Candid Conversations: Do Miracles Still Happen? | Joyce Meyer

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Candid Conversations: Do Miracles Still Happen? | Joyce Meyer

In today’s powerful discussion, Joyce Meyer explores the topic of miracles, sharing personal experiences and insights on how God works in mysterious ways. Are miracles a thing of the past, or do they still happen today? Joyce reminds us that God’s presence is constant, and even if things don’t go as we hope, trusting in Him is the true miracle.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

[Music] Joyce today is a conversation that I can almost see some of the people in my mind who really are going to be sitting on the edge of their seat you know you think of people who are praying for a loved one to come to Christ people who uh maybe parents who are praying for a sick child or a family needs a financial breakthrough all of these things that they really just need a miracle MH so in our conversation today are are Miracles a thing of the past do they still happen give us a little bit of Hope to let’s just talk
about the realities of Miracles well when I first heard that this was going to be the subject for the day the first thing I thought about was okay how many how many healing Miracles have I seen in my life and I think that when we talk about miracles that’s usually what people think of they think of healing do I know anybody that’s been healed yeah and yes I do know some people that have been miraculously healed I know many others who have been healed but not miraculously it’s happened over a period of time and I know people that
have prayed and what they asked for didn’t happen and people who have even died when they were praying to get well and live and so we don’t always understand why God does things the way that he does them and so the best thing to do is to trust God for what you want but then trust God even if you don’t get it the big thing is to trust God it’s not me getting what I want it’s trust in God but when I thought about it I thought do we see any Miracles well yes if we look we are surrounded by Miracles all the time I
looked up just a few fun facts to just talk about the greatness of God and if you if you really want to see some of the stuff that God does you should read the last few chapters in job when was questioning God and so God took job on and explained some of the things that he does like where do you think I keep the stars and how does a few Grands of sand stop the ocean waves yeah I mean our bodies just what it takes for a human body to function for one day is miraculous in itself listen to this your blood circulates through
your body three times each minute your blood travels 12,000 miles each day inside your body wow your heart beats 35 million times each year you have 60,000 blood vessels inside your body nerve impulses travel to the brain at a speed of 250 miles an hour a person uses 17 muscles when they smile and 43 when they frown I guess God wants us to smile more I guess so the average adult takes over 20,000 breaths a day so just think about that if just your breath was taken away you couldn’t survive anymore and then I was
doing a teaching one time on living a maze because I think if we really you know when I woke up this morning I got my coffee and I went and sat in my chair and the the first thing I started to think about is just how blessed we are to have a home to live in and food to eat and clean water in our house and you know I really enjoy my coffee coffee to drink and then I started to think about all the people that don’t have that and all the people that would wake up in pain that day or the woman who might wake
up afraid for her husband to wake up because he beats her when he gets mad or the girl who’s been abducted into sex trafficking and when she wakes up all she has to look forward to is being used 12 times that day by some man who’s paid for her body and I thought I have so many miracles around me all the time and I thought since this subject came up that would be really good to just share with people first of all you are a miracle to keep you alive one day requires a miracle if you think about a loved one
who’s not saved don’t ever first of all don’t ever say you’re never going to change and don’t ever say this will never happen because the Apostle Paul was on his way to capture and imprison Christians and he was converted on the road to Damascus suddenly a bright light Shone around him he fell off his horse and you know he was confronted by Jesus so you never you just never know what God is going to do but I think the best way to get a miracle in your life is to expect one and maybe we don’t see as many as we
should or could because we don’t expect them we don’t we we forget sometimes yeah how big God is just listen to this there are over 18,000 species of just Birds 18,000 there are 900,000 different kinds of living insects in the world 3,000 different kinds of snakes and most people don’t even like them in the Andes Mountain there’s a bat the size of a raspberry oh wow i’ like to see that little guy the size of a raspberry in addition to that think of all the animals that God’s created and all the
all the different marine life that’s in the I mean God is so creative and so amazing and I have a very hard time personally understanding how anybody cannot believe in God because surely people I mean it would take more faith for me to be an atheist than it does to be a believer because how could all of this just happen you know and for me there is such um just reassurance in all of that that there is such an intricate cycle of everything that happens in our bodies in the world and if God can take care of
all of that he can do anything right you know there’s nothing I can ask of him that is too big for him to handle exactly and you know if God doesn’t give us what we want then we need to trust him enough to believe that he always has reasons for what he does yeah and we may not understand them we often say we live life forward but we understand it backward there were a lot of very hard things that I went through in my life that I didn’t understand why God didn’t deliver me from them but I look back now
and I understand that actually that hard thing did something good for me even though if it would have been my choice I would have gotten rid of it at the time yeah so listen to this there are 200 billion to two trillion galaxies in the universe wow so it’s never ending yeah never ending all things are possible with God there are a 100 billion to one trillion big gap there yeah that is a people people can’t count it stars in just our galaxy just our galaxy the temperature at the core of the Sun is 15 million
degrees Celsius God is so amazing and yes if you’ve ever wondered if God is still doing Miracles today God is busy doing Miracles all day long we just don’t take the time yeah to think about it and to be aware of it the world is full of amazing wonder and we just rush Rush right past it in our busy little lives and don’t take the time to think about it or look at it and it really changes our Outlook when we do it changes so much for us and it gives us that hope right that we need for each day because like like you I I have seen
a amazing Miracles I mean I’ve seen some things that you just cannot explain your father received a healing mirac absolutely he he was given so little hope with his cancer and now we we’ve had one wonderful years with him since then we’re we’re so grateful and I’ve also thing seen things not go the way that I prayed for and wanted to and it’s heartbreaking but what I’ve really learned through all that is that there’s so much more hope in in trusting God and understanding you know that the
world is the way that it is but that God is bigger than any of it so if there is at least the hope that God can do this when I ask him for it it’s better than sitting back and saying nothing’s going to happen right so I’m gonna live with that hope and I’m going to see the Wonder and all the things that God is doing rather than and because I’ve been both places rather than saying no there’s no point there is a point day before yesterday I got up and um I’d had a little issue with somebody
and you know I was working through the process of forgiveness and uh sometimes it takes a few days you know you decide to forgive but then the devil will keep reminding you and so I got up and headed where I always head for the coffee pot in my time with Jesus and uh my thoughts initially kind of wanted to go to the negative and I just quickly said nope I am not going to go there I’m going to think about how blessed I am and so just started thinking about you know I have a husband I’ve been married to for
56 years I’ve got four children I’ve got 12 grandchildren I’m living in a nice house I’ve got my coffee here I’ve got friends you know I don’t you know we we have to think about what we do have not what we don’t have yeah and I want to say again because I think it’s important for people to hear this I feel like that there’s people listening today that are a little bit miffed at God because things didn’t work out the way they asked and they’ve let it confuse them because you know the Bible
talks about healing and it says lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and you know a lot of times the Bible says that all that came to Jesus were healed but then Paul had something physically wrong with his eyes yeah and aphrodites in the Bible almost died because of overwork in the ministry Timothy obviously had a stomach problem and so not not it doesn’t always work the same way all the time so I I want to say again ask God for what you you want trust him for what you want but if you don’t get it trust him anyway because
it’s it’s trusting God that honors him the Bible says in John 11:40 only believe and you will see the glory of God and the glory you see may not be the glory that you wanted to see but it will still turn out glorious the Bible says I think it’s somewhere in Luke who will he find in faith when he returns and I think it’s just become very important to me in my life that no matter what is going on that I just remain in faith and trust God because he is faithful if he can do these things that we talked about I mean just to keep
the Earth rotating on its axis every day what if it just fell off you know I mean surely if God can do that he can do whatever little thing I need or you need yeah and I trust him enough that if he doesn’t do it when I want it the way I want it I I’ve just decided to believe that then he’s got something better in mind maybe I didn’t know how to ask for the better thing so once again yes God’s still doing Miracles today he’s always been doing Miracles he’s never stopped and he never will stop
and you are a miracle yourself [Music]
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