Comfort for Troubles – Kathryn Kuhlman

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Thank you for joining me today. You know how much Katherine Kuhlman has impacted my life, and today I want to share another one of her incredibly anointed half-hour programs that aired years ago, which has blessed me time and time again. Her ministry has been such a blessing to me, and I want to see God use these programs to bless your life as well. I pray that the Lord will do just that today. Thank you for being here, and thank you for watching. Now, here is Katherine Kuhlman.

[Music] I believe in miracles because I believe in God, and because I believe in God, I see miracles.

Today, I’m going to open up my heart and have a heart-to-heart conversation with you. I hope that by the end of our time together, you’ll have a deeper understanding of God’s work in our lives as human beings. Remember, if you’re part of humanity, you will face troubles, heartbreak, and suffering—because that’s part of being human.

I often ask this question when I’m speaking to a crowd: “How many of you would like to know how old I am?” Without fail, every hand goes up. Of course, I’m not going to tell you! As I always say, “It’s none of your business!”

The other day, I was standing in the middle of my office, feeling completely overwhelmed. I’m on the radio five days a week, Monday through Friday, through our network of stations, and we broadcast to two-thirds of the nation every Sunday. On top of that, I lead our own services. The workload can be overwhelming. That day, there were piles of mail, thousands of letters to answer, an engineer waiting for me to start the broadcast—it was more than one person could handle. I had just worked 16-18 hours the day before, with little to no sleep.

In the middle of it all, I spontaneously said, “Dear Jesus, why didn’t all of this happen when I was younger? Back in my teens, I had so much vitality. I never got tired, and my body never grew weary. I could go forever without sleep. Everything felt fresh and new.” Before I could say more, I felt as though He spoke to my heart, saying, “You weren’t ready for it then. I couldn’t have trusted you with the task or this responsibility back then.”

That night, as I was reading the Word, I came across a verse that spoke directly to me. It was from Jeremiah 48:11: “Moab hath been at ease from his youth; he hath settled on his leaves and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel; neither hath he gone into captivity; therefore his taste remained in him, and his scent is not changed.” This verse refers to the process of making pure, refined wine.

In the ancient method of winemaking, they poured the wine from one vessel to another, and with each transfer, the sediment would either settle at the bottom or cling to the sides. Sometimes the wine would remain in darkness, in heat, or in cold, and the process would take a long time. This pouring from vessel to vessel would continue until the wine was pure and refined.

When I read that scripture, I felt it was for me. I thought about my early years, especially my teenage years. I was converted at 14, and my call to preach the gospel was as clear as my conversion. That’s why, when people talk about women preachers or question my calling because I’m a woman, it never bothers me. My call from God was as definite as my conversion. It was something I had to do.

At that young age, I didn’t know much, except that Jesus had come into my heart and forgiven my sins. It marked the beginning of a lifelong journey with Him. I’ll never forget it. I have an older sister, and we laugh about it now, but when I was in Spokane, Washington… [continues]

This translation maintains the core message of Katherine Kuhlman’s testimony while adapting it to SEO-friendly language for broader reach and accessibility.

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