Bonded to Him (A Prophetic Word) | Tim Sheets

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Psalm 18 is a heartfelt expression of David’s devotion and trust in the Lord. In the first six verses, he begins by declaring, “I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. My God, my strength, in whom I will trust, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” David acknowledges God’s protection and places his complete trust in Him, calling on the Lord for deliverance from his enemies.

David speaks of the fear and trials he faces, describing the sorrows of death surrounding him and the ungodly forces that cause him distress. In his distress, he cries out to God, and the Lord hears his cry and responds. “In my distress, I called upon the Lord and cried to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears.”

This Psalm reminds us that in times of trouble, we can always rely on God’s strength and deliverance. David’s words echo a powerful message about God turning His face toward us in times of need, offering His grace and rescuing us from our challenges. When we call on God, He listens and responds with care and compassion.

A Prophetic Word: God’s Face Turns Toward Us

Ten days ago, I woke up with Psalm 18 on my mind, especially the powerful ending of verse 6. In the Passion Translation, it says, “God turned His face to me, He turned His face to me to rescue me.” I meditated on these words for three days. On the fourth day, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word, saying, “The Father and Heaven’s King have turned their face toward the ecclesia. They have turned their face toward Kingdom Sons and Daughters. A season of great Reformation is about to come.”

In this season, we will experience a powerful outpouring of strength and renewal. The sons and daughters of God are about to be energized and refreshed for the great Reformation era. This will be a time of supernatural power, demonstration of authority, signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and deliverance.

The winds of grace are already beginning to blow, carrying with them supernatural empowerment and refreshing. This is a moment to receive from God’s flow of grace and empowerment, especially as we approach a time of thanksgiving in our nation.

Understanding God’s Face Turning Toward Us

There is profound meaning when the Bible speaks of God turning His face toward us. It represents a special moment when God energizes us with strength from heaven. It is a time of relief, realignment, and renewal. God’s face turning toward us signifies that He is coming to refresh us, reset our focus, and open new doors for our future.

The Hebrew word used in Psalm 18 for “love” is not the common term “ahavah,” but rather “raham,” which describes the deep, compassionate love of a parent for their child, especially the tender love a mother has for her child. This love is beyond words, deeply emotional, and manifested in acts of affection such as holding, embracing, or tenderly touching. It is a love that binds us to God as His children, feeling His love in ways that cannot always be described but are profoundly experienced.

A Season of Refreshing and Empowerment

This is a season of divine refreshing, where God’s face is turned toward us to empower us for the coming Reformation. It is a time for breakthrough, for receiving new strength, vision, and a fresh anointing. As we embrace this promise, let us trust that God’s grace will carry us through, empowering us for what lies ahead.

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