Command the Foreword | Dutch Sheets

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Two Sunday mornings ago, on June 4, I woke up early, feeling deeply burdened for our nation. I felt a weight that I couldn’t explain. At that moment, I didn’t know that former President would be indicted three days later, but I sensed the gravity of the moment. In fact, I ended up changing the direction of my message that morning because of how I was feeling. As we prayed that morning, the Holy Spirit dropped a prophetic word into my heart, and I feel compelled to share it before introducing Dutch tonight.

I heard this from the Holy Spirit: “I will now deal with the oppressors of my people. I will move swiftly, with intense zeal, using my First Responders. I have heard their cries, and I will break the hold of the taskmasters. Even though they have resisted stubbornly, I will lead them like oxen with nose rings to their place of destruction. I will pull them to disgrace. The oppressive influence will break, and my people will no longer hear the taskmaster’s whip. They will not carry the burdens of their oppressors or toil for their enemies’ gain. They will not be slaves to cultural brutality. They will not labor in empty fields because they worship me. No, they will own the fields they once toiled in. The sound of victory will break forth as my people shatter the oppressor’s authority.”

“The words of their Pharaoh will be as chaff in the wind. My angels will scatter their defiance as they enforce the decrees of my Ecclesia. Michael and his Chariots of Fire have received their orders, and Gabriel has communicated strategies through angel armies. Breakthrough angels are now activated. Pharaoh will not have the final word; I will have the final word. Ecclesia, contend in faith as I harden the hearts of your enemies.”

“Think about what I did to Pharaoh and the people of God when they came out of bondage. I allowed Pharaoh’s heart to harden to expose the evil nature within. I will harden the hearts of your enemies for their devastating defeat. Set your heart on what I say. Expect to live in the promised places I have prepared for you. Move forward into the new times and seasons I’ve ordained. Move forward into the Reformation I’ve planned for decades. Move into positions of authority I have prepared for you. Move forward into the harvest I have ripened for you. Move forward against giant strongholds I am uprooting. I am planting new things.”

“Just as my prophets have said, move forward, pioneers, through the dark wilderness, and blaze the trail for families to follow. Move forward, Pathfinders, and open trails to new levels of glory. Respond with me and reset history. For thus says the Lord, ‘The next three months will be months of great anointing to rapidly grow Reformation.'”

“I rarely receive specific dates or times, but the Lord spoke clearly: ‘The next three months—June, July, and August—will see great anointing for the rapid growth of Reformation.’ The seeds of faith that my people have sown will accelerate toward fullness, producing abundant fruit. My people will enter new times, marked by supernatural resets.”

“Yes, says the Lord, ‘I am resetting lives, personal histories, the history of my Ecclesia, and even the history of nations. I will reset the history of America.’ My World Changers are now being called to mobilize, as my promises grow to fullness. Embrace and move into the reset I have planned. Decree your faith and activate Kingdom power. Decree your faith and activate authority to reign with me. Decree your faith and activate angel armies. We are in the era of supernatural reset. Decree your faith as Pharaoh and his armies are led to the sea of their destruction. Decree your faith and move into victorious harvests. Decree your faith and step into new history.”

“God is doing something powerful in these next three months.”

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