David Jeremiah – The God You May Not Know

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The Lord will never reject us when we come to Him needing His grace. Even when we sin, God’s love for us remains. Thank Him that His love doesn’t stop even when we fail Him.

Maybe you’ve done something that makes you feel so unworthy or guilty you think the Lord cannot or will not forgive you. He is more willing to forgive you than you are to seek His forgiveness! Come to Him in humble repentance, confess your sin, trust His grace, and rediscover His love.

Jesus was despised and rejected by men (Isaiah 53:3) that you might be accepted and embraced by God.

Through Christ, you have forgiveness…. The guilt you continue to carry around because of past sins is unnecessary.
Charles Stanley

Located in the southwestern region of the United States is a tourist attraction that draws thousands of visitors every year.
One of the strangest tourist attractions you will ever hear about.
It’s a six hour drive from the nearest airport, and thirty three miles from the nearest town resting in unremarkable landscape.
Its focal point is nothing more been a small brass disc, roughly three inches in diameter.
It’s a government survey marker designating the point at which four different state boundaries meet Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico.
Tourists pose for photographs on all fours with one knee in each state and one hand in each state.
And they sent cards to their friends saying they were in four states at the same time on this particular day, and it’s a big deal.
The tourists fascination is with a place called the four corners Monument.
It reveals something about human beings.
And that is that we cannot be in more than one place at one time.
We can move from one place to the next, but we cannot occupy two places simultaneously.
Yet god, who is spirit, is able to be everywhere fully present.
God is unbound by a body, is not limited to one place.
He’s not merely big He is uncontainable, able to be fully present everywhere at the same time.
Francis Schaeffer, who was a great theologian, wrote a book that became the touchstone of his ministry.
It’s called the god who is there.
And in this message, I wanna tell you today, about the god who is there, who is here, and who is everywhere.
His presence is unlimited. He’s everywhere present at the same time.
God is present in every part of space with his whole being.
And yet god is uniquely present in different places.
Sounds like a contradiction because we think of things in terms of space and time, but god is not bound by time or space.
He is the creator of time and space.
He is everywhere at the same time, and yet he shows up personally at special times and in special places.
For instance, in the old
testament, god was just as omnipresent as he always has been or always will be.
Yet there was an occasion when he came down and dwelt among his people in the holy of holies of the tabernacle, in a special way.
He took up occupancy among his people, and we need to know that god sometimes comes down to us today in a similar fashion.
Dietrich Rachel told him an experience he had in a German city that was bombed back in nineteen forty four.
He said, thousands of people were killed in that bombing.
And after the bombing, he was lying in the railroad station looking up through the partially destroyed roof at all the fires that were burning all over the city.
And he said as
he looked up through that hole in the roof, he caught a glimpse of
an inscription, atop
one of the remaining sections of the ceiling, and this is the
inscription in German. Here it is in English. Beyond the stars, there must live a gracious father.
Rachel thought about that for a moment, and then he said, I do not want such a god.
I do not want a god who is beyond the stars. I want a god who is here.
God who is present, a god who’s available, a god who knows and understands my situation.
And all of us feel that way.
All of us wanted god who was not a far off, but one who was close at hand.
And while we’re awed by the reality of god’s universal presence, in all the quadrants of
the world. What we most need in our lives is a god who dwells with us and understands us and what it’s like to live as we live.
And according to the Bible, that’s just the kind of god we have.
Here is Isaiah the prophet in one of the great statements about the omnipresence of god.
For thus says the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy.
I dwell in the high and holy place with him who has a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Isaiah said god sits on the throne in heaven, but he dwells with the humble and contrite on this earth.
He’s the high and holy god who fills the whole earth with his whole presence and yet the god who ministers to your heart and to mine.
I love, uh, hanging out with Charles and Michael Uh, and I have something on both of them.
And here it is.
I’ve been around long enough.
I know more songs than they do. I know a lot of songs they don’t know.
And sometimes, uh, I’ll think of a song and say to them, do you know that one?
And they’ll kinda look at
me with a stare. We can learn it.
The other day, I asked them if they knew this song.
Is written by a gospel cowboy who wrote songs for the Billy Graham Crusade years ago.
His name was Stuart Hamblin, That’s the name out of the past.
And one of the great songs that he wrote has these words in the first verse.
How big is god how big and wide his vast domain to try and tell these lips can only start He’s big enough to rule the mighty universe, yet small enough to live within my heart.
That’s the message of the, um, the presence of god.
One of the most vivid stories about god’s presence concerns King Solomon, and King Solomon was, uh, one who built one of the great temples in Jerusalem.
The solomonic temple is, well, still viewed as one of the wonders of the world.
If you had seen it, you would have been awe struck with its beauty.
At the time that it was built, it was the most beautiful building on the face of god’s earth.
When he prepared to dedicate this temple, according to First Kings a twenty seven, he had second thoughts about dedicating a building to god.
And here’s what he said. But will god indeed dwell on the earth?
Behold heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain you.
How much less this temple which I have built. Lord, god, I
built this beautiful ornate temple, a temple unto god, but it’s kinda silly when I think about it.
Can god fit into my beautiful temple, the god who fills the heaven and the
heavens, he understood something critical about god that no matter how magnificent is the temple, it was totally inadequate to contain the presence of a god who fills the heaven and the earth with himself.
But when Solomon dedicated the temple, here’s what the Bible says.
Fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices. And the glory of
the lord filled the temple and the priest could not enter the house of
the lord because the glory of the lord had filled the lord’s house.
What a day that must have been.
On the one hand, heaven and earth cannot contain god, yet his manifest glory came down and dwelt within the temple that Solomon built.
To bless his people. Solomon had undoubtedly learned about god’s reality from his father because King David, who wrote one of the most beautiful passages on god always being everywhere present taught him this truth.
Here from Psalm a hundred and thirty nine, I can never escape from your spirit.
I can never get away from your presence. If I go up to heaven, you are there.
If I go down to the grave, you are there. If I ride the
wings of the morning, if
I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there, your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.
I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night.
But even in darkness, I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as the day.
God, darkness, and light are exactly the same to you.
And Jeremiah added later in the old testament, am I a god near at hand, says the lord?
And not a god far off?
Can anyone hide himself in secret places so that I shall not see him says the Lord.
Do not I feel the heaven and the earth says the lord.
Like all of the other truths about god, this is mind boggling.
That someone, some person, could be everywhere at the same time.
How can one being be everywhere at the same time?
And how can we feel that somehow God is more present with us at one moment than he is at another.
Have you ever thought about that?
I mean, we might have a great worship experience at church And we might leave that service and say, wow, the presence of god was really with us today, but was the presence of god with us that night more than he’s always with us at every time.
If he fills the whole earth with his full presence, then god can never be more present with us at one time than he is
at another. And yet here we have in the scripture and in our own experience, this radical thought that god was present with us in a special way.
Now, the scripture teaches that when we worship god, something uniquely different happens, psalm twenty two three says it this way.
God, you are holy. You god are enthroned in the praises of Israel.
God, you inhabit the praises of your people.
There is something that happens when we gather and we worship And we kinda get lost in the worship of god.
All of a sudden, we walk away and we think to ourselves God was here today.
This was a service where god was present. CS Lewis, theologically captures it for us.
He says, it is in the presence of being worshipped that god communicates his presence to men.
Even in Old Testament Judaism, the essence
of the sacrifice was not really that man gave bulls and goats to god but by their doing so, god gave himself to man.
When we worship god, he draws near to us.
Maybe you’ve experienced the wonderful presence of god during a special time of worship.
As you were singing or praying or praising or worshiping the lord, you felt his presence closer to you than ever before.
Or maybe you go through a crisis.
And afterward, when the crisis is over, you say to your friend.
That was a really hard place in my life, but I really felt the presence of god during that difficulty.
Yet there are moments when god seems to manifest his presence to us more vividly than at other times.
He’s always present everywhere, but he’s very present here.
Let me tell you something for my own life that will help you understand how that works.
When I got sick with cancer some years ago, as I was getting better and preaching some more, I started getting letters from people all over the country saying, Doctor Jeremiah, since you were sick, you are preaching much better.
Now, that’s kind of a mixed metaphor compliment.
The first thing a guy like me thinks about was
I wonder how bad I was before I got sick, you know. I got
these letters from all over the country, and I never thought much about them until one day
it dawned on me. What they were listening to on the radio were sermons that I had preached before I got sick that were recorded and played after I got better.
I wasn’t preaching any different than I had before, unfortunately.
What was going on? They were listening different. Isn’t it
true that when you know somebody’s gone through something, you listen different than you would if you didn’t know that?
And that’s what happens to us when we’re in the midst of worship and we’re worshiping god.
It’s almost like god has come down to be with us, or we go through a problem, and we see god’s supernatural help It’s like god is more with us than he has ever been, but is that true theologically?
It’s not true. God cannot be more with us at one time than he is at another because he’s always completely, wholly present with us all the time.
But boy, when we go through stuff, do we connect with god? Don’t we? We sense god’s presence.
And that’s why the scripture speaks of it the way that
it does. When god’s presence is known in our hearts and in our lives, there’s something unique happens at certain times.
Now I’ve been trying to be very strategic with this series and not theological. I’ve given you all the
theology you’re gonna get this morning.
Now we’re gonna be strategic. From the principles of the word of god.
How can I use this truth that god is always present with me to help me live my life more productively for god?
Here’s the first thing. Meditate on god’s presence when you are tempted. Let me mention these differences.
There’s no greater way to combat sin and temptation in your life.
Than by meditating on god’s presence and reminding yourself of how close he is to you.
Methodist pastor Charles Allen in one of his books that I read some years ago had a golfing buddy who was, according to others who worked out with him and played golf with him, easily frustrated on the golf course.
And after bad shots, he would use very bad language.
But pastor Allen never heard this man utter a profane word in his whole life, and he’d known him for years.
And one day, Alan asked the man about it, and the man simply said, well, when I’m with my preacher, I control myself.
And that reminded me of a story of something that happened to me when I first started in the ministry back in Indiana I had a barber who I’d been going to through some time, uh, and I wasn’t his only client, and some of his other clients were rather unsavory characters.
And on more than one occasion, I would go
in and sit down in
the barber chair, and he would forget that there’s a mirror in front of you, so you can see what’s going on behind you.
And one of his unsavory customers would come in and sit down in the next chair And I would see the borrower trying to tell him the pass the man of god is in the house.
Because this man would often get into stories that my friend, the barber, didn’t think were appropriate for my ears to hear.
Sometimes, he would hit and hit, and
the story would continue and finally
out of frustration, he would just say, well, pastor Jeremiah, how was church on Sunday?
That pretty much shut it all down right there.
Suppose you realized that whatever you’re doing, The man of god is in the house.
The god of man is in the house.
I don’t wanna be frivolous by this, but he’s sitting in the next chair.
Suppose you are in the process of doing something you should not do.
Something you knew was dead wrong. Suppose god suddenly appeared beside you.
Suppose you turned around and there stood Jesus watching you. Do you think the literal presence of
the lord would inhibit your sinful tendency?
Well, he is here.
He is just as near as he would be if you could see him.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to train ourselves to meditate for a few moments when tempted on the nearness and presence of god.
What a sanctifying exercise that would be.
When it comes to god’s ever present nearness, you just can’t have it one way.
You just can’t have him near for comfort and not near for conviction.
When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God was coming down to commune with them.
You remember the story in Genesis three, and they heard the sound of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day.
And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord among the trees of the garden.
Now this has gotta be one of the most humorous passages in all the Bible, and we’re not out of the third chapter yet.
Here was the god of the universe, in his manifested presence coming down and walking in the garden that he made.
He knew every blade of grass, every flower, every clod of dirt, and hiding from god in his own garden wasn’t possible.
You can hide from god in his own garden.
And yet they said, we will hide from god, and the lord found them immediately and kicked them out of
the garden. End of story. Well, not quite. We’re still playing that story out. Aren’t we?
And there’s another story just like it in the Old Testament, a guy by the name of Jona.
God commanded him to
go and preach to the people of nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, and Jona hated the Nindivites.
As you read the story carefully, you discover he didn’t wanna go preach to them.
He was afraid of them would be converted and he wanted all of them to go to hell.
That’s exactly what you get from the scripture. He hated the ninevites.
They were a mean spirited people who had done great damage to his friends.
And god called him to go down there, and perhaps some of them,
when we get saved, then you have to spend heaven with him. Nope. Thank you.
He wanted them all cursed and damned, not spared, not converted.
He didn’t wanna have anything to do with the ninevites. And this is what the Bible said. He did.
Jonah arose to flee to Tarsha’s from the presence of the lord.
He went down to Japa and found a ship going to Tarsus.
So he paid the fare and went down into it to go with them to Tarsus from the presence of the lord.
Twice in one verse, we’re told Jonah was trying to flee from the presence of the lord, And the messages repeated a third time in verse ten, where the sailors knew that he fled from the presence of the lord because Jonah told them.
Johna didn’t get very far. God sent
a violent storm that engulfed the ship, and guess who went overboard. Did god find Jonah?
He knew where Jonah was and sent his own vessel to pick him up.
You cannot hide from god? You cannot run from god. It’s impossible. He’s everywhere.
And when we better comprehend the presence of god, will realize the futility of hiding from him.
Hebrew says there is no creature hidden from his sight.
But all things are naked and open to the eyes of him to whom we must give an account.
Just remember, my friends. Wherever you go, god is already there.
Whatever you do, he is with you.
So if you’re planning some thing that you know is taking you away from god’s plan for your life.
Just sit down and think soberly about this.
You’re taking god with you into that, and you don’t really need to take him because he’s already there.
You cannot hide it from him. You may say, I’m not gonna go to church, Sonny. Maybe God won’t know.
No. That doesn’t work.
So here’s what we ought to do. Here’s how we shore that up inside. This is
a really good strategic thought for all of us who are planning strategy for our own spiritual lives.
The Bible says In Psalm one hundred and nineteen verse eleven, your word, have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you?
The Bible says If we hide god’s word in our hearts, we will not sin against him.
Why is that true? Because the word of god in our hearts is the presence of god within us.
It fleshes out god’s presence. The more you under and the presence of god is with you and around you, the more apt you are to obey his word.
He is everywhere. And when we are tempted, we shouldn’t flee from him. We should flee to him.
So meditate on god’s presence when you’re tempted.
That’s a little bit of a in your face lesson this morning, but let’s file it in our mental notebooks and take it into this week with us.
Number two, meditate on god’s presence when you’re troubled.
We must also meditate on god’s abiding presence when we’re troubled by difficulty in life.
What do you do when you’re facing tough times?
Wanna give you a scripture that’s been a great encouragement to me throughout all my adult life, Isaiah forty three one through five.
But now, thus says the lord who created you, oh, Jacob, and who formed you, Israel, fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name.
You are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
And through the rivers, you shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you.
For I am the lord your god, the Holy one of Israel, your savior, fear not for I am with you.
Do you know when I am most likely to meditate on the ever present god when I’m going through stuff, like deep waters or difficult times, hard experiences?
I find tremendous strength in recalling the lord’s promise. I am with you.
The Bible tells us god’s presence is always available, but it is manifest at certain times.
Listen to Psalm forty six one. God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
God shows up in our trouble that he shows off by showing us what to do.
Notice each of these words, a, very present help in trouble.
Nothing hard to get about that. Not nebulous. It’s not in generalities. It’s in very specific language.
God shows up in trouble.
Have you ever gone through a time that’s been devastating and you found yourself saying, you know, this is
the most difficult thing ever experienced, but I have
to tell you something about this experience has made me feel god’s nearness as I have never known it before.
What is that? That’s the manifest presence of god, the very present help in trouble.
He is more present with you in trouble than at any other time. No. That’s not true.
But his manifest presence is there to help you and comfort you and guide you and direct you And when we come to the end of our lives, his presence is even sweeter yet.
Yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.
In July of two thousand thirteen, a young woman in Maryland discovered firsthand god’s presence.
That summer, Morgan Lake of Dunkirk, Maryland, twenty two year old college student majoring in communications was driving along the Chesapeake Bay Bridge when calamity struck.
As she slowed her car to pay a toll, she glanced in her rearview mirror and saw a large trailer tractor truck.
Approaching. And in the seconds that passed, she hoped it would slow down, but it hit her car without any reduction in speed.
And the tractor trailer crashed into her car The momentum of the truck pushed her car toward the barrier plunging her and her car over the wall and twenty seven feet into the water below.
Before the tractor trailer hit her car, Morgan’s thoughts were filled with prayers for her car to stop at the bridge.
But her fears of dying became real as her car submerged beneath the water’s surface.
At that moment, she started to panic. She struggled to release herself But her seat belt would not open.
And as the car and her mouth began filling with water, Morgan began to believe that she was gonna drown.
At that moment, she declared, I am not dying. She reached out for god’s help.
She said, I just felt like god touched my shoulder and pushed me back against my car seat to relax me.
That divine intervention allowed me to unlock my seat belt.
Pull myself out of the driver’s side window and swim to the service and a place of safety where she was ultimately rescued.
Speaking of this experience, which hit the major news outlets, she said as long as you have god with you, He will be there to support you through everything, even going over a bridge.
This story was covered by many news organizations at the time, But every one of them left out Morgan’s testimony of god’s presence and deliverance, except for Kelly Wright at Fox News, and she included it as the rest of the story.
And I thought as I read that, all of us have something in our life that has an addendum to it.
That’s the rest of the story. What god did that we’ve never told anybody.
What god did that we don’t even know for sure if we believe it ourselves.
But god was there, and he manifested himself for us just when we needed him, because he cares for us, and he loves us, and he’s always available.
We don’t have to wait till he gets there. We don’t have to wait till he shows up. He’s there.
And he becomes present with us quite often when we’re going through times of trouble.
One last practical thought. Meditate on the presence of god when you’re facing temptation.
Meditate on the presence of god when you’re going through trouble.
And meditate on god’s presence when you’re tasked with a hard assignment.
This is one of the most important ones, and this is as much for me as it is for all of us.
So gonna preach to myself for a little bit just you can listen.
We have to train ourselves to meditate on god’s presence when we’re tempted and troubled But when we have been asked by god to do something that’s very hard, there’s a very personal perspective about god’s presence that I wanna share with you as we close.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes god asks me to do something I never thought of doing and I didn’t really want to do it in the first place.
And I’m like you.
There are times when I know this is what god wants me to do, and I’m overwhelmed by it.
And I try to wiggle out from under it. I’m the wrong guy, god. You got the wrong person.
And when I do that, I often meditate on the servants of god within the pages of
the Bible. And I take great comfort in the fact that I’m not any different than they were back when they were dealing with god as I’m dealing with him now,
I think of Moses,
who in the latter years of his life, fout the entire nation of Israel fall on his shoulders like a bunch of barbells.
And all of a sudden, he’s standing before the
burning bush and he learns of his new assignment, and he argues and tries to escape the burden.
And the Lord says to him, Moses, Exodus three twelve.
I will certainly be with you. He didn’t say Moses, I’ll be with you.
He said Moses I will certainly be with you.
God didn’t intend to shove Moses into this role and walk away from him.
He promises Moses of his certain and constant and abiding presence. Moses devoted the next forty years to the task.
And if you read the story, you know, god kept his bargain.
He was with Moses in every step, every mile, every minute.
And when it was time for Moses to check out and for the next leader to come on board, what advice did Moses give to Joshua Listen to his words from deuteronomy thirty one.
And the lord, he is the one who goes before you. He will be with you.
And after the death of Moses, the lord himself told Joshua as I was with Moses.
So I will be with you.
After the death of Joshua, a number of leaders arose, and you read about them in the book of judges.
One of these leaders was
a guy named Gideon. Gideon is this marvelous illustration of god’s presence.
He wasn’t the robust hero leader that you might think.
And when god came to find him to be the leader of his people against the midianites, He was threshing wheat trying to be unnoticed.
So nobody would know him. Nobody would know where he was. He was cowardly, uh, away from everybody.
And the Lord found him, once again, you can’t hide from god.
And the Lord said to him, I always love this.
This is one of those another funny moments in the Bible. What’s he doing?
He’s hiding into the threshing floor because he doesn’t want nobody to find him. Right? God speaks to him.
The Lord is with you. You mighty man of valor.
Just looking around. Well, who’s that? I love it
about God. God often calls us out as he knows we will be instead of as we really are.
He knew that one day, Gideon would be a mighty man of valor, and of course he was.
You go through the Bible. You trace this pattern throughout the scripture.
He called Jeremiah, and Jeremiah was overwhelmed. He was young. He didn’t feel like He had the
maturity to do what god wanted him
to do. Like Moses, he tried to back his way out of the assignment, and the lord said, Jeremiah, Don’t you be afraid of their faces for I am with you to deliver you?
I can’t trace all the times. God resured his servants of his presence, but I can tell you
one that’s good for us
to be reminded of right now.
When the lord god sent us into all the world to preach the gospel and baptized those who believe is a tough assignment, and the assignment ends with these words.
And, lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
I don’t know what’s going on in your life today.
Maybe god’s calling you to be a pastor, or maybe go to Brazil or Africa or China or do something really outside the box for the lord.
And you’re dawned, and you feel like Jonah or Moses and you wanna find a way out of the assignment.
I don’t wanna hear all the reasons you feel. You can’t do what god wants you to do.
I just wanna remind you what he said to you. He said, I will be with you.
I agree to recall when god called me to take on the pastoral duties of this church.
For six weeks, I was terrified in my heart.
Know, if you’re pastoring a church, you got something to do every day, but I took six weeks off between churches, and it wasn’t a good thing for me emotionally.
I was driving all over the country. And all I could think about was have I done?
I’ve pulled the stakes up from the place I started where I felt comfortable, and I’m going to this wild and woolly place called San Diego.
What am I gonna do? For six weeks, I could think of many reasons to refuse the invitation, and all I could hear God saying to me was David, I’m not gonna ask you to go out there and do that by yourself.
I will be with you.
And I’m looking back over my shoulder now, at all these years, And as your pastor, I can tell you, this has not always been easy, but the pastor of a church never is an easy task.
But how wonderful to know that we don’t bear our burdens alone. We don’t preach our sermons alone.
We don’t teach the children alone. We don’t raise our families alone.
In every assignment, and for every god ordained task, god is with us.
He is with you, If you’re wrestling right now with something god has asked you to do, remember the secret is not your capability, but god’s availability.
God does not call the equipped. God equips the called.
He doesn’t go around looking for all the high and mighty people say, oh, that guy looks like.
He’s really got it together. I can use him. No. God goes and finds somebody who wants to serve him.
And after he calls him, then he equips him to do this service to which he’s been called.
I want you to say this with me today so you won’t forget it. Want you to say with me.
God is with me. Say it out loud. God is with me.
One more time, like you really mean it. God is with me.
Whatever you got going on this week, whatever you’re doing, whatever god’s put you in the middle of, whatever problem you face.
You do not face it alone. God is always present. He is always with you.
Deal Moody, who was a great man of god a hundred years ago, One time was asked about his tremendously intimate relationship with Christ.
These words are a hundred years old, but they speak to me as if they were written today.
Here’s what he said. I have come to him as the best friend I have ever found, and I can trust him.
I have believed he is my savior. I have believed he is god.
I have believed he went to the cross for me.
And I have come to him and submitted myself on my knees and surrendered everything to him and got up and stood by his side as my friend.
And there isn’t any problem in my life, and there isn’t any uncertainty in my work that I cannot speak to him as naturally as to someone in the same room, and I have been doing this for all these years because he’s the best friend I ever had.
Do you know Jesus like that?
Do you know God like that?
That’s how he wants to be known not the god that you looked through the through the hole in the trashed out ceiling who’s way above.
He’s the god who’s with you every day. He woke up with you this morning.
He’s with you in this service. He’ll go with you when you leave throughout the afternoon. God is always there.
The difference is You have to be aware of his presence.
And when you become aware of his presence, everything changes.
This isn’t just you alone, This is you and god, and you are always the majority when god is on your side.
I want you to take that truth with you this week and know. God loves you so much.
He’s not gonna leave you to yourself. He wants to be with you.
And the Bible says he wants to live in you.
You may be here today, and you’re hearing all this wonderful stuff about god, but you don’t experience any of that.
Listen, before god can be with you, he has to be in you.
He has to come and live within your heart through his son, Jesus Christ.
And if you’ve never allowed him to do
that, if you’ve never invited him to come, and live
within your heart. What a great day for you to do this.
Just open your heart and say, Lord, God, I don’t want you to be on the outside.
I want you to be on the inside. Come and live within my life. Forgive me
of my sin. Give me your righteousness so that I can walk in fellowship with you, and god will do that.
He’s never ever turned anybody away, who’s asked him simply for his presence in their life.
Hi, frankly. Don’t know how you
get through life these days without the presence of god I have no idea how it would be like.
I don’t have any desire to try and find out. What I do know is this, life is hard.
It’s not going to get much easier. But nothing is impossible with god.
And when you carry god with you in your heart, and he’s a part of your life, He makes everything different.
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