling your marriage and to start telling your Children and to start telling your workplace and to start telling your school that Elijah is here that the Lord just showed up in the darkest, scariest, most insecure places of my life that I just received a word from the Lord that I’m no longer in bondage anymore, that you’re no longer my master any longer.
Because a word just showed up and because the word just showed up, my freedom was attached to it, my victory was attached to it.
I can overcome the because I received a word I can tap into something because I received a word.
I’m not afraid any longer life, throw your best shot at me. I just received a word that I’m unstoppable.
I just received a word that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
I just received a word that I don’t have to settle for safe any longer that I can have the kind of faith that pulls my community out.
I can have the kind of faith I need their faith.
I need face like that. You need face like that.
You need the kind of faith where it doesn’t matter who’s president, you need the kind of faith where it doesn’t matter what the bank says.
You need the kind of faith where it doesn’t matter what the bank account says, you need the kind of faith that doesn’t matter what statistics say you need, the kind of faith that says sales can’t hold me back.
You need the kind of faith that says, I don’t care how anyone else has done it.
Thank me.
I got rid of my carrying capacity as it relates to my faith.
I’m not rationing it out any longer.
Like I’m never gonna get anymore because I found a whale sitting on top of a whale that says that I can drink from a fountain that never runs dry.
So I have paid for the impossible to become possible in my life because I found that well, that was sitting on top of that well, in a place where there was a drought in Samaria, all of a sudden living water sprung up thousands of years later.
And even in this city, even in this room, rivers are flowing, rivers are flowing where there was a drought.
I see rivers flowing. I want to have a moment at this altar for people who were tired of playing it safe.
They wanna have the kind of faith that helps them to believe that they can overcome anything that happens to them in life.
If you don’t have to leave, please don’t leave because rivers are flowing.
And if you go one way and the river is flowing another way, you may cause a drought in somebody’s life.
If you don’t have to go, please don’t go. Because I see river rivers flowing to the altar right now.
I see rivers upon rivers. I see Children being saved coming to the altar right now.
I see a river flowing like never before. I see rivers, rivers are flowing, rivers are flowing, rivers are flowing.
Somebody just stepped into the water. Somebody just stepped into the water.
Rivers, bless your name. Savior, bless your name.
Savior rivers, rivers, rivers had to get out of his comfort zone.
Just like those of you who are coming to the altar.
You’re gonna lay your master down at the altar and you’re gonna walk away with your Lord.
Those of you who are coming to the altar are gonna come back different than you were before.
You’re gonna recognize that you’ve had back up all of this time that you thought you were in this thing on your own.
But there was a back up plan 2000 years ago when you just received access to the rivers, the rivers the rivers are flowing.
I hear the rivers.
I see the rivers drowning your insecurities. I see the rivers drowning addiction.
I see the rivers. I see the rivers, I see the rivers drowning bitterness. I see the rivers drowning, anger.
I see the rivers, drowning, suicidal thoughts. I see the rivers. I see the rivers.
I see the rivers drowning bondage right now in the name of Jesus.
I see the rivers, the strongest power on earth, the rivers, the rivers, the rivers are flowing in this room.
Can’t you hear?
Can’t you hear the sound of the rivers pushing you out of your comfort zone?
Demanding that you no longer play it safe, insisting that you come into alignment with who God has called you to be requiring you to face some demons and to face some struggles.
But promising you, you don’t have to do this thing on your own. Because there’s a backup plan.
There’s a river springing whoever drinks of this water will thirst again.
But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give them will never never, they’ll never be in a drought again.
If you drink from this water, you’ll never be in a drought again because you’ll recognize that even a drought is your servant that even the drought is just a temporary thing because there are rivers available to you.
I wish you would lift your hands and begin to worship like you just stepped into the river like a well just sprung up down on the inside of you.
Like change is taking place while you’re at this altar that while you’re here, that your families are being saved.
That while you’re at this altar with your hands being held up, that the rivers are touching your homes, that the rivers are touching your cities, that the rivers are touching your Children, that the rivers are touching your finances that the rivers are touching business deals.
Right now. The rivers, the rivers where there was a drought, there was a river.
I want you to get that place of drought on your mind right now.
Now see the water rushing over that thing. See the blood covering that thing rushing down right now.
In the name of Jesus, you can worship your way out of this drought.
Your worship is the key love.
Oh Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. They Jesus, I speak Jesus to your drown Jesus Jesus, Jesus Jesus in that dry place, Jesus Jesus Jesus in that broken place, Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus Jesus.
Let there be a flow like never before Jesus. Let there be a flow like never before.
Open the flood gates of heaven.
Oh God, open the flood gates of heaven and let there be a blow the way I see things, let there be a flow that shows me who I am.
The name above all names, the undisputed champ, the greatest of all time.
The name that is above all names. We speak restoration right now.
In the name of Jesus, we serve notice on every drought, every weapon, every enemy, every devil right now.
In the name of Jesus, the drought is over. There will be no lack.
In the name of Jesus, we speak overflow spirit of the living God fall fresh on our drought.
Let there be increase like never before we declare and decree by the name of Jesus that the drought in our life is over that who the son is set free is free.
Indeed. And so we are no longer bound by who we used to be.
But instead we step into all you have called us to be no longer will we settle?
Oh God, for we have tapped into unstoppable. Let there be rivers. Oh God. Rivers flowing out of your people.
Oh God, rivers, rivers, not just one drop. Oh God. But let there be a river like never before.
Oh God, help us to recognize what you’re doing in this season that you’re not punishing us.
You’re positioning us that you’re not punishing us.
You’re preparing us, help us to recognize that all things are working together for our good.
So we can trust you help us to not be comfortable living in a drought when you’ve called us to have overflow, help us to recognize that we’re not in this thing on our own.
So give us the strength to disrupt the norm and to not be afraid of who we lose in the process.
Give us the strength to disrupt the norm and to not be afraid of being uncomfortable because we recognize