David Diga Hernandez Prophesying by the Holy Spirit
David Diga Hernandez Prophesying by the Holy Spirit
Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit as you watch David Diga Hernandez flowing in the word of knowledge.
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
There’s a woman here tonight. You’ve been tormented in your sleep, nightmares.
And even as you’re between the state of sleeping and being awake, there are these almost like visions that come of your loved ones being hurt.
And there’s just, there’s just been a real torment at night and all throughout the day, you walk in this anxiety.
Now, let me tell you how it works with the Holy Spirit here. I don’t play guessing games.
I’m not saying maybe you’re here. I’m saying I know that I know that I know that you’re here.
I don’t understand all these things and how they work in the spirit in God’s timing.
But there’s something about responding when that word is spoken, ma’am. Where are you?
It’s time to be set free is that you ma’am from the back, come have her stand right here, please.
What’s your name? Ali Rose Morgan.
And how long have you been dealing with these issues since last year? Right before?
Say middle of October. So when I’m in my dream and I’m sleeping, I’m there with either one of my Children.
And there’s a, I don’t know, I don’t know how to pronounce maybe a demonic, like a figure like a, like a shadowy.
I saw that lift your hands. Everyone praying the holy ghost.
It’s the presence of the holy ghosts. Father in the name of Jesus.
Great. Break every bondage. That’s the power of God.
What are you sensing on you right now?
Say again, some something lifting off of me like heavy Burness coming off of me, raise her Children for ministry as she’s prayed in the name of Jesus.
As I laid hands on you right now, I saw like a light.
You’re gonna go home and you’re gonna sleep better than you’ve ever slept before.
You’re set free. God bless you. It’s simple. It’s the simple work of the holy ghost.
Keep praying in the spirit and helps more than you know.
Thank you Holy Spirit.
I don’t know who you are but I see ministry in your future.
Pardon? Well, come, receive it here.
Lift your hands, close your eyes.
The Lord told me to pull you out and to tell you there’s ministry in your future closer than you think.
Who, who, who, who keep praying in the spirit.
There was a season where the fire of God was burning and then a season where you felt like you had fallen away.
And then now that you’re back pursuing the things of God, the enemy uses that season of having fallen away to tell you that you’re disqualified and that you’ve missed it.
But God says God sends that His promises for your life will be fulfilled and that what the enemy has tried to use to torment you.
God is going to cause to be a tool in your hand for you’re going to minister deliverance and freedom to those who need to be set free from bondage.
I see lay hands on those with troubled minds.
I hear you saying, Lord, I don’t just want to do it within the church setting.
I want to go out into the streets and reach those who are hurting.
And God says, because because you have surrendered your life because you have admitted your will to His giving up dreams that others told you you were crazy for giving up for the things of God.
God says, I shall put a double portion anointing on your life and you will watch as miracles manifest through your ministry.
You’ve been looking for confirmation. There it is. And God’s people said, amen.
Wow, beautiful presence of the Lord here.
Isn’t it beautiful presence of the Lord?
I can feel I could feel the pool of people on, on the spirit.
It’s amazing like I can literally feel like a pool of the people and and there’s a woman here praying for her son.
You could just see this woman here praying for your son. He grew up in the things of God.
But right around age 16, he turned and now he’s running way that you don’t want him to go and you’ve been praying and God says your prayers are going to be met.
There’s another one here, there’s a man with an injury on his shoulder that he received at work while lifting something.
It’s your left shoulder. God says he’s going to heal you tonight and you’re going to testify. Thank you, Jesus.
I give you the praise and the glory and the honor. They’re coming quick guys, they’re coming quick.
I need you to take a moment. Yes, it’s wonderful.
But take a moment pray in the Holy Spirit because it helps me stay grounded.
I can’t explain it any other way. Oh my goodness, my goodness. There’s someone in ministry, a gentleman.
There’s a man here tonight. You’re in ministry and there’s just been this, this such a rough season that you asked God.
Just this past week, you asked him if you were really called and I know this is gonna be a tough one to answer.
This one may be like pulling teeth because it’s a tough one.
But you were asking God if you were really called and there was this really heavy assault on your mind just this past week and there was this voice in your head that wasn’t God and it wasn’t you.
It was the enemy telling you that maybe it was time to close things down because you weren’t seeing the fruit that you wanted to see, sir.
If you would just respond, there’s a word God has for you.
And I know this one’s tough and I know this one is going to be a little more like, ok, well, it’s gonna be him.
That’s you. And it’s because of finances, lift your hands.
It’s because of finances, finances and the concern for your family’s future.
Don’t you dare quit?
God will judge you for every soul you should have won.
Don’t you quit a profit, a profit, a profit?
He’ll take care of it.
He’ll take care of it. God will take care of it.
There’s a couple here tonight.
You’ve been trying to have Children and you cannot, you’re here tonight. I know it.
I know it. I know it. I know it. Where are you?
You may say, well, maybe someone else is wanting that right over here.
Is it someone over here that’s you.
Are you are you, are you here with your husband and come both of you.
Everyone pray in the Holy Spirit. Both of you lift your hands.
Whoa pray in the holy ghost right now.
Pick her up, guys, pick her up in the name of Jesus.
Pray I speak life in the name of Jesus.
I speak the resurrection life of God. Help her up again. Bring him here, join hands.
Both of you. Lord, give them a child and they’ll give them right back to you.
Let this child be raised for your kingdom. I pray.
Let this child walk and a mighty anointing Lord. I pray in the name of Jesus.
We call that miracle down right now and I speak in the name of Jesus by faith. Agree with me.
Let’s ask him, let’s ask him a bold prayer. Lord.
We’re asking that by this time next year, there would be a miracle that by this time, come on, ask him, ask him, ask him that by this time next year, we ask it in the name of Jesus.
Just lift your hands and thank them church. Say thank you Jesus.
Let them stay there and marinate the couple, I just prayed for, just stand in the aisle right there, Jess and I were told that IVF was our only option and it was tough to hear that.
It was tough to hear that it was very likely not going to happen after we went through that season, that initial heartache of the trial and the trouble I remember, I told my wife, I said, Jess, we’ve cried our tears.
We felt our heart ache. Now, let’s pivot and let’s start to walk by faith.
Don’t be afraid to get your hopes up. Don’t be afraid.
I would rather go the rest of my life believing for a miracle than to stop too soon and get to heaven and find out I should have received.
It only believes no more fear. Perfect love casts out all fear.
In fact, part of this part of this I see is rooted in the stress and the fear part of this is rooted in the stress and the fear does things to our bodies.
We don’t even realize go in faith. Now we pray a prayer.
We asked the Lord that by this time next year, that was a prayer of faith is what that was.
And that’s what we’re going to ask him.
And if we see this miracle, I want you to come back and I want you to testify or can we give the Lord a mighty hand of praise?
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And even as you’re between the state of sleeping and being awake, there are these almost like visions that come of your loved ones being hurt.
And there’s just, there’s just been a real torment at night and all throughout the day, you walk in this anxiety.
Now, let me tell you how it works with the Holy Spirit here. I don’t play guessing games.
I’m not saying maybe you’re here. I’m saying I know that I know that I know that you’re here.
I don’t understand all these things and how they work in the spirit in God’s timing.
But there’s something about responding when that word is spoken, ma’am. Where are you?
It’s time to be set free is that you ma’am from the back, come have her stand right here, please.
What’s your name? Ali Rose Morgan.
And how long have you been dealing with these issues since last year? Right before?
Say middle of October. So when I’m in my dream and I’m sleeping, I’m there with either one of my Children.
And there’s a, I don’t know, I don’t know how to pronounce maybe a demonic, like a figure like a, like a shadowy.
I saw that lift your hands. Everyone praying the holy ghost.
It’s the presence of the holy ghosts. Father in the name of Jesus.
Great. Break every bondage. That’s the power of God.
What are you sensing on you right now?
Say again, some something lifting off of me like heavy Burness coming off of me, raise her Children for ministry as she’s prayed in the name of Jesus.
As I laid hands on you right now, I saw like a light.
You’re gonna go home and you’re gonna sleep better than you’ve ever slept before.
You’re set free. God bless you. It’s simple. It’s the simple work of the holy ghost.
Keep praying in the spirit and helps more than you know.
Thank you Holy Spirit.
I don’t know who you are but I see ministry in your future.
Pardon? Well, come, receive it here.
Lift your hands, close your eyes.
The Lord told me to pull you out and to tell you there’s ministry in your future closer than you think.
Who, who, who, who keep praying in the spirit.
There was a season where the fire of God was burning and then a season where you felt like you had fallen away.
And then now that you’re back pursuing the things of God, the enemy uses that season of having fallen away to tell you that you’re disqualified and that you’ve missed it.
But God says God sends that His promises for your life will be fulfilled and that what the enemy has tried to use to torment you.
God is going to cause to be a tool in your hand for you’re going to minister deliverance and freedom to those who need to be set free from bondage.
I see lay hands on those with troubled minds.
I hear you saying, Lord, I don’t just want to do it within the church setting.
I want to go out into the streets and reach those who are hurting.
And God says, because because you have surrendered your life because you have admitted your will to His giving up dreams that others told you you were crazy for giving up for the things of God.
God says, I shall put a double portion anointing on your life and you will watch as miracles manifest through your ministry.
You’ve been looking for confirmation. There it is. And God’s people said, amen.
Wow, beautiful presence of the Lord here.
Isn’t it beautiful presence of the Lord?
I can feel I could feel the pool of people on, on the spirit.
It’s amazing like I can literally feel like a pool of the people and and there’s a woman here praying for her son.
You could just see this woman here praying for your son. He grew up in the things of God.
But right around age 16, he turned and now he’s running way that you don’t want him to go and you’ve been praying and God says your prayers are going to be met.
There’s another one here, there’s a man with an injury on his shoulder that he received at work while lifting something.
It’s your left shoulder. God says he’s going to heal you tonight and you’re going to testify. Thank you, Jesus.
I give you the praise and the glory and the honor. They’re coming quick guys, they’re coming quick.
I need you to take a moment. Yes, it’s wonderful.
But take a moment pray in the Holy Spirit because it helps me stay grounded.
I can’t explain it any other way. Oh my goodness, my goodness. There’s someone in ministry, a gentleman.
There’s a man here tonight. You’re in ministry and there’s just been this, this such a rough season that you asked God.
Just this past week, you asked him if you were really called and I know this is gonna be a tough one to answer.
This one may be like pulling teeth because it’s a tough one.
But you were asking God if you were really called and there was this really heavy assault on your mind just this past week and there was this voice in your head that wasn’t God and it wasn’t you.
It was the enemy telling you that maybe it was time to close things down because you weren’t seeing the fruit that you wanted to see, sir.
If you would just respond, there’s a word God has for you.
And I know this one’s tough and I know this one is going to be a little more like, ok, well, it’s gonna be him.
That’s you. And it’s because of finances, lift your hands.
It’s because of finances, finances and the concern for your family’s future.
Don’t you dare quit?
God will judge you for every soul you should have won.
Don’t you quit a profit, a profit, a profit?
He’ll take care of it.
He’ll take care of it. God will take care of it.
There’s a couple here tonight.
You’ve been trying to have Children and you cannot, you’re here tonight. I know it.
I know it. I know it. I know it. Where are you?
You may say, well, maybe someone else is wanting that right over here.
Is it someone over here that’s you.
Are you are you, are you here with your husband and come both of you.
Everyone pray in the Holy Spirit. Both of you lift your hands.
Whoa pray in the holy ghost right now.
Pick her up, guys, pick her up in the name of Jesus.
Pray I speak life in the name of Jesus.
I speak the resurrection life of God. Help her up again. Bring him here, join hands.
Both of you. Lord, give them a child and they’ll give them right back to you.
Let this child be raised for your kingdom. I pray.
Let this child walk and a mighty anointing Lord. I pray in the name of Jesus.
We call that miracle down right now and I speak in the name of Jesus by faith. Agree with me.
Let’s ask him, let’s ask him a bold prayer. Lord.
We’re asking that by this time next year, there would be a miracle that by this time, come on, ask him, ask him, ask him that by this time next year, we ask it in the name of Jesus.
Just lift your hands and thank them church. Say thank you Jesus.
Let them stay there and marinate the couple, I just prayed for, just stand in the aisle right there, Jess and I were told that IVF was our only option and it was tough to hear that.
It was tough to hear that it was very likely not going to happen after we went through that season, that initial heartache of the trial and the trouble I remember, I told my wife, I said, Jess, we’ve cried our tears.
We felt our heart ache. Now, let’s pivot and let’s start to walk by faith.
Don’t be afraid to get your hopes up. Don’t be afraid.
I would rather go the rest of my life believing for a miracle than to stop too soon and get to heaven and find out I should have received.
It only believes no more fear. Perfect love casts out all fear.
In fact, part of this part of this I see is rooted in the stress and the fear part of this is rooted in the stress and the fear does things to our bodies.
We don’t even realize go in faith. Now we pray a prayer.
We asked the Lord that by this time next year, that was a prayer of faith is what that was.
And that’s what we’re going to ask him.
And if we see this miracle, I want you to come back and I want you to testify or can we give the Lord a mighty hand of praise?
Thank you. Thank you for watching Encounter TV.
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