Commanding the Blessing Part 3 – Back to the Basics

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Commanding the Blessing Part 3 – Back to the Basics

Did you know God has commanded The Blessing on your life? Just like it was commanded on Adam, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and others, God has commanded The Blessing on YOU through Jesus Christ!

Back to the Basics:

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

Enhance your life as a believer with our Back to The Basics series. Order Today

Bill Winston Ministries (BWM) is a partnership-based outreach ministry to take the uncompromised Word of God to the whole world, starting with the major cities of our nation. To learn more about BWM partnership, visit

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers this summer embark on a transformative Journey with the believer’s Walk of Faith as we dive into the foundational teachings of Faith join Dr Bill Winston in our powerful summer series back to the basics where will’ll unlock the Timeless wisdom and Revelation for walking by Faith from his extensive Library we’re going back to Old School say amen amen we going back to the oldies but goodies these are things that’ll work for you I don’t care
what season you’re in I don’t care whether you got a PhD or no D I don’t care whether you’re in Africa or in Asia this will work for you any time any place get ready for the basic fundamentals for every believer to live a Victorious Life as a kingdom citizen don’t miss out tune in every week to gain understanding Revelation and reignite your commitment of Faith watch every week on Believers walk of faith and spread the word hello Bill Winston here welcome to another program the program that you’re
watching is called the believer’s Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight oh what an exciting program we have for you today we’re teaching still on this receiving your inheritance and we’re in this area called commanding the blessing now this is where we’re teaching on the blessing and what the blessing is how you receive the blessing what the blessing does for you how it can bring you into favor and promotion supernaturally now one of the things I want you to see in this particular
teaching or here this kingdom of God must be demonstrated in other words if if we’re from another kingdom and we are we are not from the kingdoms of this world we are from the kingdom of God and that blessing is on our lives well it’s on our lives to really add performance to our lives because sometime what happens is people trying to get other folks to drop the standards so they can get in you you don’t need that anymore see you need that in the world once you come into the blessing the blessing
actually trains you it actually becomes your teacher now we know the Holy Spirit does this but the blessing is this authorization to get all this done let me give you an example here is David and he’s going to fight Goliath and the first thing that Saul the king told him says hey this big guy has been trained in war from its youth well that didn’t make any difference in Psalm chapter 144 and verse one he says this that God teaches My Hands to War and my fingers to fight now what is he saying here he
is saying he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies when you have that blessing it’ll give you Proficiency in areas that you’ve never been trained in it is powerful now the last thing I want you to note is understand belief or believing see one of the reasons why God couldn’t work for the children of Israel is because of unbelief they didn’t believe well to believe is unqualified committal you know what that means that means sellout sell out this is is true and I’m going
to stand on it praise God get your Bibles and pencils and papers ready let’s go and take some good notes now it’s called commanding the blessing let’s go into it God is relying on the church to help him take back the world and put it I’m talking about the people and the property and put it back into the kingdom and he’s looking for you to take and bring this thing back to where the garden was yeah this strong stuff here folks but in democracy see you can you can fluctuate you can you can you can say
stuff and and if you don’t like it protest just pick up a sign are you follow what I’m saying see see you got all that but not so in the Kingdom whatever the word says it is forever settled in heaven forever settled God says I am the Lord and I what I don’t change I mean that’s why this country was a Democratic Republic because it was a it was the rule of law here it is but now everybody trying to change it trying to change the Constitution trying to change it trying to change that but you can’t change this Bible
if it says by his stripes you are healed folks that is it and what happened is people have not believed look what it said two places one Romans chapter um 4 and verse three what saith the scripture Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness look at chapter 3:3 please for what if some did not believe shall the unbelief make the faith of God without [Music] effect God forbid yay come on let God be true and every man be alive God sees you already healed come on God sees you already rich glory to
God see and you’re not going to change him just cuz you don’t want to be rich come on now come on you’re preaching I’m I’m just talking now and you say well anybody Rich me running after that money no no no no he may have your assignment to every school in Chicago that tries to close because of no money goad he wants you to reopen it come on now watch this not only that but he wants you to go out and get instructors not just average he wants you to get the best trained that been to the best schools
that have proven themselves and load that school with them watch this and pay them some good money hey we got the devil where we want him now see and that’s why the money cuz I’ve got to turn that school into the garden right than we can do this you don’t have to wait on the city to fix your street you fix [Applause] it well Pastor I’ll run out of money you can’t run out God has set aside billions for your calling now start using some of it everybody not willing to preach this because to preach this you got to stop
blaming the [Applause] government come on the preach this you got to unhook from your dependency on the system that’s trying to keep you in your mind try to keep it paralyzed as to what the truth really is the truth is you are wealthy the truth is you are here to take over not take sides the truth is by his stripes you are healed and you can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover may the Lord add a blessing to the reading of the word [Applause] HH no no as long as you’re begging you’re not exercising the
blessing now try it begging your aunt for some money begging your Grandmama for something begging the government for something begging the church is not to be for nothing I said for nothing amen I tell you everybody ain’t willing to hear this notice what they did in chapter 14 of numbers they start trying to Stone Joshua and Caleb for preaching the truth and if anybody come up preaching the truth and tell you that you don’t need to count on a man that’s right so a man can give you another handout certain
people get mad that’s right and you need to come out of that cuz black Christians ought to know that no signed document got you off that cotton field God got you off that cotton field and what you need to do is give him some credit boy I’m preaching this afternoon all of a sudden you don’t need God no more now it’s the man mad lip all stuck [Music] out you’re being manipulated but I’m going to leave that right where it is right now we going to have the church be the church what did they say Let the church
say [Music] [Applause] Amen no we don’t need that see all that manipulation racism so forth so yeah hey what is that you supposed to be living seated together with him in Heavenly places and watch this he’s on the right hand of God that is the side of blessing that’s where you are you are in Christ y’all all right now all right let me just see where we are now praise God y’all didn’t preach me all the way downstairs here you know sometimes you got to get this stuff out all right so let’s look at this blessing CU I got
to believe this and what I’m doing is I want you to have confidence in the blessing want you to have confidence in it because this blessing is going to do for you what no man on Earth can do for you Genesis chapter 25 and Isaac loved Esau because he did eat of his venison but Rebecca loved Jacob now who was Rebecca Isaac’s wife okay just for the sake of this meeting let’s call her Becky so Becky Lov Jacob I had an aunt called Becky so that’s all right I I’m just I’m trying I’m taking some Liberties I know look at
verse 29 and Jacob S pottage and Esau came from the field and he was faint meaning that he was hungry and Esau said to Jacob feed me I pray thee with that same red pottage for I am faint I’m almost put it in days word I’m starved therefore was his name called Edom Edom had red partage and Jacob said sell me this day your Birthright and Esau said behold I am at the point to die he said and what profit shall this Birthright do to me and Jacob said swear to me this day and he swear to him and he sold his Birthright unto
Jacob then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage and lentils and he did eat and drink and Rose up and went his way thus Esau despised his Birthright despised mean to think very small of and I’m saying that here he despised the blessing now this blessing blessing was going to give him a leg up on everything here is Joseph going down to Egypt going down to Egypt with the blessing and Joseph went down to Egypt and the next thing he’s working as a slave I’m talking about a slave I’m talking about a shown up slave and
notice what happened he now Rises up to behe head over the whole Ranch watch this without going to Ranch Management School come on God will give you Proficiency in an area that you have never been formally trained in because his promise is to raise you up and make you a [Applause] blessing so what happened and she comes against him his part of his wife and he turns it down and then he gets put in prison falsely accused am I right about it [Music] Injustice that was he do he didn’t get in prison and start belly aching about everybody now no
justice going to be served that’s but when he got down there next thing you know God gives Pharaoh a dream Pharaoh has a dream now they said this man can interpret dreams pull Joseph up there Joseph got from prison to prime minister watch this with no training watch this and now he’s the boss over [Music] Piper see it’s called The Law of rejection the stone that the Builder rejected has become the head and I’m telling you if you’ve been rejected get ready here in this case is Esau he didn’t value the
blessing so now I’m going to go a couple more stages here so here is now Jacob and his daddy is calling him in so he goes in there posing himself as Esau and verse 23 of chapter 27 and he discerned him not because his hands were hairy as his brother Esau’s hand so he did what to it he blessed it and verse 27 and he came near and kissed him and he smelled the smell of his rment and blessed him and said see the smell of my son as a smell of the field which the Lord has blessed therefore God give you the do of Heaven
and the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine and let people serve you and Nations bow down to you and the Lord over thy be Lord over thy Brethren and let thy mother’s sons bow down to thee cursed be everyone that curses you and blessed be everyone that blessed you and it was over when Isaac bless Jacob he says by faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come now it wasn’t one blessing Jacob got that one Esau got a little dribbling over here of something else now here’s what I want to tell you
by what faith so when Isaac spoke it he had to believe that what he said was going to come to pass am is that that any different from Mark 11:23 whosoever shall what say to this mountain be thou what removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt where in his heart but shall believe that those things that he says come on shall come to pass he shall have that is a principle of the kingdom of God it’s not a democracy it’s based on you knowing that if you say it it’s going to happen cuz when God says it come on it’s


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