Characteristics of Spiritual Maturity | Joyce Meyer

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Characteristics of Spiritual Maturity | Joyce Meyer

Joyce explains what spiritual maturity looks like in the life of a believer.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

What does spiritual maturity look like?
A person who’s spiritually mature, what are some of the things that we might see in their lives.
Well, first of all, there’s a lot of self control.
There’s a lot of God, I want your will and their prayers.
They’re very careful with their words. They have very disciplined speech.
They don’t live by their feelings.
They have feelings, but they don’t let their feelings rule them and control them.
Lots and lots of consistency.
Not one time, one way you say them, and another time the next time you say then, happy when their circumstances are good, not happy when their circumstances aren’t good, just consistency.
Lots of generosity a real spirit and mature Christian, you don’t have to try to talk them into giving.
They get up every day looking for ways to be a blessing to people.
Lots of humility from a spiritually mature Christian, quick to forgive.
Difficult to offend.
Now I’m sure that all of you here have all these qualities and that you don’t really need much of this, but I’ve been in kind of a season lately of god dealing with me about some things.
And I told somebody tonight, it’s it’s been a while since I’ve gone through this.
I’ve been walking with god quite a while, and You know, god deals with us in layers.
Sometimes you think that you just really mastered something And then all of a sudden, god would come along.
And, you know, when you might say, well, what do you mean god’s dealing with me?
Well, One of the things when god is dealing with you is you begin to notice things in your behavior that maybe you didn’t pay that much attention to before.
So I’ve been hearing a lot of in my heart.
Well, that was selfish. Well, you sure didn’t need to say that.
And it’s been kind of going on for a little while.
So I’ll just the truth, if you don’t need this message tonight, I’ll be happy to stand here and preach to myself because I do need it.

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