Direct Your Mind To The Highway | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Direct Your Mind To The Highway
Direct Your Mind To The Highway #2318. Every believer deals with falling. But are there ways to avoid it happening? And what do you do if you fall? Learn the keys of averting, overcoming, and redeeming the fall – and the powerful keys from an ancient Scripture.
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. Print Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. Print Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Now, the scripture warns us of falling away.
Now, I don’t care and I’m not talking about falling away, but I’m talking about falling in any way or falling back or backsliding in anyway, I don’t care what your theology is on this.
The Bible warns us take care that you don’t fall away.
Now you wanna put that into a theology of saying this, it doesn’t matter. That’s what the Bible says.
So the Bible says warns us be careful, that means we have to be careful. All of us will.
Does God love us to keep us? Yes, he does. But does he also require that we don’t fall away?
Yes, he does that we take care.
And so we must take care to do everything we can to avoid going off the course, going off the road, not only does it keep you safe, but it also again, gives you spiritual power momentum.
Now I’m gonna go through the Bible in a few places where it talks about going off because we all deal with going off in some way.
Sometimes big, sometimes little Messiah said, be careful that you do not fall into temptation.
He said that to his disciples. Be careful, be careful. The opposite of being careful is what being care less.
Messiah was with them. And even while he’s with them, he says be careful that you don’t fall, even though he’s with them that you don’t fall.
Now, there’s no believer who wants to fall. There’s no believer who wants to backslide.
But the key is to be careful to guard. There’s ways of avoiding this or minimizing it in your life.
Now I’m reading now from Galatians three.
You can open up to it or you can just listen, Paul is speaking of an entire city or, or congregation that has fallen away from God and, and now this had to do with not so much just uh not so much falling into sin as we know, but falling into lies or falsehood.
And that leads to everything else. He says you foolish Galatians who has Bewitched you before whose eyes?
Yeshua Jesus Messiah was publicly shown as crucified. This is the only thing I want to find out from you.
Did you receive the, did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law or by hearing with faith?
Are you so foolish having begun in the spirit? You’re now gonna be perfected in the flesh.
Now, he’s talking to people who have fallen in this way that they fell off from the course by believing something that wasn’t true.
They believed that they had to, to, to go and had to do things under the law.
When I was growing up, there was a comedy on television.
Some of you remember it called Bewitched about a witch who becomes a housewife in suburban America.
It was the sixties. They made it as a fun thing.
But here now Paul is using, I mean, it’s translated, but Paul is using the word Bewitched and he’s speaking of backsliding and he’s saying you were Bewitched.
There’s overtones here of the enemy, the enemy is always trying to bewitch you.
He’s trying to make you go to the right or the left however he can in Colossians 2 18, Paul says, don’t let anybody defraud you of your prize fraud.
In other words, also, the enemy is trying to defraud you of your prize backsliding or falling away is falling off is being defrauded by the enemy or being, being deceived.
Now, one way or the other, you know, you know, to fall away is to give it to sin or to fall to the rights given to sin.
Now at the same, you can have the right theology, but you’ve fallen us in.
But here there’s another way of falling is when you, you actually get off in your doctrine or belief.
And we have to touch on that too.
And that’s saying this, we have to be careful what we believe and what we accept and what we receive, well, what we hear even in teachings or, or from the world.
I remember early in the Lord at a Bible study and a woman came to the Lord and she was going to a psychiatrist and she was so, so thrilled about the Lord.
It just, it was shining. She goes to psychiatrist. Psychiatrist says, you can’t do that.
And she listens to him.
Believers, many believers go to college and they’re not prepared for what they’re going to be told.
Most colleges are anti Bible, anti God, most of them. And so the thing is that so they’re not prepared.
And then the professor says, oh, it’s really, it’s all been proven and they just accept it because they’re not prepared for it and they fall away.
There are people who come up with new theories all the time.
You know, when they speak with authority, it was a woman.
I remember one time on television, I think it was, I might have, it was on a news, a major news uh on, on, I think it was ABC and a woman say there’s a new theory that they, that she, she figured out that in the Bible when it talks about the New Testament about the, the disciples and the Sea of Galilee, it really doesn’t mean Sea of Galilee.
It’s a code. It really means the dead sea and then she’s linking the disciples with the Dead Sea community and all, all this stuff.
And the media is like, wow, this is in the, it’s something different.
It’s something that’s saying that everything, everything the believers believe is untrue. So we like it.
And I think, like, do you think, how stupid is this?
How did the fishermen spend their lives trying to fish in the dead sea?
I mean, Peter could be flaky but that’s a bit too much.
You know, when they said we spent the night we didn’t, they would spend years and not catch anything, you know?
I mean, it would help him walk on the water a little bit, but it would not do that, you know, or how does a, I heard of pigs go into the dead sea and go down, they float, you can’t sink and, and then they had other experts come on, they like experts and people just are believing it going to the right and left.
You know, the Bible says, don’t be like Children toss back and forth.
There are books on people who claim they’ve gone to heaven.
Some may have, I don’t know that I can’t say that they do it.
But you know, there are some of those books where they’re talking about reincarnation in the name of Christianity.
And people say, oh wow, isn’t this great?
But I said, do you, this is against the Bible, do not listen, do not receive that.
You have to be grounded for yourself.
You know, the new, you know, there are, there are channels on television where every week there’s another mystery secret of something.
It’s not a good mystery. It’s like, well, Jesus isn’t really Jesus.
You know, the gospels aren’t the gospels that you, you know, there’s certain channels. Why do they do that?
Because they exist to make money and they make money. If they get good ratings, they get good ratings.
If they say, hey, everything you said was now it’s all untrue.
Here’s another thing and a guy comes up with a new theory, John, the Baptist wasn’t really a Baptist.
He was Hindu. And they said, wow, this is great, but we have to be grounded, you know, but no matter what, you know.
In second Corinthians 11 3, Paul said, I’m afraid this is the Corinthians that as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will also be led away from the simplicity and the purity of devotion to Messiah Paul is bringing an Eden.
And what he’s saying is backsliding or falling to the right or left is linked to the serpent linked to the enemy.
He plants thoughts. He the first thought was, can you really trust God? Did God really say?
And then can you really trust God? Trust? Can you really when you move away from trust?
And it says, He says, you move, don’t move away from the simplicity of your faith.
When you’re in the Lord, when you’re in His will, when you’re seeking his will, you’re in simplicity.
It’s deep, but it’s simple when you’re worshiping worship is simple, righteousness, simple love is simple, joy is simple.
Backsliding is not simple. You know, sin is not simple.
You know, when the Lord is first, everything is right.
When the Lord is not first, nothing is right and everything is complicated.
You know, when, if you tell, if you’re living in the truth, simple, you’re living in lies, complicated.
You know, backsliding involves moving out of the simplicity of your faith to the complexity of sin or doctrines that are not grounded on the love of God or God himself.
To find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings, to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
Go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
You can also get more at Jonathan Khan’s Facebook or write us direct at Hope of the World Box.
1111, Lodi New Jersey, 07644 USA Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people who do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
Just write to Hope of the World Box. 1111. Lodi New Jersey.
07644 USA or go to Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
Now, I don’t care and I’m not talking about falling away, but I’m talking about falling in any way or falling back or backsliding in anyway, I don’t care what your theology is on this.
The Bible warns us take care that you don’t fall away.
Now you wanna put that into a theology of saying this, it doesn’t matter. That’s what the Bible says.
So the Bible says warns us be careful, that means we have to be careful. All of us will.
Does God love us to keep us? Yes, he does. But does he also require that we don’t fall away?
Yes, he does that we take care.
And so we must take care to do everything we can to avoid going off the course, going off the road, not only does it keep you safe, but it also again, gives you spiritual power momentum.
Now I’m gonna go through the Bible in a few places where it talks about going off because we all deal with going off in some way.
Sometimes big, sometimes little Messiah said, be careful that you do not fall into temptation.
He said that to his disciples. Be careful, be careful. The opposite of being careful is what being care less.
Messiah was with them. And even while he’s with them, he says be careful that you don’t fall, even though he’s with them that you don’t fall.
Now, there’s no believer who wants to fall. There’s no believer who wants to backslide.
But the key is to be careful to guard. There’s ways of avoiding this or minimizing it in your life.
Now I’m reading now from Galatians three.
You can open up to it or you can just listen, Paul is speaking of an entire city or, or congregation that has fallen away from God and, and now this had to do with not so much just uh not so much falling into sin as we know, but falling into lies or falsehood.
And that leads to everything else. He says you foolish Galatians who has Bewitched you before whose eyes?
Yeshua Jesus Messiah was publicly shown as crucified. This is the only thing I want to find out from you.
Did you receive the, did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law or by hearing with faith?
Are you so foolish having begun in the spirit? You’re now gonna be perfected in the flesh.
Now, he’s talking to people who have fallen in this way that they fell off from the course by believing something that wasn’t true.
They believed that they had to, to, to go and had to do things under the law.
When I was growing up, there was a comedy on television.
Some of you remember it called Bewitched about a witch who becomes a housewife in suburban America.
It was the sixties. They made it as a fun thing.
But here now Paul is using, I mean, it’s translated, but Paul is using the word Bewitched and he’s speaking of backsliding and he’s saying you were Bewitched.
There’s overtones here of the enemy, the enemy is always trying to bewitch you.
He’s trying to make you go to the right or the left however he can in Colossians 2 18, Paul says, don’t let anybody defraud you of your prize fraud.
In other words, also, the enemy is trying to defraud you of your prize backsliding or falling away is falling off is being defrauded by the enemy or being, being deceived.
Now, one way or the other, you know, you know, to fall away is to give it to sin or to fall to the rights given to sin.
Now at the same, you can have the right theology, but you’ve fallen us in.
But here there’s another way of falling is when you, you actually get off in your doctrine or belief.
And we have to touch on that too.
And that’s saying this, we have to be careful what we believe and what we accept and what we receive, well, what we hear even in teachings or, or from the world.
I remember early in the Lord at a Bible study and a woman came to the Lord and she was going to a psychiatrist and she was so, so thrilled about the Lord.
It just, it was shining. She goes to psychiatrist. Psychiatrist says, you can’t do that.
And she listens to him.
Believers, many believers go to college and they’re not prepared for what they’re going to be told.
Most colleges are anti Bible, anti God, most of them. And so the thing is that so they’re not prepared.
And then the professor says, oh, it’s really, it’s all been proven and they just accept it because they’re not prepared for it and they fall away.
There are people who come up with new theories all the time.
You know, when they speak with authority, it was a woman.
I remember one time on television, I think it was, I might have, it was on a news, a major news uh on, on, I think it was ABC and a woman say there’s a new theory that they, that she, she figured out that in the Bible when it talks about the New Testament about the, the disciples and the Sea of Galilee, it really doesn’t mean Sea of Galilee.
It’s a code. It really means the dead sea and then she’s linking the disciples with the Dead Sea community and all, all this stuff.
And the media is like, wow, this is in the, it’s something different.
It’s something that’s saying that everything, everything the believers believe is untrue. So we like it.
And I think, like, do you think, how stupid is this?
How did the fishermen spend their lives trying to fish in the dead sea?
I mean, Peter could be flaky but that’s a bit too much.
You know, when they said we spent the night we didn’t, they would spend years and not catch anything, you know?
I mean, it would help him walk on the water a little bit, but it would not do that, you know, or how does a, I heard of pigs go into the dead sea and go down, they float, you can’t sink and, and then they had other experts come on, they like experts and people just are believing it going to the right and left.
You know, the Bible says, don’t be like Children toss back and forth.
There are books on people who claim they’ve gone to heaven.
Some may have, I don’t know that I can’t say that they do it.
But you know, there are some of those books where they’re talking about reincarnation in the name of Christianity.
And people say, oh wow, isn’t this great?
But I said, do you, this is against the Bible, do not listen, do not receive that.
You have to be grounded for yourself.
You know, the new, you know, there are, there are channels on television where every week there’s another mystery secret of something.
It’s not a good mystery. It’s like, well, Jesus isn’t really Jesus.
You know, the gospels aren’t the gospels that you, you know, there’s certain channels. Why do they do that?
Because they exist to make money and they make money. If they get good ratings, they get good ratings.
If they say, hey, everything you said was now it’s all untrue.
Here’s another thing and a guy comes up with a new theory, John, the Baptist wasn’t really a Baptist.
He was Hindu. And they said, wow, this is great, but we have to be grounded, you know, but no matter what, you know.
In second Corinthians 11 3, Paul said, I’m afraid this is the Corinthians that as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will also be led away from the simplicity and the purity of devotion to Messiah Paul is bringing an Eden.
And what he’s saying is backsliding or falling to the right or left is linked to the serpent linked to the enemy.
He plants thoughts. He the first thought was, can you really trust God? Did God really say?
And then can you really trust God? Trust? Can you really when you move away from trust?
And it says, He says, you move, don’t move away from the simplicity of your faith.
When you’re in the Lord, when you’re in His will, when you’re seeking his will, you’re in simplicity.
It’s deep, but it’s simple when you’re worshiping worship is simple, righteousness, simple love is simple, joy is simple.
Backsliding is not simple. You know, sin is not simple.
You know, when the Lord is first, everything is right.
When the Lord is not first, nothing is right and everything is complicated.
You know, when, if you tell, if you’re living in the truth, simple, you’re living in lies, complicated.
You know, backsliding involves moving out of the simplicity of your faith to the complexity of sin or doctrines that are not grounded on the love of God or God himself.
To find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings, to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
Go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
You can also get more at Jonathan Khan’s Facebook or write us direct at Hope of the World Box.
1111, Lodi New Jersey, 07644 USA Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people who do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
Just write to Hope of the World Box. 1111. Lodi New Jersey.
07644 USA or go to Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
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