Did You Hear That? (Romans 10:18-21)

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Did You Hear That? (Romans 10:18-21)

This passage explores the inescapable gospel message woven throughout creation and the power of surrendering to God’s relentless pursuit of your hearts.

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here we are today and I wasn’t sure if we’re going to get to the message again today with all that’s looming in the Middle East so what we’re going to do Lord willing is on Wednesday we’re going to come together for communion being the first Wednesday of the month but we’re also going to talk about the headline news and light of Bible prophecy uh friends and family if you don’t know what’s going on in Israel and what’s going on in the neighborhood uh you’re going to find out real soon this this is

not going to this is not going to turn back this is not going to cool down this is only going to get more intense and um there’s also what we’re starting to see right now in England uh among many intelligence agencies worldwide they’re expecting this to happen in every country in the world of what’s happening in England right now and that is a massive Global Islamic jihadist Uprising that is to take place we’ll see all the more reason why we should pay close attention to the Bible today and especially as you’ll see this

morning I told the pastors pray uh for me especially today uh because somehow I’ve got to deliver the message to you which is our normal appetite it’s our normal meal that we have but you cannot teach this portion of scripture without addressing the nation of Israel today and the Jewish people in the world today so we ask for God’s miraculous hand Romans chapter 10 I’ll begin reading in verse 18 if you’ll pick it up together Church in verse 19 but I say what have they not heard yes indeed their sound has gone out to

all the Earth and their words to the ends of the world I say Israel not know first Moses says I will provoke you to jealousy by those who are not I will move you anger by a foolish Nation but Isaiah is very bold and says I was found by those who did not seek me I was made manifest to those who did not ask for me but to Israel he says all day long I have stretched out my hands to a disobedient and contrary people and all God’s people said you may be seated I cannot help but believe that we come to this portion of

scripture today after starting the book of Romans years ago it’s been years now after this you’re going to get a four-year degree maybe a doctorate uh for all I know but don’t tell me that it’s a coincidence that we’ve come to this portion of scripture at a time like this when Israel is in the condition she is right now at this hour I believe the god of the Bible is preent or prophetic and is very nature I think that’s undeniable by the nature of the Bible the book of Romans chapters 9

chapters 10 and chapters 11 are well known and famous in the epistle to the Book of Romans because Romans chapter 9 deals with Israel and its relationship to God in the past Romans 10 deals with Israel and its relationship with God in the present and Romans chap 11 deals with Israel’s future and their relationship ship to God you heard me right God is not done with the nation of Israel he’s not done with the Jewish people and it’s bad Doctrine to hear anyone teach otherwise God will keep his promises he’s faithful and so church as

we dive dive into this today we’re looking at this message titled did you hear that did you hear that did you hear that when God was speaking to you are you hearing now when he speaks to you are you ready to hear God speak to you in your life as Believers we long do we not long as Believers oh God speak to me I was thinking about that today I found myself this morning doing the normal thing that I do and that is I was it was very early in the morning it was dark and I was saying God reveal yourself to me and you might say Jack after all

these years for crying out loud you’re almost 67 years old you’ve been a Christian for over 45 4 seven years hasn’t God revealed himself to you yet oh yes he has but how can I tell you that that’s not enough you know what I’m talking about believer he has revealed himself to us through the word of God in stages of life through glorious times through difficult times through TR through times of tremendous prosperity in times of abject poverty God has been there for us and he’s never changed but here’s the

funny thing Jesus said if you drink of the water I give you’ll never thirst again and if you eat of the bread that I give you you’ll never be hungry again and the moment you accept him as Lord and Savior you’re totally satisfied and you’re set forever and at the same time you’re starving every day for more of him it’s a bizarre contradiction in the life of the believer but the challenge right now today is for all of us as Believers and those that are not Believers in m mesiah in Jesus please

listen carefully number one juted down in our study today it is this did you hear that in verse 18 and that is that all of creation is doing the talking and we know it this way that there’s a hardwired gospel message of God in creation and not only just the Bible in chapter 10: 18 it says but I say have they not heard he’s speaking of Israel and the answer is yes indeed Paul is lamenting he’s crying out regarding his Jewish brothers and sisters who do not understand that Christ is the Messiah there’s no excuse for it but

erasing God from their thinking they don’t want to think about God anymore and you’re maybe you’re saying Jack I thought you said you’d want to speak to the people of Israel today and I do well they believe in God do they not some do there are a thank God there’s a growing amount of those who believe in Yeshua as Messiah Jesus as Messiah but what about those who are atheists today believe it or not there’s a lot of people who call themselves Jews that are atheists and to say that God doesn’t

exist I want to say to you today according to the Bible not me according to the Bible there’s a hardwire Gospel of God in all of his creation it’s remarkable so in two fronts friends listen jot this down God is speaking to us in the Bible and God is speaking to us in science and creation Dr AE Wilder Smith once said a long time ago listen God wrote two Bibles that sounds a little heretical at first God wrote two Bibles one is right here in our hands and the other is the writing of creation and you can find the very same

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