Career Student: WTAL Throwback – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Career Student: WTAL Throwback
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
I’m gonna be in John 20 new King James version.
It is the custom of this house that if you are able to stand for the reading of the word.
And as you are family, now, we would ask that you respect that custom.
I will be in John 20 verse 11.
And my text begins, it says, but Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping and as she wept, she stooped down and looked into the tomb and she saw two angels in white, sitting one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had Lain.
Then they said to her woman, why are you weeping?
She said to them because they have taken away my Lord.
And I do not know where they have laid him.
Now, when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there but she did not know that it was Jesus.
And Jesus said to her woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?
She supposing him to be the gardener said to him, sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him and I will take him away.
Jesus said to her, Mary, she turned and said to him, Rabbo nine, which is to say teacher and Jesus said to her, do not cling to me for I have not yet ascended to my father, but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my father and your father and to my God and your God, Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken these things to her.
I would like to speak to you from the subject, career student, career student.
And so God, we welcome you, we welcome you God.
There is absolutely without a doubt, no one like you only, you could bring women from all different walks of life into a room this side and still create a word that pierces the hearts of each and every last one of them.
And God I’m asking that you would do just that I’m asking that you would see past our facades that you would see past our walls and excuses and that you would allow this word to dig so deep within our soul that it produces fruit for generations to come.
God, I ask that you just saturate this place as only you can do. And God asked for me.
I ask that there be no nerves, no fear, no insecurities, just your grace, your power, your anointing God standing tall in me because that’s the kind of thing that breaks chains.
And that’s the kind of thing that makes hell nervous.
And God, that’s what we came to do because women like to fight with the enemy in Jesus name.
Amen. Amen. As my father was sharing last night, my grandmother was an educator.
And because of her being an educator, there has always been a high, high emphasis pace placed on education within our family.
And so in spite of me becoming pregnant as a teenager, I graduated at the age of 16 years old.
And I was the youngest person on campus when I enrolled into college.
And I took 15 hours the first semester, I took 15 hours.
The next semester, I took eight hours in summer.
And then my sophomore year, I instantly began to feel burnt out.
And so imagine my shame and my disgrace, my disgrace when I realized that I wasn’t gonna be able to continue going at the pace that I was going.
It didn’t take very long before I eventually dropped out.
And what I didn’t know then that I do know now is that life is a classroom.
And though some of us may not have the education that we may have thought that we needed.
God has this way of placing us in environments that are classrooms.
And when we recognize this, we begin to posture ourselves as students constantly career students, life is the only classroom.
However, where you take the test first and learn the lessons later.
It wasn’t until I went through a bankruptcy that I learned how to budget.
It wasn’t until I went through a toxic relationship that I learned what a healthy relationship was.
There are so many women in this master class who did not become masters and did not register to come into this room because everything went the way that it was supposed to.
There are some women in this room who took the test and learned the lesson.
But after they learned the lesson, they pass, pass the test.
The next time, am I talking to anybody in this room?
All you had to do was teach me one time.
And when you taught me that one time, I applied that lesson for the rest of my life, I took the test first, but I learned the lesson later.
And so when we find Mary Magdalene in this text, she is graduating.
If you will, she has already experienced graduations to a certain degree.
And so that’s why I decided to call this message career student.
You see she graduated from being plagued with seven demons into being free.
But then it wasn’t just that she got healed because some people get healed and go back to their life.
But she graduated from being healed to even being a follower of Jesus. She dropped everything and began following him.
But when we find her in this text, she’s going to experience another graduation.
And that graduation is her going from being a follower and a recipient and being in the midst of Jesus power to ultimately being a deliverer of his power.
I thought that this was a necessary message for us because there are many of us who have learned how to live in the overflow of what Jesus has done and we’ve learned to live in the overflow of what happens at church.
But when you come to a master class, there is a difference between living in the overflow of what Jesus has done and then deciding to do what Jesus did in the earth God help me.
You see, because Jesus didn’t just come to the earth to live in the overflow.
He came to establish a kingdom.
And when we recognize that when we live our lives like Jesus, that we have the opportunity to establish His kingdom in different sectors, we carry ourselves a little bit differently because we know it may just be an accounting degree to someone.
But for me, it is a mission because I want to infiltrate the corporate system and bring integrity to some of these books.
If you cannot find the kingdom vision to your purpose, then you will burn out easily.
But when you recognize there is a kingdom vision attached to what God has given me, then darkness doesn’t scare you because you know you got back up.
I got back up because I’m a king’s kid.
I got back up because I’m establishing a kingdom I have back up and it doesn’t mean that we do not encounter darkness.
It just means that darkness does not get within us because we are establishing a kingdom.
And so we’re beginning, if you will with Mary’s indoctrination, for the sake of tonight’s discussion, I would like to dissect this moment of Mary Magdalene’s journey from one who witnessed and experienced power to one who would ultimately be a carrier of power.
I’m gonna have to sis I’m gonna have to take my time.
When I find Mary in this text, Jesus has been crucified.
It is important to know that she was not just a regular follower of Jesus.
She had invested her resources into Jesus’s life.
She was one of a few women who were actually responsible.
So y’all didn’t know that that Jesus wasn’t just depending on the 12 disciples.
He had a few women who didn’t mind investing in what he was doing and it was because of their investment that he was able to sustain his ministry on the earth, never be confused just because you see a room full of men doesn’t mean that there’s not a strong woman somewhere who pushed the men in position.
Oh I felt that for somebody who pushed the men in position.
And so Mary has invested her resources into Jesus’s ministry and she has invested her time and she left everything and she is following him.
But Jesus has been crucified she’s a stuck, if you will, she knew her purpose.
She discovered her purpose. She saw the fulfillment that came with purpose.
But something happened, life shook her up in a certain kind of way where she got stuck in the middle of purpose.
See, we can all act like being an entrepreneur and going after our education is so easy and you never have down days.
But the reality is that there are moments where you feel stuck in your purpose that I used to have passion, but I don’t have the passion that I used to have anymore.
I feel a little stuck. I used to be so clear on where I was headed.
But now I can’t hardly see what’s next. I got a little stuck.
And so I came to women that were loose and I came to the master class because I want to figure out how to get unstuck so that I can go back to being the woman who was once so free and alive and full of purpose and passion.
And I got stuck. I was getting stuck just trying to get to women that were.
Lucid was one thing after another trying to convince me to give up on this investment and to give up on this dream.
But I was like Mary, I stood by the tomb weeping, Mary is standing by what has died by what she has lost.
But she’s weeping. You see, even when Jesus was in the tomb.
She at least had something to do. She could go anoint his body and prepare it for burial.
But with jesus’ body gone, she literally has nothing to do but to stand where he used to be and weep.
But she was still standing even though she was weeping.
You see everyone else went back home, they saw that the tomb was empty and they went back home.
But Mary was standing by the tomb weeping because Mary had bet everything on Jesus.
And I just don’t believe that just because he’s gone, that my purpose is gone.
The only reason why some of us have made it this far is because we learned how to stand by tombs and weep because I didn’t give up when I thought it was gone.
I didn’t give up when I thought that it was over. I learned how to stand and weep.
I didn’t pretend that it was easy. I was weeping but I was still standing.
I was still getting up and I was still doing what a woman’s got to do with tears streaming down my face and depressing thoughts all inside of my head.
But I was still standing. I was still dreaming. I still had a plan for that business.
Even when I didn’t have the loan, I’ve learned how to stand and weep.
I’m still standing. I’m still standing.
Lord, that I’m gonna have to take my shoes off because I told them I would wear their shoes.
As long as I realized this wasn’t gonna be no fight.
But when I realized this was gonna be a fight, I was going to take my shoes off.
Come on, woman. Thou are loose master class.
I wish I had some women in this room who know what it’s like to stand by something everyone else had to give up on.
But to keep standing, even though I’m weeping, I don’t see it the way I’m supposed to see it.
But because God gave it to me and he showed up in the past and I know he wouldn’t get me this far to leave me.
So I’m standing, I’m standing through depression. I’m standing through divorce. I’m standing through bankruptcy.
My credit score just dropped, I’m still standing. They just walked out my life. I’m still standing. Why?
Because I don’t scare easy because I’m not just gonna run off and tuck my tail like I haven’t experienced the power of God in my life.
I’m gonna feel every bit of this room.
Mary is standing and weeping.
And when I was studying, I saw that part of the reason that Jesus was even able to appear to her is because she stayed by the tomb.
Even though everyone else left, he could have came to Peter, he could have came to John.
But Peter and John went home, he could have let it be a man’s job, but he left it to a woman to do because women are incubators and when a woman is an incubator and Jesus has given her a vision, she doesn’t just walk away.
So Mary is standing by the tomb and she’s weeping in my text.
It says that as she stood there that she stooped down and looked into the tomb, you have to understand that there had to be a part of Mary that thought to herself.
This is the same kind of pain that I experienced when they crucified Jesus.
But I found a way to keep pressing on after they crucified him.
But now he’s gone.
Have you ever thought that the pain you’re experiencing now is connected to the pain that you barely survived.
I thought that it was the same kind of pain that Mary was experiencing.
But there was one aspect of the pain that I had forgotten and that was that the cross and the blood was a barricade that it couldn’t have been the same pain that she experienced when Jesus was on the cross because the blood had blocked the way and because the blood had blocked away, this was a different kind of pain.
Any pain that you experience on the other side of the blood is a pain that is working for you, not against you.
The blood, the blood blocked the way I thought it was the same pain I experienced when, when my husband left me.
But this was a different kind of pain when I lost my job.
You see, because we can get so caught up thinking that every pain is connected, that we don’t see the purpose connected to the pain.
But when you remind your pain that the blood blocked the way and that no weapon formed against you will prosper, you look at the pain a little bit differently.
You look at the pain the way Mary did and you start stooping down, looking at what they say is dead.
You know why she stooped down in the tomb because she couldn’t believe it.
I don’t, I don’t believe I lost that child and I know everyone else feels like I lost.
I don’t believe that I lost that career.
I know everyone else has turned and walked away like it was gone.
But I don’t, I don’t believe, I don’t believe you see Mary is the one who saw the tomb and the stone rolled away.
Peter and John are the one who went into the tomb and confirmed his body wasn’t in it.
But this was the first time that Mary actually looks in the tomb because she didn’t believe what Peter and John said she had to look at it for herself because I can’t count on man to tell me what I know Jesus has already placed down in my spirit.
So I know Peter and John said that his body is rolled away, but there’s something down on the inside of me that just cannot believe.
I just can’t believe, I just can’t believe it.
I just can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it.
I’m gonna keep saying that because when you go home, they’re gonna try and tell you that there’s some tombs and some things that are missing that you were counting, going to catapult your ministry and to catapult your career into the next dimension.
But I’m telling you, you gotta get a, I can’t believe it down in your spirit because it was the fact that Mary couldn’t believe it.
That led her to see that the tomb that was once handled by men had been transformed to a place of divinity.
The tomb, God helped me the tomb that men had handled the tomb where they said that Jesus was gone and where the disciples went away.
The tomb, the the dream, the education, the idea that I was gonna make it, the idea that I was gonna break a generational curse.
Everyone told me it couldn’t be me. Everyone told me I wouldn’t be the one.
But for some reason I couldn’t believe it.
And because I could not believe what man said, it made room for me to believe what God said.
It made room for me to believe what Jesus said.
And I’m telling you right now that the bank can tell you no.
And you can still walk out and say, I don’t believe it, that man can tell you no.
And you can still walk out and say I don’t believe it. You know why I don’t believe it?
Because I let man handle my destiny one time before and they got it wrong.
But when I look back over my life and I see all that God has done for me, I see where I should have been a statistic by man’s account.
But the place where I was supposed to be into statistic was the place where I found my anointing.
I got power, baby, I got power. I got power over the enemy. I got power over depression.
I got power over demons. Man said to count me out.
But God said I found an angel.
I found an angel, Peter and John didn’t see anything.
But when Mary looked, she saw an angel, no one else can see this vision but you, no one else can raise this child but you, no one else can write this book but you, no one else can start that worship team but you no one else can start that ministry but you, everyone else sees a tomb.
I see angels backing me up.
Everyone else said give up, I see heaven’s resources chasing me down.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah, it ain’t dead, it ain’t dead, it ain’t dead, it ain’t dead.
Mary saw Jesus resurrect people outside of him. So she knew that it wasn’t gonna be dead in him.
God, I’m asking that you would dispatch your angels.
I feel the presence of God when they go back to their homes, when they go back to their offices, when they lift up their computer screen where they once had writers block, where they once had a denial.
God, I asked that they would see angels where they once saw death, that they would see the spirit of the living God where they want saw death in their marriages, over their Children and over their businesses.
What maybe it wasn’t a tomb?
Maybe it was an incubator on the third, on the third day.
Maybe it wasn’t a tomb. Maybe it was really an incubator for the next dimension of not only who Jesus was gonna be, but who Mary was gonna be as a result of the fact that she learned how to stand and weep.
Yeah. I’m sorry. I just got happy in my soul.
Can I tell y’all story this very conference?
Seven years ago I got on stage and I introduced my father at a conference in Houston and I shared for the first time ever publicly that I was a teen mom and that I carried shame as a result of it.
And as a result of me getting on that stage, God started doing something down on the inside of me.
You put me in an incubator if you will.
And now here we are seven years almost to the date later.
And I feel like I thought this was one that our loose master class.
But I’m beginning to think that it was a graduation ceremony.
And I would like to salute my graduating class of 2018 who came to the woman that were loose master class.
And I just wanted to tell you as a fellow student, that the place where you once saw death is the place where you were gonna stand tall and see the glory of God show up in your life because I thought there was death on my life seven years ago.
But I refused to believe the reports of the enemy.
And when I refused to believe the reports of the enemy, I got pregnant with a ministry and I just wanna know what you gonna birth.
I hear God saying prophetically before the year is up that you would have laid the foundation for the next dimension of who he has called you to be.
You thought you were coming to a conference. We lied. It’s a graduation baby.
You just made it to the next dimension. You graduated.
You graduated, you graduated from the broken girl. You used to be, you graduated from the tied up girl.
You used to be. I see freedom on the other side of your pain.
I see glory coming through your name. You graduated sis and this is your graduation party.
Oh Yeah, I’m claiming it.
I’m claiming my degree. I went through the school of hard knocks and I came out on the other side, I’m claiming it.
Master class. I’m here. Hell, you better get nervous because you shot your best shot.
You shot it but you missed, you shot it but you didn’t win.
You shot it. But I’m still a student anyway, you shot it.
I thought I dropped out but I was still enrolled and I hear God saying you just graduated.
You are a master student, baby, a master’s student, a career student.
Every test you go through, it’s going to work out in your favor.
Hallelujah. Can I just take 10 seconds and acknowledge that I made it to the other side because I’ve been working so hard on surviving that I didn’t realize that my insides had got stronger that I didn’t realize that the power of God was still working in me.
You know how I know that this is a graduation ceremony because Mary didn’t know it was Jesus until Jesus said her name.
She thought it was a gardener.
But when Jesus said, Mary, Mary said, Rabbo not, she said teacher, I just graduated from the girl who was lost and broken from the girl who didn’t know who she was gonna be from the girl who had spent it all.
But then he called, he called my name and when he called my name, I graduated from darkness, you see this don’t mean nothing to you if life went the way that you wanted it to.
But there are some of us who had to learn how to stand by tombs.
And we lost our way and we spent our resources and we lost our resources and we gave our time and we gave our investments and we lost all of that.
But when Jesus called her name, she was no longer the Mary who was weeping, she was the Mary who knew what it was like to be a student again.
And I just want you to know that all it takes is one call to break fear and anxiety and insecurity and depression.
But it wasn’t just that he called her name.
It was that she responded with teacher, sorry.
When she responded with teacher, she positioned herself properly and when she positioned herself properly, she became teachable.
And when she became teachable, he said, I’m gonna shift how you’re used to connecting with me.
Because if you connect with me the way that you used to, you’ll cling to me, but you can’t cling to me if I’m sending you, I’m sending you somewhere.
I’m sending you somewhere. I’m sending you somewhere. I’m sending you into industries. I’m sending you somewhere.
I’m sending you into law school. I’m sending you into degrees. I’m sending you, I’m sending you into business.
I’m sending you into marriages. I’m sending you somewhere because you’re gonna go from witnessing my power to carrying it out to those who couldn’t stand long enough to see that I was coming back.
Come on, woman that were loose master class.
I’m trying to have a kingdom mission in this room and I’m trying to let you know that he is not just calling your name so that you can go back to who you used to be, but he is calling your name because there is a destiny assigned to your life and he came back from the grave so that every woman could recognize that when I send you somewhere that nothing that stands in your way can block you.
And I just want you to know that you came all the way to Dallas Texas to get your marching orders that when you registered and put your name on the roll that hell got nervous.
Not because of what was happening in Dallas, but what was gonna happen when you get home because she’s going home with a mission.
I wish I had somebody in this room who wasn’t going back to doing life the way they used to.
I’m going back with a changed mind. I’m going back to live and power. I’m going back casting out devils.
I’m going out casting miracles. He called my name and I answered teacher.
Yes, he is my healer. You know why he’s my healer because he taught the doctor not to mess with me.
Yes, he is my provider. You know how he’s my provider because he taught me how to budget money because I position myself as a career student and hell is nervous when we position ourselves as students because it puts us in a position where we begin to recognize that everything that is happening to me is actually happening for me.
God help me, God, help me, God, help me.
God helped me to break down walls. God helped me to break down resistance.
I bind every second thought, every insecurity, every fear that would dare try to rob you of what you have received in this environment.
I bind you in the name of Jesus us.
And I remind hell that blood blocked the way I remind demons, that blood blocked the way I remind, fear and anxiety, that blood blocked the way.
And if Mary could become one of Jesus’s apostles to the apostles, then who could I become if I would dare to believe that these experiences and these issues and this trouble that I have experienced was actually working for my good.
And that when it was all said and done that it was just happening so that I could manifest a greater level of power, Mary earned the right to deliver the news to the disciples about jesus’ resurrection, not because everything had gone the way that she desired, but because she learned had to stand and weep to not just make up work to do when she was hurting and bleeding, but to choose to be honest and say, I can’t do anything else until I get what’s wrong with me, out of me.
Until I get what’s hurting me out of me. I gotta get loose to become a master.
I can’t just go back to who I used to be.
I gotta learn how to stand and weep through this thing and it was through her standing and weeping that she made herself not just Sable but available for Jesus to call her name.
And I just wonder in this room how many women Jesus has been waiting, going to answer the call that is on their life to prepare their hearts and their minds and their businesses for the next dimension of who they are in him.
And I think that it is necessary for us before we even consider bringing this evening and this meeting to a close for us to have an opportunity to say to Jesus.
I heard you call my name. I’ve been hearing it in all of the sessions.
I’ve been hearing it every time they talk about that idea that you place down on the inside of me.
I’ve heard you call my name over and over again.
But I was afraid to position myself as a student again because I failed in the past.
But when I go home, I don’t wanna be that person anymore.
When I go home, I wanna actually activate this word that you have given me.
I wanna actually make it to the other side to see your resurrecting power show up in my life.
But if I’m honest, there are some issues, there are some fears, there are some things that I need to release before I begin to stoop down and, and to really see these dead areas that you have called to ultimately become divinity.
And if it is ok with you, I would like to have a moment of complete and others surrender at this altar for every woman who recognizes that.
It’s not that Jesus hasn’t been calling. It’s just that I haven’t been answering as a student.
I’ve been answering with disbelief. I’ve been answering with fear.
I’ve been answering with all of the reasons why he shouldn’t choose me.
All of the reasons why it couldn’t be me.
I haven’t said teacher, I haven’t positioned myself in such a way that I could actually be a career student with you, Jesus.
I wanna be a career student.
I want you to call my name and for me to answer, I want to feel your power working through my life.
But the reality is that I, I didn’t ever take a chance to actually stand and weep and I can’t keep functioning the way that I’ve been functioning any longer.
I have to be willing to pause because it was in her pausing that she received the revelation that Jesus was not dead and nor was he gone.
He had just graduated. And as he graduated, he was pulling everything connected to him up as well.
And I feel like heaven wants to call us higher in this place.
I feel like heaven is asking us to answer the call.
But for too long, we’ve been plagued by the memories of old pain and old issues.
And I wanna give Jesus a moment to say your name just one more time because Jesus, if you say it one more time, I’m gonna answer, I’m gonna answer like I’ve never answered before.
I’m gonna throw everything I’ve got at it and everything I don’t have.
I will look at master class to figure it out. Jesus. I’m tired of just talking about it.
I wanna be about it. I wanna be that woman that you told me.
I could be when you cast that devil out of me, you didn’t cast it out just so that I could look cute and come to church.
You gave it to me so that I could establish your kingdom on earth.
And God, I wanna use everything you’ve given me to establish your kingdom.
You see this is the part where you say it was me that you were talking to.
It was me. I’m the one you called.
It was me, it was me, it was me Tanya, it was me, Stephanie. It was me Sarah.
It was me Jada. It was me, it was me Jennifer. It was me Jessica. I’m the one you called.
It was me Lauren. You called my name and I’m answering teacher, teacher teach me how to live.
Teach me how to do business. I didn’t have my father.
I didn’t have my mother and that’s why I’ve been so afraid. But you are my teacher.
You are the one who goes ahead of me and makes the crooked path straight.
You are the one who makes all things work together for my good. You are my healer.
You are my provider. I call you wonderful. I call you counselor.
I call you teacher and I just wanna be your student.
God send me into areas that no one could win.
But me, God send me to Children who I could only win. I wanna be your student.
I wanna take your plan and manifested on the earth and I wanna do it over and over and over again, which means that I’m not looking to arrive.
I’m looking to constantly be taught.
I know the altars are I thought and I’m going to pray and it’s going to be the same grace and the same anointing no matter where you are.
But I do believe that your sisters who came down as close as they could to the altar were just coming to the altar.
They were walking the stage, they were walking the stage to receive the graduation into the next dimension.
The next level, the next version, the next anointing. There are CEO S at this altar.
There are lawyers at this altar. There are judges at this altars.
There are stay at home moms at this altar. There is addiction being broken at this altar.
There is generational curses being broken at this altar. I hear heaven saying it’s still you.
I know you took a while to answer.
But I hear God saying you are still the one I wanna use to break that generational curse.
You are still the one I wanna use to start that business. You are still the one.
It wasn’t for your neighbor. It wasn’t for your friend. That word I gave you was for you.
It’s still you and it’s still Jesus.
It’s just a different kind of Jesus, the kind of Jesus.
I feel this prophetically that somebody has been going through so much warfare over what Jesus called them to do that.
They’ve been wondering for the longest. Is this still you?
But just like Mary didn’t recognize that it was still Jesus. I’m here to tell you that it’s still him.
He’s just in a different form.
The kind of form that makes you grow up out of your emotions and grow up out of your feelings and get yourself together and square your shoulders back and still stand so that you can be the woman who he places weight on.
I wanna put my glory down on the inside of you and I can’t do it if you’re still looking for validation.
So I stripped the friends away and I stripped your security away so that my glory had a place to rest on you so that my glory could be manifest down on the inside of you, Satan.
I rebuke you Satan. I rebuke you Satan. I rebuke you.
We had our last battle with you on the cross. Satan, I rebuke you Satan.
I rebuke you when Jesus resurrected and appeared to marry, that’s when you lost this battle.
And now I’m gonna walk in the author, the same authority that he gave Mary to go send out a word.
I’m gonna take that authority and send out word to every fear and every witch and every warlock that I serve a risen savior.
And he brought me back from the dead. I just walked out of my tomb.
I walked out of my tomb because you call Monday, I call you Rabel.
Now I call you healer. I call you provider.
I call you a way maker. I call you a miracle worker. I call you Jehovah, Jara.
I call you Jehovah. You are God and above you. There is no other, there is no other fear.
There is no other name. There is no other insecurity that I could dare put ahead of you any longer.
So spirit of the living God, I act that you fall fresh on these women.
Like never before that you would stir up the gift of God that is done on the inside of them until fire breaks out in their bones and it consumes everything they touch God.
Help them to recognize that they are the X factor. You are the one who will make the difference.
Hell, I rebuke you. You have no power here. Get out on, get out of my life.
Get out of my marriage, get out of my business. Get out of my finances. Get out for my Children.
I rebuke you. And the name that is above every name and the name that makes Damon tremble.
I rebuke you. You have no power here.
You have no power.
I rebuke you and I evict you and I make room for glory.
I make room for glory. I make room for glory. Stretch me. Oh God. Consume me. Precious savior.
Make a room for glory in my life, in my business, in my marriage, in my finances.
I wanna see glory where I once saw death. I wanna see glory where I once had a writer’s block.
I wanna see glory where the bank once denied me. I wanna see glory.
If you did it for Mary, if you did it for Sarah, if you did it for Bishop James my God.
If I’m in this room, you wanna do it for me too. You wanna do it for my Children?
You wanna do it for my mother.
You wanna do it for everything connected.
You want to do it for everything connected to me, everything, everything my sister, you got it.
He wants to do it for everything connected to you.
Mary could have believed that he was finished with her when he cast the demons out, but she stuck to him and as she stuck to him, he proved to her that I have greater, greater in store for you.
I say that to say because some of you have experienced some successes and you are tempted to believe that that is the only taste of success that you will experience.
And I just want you to know that there are levels to this thing.
And as you commit to constantly positioning yourself to be teachable in this season, that Jesus is going to reveal the reason why he had to disappoint you for a moment so that he could propel you later on.
So heaven, we receive you heaven, we receive our mandate.
Heaven, we receive our marching orders.
Heaven, we receive every test and every curse that we thought we would never break.
And we received the power that you gave us to walk into rooms.
We have no business in and to establish businesses.
They said we couldn’t do and establish marriages and homes and families that girls like us shouldn’t be able to do.
I receive your power, lift your hands all over this place and repeat after me, teacher, I am your student.
Any lesson you have for me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me.
I’ll pass the test. I’ll break the curse. I’ll learn the lesson.
My children’s Children will receive this breakthrough because I’m gonna get it on their behalf.
I decree legacy over my life over my business. Let me see.
Breakthrough over and over and over again in Jesus name.