Don’t Disturb Me – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Don’t Disturb Me – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

God wants to use you to change the world! On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares inspiring stories to encourage you to get involved in loving others on a daily basis.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

well I wanted to thank you for watching our YouTube channel and for those of you supporting our efforts to produce these videos thank you thank you you are part of spreading the gospel around the world if you’re not a partner prayerfully consider joining our efforts to help others the way you’ve been helped through the teachings we can only imagine all the places God sends these videos once we post them online but because it’s filled with his word we know it’s bringing light into Dark Places scan our QR code and give today

it’s a decision that provides Everlasting benefits to you and those waiting to see these messages this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries love is not just a word it’s not a sermon it’s not something we theorize about it’s action I’m Joyce Meyer I’ve seen God’s power transform my own life and he will do it for you I’m going to challenge you to pray every morning God would you put somebody in my path today that I can help how many of you would be willing to

do that okay now you stuck your hand up there and God saw it amen and you can’t be picky and choosy and remember there’s none of this no Lord that doesn’t work you can’t be selective about what God asked you to do I had another experience about two weeks ago I was in a restaurant eating and you know everybody’s short of workers today which I don’t get any of that but they can’t nobody’s got any money but nobody wants to work so I can’t quite figure that out and so they didn’t have enough

waiters and waitresses to take care of the crowd in there so we sat there 20 minutes before anybody ever even came to bring us any water and of course I’m trying to act like a Christian and not be impatient but I’m I’m not the best waiter in the world and so um this girl finally comes over and she’s real friendly she said I’m so sorry you’ve been sitting here such a long time she said we are so short on help and she said I’m working 65 hours a week and you could tell she was just so

tired that she could hardly stand it well when we got ready to leave we gave her $100 tiet and uh you know just to be nice and my husband just said you know you’re doing you’re doing a good job here you’re really going the extra mile working hard so we just wanted to bless you so she starts [Applause] crying and she cries for 15 minutes she’s cry she’s the bartender she’s crying behind the bar she’s crying at the tables and so in the course of talking with her she said yeah it’s just been so

tough she said I was totally out of work for a while when Co first hit because the restaurant clothes and she said I got behind on my electric and she said every month I’m afraid they’re going to turn it off and she you know she was just saying how much it meant to her to get that tip well we started home and God wanted to interrupt me again and I felt like he said pay her electric bill well I didn’t know what it was but I figure if they’re ready to turn her electric off it wasn’t going to be

cheap and um to be real honest I asked my daughter if she would go back over there the next day and take care of this for me because I didn’t really want to go over there and look silly again and uh she said no wouldn’t be comfortable doing that so how many of you are with me you know so now I’m busy I got lots to do but I get myself back over to the restaurant the next day and she wasn’t there she wasn’t working that day but the hostess recognized me and said oh I love you so much and you’ve helped me so much

I said well good you can help me with something and so I had a note if you send your electric bill to this email address we’d like to pay it for you and so the next day she contacts my daughter by email so she types this note back and she said you know I had just about lost my faith in God but you have no idea what this means to me I’ve never had anybody be this kind to me in my whole life and then one other story my daughter you know it doesn’t always have to involve money sometimes people just need you to

listen or sometimes even just a smile or just to tell somebody you’re doing a good job my daughter was coming out of the store one day and this elderly gentleman was waiting at the curb by her and there was all kinds of traffic going by and she was in a hurry wanted to get home and do all these things but she had to wait for all this traffic so this man starts talking to her and she didn’t really want to listen but you know if we’re going to be real Christians we don’t always get to do what we want to

do amen and so she said I felt like God just put on my heart to just stand there and listen to him so she said I stood there for 15 minutes and just listen to him and you know what that was just a kind thing to do but you know what we’ve always got something else we have in addition to our do not disturb sign is we’ve all got an excuse [Applause] bag and so really to be honest most Christians just look like [Applause] this oh the cameras come out when I act silly now of course we wouldn’t wear them like this but they’re really

there we always have an excuse when it’s not going to be convenient love always finds a way but indifference finds an excuse a reporter interviewing people on the street approached A well-dressed successful looking man and asked what are the two most pressing problems in America and the man said I don’t know and I don’t care and the reporter said sir you are absolutely correct those are the two biggest problems people don’t know and they don’t [Applause] care Hallelujah well I went to church last

Sunday isn’t that enough no see we’re just fooling ourselves if we’re not going to get out in the world and live it now you’re being a little too quiet we’re just fooling ourselves if we’re going to get out and I know that’s a little bit scary because you think I CH I don’t know if I can do that kind of stuff like you’re talking about well it’s not that you know God has me do something like that every day but I get interrupted a lot by God cuz it’s about more than just coming

and sitting in a Pew amen indifference is the attitude that pervades our culture today I don’t know and I don’t care don’t disturb me I’ve always got an excuse I’m too busy I’m too this I’m too that I don’t know how to do that I’d feel silly whatever it might be in Luke 14:1 12-14 it said Jesus said to his host when you give a lunch and or a dinner don’t invite your friends your brothers or your sisters your relatives or your richb neighbors if you do they might invite you back and then you’ll be

repaid now you know Jesus used a lot of OV exaggerations to make points and that was very common in those days I do it sometimes in my preaching I’ll overstate something to make a point and uh so he didn’t he’s not really saying you can’t have your friends for dinner he’s just saying make sure that that’s not all that you have how about let’s heav some of the people that you don’t know that can’t pay you back but when you give a banquet invite the poor the crippled the lame

and the Blind and you will be blessed although they cannot repay you you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous Luke 14:16 through2 Jesus replied A Certain man Was preparing a great banquet and he invited many guests and at the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited come because everything’s now ready but they all alike began to make excuses and I think maybe Jesus might be saying today okay everything is all ready come now and get out in the world and start doing what you say you

believe H but they all alike began to make excuses the first one said well I just bought a field and I have to go see to it please excuse me another said I’ve just bought five yolk of oxen and I’m on my way to try them out would you please excuse me and still another said well I just got married so I can’t come please excuse me in Matthew 8:1 19-22 it says then a teacher of the law came to him teacher I will follow you wherever you go and Jesus replied foxes have dens and birds have nests but the son of man has no place to even lay his

head in other words if you’re going to follow me it’s not always going to be comfortable another disciple said to him Lord I’d like to go but first let me go and bury my father listen to what Jesus said but Jesus said follow me and let the dead bury the dead so what’s Jesus saying leave the dead stuff alone and follow me how many hours a day do you spend on social media Listening to All the gossip and the stupidity that people spurt out about stuff they don’t even know anything [Applause] about I you would not believe

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