Coming Out of the Shadows – Part 1 (Hebrews 10:1-10)

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Coming Out of the Shadows – Part 1 (Hebrews 10:1-10)

Christ offers true forgiveness and freedom from condemnation, allowing us to come out of the shadows of our past and into his light.

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why don’t you remain standing right because we’re going to get we’re going to get into the reading grab your Bibles and uh turn to Hebrews can listen Hebrews chapter 10 tonight we’re we’re in the 10th chapter now we’ve we’ve made it to the 10th chapter it’s going to go fast now from here on out it really will but um it’s going to go fast from here on out but not fast tonight but from here on now it’ll go fast so Hebrews chapter 10 I’ll read verse one if you pick it up in verse Two
for the law having a shadow of the good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with these same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year make those who approach perfect to be offered for the worshippers once purified would have had no more consciousness of sins but in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins therefore when he came into the world he said this is Messiah this is Jesus and this is his ministry
theme as it were sacrifice and offering you did not desire but a body you have prepared for me and burn off offerings and sacrifices for sin you had no pleasure then I said behold I have come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do your will oh God previously saying sacrifice and offering burnt offerings and offerings for sin you did not desire nor had pleasure in them which are offered according to the law then he said behold I have come to do your will oh God he takes away the first that’s the first Covenant or the Old
Testament he fulfills it that he may establish the second by that will we have been Sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all once and for all and all God’s people said amen you may be seated Hebrews chapter 10 church and as we look at this together we’re looking at a message now in the series that will come out of this chapter no doubt and that is coming out of the Shadows uh coming out of the shadows and as we think about this tonight we’ve been studying uh in fact if you think about
it here in chapter 10 what really began in chapter 7 is one long argument of announcing that the Messiah Christ Jesus is better remember he’s better than Moses the Bible says he’s better than Ang Angels he’s better than the uh the priesthood of the past uh and yet he’s equated with the priesthood uh of the Old Testament which is technically the first one ever mentioned do you guys remember this and that is MDC very little known about this amazing manifestation uh back in the Book of Genesis and that is in chapter 14 you
can read that later but this priest was this man MDC a lot of people and I get it a lot of Scholars um some say that that is uh a theophanes where uh mzc was none other than Jesus appearing in the flesh before Bethlehem that’s certainly true in other parts of scripture where Jesus literally appeared way before Bethlehem time that’s awesome it’s called a theophanes or christophanies is that what me is that who mzc is there’s great great Scholars on the other side that say no it’s just a a a a type uh it it it
chooses the scripture says that he has no beginning or end of days well that’s kind of like Eternal talk uh that regarding his parentage there’s no record uh that he has an order of a priesthood that’s forever that’s unusual because Moses would come along later some 450 years later later and eventually God will tell Moses to establish the aric priesthood right think about that this is very important everybody that we get this down that in the early opening chapters of the Old Testament even up to the time of David
what David was about a thousand I think it was about a thousand years before Jesus close to it 900 years David before Christ when you look at David’s life you can relate to David very much because he sounds like you when he’s writing about the Dynamics of his life he calls out to God and he asks God to forgive him right David talks about Lord take not your Holy Spirit from me he in in many ways David reveals a walk with God that is much more like you and I enjoy than what you would think and the issue with Abraham watch
I’m deliberately leaving somebody out for a purpose here David we can relate to David we can also relate in the Old Testament to Abraham Abraham was declared righteous by God of course before the law ever came about but Abraham was declared righteous by God because Abraham believed God he had faith in God and the Bible tells us that God imparted to Abraham righteousness because Abraham believed in the Lord that’s your life too you know who your life isn’t like and it’s why I left him out of the
equation and that is Moses your life is not like Moses’s life your life is like Abraham’s life your life is like David’s life but think about it Moses’s life no Moses life was bound in the law and God had called him to give the law and according to the Bible the law of God not only the Ten Commandments but all of the instruction given all of it speaks about the righteousness of God the Holiness of god let’s be honest and the sinfulness of man The Ten Commandments are given to us to show us not only how we’re supposed
to treat God but one another and we immediately fail you say well I didn’t do those things you don’t have to do those things all you have to do is think those things you said well who said that Jesus did Jesus said that because remember the the scribes and the Pharisees were strutting around about how righteous they were and Jesus said I tell you what if you look at someone in lust after them you’ve committed adultery already guilty have you ever looked at somebody else’s um well back in those days it was
their donkey or their camel like man I’d love to have that black camel that guy’s got a black camel with pin striping and chrome hooves that would be coveting or Idol worshipping and the scripture is very clear about these things that we have fallen short of all the things the Ten Commandments lays out if we’ve not done them we we have thought them and that the Bible tells us in the Book of Romans that all of mankind is guilty before God and so that’s why it’s a bad habit for anybody who claims to be
a Christian to be pointing their finger at somebody and you know being the fault finder you know the Lord’s called me to point out everybody else’s faults no that’s not what he called you to do the fact of the matter is what is being spoken of is that a relationship with God the Old Testament convinced us of our sins and then all along the way the promise of the Messiah think about this church this should be very simple and I do believe for you here in the house that it is simple that the law is
Holy just and good and it had a certain purpose that we by our flesh and lack of faith impose upon the law that we can somehow oh look there’s the holy law and so I’m going to keep it and I’ll be holy too and I’ll be fine and as long as my good outweighs my bad we begin to pollute the Perfection of God we try to reason with it when the law is made of stone and it just looks at you with the rules and the Apostle Paul said it was given the convict us of our sins and the moment that happens in your
life you need an offering you need blood you need these Innocents to be offered up for the guilty and thereby have forgiveness based upon that atonement so church this is a very very important chapter for sure little bit of background you can follow along with me in your scriptures or the verse will be on the screen it’s Hebrews 9 Hebrews 9 back there verse 6 it says now when these things had uh been thus prepared he’s talking about what uh God had given Moses to assemble the priest always went into the first part of the
Tabernacle performing the services but into the second part that is the holy of holies the high priest went in only once a year not without blood God said if you came in without blood you would die wow which he offered for himself listen everybody why would the priest who goes before for into the holy of holies would have to offer up blood for himself and for the people’s sins well because he’s representing God he’s not God he’s not even in the place of God really it was known that you are the mediator between God and man as
the priest as the high priest the sins committed in ignorance verse 8 the Holy Spirit indicating this is awesome the Holy Spirit indicating showing displaying this that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while the first Tabernacle was still standing what an amazing statement the true way to God has not yet been provided is what the Old Testament reality was it was all a type Tabernacle the showbread the manora all of these the priesthood itself all of it was acting out that which is a greater
thing all was not yet made manifest for the first Tabernacle was still standing verse 9 it was What’s the Word Church symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience big word tonight conscience verse 10 concerned only with foods and drinks various Washings and fleshly ordinances imposed here it is until the time of reformation and here is a great verse it’s not just that it’s Christmas time this is what he’s
referring to Matthew 4: 13 the Bible tells us Jesus leaving Nazareth he came and dwelt in capernum which is by the sea in the regions of Zebulon and nap that it might be fulfilled with was spoken by the prophet or by Isaiah the prophet saying here it is and this is part of the Christmas uh announcement as well the land of Zebulon and the land of Napal by way of the sea beyond the Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and upon those who sat in the region of the shadow of death light has dawned I’m
just going to flirt with you this way about the shadow of death it’s not just the shadow as it’s dark and they lived in a in a region that was given over to paganism and Christ came absolutely true but the Old Testament economy that the book of Hebrews is showing you is to be left behind and God’s New Covenant is to be embraced because it’s the Fulfillment of the old is a type or a picture of the symbol of leaving the shadows of all of these things that were cryptic and that were done in such a way that makes you
even scratch your head especially when you read The Book of Leviticus it gets to be brutal number one in our notetaking tonight church it’s verses 1 to 4 coming out of the Shadows it’s this it’s that believing is seen will you write that down please believing is seen no Pastor I believe that seeing is believing no you really don’t that doesn’t work seeing is not believing that never hold that never lasts it never endures I know it’s a sugar fix at first it’s a rush if I could just see I’ll
believe uh that horse uh starts to slow down after a while you want to know why it’s so strange you would think seeing is believing and that’s it I saw it and that’s the deal over time what’s amazing about God’s calling for us to live in faith is that no matter what we’ve seen as time goes on over time we may not see it the same way somebody might persuade us well was it really that after all but when it comes to the issue of believing which I’m talking about faith it actually opens up
a door of comprehension that is not affected by any that can influence or Sway and I’m very grateful for that and you and I will be grateful for that if Jesus doesn’t Rapture us home then we’re going to die somehow every single one of us somehow I mean I hate the break the news to you but you’re going to kick the bucket someday and um when that happens uh when you say seeing is believing well what happens when you can’t see in the things of the spirit or it doesn’t you look around it what’s
happening to you in the room or in the world and you come to the conclusion I don’t believe anymore why based on what I see oh sorry that’s sad but when you believe in him who is mighty to save and never changes and is immovable then no matter what you see around you it doesn’t affect what you believe and we need to know this in our day and age Church the future is to the world in doubt not to God not to you it shouldn’t be it should not be if you know your Bible you can see and the first thing
that we see in verse one is that by leaving the darkness behind believe in is seen how do we do that by leaving the darkness behind us it says for the law having a shadow of the good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with these same sacrifices which they offer continually yearby year make those who approach perfect that’s a mouthful what is he saying he’s saying this that everything regarding the lurgical worship and sacrifice of the Old Testament system had its expiration date on it and
he announces that it could never deal with totality the the sin and the sacrifice needed it can’t produce it so watch how brilliant the Bible is and how simple the Bible is it says here that they offer continually year by year if God forgives sins by the blood of an animal then why this is what he’s saying then why would you have to do this every time uh you had a bad thought or you did are you committed a sin you’d have to go get blood again and read your Old Testament you got to go get a a dove or
you got to go get a lamb you got to go get a sacrifice why because you’ve sinned and if that was the final word if God says this is the way it is you got to have a temple you got to have these articles and these implements and this the holy of holies and in the Holy place and you need to have the Brazen altar out there and that’s the way it’s got to be the old it’s just the Old Testament setting it’s going to be like that forever well you’ve got a problem because the Old Testament says that God is going to do
away with the old practice Ezekiel 36 Jeremiah 31 it says so but if an animal being offered for your sins takes away your sins then why do you have to keep doing this well then that’s that’s why the priest would go in on the day of atonement why did he have to do it every year why did it have to be repeated because listen if you’re a legalist you’re looking at those things as though they work it didn’t work it said that those offerings covered sin it never removed sin and so when they made offerings they
looked ahead to God’s future promise they looked ahead you don’t look ahead Church you look back we’re 2,000 years this way they were 2,000 years the other way and they all we all look back at the cross and it’s an amazing thing you see the beauty of that where it’s by faith it doesn’t matter if you’re Noah or you’re built today separated by thousands of years yet the answer is the same to look to the Messiah to be your salvation your deliverance and by the way this is one of the most most sobering verses in the
scripture if you think about it because again if you consider what it’s saying it’s saying that in until Christ comes your sins are just covered over and your your offering just when about runs out don’t worry the high priest on the day of atonement Yom kapor will do it again and you just kind of it’s like driving a car and you’re low on gas then they finally get refilled and the the the scripture here is announcing the Glorious fact that that when God brings his promised Messiah it won’t be like that it will be
one offering once and for all and you just think about that what that means to us right now we don’t get it if we Liv thousands of years ago there were things that you did today or thought today that you would have to go get an animal tonight and go slit its neck and capture its blood and then go before God and say I’m sorry aren’t you glad can you imagine the animal rights people going crazy well there wouldn’t be any animal rights people it would be just part of the system oh I think we uh underestimate
the joy and the greatness of having Jesus as our lamb you know and so this word shadow that for the law having a shadow the word Shadow is the Greek word skaya it’s listen to this it’s the shade it’s the shade or a shadowy region or regions an area it means a place or location that is present but not clearly visible it kind of goes like this imagine driving in the fog you know where you’re going and you could is that is that the bridge I think it’s the bridge it looks like it’s the bridge yeah yeah yeah I’m pretty sure
it’s the bridge you know it’s there you can make it out enough to know yeah that’s that’s it but you can’t see if of the details of the bridge the Bible says that that’s exactly the situation that they had in the Old Testament it was shadowy they couldn’t see clearly and then the scripture goes on to say that it was not the very image this is awesome right here in verse one the word image econ is the word and it means the uh a statue or watch this a form of or likeness of it’s a representation something embossed
that would be something stamped or pressed into the likeness of the original this is awesome so for the law having a foggy uh dim view of the good things to come and listen the law was not the very image of the things so the law announced righteousness but it couldn’t bring righteousness to you it could just point out your failure at being righteous the law got us Galatians 4: 19 says my little children for whom I labor in birth pains until Christ is what formed in you stamped embossed in you isn’t that this is beautiful because again as
Christians when we say Christians you know I try to avoid saying that because people it’s been so abused so as followers of Jesus rather than God dealing with animals and animal blood and an Earthly priest we’ve got Jesus who the holy spirit’s work is not to make us like some Earthly priest listen up please everybody it’s not to make us like some Earthly Pastor priest uh evangelist Pope anybody but Jesus the holy spirit’s job is to emboss Jesus more in more into your life he’s the image of the invisible God
the Bible says and the very same nature this is amazing the very same nature of Jesus is what the Holy Spirit has been doing in your life since the day you gave your heart to Christ see why why are we in heaven yet I often didn’t think that and then I think about what the Bible teaches and we’re not ready to be in heaven yet God’s got work to do that’s and it’s not that he just has work to do he has work to do on us so why aren’t I in heaven yet well apparently you’re not ready if I were ready right I mean think
about it when a Christian dies uh they they were ready they outgrew their body it’s time to go but uh in this day and age in which you and I live in um I have no doubt I I I I don’t think I was doubting before but I think it’s going to get extremely extremely uh Dynamic to be a believer in these days so last uh Sunday afternoon I was at the Rams game be and I wouldn’t have normally gone but uh I’m a dear friend of the quarterback for the Commander Sam Howell and so I left the 99 to go be with the
one he Jo he joined our church online during covid from North Carolina at the time when he was there with uh North Carolina the tar Hills and um so during halftime and I’m sorry I don’t remember who the person was but the the announcer on the field was interviewing some NFL Hall of Famer and everybody was going crazy man he was he had all these records and he was he’s the guy and the people were cheering and he was talking and he’s talking about it was you know my experience with and I don’t even know
who the team was with 49ers or the Eagles or whatever he’s talking and people are going yeah yeah and I’m not kidding you I’ve never seen this in my life the woman asked him well how did you know you were so so consistent year in year out in the NFL and your career was so long and successful and he said everything I’ve done has been to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ well well that’s not the reaction that happened at Sofi Stadium people began to boo him as soon as they heard that boo boo he was a he was a Hall of Fame star
3 seconds earlier and then he mentions Jesus and the booze began to descend and I’m not talking a couple thousand people there must have been tens of thousands of people there’s probably 75,000 people there that day and man the booze came down on Jesus let’s be honest the booze didn’t come down on him the booze came down on Jesus and I bet in that moment because whoever that guy was God knows his name that was a little bit more of the pressing of the image of Christ into that man’s life the world might have
booed him but Heaven applauded him amen the world might have rejected you or booed you or canceled you you said this verse to your friend didn’t you you gave a verse to your friend or you said this online in a little chat room thing or on your Facebook page and then you’ve got all these people started attacking you and then you come to me on Sunday and you’re crying and you feel so bad because they said terrible things about you it’s excuse me I’m sorry no sympathy here it’s called social media you put yourself out there
buddy you’re going to get run over you stand in the freeway you’re going to get hit and the people that said all these mean things about you you don’t even know who they are and they got you all in England they would say they got your knickers in a wad didn’t they I think that’s great they got your underwear all twisted up oh my goodness listen when you stand for Jesus this the holy spirit is using those kinds of issues to press the image of Christ even further into you that’s why the Bible That’s why Jesus said you
ought to rejoice when people persecute you for righteous for righteousness sake right don’t lose heart in John chap 1 verse 16 John 1:16 it says and of his fullness we have all received listen and Grace for grace for the law was given through Moses but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ Christ Yeshua hamashiach Jesus the Messiah Colossians 2: 16 Colossians 2:16 says so let no one judge you in food or in drink I’ll explain this in a moment or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths I should stop right there verse
16 so do this do this this this and we’ll be will accept you and if you blow any of those things then you’re going to have to do these things to get right and it’s kind of like training a dog you know sit down roll over play dead and the only way you can get the dog to do that is you give them treats every time you here you do this and you get this oh I blew it you know what you got to do this and then I’ll give you this cookie and it’s it’s sick but it’s the human human psyche apart from
God just tell me what to do God says I’d rather just Lead You by my right hand isn’t that beautiful but if if listen if we don’t have that personal relationship with Jesus but we have a hankering to be religious then you love rules you love them just tell me what to do and I’ll do it and the problem with that is once you do 75% of it your head’s going to be 75% bigger because you think you’re something that’s why the flesh loves legalism it doesn’t take Faith to operate in the flesh you
can see the requirement you can meet the requirement check the box next thing what tell me God’s not in that so when it says don’t let anybody judge you in food and food and drink he’s not saying uh go eat junk food and go buy go buy Bud Light that’s not what he’s saying oh look I have the freedom in Christ to go to McDonald’s and drink drink a Bud Light no actually you don’t you need to read the whole Bible and uh you need first of all you need to take care of your body I mean I don’t I don’t practice that personally
but I we we should we’re supposed to take care of our temp these bodies are the Temple of the spirit of God so that God can use us and I don’t understand how that works out because God has given us a day in which we’re going to die you know that all of our days are numbered did you know he knows the exact number so somebody will say if he knows the exact number then let’s eat pizza tonight and then we’ll get ice cream and French fries all at the same time because he knows the day I’m going to die anyway
this is true however you want to feel good up until that time comes you want to be wise and it’s very true about what even goes into us but he’s talking about these things connect connected to religious performance f festivals and new moons in sabbaths look what he says in verse 17 which are a shadow there’s that word again of things to come but the substance is of Christ the word substance is the body it’s the word Som by the way the body the evidence the reality the bulk the manifestation of the whole thing is
Christ that’s awesome Matthew 11 verse 28 you know this well 28 and 29 come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden Jesus said and I will give you rest that place beautifully with that word som the body the evidence the reality the bulk the manifestation listen here’s the reality you come to me everybody who’s heavy heavy laden and burden which is everybody in the world without Jesus and he says I will give you rest I will bring what is shadowy hard to figure out something that you don’t get you come to me say I can’t I I have
to figure everything out I have to I got to know first listen there’s a part of God where he says listen here’s what we’re going to do I’m going to stand right here and you’re going to be right there and you’ve made it all this way and now you need to make a decision jump into my arms and you can talk about it all day long you can tell God how high you can jump but until you jump It’s just talk and it’s not happening you got to jump you’ve got to trust Jesus says come to me oh think of it come to me and you’re
you’re running to him my granddaughter she’s she’s uh 13 years old she’s so strong uh really great at volleyball and she’s just strong but she’s 13 and you know you know when you you remember when you’re 13 I try to forget but it’s that that’s a tough age that’s a tough time of life and so she’ll come and she’ll grab a hold of me and I think she thinks maybe she still sees herself like she’s six years old but she’ll come and she’ll grab me and it’s like we we both almost fall
over I’m thinking about falling and cracking my hip or something and she’s just loving on Papa and so what’s amazing about that equation is uh I’ll suffer a broken hip to have that kind of precious relationship God does that on a grand scale with you and I we don’t know exactly how we ought to act God says that’s okay you come to me what do I wear just come where do I sit come uh when come you know how we are let’s analyze it to death some of you can’t pull the trigger on anything because you’ve got to think
about it forever right and then the time comes well I’m going to pray about it you’ve had a month trust him have you been engaged for like four years listen I don’t know man the Bible says the love deferred makes the heart grow sick somebody can’t pull the trigger there on that one God says jump and I’ll give you rest wow Jesus promised that and he says take my yoke upon you and learn it from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find here’s the word again rest for your souls isn’t that
beautiful yeah that frees us up from the burden of trying to be good enough it’s a killer everybody and maybe you can join with me i’ I grew up learning that where never good enough no matter what you did I could have walked on water but then you know my parents would have said there’s something wrong with that water maybe you grew up with that just like didn’t matter what I did I had somebody tell me recently in a Biblical guidance uh meeting that they grew up their heart was really right toward the lord they loved God but
their parents kept accusing them of stuff you’re doing this I know you’re doing this and the kid wasn’t doing it at all well now the person’s uh I going to say old in their 60s so I got to watch that so young in their 60s but growing up accused accused where were you you were with those boys weren’t you that the person eventually after years of that concluded you know what they think about it more than I do apparently I’m missing out on something great no listen apparently I’m missing out on
something spectacular because that’s all they talk about and they accuse me of it so I guess I’m going to go do everything they said yep and they did out of our mouth we can shape people we can create people husbands know this men we could say something to the women in our lives daughters wives we can say something and we can destroy them or we can build them up and I don’t know if you guys have known this this this is going to be pretty cruel but if you want to know how a marriage is going always look at the
wife did you hear me this is biblical guidance biblical counseling 101 when you ask a question of the couple always look at the wife when you ask the question it’s amazing when a when a wife is encouraged and and built up and told that she’s beautiful and you can do it I’ve got whatever you need babe this is going to be great you’re G to you’re going to get an A she most often does but if she’s Beat Down Beat Down the whole world will see it because she just shrivels up head goes down posture
begins to slouch she’s lost her spirit that’s a form of legalism is it not Jesus said you come to me I’ll give you rest does that does that sound appealing to you it does to me then secondly look at verse two believe in a seene by putting an end to condemnation for then would they not have ceased to be offered for the worshippers once purified would have had no more consciousness of sin if the Old Testament my friends can save you then why the guilty conscience that’s what he’s saying this is a very deep but simple
thing right now everybody how’s how’s your conscience think of it people who are involved in a cult they’re terrified constantly because they they have no peace they’ve not enjoyed any Assurance because the gods of the Cults don’t give Assurance the gods of the Cults have to keep you insecure so to speak tied up at the stake so you don’t run away now the god of the Bible set you free and he set you free from condemnation none of us are perfect none of us are perfect but isn’t it a shame
that I’ll lay my head down tonight and my conscience is crystal clear no more guilt and shame after I came to Jesus well when I came to Christ I had to learn this just like some of you are learning in it now through Bible study that the Bible talks about a conscience that you and I have and we can be set free an end believe in a seen and what God does when that happens is that he puts an end to the condemnation in our lives the Old Testament could never relieve your conscience of being a sinner there’s it didn’t have that kind
of power listen to this Romans chapter 8 verse1 there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are key word in Christ Jesus listen here’s what they look like they don’t walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit their life at now your life now is after the things of God does it mean you’re perfect no do you want to be perfect yes but my flesh gets in the way but I fight it and even in the fight Christians are you are you with me tonight even in the fight that’s the proof that I’m living in the spirit and
that there’s therefore now no condemnation amen it’s awesome for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do and that it was weak through the flesh God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh on on account of sin he condemned sin he sin was condemning us he condemned sin wow it’s beating us up Jesus one blow one blow this listen Christ explodes from the grave so to speak the stones rolled away and sin is
defeated it’s broken absolutely he condemns sin in the flesh verse for that the righteous requirements of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh but those who live according to the spirit the things of the spirit and church family you you have to know yourself the Bible says to examine yourself to determine whether you’re in the faith or not this is a great statement right here do you pursue
do you want to pursue that the things of the spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enity or Warfare against God for it is not subject to the law of God nor indeed can be so then those who are in the flesh cannot please God verse 9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the spirit of God dwells in you he’s talking to the believer freed I’m going to show you a a headline that came out just the other day and I
want to talk about this point about condemnation Consciousness and uh this is this is it’s I don’t know where to to start with this headline uh gay Catholics rejoice as Pope approves same-sex blessings which is same-sex marriages but this is just a first step oh my God he actually did it says jubilant Catholic uh Michael Pinger now I guess I don’t know what really now you know really going to hit the fan um so this is a big deal everybody you know we started the book of Hebrews during covid because this church was
inundated uh with Catholics coming because their church was closed and we were so happy about Catholics coming and so we pivoted and went to the book of Hebrews and little did we know that there’d be good reason for you to be studying the book of Hebrews to find out that you don’t have an Earthly priest that you can trust in there’s only one priest in heaven that you can trust in his name is Jesus and this is a perfect reason why the Catholic Church the Catholic church is done it’s over the pope who is the great Seer he’s
the pontiff the pontiff Maximus he is the voice of God on Earth to the Catholic okay what he says goes this should start right now the largest mass Exodus of people out of the Catholic Church than any other thing in the history of man right now absolute death and destruction Jesus said to stuff just like this come out from among them and be separate says the Lord the Catholic church has gone against scripture and against God which is sign of the end times by the way this is an apostate Pope this is a heretic and this guy has announced oh
God was wrong God’s wrong in his design of marriage I I’m going to change it and by Fiat he changes it but I believe that people who hang on to the Catholic Church from this moment on because this convers I don’t know if you heard about this this conversation is going on in Catholic churches all around the world the Catholic we sites the priest you should hear the priest half the priests are saying that’s awesome half the priests are saying we’re out of here right this is a great thing here’s the here’s the thing if a
Catholic stays and you look to this guy and the church to be your salvation you own that I on the other hand I’m going to go to Jesus I’m going to go to his priesthood and they someone during the report called him the Holy Father and almost threw up there’s nothing holy about him he believes in abortion and advocates for abortion he believes in evolution this guy changes more colors than a chameleon it’s unbel it’s it’s it’s horrific Jack you’re kind of lit up about this yeah you know why this guy’s
dragging people into hell he’s going in head first but he’s pulling people who’s hanging onto his robe can you imagine if one quarter of the Catholic Church woke up and said I’m going to go to Jesus if they just said that’s it I’m I’m running to Jesus he said come I’m going to come amazing oh verses 3 to 4 it’s this and we’ll end here it’s believe in the scene by removing all remembrance of me and I love this removing all remembrance of me see what do you mean by that well let me tell you


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