Did You Hear That? – Part 2 (Romans 10:18-21)

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Did You Hear That? – Part 2 (Romans 10:18-21)

Believers are to stand firm in their convictions, even amidst the tumultuous cultural landscape.

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and so church with that no need to stand we’ve read this enough I’m going to read it to you but we’re looking at the final installment of the message titled did you hear that did you hear that Romans chapter 10 and again I’ll read all the way through starting at Verse 18 Paul writes to the Believers in Rome and he says to them but I say uh have they not heard speaking of his Jewish brothers and sisters yes indeed and then he gives a quote he gives a quote from the book of Psalms their sounds speaking about

the celestial Universe we’ve talked about it I’ll uh remind you about it in a moment their sound has gone out to all of the earth and their words to the ends of the world speaking about Nature’s witness of God verse 19 but I say did Israel not know well the answer to that is absolutely they knew first of all Moses says I will provoke you he’s quoting God I will provoke you let me read it to you this way I will provoke you Israel my people to jealousy by those who are not Israel I will move you to anger by a

foolish people or ethnos or Nation not political Nation but a people we’ll find out who that people really is today verse 20 but Isaiah is very bold and and says I was found by those who did not seek me I was made manifest to those who did not ask for me but to Israel he says all day long I have stretched out my hands to a disobedient and contrary people father speak now we pray out of your word to our lives in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen amen church family if you look carefully if you begin to

unpack this seven times in these few verses seven times there is uh the mentioning of uh God speaking uh about hearing or speaking or saying seven times and um about that God was giving testimony and God was giving witness I’m going to ask you to take notes today on this uh when I say seven times here the reference of Israel being spoken to or God speaking or they are them hearing I want you to jot a few passages down number one one this should uh jar our hearts Revelation uh chap 2 verse 1 and 7 you’re going to develop a pattern

you’re going to see this right now to the angel of the church at Ephesus Ephesus is in Turkey today it always has been in Turkey but there’s a church there back in first century times these things says he who holds the Seven Stars in his right hand and who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands so Jesus is announcing this is who I am I’m speaking to you church now listen all of you understand this The Book of Revelation is not only a book about the future it is a book that also was uh in its

context first century all the way through to the culminating moments of world history that is yet future don’t let somebody tell you by the way this false Doctrine is known as prism that the Book of Revelation is over it it’s already been fulfilled there are a lot of people today and there are a lot of people graduating from seminaries that teach that the Book of Revelation you don’t need to read it because it’s historic the exact opposite is true The Book of Revelation talks about the church that was the church that is and

the church that’s going to uh happen it also speaks about the times that were the times that are and the times that are going to happen and it’s very important in the book of Rev ation chapters 2 and three God is speaking to the church and the first announcement is to the church at Ephesus and it is a remarkable way of communication this is all Jesus speaking and he’s announcing not only to an actual church but he’s also speaking to you and I as individual Believers we better check our hearts

notice his qualifications he is the one that holds the Seven Stars in his right hand he holds the seven Witnesses because he’s going to speak to seven churches and all of their conduct by the way envelops the church age and he says I walk through the midst of the seven golden lampstands this is quite remarkable because church family what was announced in the book of Exodus was no longer announced until the Book of Revelation we’re not talking about the Hanukkah candle manora we’re not talking about any other type of manur we’re

talking about how many numbers seven it’s exactly the manura that God told Moses to have made for the children of Israel regarding the Tabernacle and eventually the temple and then Jesus comes along in the Book of Revelation and says I walk through the midst of the seven lampstand if you go through this foyer you’ll go out to that big 2,000lb Jerusalem Stone and you’ll see a seven lampstand manora Jesus says I walk through the church in Fellowship that’s what that means but notice verse 7even he says he was in ear

to hear Let Him hear what the spirit says to the churches got that next verse Revelation chap 2 veres 8 and 11 and to the angel of the church at Smyrna write these things says the first and the last who was dead and came to life wow he describes who he is the Jesus Christ of the Bible is the one who has spoken and the word of God from the Old Testament to the new announces that the very first and the the last that is a sole description of the are you listening of the Eternal god of the Bible is the first and the last no one

in scripture is referred to as the first and the last except the Sovereign God the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and what did he do he not only lives he’s the first and the last but he died and he rose again he came back to life think of this what a challenge that the Bible says verse 11 he who has an ear to hear Let Him hear what the spirit says to the churches starting to get a pattern here next verse Revelation 2: 12 and 17 and to the angel Jesus says of the Church of pergamos write these things says he who has the sharp twoed

sword that’s the word of God Jesus Christ is the conductor he is the re revealer he is the orchestrator he is the one who speaks the word of God for he is the word of God and the Bible says that all things that he does in judgment is based upon the word of God and when Christ comes in the second coming to Israel the Bible says out of his mouth will go a sharp two-edged sword that with it he should judge the Nations he should strike the Nations that’s the second coming but in verse 17 he says he was an ear to hear Let Him

hear what the spirit says to the churches next verse Revelation chap 2 18 and 29 and to the angel I guess I should say this regarding the angel does it mean angel angel with wings angel well the word uh translated Angel here in the context of the seven churches is probably the word that stands for or means Messenger to the messenger which is probably a message to Christ to the pastor of the church in this case of thyra he he’s probably not speaking to an Angelic Angel he’s talking to a anglos in the sense of a

messenger the one who pastors the church in thyra these things says the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire and his feet like fine brass this is the god of judgment this is the description of Jesus Christ and his righteousness to bring forth his righteous judgment verse 29 he has ears to hear Let Him hear what the spirit says to the churches next passage Revelation 3: 1 and 6 and to the angel of the church at Sardis write these things says he who has the seven spirits of God and the Seven Stars I know your

works that you have a name that you are alive but you are dead can you imagine Jesus Christ saying to your pastor and to the congregation oh by the way I have visited your church your pastor’s dead and the church is dead you’re a dead Church most scholars believe and I agree with them that Jesus is addressing the church at Sardis that it is really either an extremely weak church or it may not be an actual New Testament Church at all needless to say you don’t want to be uh going to the church at Smyrna you wouldn’t want to have that or

Sardis I should say but notice verse six he who has an ear to hear Let Him hear what the spirit says to the churches you guys get the pattern going here Revelation again chapter 3: 7-13 and to the angel of the church in Philadelphia that’s the church you want to be that’s the person you want to be yes Philadelphia United States is named after uh this word the city or the dwell of Brotherly Love I had a friend of mine say uh the city of brother Brotherly Love he’s from Philadelphia he says no it’s the city of uh BR brotherly

shove uh people are anything but nice in these days there he said uh but listen to this so to the angel or to the pastor of the church in Philadelphia right these things says he who is Holy he who is true he who has the Key of David isn’t that interesting it’s a gentile church first century situated in Asia Minor which is Southern turkey today and Jesus says to a gentile church that he’s reminding them that he’s the one that holds holds the key of David who’s David David who King David why because the Son of

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