Demon Deliverance on a Plane – Todd White

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Demon Deliverance on a Plane – Todd White

Lifestyle Christianity exists to see a generation walk in their God-given identity by equipping people to encounter Jesus daily and walk like He says we can. Founder and President Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years before he was radically set free in 2004. Todd’s heart is activating people into the simplicity of who they really are in Christ and equipping them to live a 24/7 Kingdom lifestyle! Lifestyle Christianity provides multiple ministry tools to equip everyday believers to live out this lifestyle, including: Power and Love and Lifestyle Christianity University.

Lifestyle Christianity University (LCU) is an equipping program designed to disciple you in your God-given identity and equip you to extend the love of Jesus in your day-to-day life! LCU offers a two-year program with an optional third-year internship.

You know, we get on our plane today, and I’m fascinated at Jesus how he puts the right people around me.
And all my kids and my wife were sitting in the aisle, you know, wife and I’ll see it over here.
I’m here. And I’ve got Lill Asher and Zoe, and she’s got Azeriah and Riley, and I get on the plane and this guy sits in front of me.
Soon as he sits down, he just oh, just like that. To look that, Ben?
I go, bro, you okay? He goes, I’m really anxious. I said, come here.
And I put my hand on his head, and I’m not kidding. Ask my wife.
And I put my hand, probably.
I put my hand on his chest, and I said in the name of Jesus, he goes, no joke if you only were there.
He’s telling the guy beside him. I’m really man. I’m full of anxiety.
I’m like, woah. She’s not okay. So we’re on the plane for, like, an hour.
In the no. And I’m praying for him in the name of Jesus.
Father, I thank you in Jesus name. I told my buddy behind me, praying the spirit right now, buddy.
This guy’s getting delivered. Not kidding.
And I kinda let him go for a little bit, and he was doing alright.
They started again. And I looked at my wife.
I go, the sky’s got a demon, and it’s coming out. She goes, do not do this.
I’m not kidding. You guys don’t you don’t know. See?
Because the medics are gonna come and you’re gonna go to jail.
There’s a lot of people to save in jail.
I said, just things coming out. She goes, please don’t. Not right now.
I said, you’d need to turn the other way. So she did.
Where’s she gonna go?
So we’re praying And this guy looks at me and he goes, I don’t know what I would do without you right now.
I said, I sure do love you, buddy. I started crying.
I knew it was way more than just anxiety, you know, stuff.
So then an hour later, they’re like, they’re like, sorry, guys.
After, like, 3 announcements, the captain says, this plane is out of commission.
So everybody’s like, just get me off the plane. Because you’re on the hour.
You’re there for an hour waiting. You know, people are gonna miss their next flight. All that stuff.
So we get off and go into the airport. I’ll follow this guy in there.
I said, bro, I said, listen. And I shared my testimony with him.
And he goes, are you serious, man?
And I looked at his arm And he’s got all these cuts on his arm. They’re not normal cuts.
They’re deep, deep cuts. Look like a mangled accident with a window. I said, what is that?
He said, I’ve all my stuff.
I said and I shared my testimony a little more about suicide thoughts that I had.
He goes, that’s what I all the time.
And he was having suicidal thoughts in the airport as we’re sitting there. And he’s gotta fly home.
He’s hooked on heroin. He got on methadone. He took too much methadone in the morning.
The methadone is now worn off, and now he’s going through withdrawal and anxiety.
And he’s totally afraid and he’s freaking out and he’s sitting right in front of me.
So I walk over to him. He gets born again. He gives his life to Jesus.
He gets born again.
Being born again is essential to unlock your
But being born again is not where it stops. That’s where it starts.
He needs to desire the pure milk of the word. He needs to get into the truth.
He needs to cycled He needs somebody to come around him and saying, I wanna help you, buddy.
And so I’m talking to him in the airport. He’s taking walks. He’s coming back.
Be alright? I’m okay, man. I just I just need to get home. I just need to get the ball.
I just need to get home. I just need to get home. And I said, how do you feel?
He goes, I don’t wanna kill myself? I said, that’s awesome, bro.
I said, because the greater one came to live inside of your heart right now.
I said, he’s inside of you, bro, and he’s gonna do the same thing that he did in my life and yours.
He’s like, I hope so. I said, nope. I know so.
This isn’t like hope, like, that’s way far off pipe dream. No. This is kingdom. This is happening.
And so we get back on the plane and you think, well, that thing’s done. It’s not done.
Yes. He’s saved. Yes. God lives in him, but there’s a lot of junk in his head.
And he is really freaking out. Flight attendants.
He’s telling the people beside them they’re trying to get away from him. They got beside him.
He’s like, Oh my god. They’re afraid to say he’s a big guy.
They’re afraid to say anything to the guy because, like, the way he’s moaning and Like, loud.
Like, it’s no joke. I said, I’m just sitting there crying. I put my hand on his head.
I pulled his head back to the seat. I held him there.
Put my head on his chest, and I’m praying god manifests through me right now and crush this devil that’s trying to torment this guy.
I am so tired of all these thoughts taking him captive. Jesus, do a quick work.
You said anything I ask in faith. I’ll have what I ask for if I believe.
And I believe that you’re responsible for my freedom. And I’m asking you to bring freedom into this man.
I’m trying, pushing my head against the back of the chair. Little asher is watching me, like,
But my heart is so broken for this
guy. I wanna just see him free.
I wanna see him just so there are times I’m praying for him.
There’s a 2 a half hour flight. So it’s not just a 20 minute trip.
I’m hugging him and holding him the whole time. He’d get up and walk down the aisle.
I’d grab him and say, you’re fine. Just need to get home. I know you’re gonna get home.
We’re going home right now. We’re gonna be fine.
We’re gonna be a god to not give you a spirit of fear, but if power, loving a sound mind, I don’t know it, but there are pastors on the plane.
There are other Christians on the plane. I mean, I don’t know who they are.
You know, we forgot off of the first stop. They thought, well, praise god. It’s over.
Now we’re back on the plane again.
The guy beside me, he prayed in the beginning, because you’re gonna be alright, brother.
Well, where did you get that boldness he said to me? And I’m thinking, This is not boldness.
This is love. This is love.
This is what love looks like.
Love lays his life down. Love
keeps no record of rums.
I’m not mad at him because he’s cussing and dropping the f bomb. I’m not mad at him for this.
Ma’am, sorry. Keep telling me. I’m sorry. Please stop telling me. You’re sorry. I’m okay with you, man.
I love you. He goes, you really do. I really do. You don’t know me. It doesn’t matter.
My father does. And now you’re in the kingdom.
This thing has to leave you, but he’s still screaming.
I mean, it was no little bit. Everybody on the plane had access to his voice.
And now the guy that was praying for us earlier, he put his headphones on just turned off the world.
He did. He’s like, poop. I’m gone. Fake sleep, all of it.
So crazy.
I said to him, if you were the last person in the world, you were the only one here.
Jesus would have came and paid the price for you. He said, why? I said, dude.
Because you’re that important to the father. This guy is a a nobody in everybody’s eyes.
He’s like trash. He’s been a drug addict this whole life. He doesn’t know which way is up.
He tried to hang himself with an extension cord.
He’s off the ground with an extension cord, and he wakes up in the hospital and doesn’t even know how he got there.
He tried to slice his army, cut the whole way through to the top of his wrist, and he didn’t die.
He did it again up here. Cut the whole way through, didn’t die. I said, hey, bro.
You didn’t die all three times. Why you think that happened? He goes, I don’t know.
I said, let me help you. God has a plan for you, my friend.
And he’s like, I hope so. So we’re praying, and we’re wrestling. This is no joke.
It’s real. Now he’s throwing up. Now things are coming out of it’s just stuff.
I don’t have theology for it. I just know what was happening. I watched freedom happen.
I gave him a doggy baggers. I don’t wanna throw up.
I said, well, you’re gonna because but I don’t wanna throw up, man.
I don’t like it. I got it’s okay. You’re going to throw up. Because I’m not letting you go.
He said, I’ve never felt this bad before ever in my life.
I’m on this plane, and this is the worst time I’ve ever felt. Why?
Cause he’s sitting beside a Christian, that knows who he is, that knows that he carries the presence of god, that knows that he’s free, and this guy needs exactly what I have, the good news now he’s born again, and I’ve gotta fill him with truth as much as I can in the short period I have.
He looks at me and he goes, I’m gonna tell you something right now.
None of my friends would ever care about me like you have today.
I have never met anybody like you, and I’m not looking for that.
I’m looking for every Christian to live that. I’m not looking for it that praise.
It just popped my head up and go, yeah, did everybody hear that?
I mean, I could care less what anybody hears.
Except that they would be massively convicted of where they’re not and should be.
The Bible says that you and I to endure the suffering for the sake of god’s elect.
Who is god’s elect? Everybody that you see.
If god so love, the world means that everybody is in that. Yeah.
But who did he die for? There’s all kinds of weird teaching and theology of calvinism and arminnism and whateverism.
God so loved the world that he died.
He gave his only un his only son so that whoever believes in him wouldn’t perish but would have eternal life.
This was the greatest thing ever today. Why?
Cause I had all this layover, and I got to spend it with this man that’s going through hell.
And you know what? It didn’t tax me It didn’t drain me. I didn’t say, oh my god.
How am I gonna minister tonight at harvest chapel? What am I gonna do?
I got in the car and just tuned into the Bible and said, guys, I’m gonna disappear for a little while and love Jesus.
Why? Cause I wanna love him.
I I’m not gonna go, I just need to a 2 hour nap, and that’ll be better.
No. I need to dive back into the blood and why I’m here because god says I have given you rest.
Be diligent to enter in to his rest.
To not resist and are in to his rest.
The blood of Jesus is the only way to have real rest in the lord, and he wants to give it to ever would want it He didn’t pay a price just to get us to come to church.
Although church is amazing, it’s for the equipping of the saints, man. It is for us to be equipped.
We come to go. We come to go. We come to go. We come together. Don’t forsake it.
We’re to get together. We’re to celebrate Jesus and go after god with everything in us together.
And I know what kind of church this is because I was here.

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