Breaking Through Barriers with Offering Message – Miracles Now

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Breaking Through Barriers with Offering Message – Miracles Now

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Breaking Through Barriers with Offering Message – Miracles Now single teaching

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The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Off next, on the believer’s block of faith.
Every belief system, believing that you gotta wait Believing things can’t be done for you because your background is not such a choice.
Believing that you can’t come up with solutions because you haven’t been to the engineering program, believing every tree in you that the father didn’t plaque.
Jesus said I promise you. I’m gonna dig it.
I’m gonna get it, but it all of the guilt and shame you have about your path, I’m gonna root that tree.
Your born again spirit is able to produce immediately.
I want to be able to produce right now. What do I need? I need wisdom.
I need the answer. I need healing. I need deliverance, and I can get it right now. Save into that.
Amen. Now, I know this is getting a little technical for some of y’all.
Well, thought I was gonna hear about, you know, he he went up on the mountain and so forth.
You’re hearing about it right now.
See, if I don’t give you this, you can never move up into a place where you can stop the devils, take over.
We we got to stop the devil from taking your kids.
There is an answer to stop the carjacking in Chicago. Yes.
And once that that that god is depending on you because he puts you in this earth and sent you to Chicago and wants you to take this word and that I’m preaching and applying to whatever situation in your life and get results.
It’s time for the church to take the lead.
You don’t count on the world to deliver you.
The world can’t deliver you. The world can’t deliver themself. Well, they got some money.
Well, you better go get because it doesn’t eat belong to them.
Now don’t start me on that. When Jesus strip Satan, he stripped them.
They’re just holding it for you.
The wealth of the wicked is laid out for the cops. Save it.
It’s it’s it’s really good reason for you to never be broke. Another day in your life.
Money coming into you now.
See, I’m I’m giving you this because I want you to do something that other folks can’t do.
I I want you to be able to transfer money.
Out of this account into your account.
Somebody pulling over here, but y’all take a seat.
I want you to envision angels with bags of money.
What’s it? Flying to your house.
One of them talking to the other one said, what’s what’s the address again?
It’s still for what’s the address? 7th and Ninth Street. 7th and 9th and what? 7th and Cottage.
Finished. Moment coming to me now.
No. The days are over for you doing it in three d.
Those days are over. You won’t do things on another level. Say amen. Amen.
Now, this is gonna be on your natural mind. Your natural mind ain’t having nothing like this.
It’s gonna come up with things. It’s gonna move stuff around. And then, sir, look at Jesus.
Did your master pay taxes? Yeah. We pay taxes, Peter. Listen, what I want you to do is go fishing.
The first fish you pull up, look at his mile, and you’ll see $20.
Get that out and pay the taxes. Come on now.
You might not go fishing, but you might go to a fashion show.
You know, wherever you go. God can get ready for foolish thoughts.
Say amen to that. Alright.
No more learning.
That’s what it says over in John chapter 7 in verse 14 15. Ready? Read.
If you are the same, I don’t know if this man’s better.
How does he know someone He never went to MIT. Come on.
He come on. He come on. He never went to this big school.
How does he know so much? Chess.
So I’m saying to you, you’re gonna have a whole different level of learning.
I’m not don’t go to school.
But he said over in Daniel chapter 1, he said that you know more than all your teachers God is is expecting the church to be at a level where the church can answer the problem.
Of the world. Let’s move to the next section. It’s called planting the heavens. Okay. Alright.
You know what? That’s found in Isaiah chapter. You’ve gone over this before. Isaiah chapter 51 in verse 16.
I’ve put my words in your mouth and covered you in the shadow of my hand that I may plant the heavens and and lay the foundation of the earth and say to Zion, thou I had my people.
Okay? Planting the heavens. Alright?
Here’s the first thing I think about implanting the heavens.
Look at Philippians chapter 3 and verse 20. Alright. I’d like you to read that with me. Ready?
Read. Stop.
Where is your homeland? Yes. Got it. But god’s gonna plant you on the earth.
Watch this, not just anywhere on the earth. God has planted you in Chicago.
Yeah. And he purposely plants the righteous among the wicked.
Can we can we keep going here?
He, obviously, well, those people at that job use too much bad language.
He purposely plans to righteous among the wicked. Amen. Amen. Amen. All purpose.
Well, I’m gonna quit that thing. I’m a just go work for the church. No. You are the church.
You don’t need to go anywhere.
God has planted you right there and given you what it takes to transform it.
Do you every place he puts you, the soul of your foot, to tread upon, he’s given it to you.
He’s given it to you to to transform it, to clean it out.
So I’m saying to you right now that you’ve got things inside of you that perhaps you don’t even not even aware of, that there’s power in you.
He said, you shall receive what how that’s miracle working ability that wherever you go, miracles can take place.
Alright? You with me? Yes.
So you’ve been planted there for a purpose and for a reason.
Now, look at this scripture, John chapter 17 verses 1415. I’ve got it all laid for you.
I’ve got it all at sea.
Now one thing you can’t do with me is you can’t argue with me.
Because I’m gonna show you the scripture.
So if you got any argument, tell Jesus you wanna see it.
But don’t argue with me. I’m the messenger. Look when it says ready. Read.
right there. We’re gonna read the next.
I’m gonna stop right there. Uh, they don’t seem to like me down there.
Well, come and read the verse again. Because you got a lot of Jesus in you.
And the devil’s trying to make them make you feel bad because of the Christ that’s in you.
But what you need to do is shake it off and understand that god’s got you in a place, they can’t stop you.
They because they don’t promote you He said, your promotion doesn’t come from the east or from the west.
Your promotion comes from the lord so you don’t have to kiss up to the supervisor, open that the supervisor, like you, you can just keep walking keep talking, keep decreeing, keep You borrow speak the invisible and decree the impossible.
I’ll try it again. You’re gonna speak the invisible and the cree, the impossible.
Are you with me here? Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That’s mister.
You’re gonna get right in the middle of that place and start decreeing the word of that. Amen.
Watch it and everything must change. If you don’t change everything around you’ve got to take.
Same job is to get you to step out of faith and get mad at somebody.
When god’s telling you, stand in faith and stay in love.
And if you keep decreeing, fit thing around you.
Everything must nothing’s saying.
He’s the same. Alright. Now that second part of John, John chapter, uh, 17 verse 15, want you to read that one too.
Ready? Read. Alright.
He’s saying, wait a minute. Father, don’t take him out of the world. Yes. But leave him in the world.
Yes. Now why look at Matthews chapter 5 in verse 14. Why leave you in the world.
Watch this right here. Ready, read. Yeah. Stop. You are the what?
Where does the light shine brightest? In darkness. In darkness, the darker it is, the brighter the light.
I said, the darker it is, the brighter the light.
God put you here to convert the world. Yes.
And you’re gonna do it because they’re gonna watch you and they’re gonna see how your god is blessing you how your god is promoting you, how your god is keeping you, how your god is giving you wisdom, and they gonna sometime wanna know whose god you serve.
And you sit down and say his name is Jesus. Would you sit down for a minute?
And let me tell you about him. And one she tells you about, you tell them about them.
They’re gonna wanna know it and know your god. Amen to them. Amen.
Now, The Bible says, no weapon that is what formed against you shall prosper.
And every, come on, tone that your rise against you in judgment shall be condemned.
For this is the heritage of the servants of the lord, and my righteousness is of you, said the lord.
Now, god is waiting on you because you got to be the one that’s gonna change the system from what it is to what god’s plan for it to be.
Alright. Let’s look at Daniel’s life real quick.
We look at Daniel, then look at Martin Luther King, and then we out. Praise god. Alright.
Look at Daniel first. Daniel chapter 3 verse 17. He was Daniel.
He and his, uh, 3 Hebrew brothers uh, guys came, and now they’re taken into Babylon.
And Babylon is trying to give them some of those, uh, brains and eggs.
And so what they’re saying is wait a minute. We don’t eat any pork here. Right.
Um, so that, nah, I got if you eat brains and eggs and you pray on it and it don’t bother you, then go and eat it.
Uh, but big feet, brains and eggs, all of that slave food. I don’t eat anymore.
Now, now, don’t get mad at me. Look here. Don’t get mad at me. This is my choice.
You eat what you wanna eat.
I know them pork chops you guys are right now in the freezer.
Rather than bite down on them.
I know they’ve got some hog ass cheese out there too.
I used to eat all that, and I got saved.
Now, let me let me say this. Let me say this. Come on. Come on.
See, somebody’s gonna get mad, well, and I ain’t coming here no more with your big himself.
You need it to come here. So I can so I can get this word in your behind. Alright.
Now watch this. Look. This side, yeah, this dangerous side. Give me some over here.
They ain’t chimney’s over there. They ain’t chimney’s over there. Okay. Come they don’t fall in chimney.
They call them wrinkles. Alright. I used to eat I used to eat some rickles on them.
Alright. And I’m still here. Alright. Now, let’s see where was I. Alright. Okay.
So, Daniel, now look what happened. Daniel chapter 3 verse 17.
They tried to make Daniel, see, eat their food. They tried to make him bow down.
They tried to make him serve a false god. But Daniel said, no. We’re not gonna do that.
And what is he doing? He said, I’m resisting that. Yes.
He said, the god that I serve He’s gonna deliver me.
Now, even though you’re threatening me, that your threats are not gonna work. Right. Because I’m not gonna bow down.
Right. And what it can do he said, turn the fire up, what, seven times harder.
I’m talking about at the job. It gets hot at the job.
But that called you about to break through something that enemy’s trying to get you to leave Jesus.
Come on now. And rely on your own ability. No. No.
You keep Jesus and his name, being in your heart and in your mouth.
Next thing you know, next thing you know, he threw them in the fire.
Did they burn? No. And then next thing you know, come on up.
Verse 29, I want you to look at that because this is an endgame.
Endgame is that you’re gonna be able to change leaders and change law. Us. Look what it says, ready.
Read, please. Didn’t that powerful?
Didn’t that powerful?
I’m telling you, god put you in that place and they can’t get you out.
What they’re gonna have to do is bow to your god because your god is greater than oh god.
Say, amen. How about Doctor Martin Luther King? Notice you came in there.
Next thing you know, there are people, uh, that have segregation, uh, in their minds, and they’re standing in the, uh, door of the school and and and and nobody could come in, the University of Alabama, wherever it was, and no blacks could come in and go to school.
King says I’m gonna change that. Yep. I’m a change that.
All his meetings he had, he did not have it in a secular place.
Only time he went secular is when he went to Washington. And had the big meaning.
He always had him in churches because it’s scripture he was standing on. Yes.
And Amos chapter 5 verse 24 is where he stood. Ready Read.
He wasn’t letting up till Justice rolled down like water.
And I’m telling you what did he do? Hey. Put him in jail. But couldn’t touch it.
They did this, couldn’t touch it. Now you gotta understand that Doctor Martin Luther King, thank god for him.
He got assassinated, they did say I may not get that with you.
I’m not telling you I may not get that with you.
I’m telling you, I’m take and you, oh, is the name of jeep.
Are you ready to go?
Give God your best shout because we in.
Thank you, Jesus. Take the seats.
So you’re not waiting on god.
God is waiting on you. Miracles, when You don’t wait.
Don’t let the devil talk you in the waiting. I said, you don’t wait.
You don’t even have to wait for a raise. Give yourself a raise.
You don’t have to wait on Ed McMahon. That’s right.
That’s right. That’s right. Call it in now. You don’t have to wait on the dentist appointment.
Get some new teeth. You don’t have to are you following what I’m saying here? Yes.
Let’s get this in our spirit. Why? New trees? Say new trees. New trees.
He said, to us in Matthew chapter 15, he said this.
Every tree in you that the father didn’t plant shall be united.
That means every belief system, believing that you gotta wait. Yeah.
Believing things can’t be done for you because your back ground is not such and such, believing that you can’t come up with solutions because you haven’t been to the engineering program.
Believing air reach me in you that the father didn’t plant.
Jesus said, I promise you, I’m gonna dig it.
I’m gonna get it, put it, all the guilt and shame you have about your past.
I’m gonna root that tree. You’re in the right place. Yes, sir.
He sent you here. Because he’s gonna use you to change everything.
He’s gonna turn gang lords into preachers.
You’re gonna turn jails come on into boarding schools. I’m just telling you right now.
That you, the church is about to experience its finest hour.
Jesus said, my hour has not yet come, but your hour is here.
No more delays That transfer of wealth must come over now. Wow.
There’s babies crying because they don’t have enough food.
There’s young people, young sixteen year old going to jail. Because they had no training.
The time is now safe. You you don’t have to wait.
To god use me now.
Well, praise the lord.
Now this is offering Day on the broadcast.
And what we do is give our partners and those who are being, uh, blessed by our program, just an off opportunity to sow a seed.
Now, I’d like to give you a word for your increase because god is a god of increase.
This word comes from the Bible.
It’s talking about when Adam send in the garden of what he He lost his relationship with god.
He lost his assignment. But one of the biggest things he lost, he lost his ability for god to provide for him.
And that’s what born again gets back for you.
But a lot of people get born again, but they never get back to that place where god can provide for them.
It’s trying to work 2 jobs or long double shifts and so forth and so on.
There’s nothing wrong with But if you’re doing working for a living, god has a better way for you to live.
And that’s basically what god has provided through Jesus Christ. It’s the good news.
It’s that god wants us to rest in his provision. That’s a powerful concept.
He wants us to rest in his provision.
A story when Peter was fishing, he has fished all night caught nothing. Well, here comes Jesus.
Jesus is preaching on the shoreline. He asked Peter, like to use your boat, Peter Gaiten permission.
He got in here and He’s told Peter push out a little from the land he did and Jesus sat down and taught the people.
Once he finished speaking, Turned to Peter and said, now, launch out into the deep, let down your nets for a drought.
Draft means a grade increase. God wants you to increase.
And so Peter said, well, I’ve toiled all night and taken nothing.
Nevertheless, I’ll let down the net.
And when he did it, he enclosed so many fish to the net popped.
And now they call for his partners, they came and fill up their boats, and both boats began to sing.
That’s how much god wants to give us an overflowing amount.
And then Peter ended up throwing himself at Jesus’ needs saying, away from me.
I’m a sinful man of the lord. Why?
Cause he’s astonished and all that were with him at the drawed officials they had taken. What did it do?
It brought him to his knees because he saw that god would provide for him.
A lot of people don’t know god will provide for them. They’ve never found that out.
God has a way of meeting your needs. It’s through your seed. Peter’s seed was his boat.
You have to sew something. Sometimes, well, god bless those who gave and bless those who wanted to give but didn’t give.
That sounds good. But for you to get god’s blessing and increase, you’ve got this to a seed.
He made it that way himself.
The Bible says when god had lost his son or lost the earth and lost Adam and even so forth, He sowed.
God so loved the world that he gave, sowed his son. And when his son came up, we came up.
Isn’t that something? So there might be some things you’ve lost that you wanna recover. So a seed.
So here’s the broadcast. This is good soil.
As you sow your seed, let’s pray this prayer right now in advance because we know that you’re gonna get a good big increase of harvest.
Father, we come before you in Jesus name.
Thank you so much for those who are not only faithful in terms of supporting our ministry, but those We thank you for them all.
Lord, as they sow their seed into this ministry, we pray that you’ll measure it back to them good measure, press down, shaking together, running over, you meet their needs into the bosom.
We thank you for it. And, lord, we thank you for increase in every area of our lives.
We bless you, lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Well, it’s done. Praise god.
As you’ve sown that seed and Whatever you have in mind, let it go sow it. Good ground.
It’ll be measured back to you as the Bible says 3060 and some 100 fold.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying, thank you so much for supporting us. We love you.
And until next time, keep walking by faith.
Today’s message, Miracles Now is filled with life changing truths that can turn your circumstances around and you into the best life god has for you.
However, you’ve only heard a portion of the message on MP3 or CD on MP4 or DVD, order by calling 180711932 or go online at
You don’t have to wait for your miracle.
You can receive your miracle now or this dynamic teaching.
Greetings Pastor Winston.
I watch your live services as often as I can and at night, I listen again to the powerful word of God that you preach.
You speak of owning our homes, debt free, and owning businesses.
I want tell you that those seeds were planted into my heart, and the lord blessed me to purchase my home in Atlanta.
Paid in full, Anavia Praise God.
I thank you for helping me to stretch my faith and to believe that God can do more than I can or imagine.
The mission of Bill Winston Ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of Bill Winston Ministry Partners and Grant.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world’s system and have dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston Ministry Partners and viewers for your continuous support of the Believer’s Walk of Faith Broadcast.
The Believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries and viewers.
I remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.


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