David Diga Hernandez – 5 Things that Break the Holy Spirit’s Heart

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One Comment

  1. Thank you for this teaching. A couple of weeks ago I had a vision that caused me more grief than even the death of my loved ones. I felt the grief of the Holy Spirit in such a real way. My heart was broken, too. In the vision, I saw a church that is very dear to my heart. Although no longer attending there because we have relocated, I still love the people in the congregation dearly and we experienced God’s presence in amazing ways while there. As I watched from a vantage point above the church, I saw the cloud of God’s Glory lift off of the building and leave. I felt the intense pain of the Spirit’s grief. Shocked and heartbroken I questioned, “Lord, how have they grieved your precious Holy Spirit so much that the cloud of His presence would leave?” I know we as individuals can easily grieve Him and I have done so, and deeply regret it, and have repented and asked Him to help me never to do so again. I cannot point fingers at the church but my heart feels His intense grief and all I can do is pray in the Spirit for them.

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