Breaking Negative Cycles | Joel Osteen

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Breaking Negative Cycles | Joel Osteen

God bless you. It’s great to be with you today and I hope you’ll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast, our youtube channel, social media and you can come visit us in person.
We’d love to have you be a part of one of our services. I’d like to start with something funny.
And my brother Paul sent me this one and it’s so corny. I haven’t told it in 10 years.
That’s how bad it is. But here he goes, I heard about Bubba.
He was outside doing yard work with his weed eater when he accidentally cut off his cat’s tail.
The cat was in the bushes. Bubba didn’t see him. He felt so badly.
He grabbed the tail, grabbed the cat said to his friend, I’m going to Walmart.
His friends said, Walmart while Walmart Bubba said, hello there, the largest retailer in the world.
Paul cell number is 713. Come on. Say it like you mean it, this is my Bible.
I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have.
I can do what it says I can do today. I will be taught the word of God.
I boldly confess, my mind is alert. My heart is receptive. I will never be the same in Jesus name.
God bless you. I want to talk to you today about breaking negative cycles.
Most of the things we struggle with didn’t start with us. They’ve been passed down in our family line.
You don’t get to choose your battles.

You didn’t get to pick what you’ll have to deal with just as you inherit your parents’ D N A which determines your eye color, how tall you’ll be, what kind of hair you’ll have.
You also inherit attitudes, habits and behaviors from those that have gone before. You.
Research shows how depression can be passed down, anger, low self esteem addictions.
It was in your bloodline and it showed up with you.
The scripture caused this an iniquity that means a hereditary weakness. I’ve seen families that can’t get along.
Parents, arguing, cousins, upset, siblings, bitter grandparents said at odds, that’s a spirit of strife, a spirit of division that keeps getting passed down.
I knew this young man growing up, his father was indicted for fraud and went to prison.
This young man told me how his grandfather was the same way. He was so upset with them.
Couldn’t understand why they’d make poor choices, why they cheat people.
20 years later, a friend called and said, did you hear about so and so he’s in trouble for fraud.
He didn’t choose it. It chose him.
It will continue to go from generation to generation until someone rises up and says I’m gonna break this negative cycle.
It didn’t start with you. The good news is it can end with you.
You can be the one that affects generations to come.
You can make it easier on your Children and grandchildren and it’s good to look back at your family history and see what are we good at.
What do we excel in and what are the weaknesses?
Where do I see a pattern of mediocrity, compromise and failure.
When you understand those same spirits are coming after you, then you can be on guard. You can be prepared.
Say no thanks, depression. You’re not welcome here. No, thanks. I’m not giving into this addiction, this compromise. No, thanks.
I’m not living inferior, insecure, angry, bitter. Don’t let that iniquity continue on. It’s been in your family line.
But the reason you’re hearing this is so that you can put an end to it.
I heard this phrase, it ran in my family until it ran into me. You’re the difference maker.
You’re called to set a new standard. You’re the exception.
Everyone in your family was negative except you, everyone was broke except you, everyone addicted except you, everyone bitter except you.
I am looking at exceptional people, people that stand out people that defy the odds, people that break barriers.

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