Bible Prophecy In Today’s Headline News | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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Bible Prophecy In Today’s Headline News | Jack Hibbs Sermon

Well, in today’s message, I hope you get a notepad and your Bible out for sure, because we’re going to be as it were taking a walk in time.
And it’s not so much walking in the past, although it’s brilliant that we learn about the past, but we’re gonna be looking at Bible prophecy where God writes the future down in advance and he speaks to us about things that are coming from.
And what we’re gonna be talking about is Bible prophecy in today’s headline news.
And what’s glorious about this is, it’s nothing that we have to conjure up or make up the fact of the matter is God’s word is so awesome.
Listen to this, that scholars, biblical scholars bicker back and forth.
They argue, is it 27% of the Bible that’s prophetic in nature or is it 31% of the Bible?
That’s prophetic in nature? Who cares the point is this, that over a quarter of the Bible speaks about prophetic events.
That’s how the God of the Bible announces himself as the God of prophecy.
So we’re going to see that the world events around us, the Bible by design correlate that there’s a purpose to everything that’s going on around us, no matter how menacing it looks, no matter how threatening it might look because it has a meaning.
And the fact of the matter is God has announced to us in advance, there’s gonna be a cashless system.
There’s going to be a global government, there’s going to be a global religion and there’s going to be a man who will arise, that will be the uh as it were Christ of the new age, we know him as the antichrist, but he’s gonna come and bring the answers to a world that has economic problems, a world that has governmental problems, a world that seems to be adrift.
And so grab your Bibles. Let’s get into this and let’s study what God’s word has to say as we walk through time and go into the future.
The Bible says that there’s gonna be a one world economy.
The Bible says it, The Bible has never been wrong. Daniel eight verse 25.
Speaking of the anti-crisis says through his cunning, he will cause deceit.
Some of your old King James, I think uses the word craft. It’s a very, very accurate word.
He will be cunning and he shall cause craft to prosper uh under his rule.
He’s gonna cause the global economy to just explode. People will get wealthy.
The book of Daniel also says he’ll deceive people by piece and it says here and he will exalt himself in his heart and he shall destroy many by prosperity.
Is that amazing? Think about that. You said, well, it never happened. Well, it’s going to happen.
But can I introduce you a sample?
So I went the other day too, to the postal, you know, those private postal places, whatever they’re called.
You know what I mean? Whatever. It’s not the U S Postal Service, it’s not fedex.
It’s the guy in between. And I said, how you doing? He goes, I’m going crazy.
I go, what’s up? He goes.
Well, I own this store and then I just opened a store just moments before COVID hit.
So I’m running both stores, driving back and forth. I can’t get people to work and I go, yeah.
Yeah. I mean, we were planning, trying to plan a trip to Israel and they can’t get people to work either and everywhere we go.
Have you noticed that when you go to, you can’t, you gotta wait forever to get your food because there’s only so few cooks and then who’s gonna bring the food?
Just cook it and I’ll come and get it just, I mean, we got to pull together here so we’re talking back and forth and he’s not from this country, immigrated here.
So he loves this place.
And he said, you know, you know what’s happening is wrong, you know.
Yeah, I know it’s wrong. He said we’re paying people to stay home.
Did you know this week, Joe Biden just asked Congress for $20 billion dollars so people can stay home when the Bible says he will cause people to be deceived by peace and prosperity.
Already, we see a hint when the governments of the world pay people to stay home and not go to work.
Why did they do that? Everybody controllers. Oh no, you guys are smart. Yeah.
Don’t be that smart. Be a little less smart. The answer was COVID. You could get sick.
Why is it that everybody stayed home? Got sick anyway?
Hey, look, if you didn’t get COVID, we’d like to, we’d like to get some of your blood, man because I had it twice.
I didn’t tell you at the time, but I had it twice.
I’m telling you right now. What’s the deal?
A physician from Harvard and Johns Hopkins University, both of them announced we can never do again what we did regarding our response to COVID, we magnified its lethality.
We made it stronger than it was supposed to be. And you said that’s ridiculous.
Then why is it that some countries that never closed down are doing economically fine right now and they have no greater death rate than any other previous year in their national histories existence.
We’ve been lied to, we’ve been tricked on so many fronts. I’m not just bashing COVID.
COVID is for real, but it wasn’t as bad as it was pumped up to be things like this come and go.
Hong Kong flu, Spanish flu, bird flu. This is not the end of it. There’s more coming.
Let’s put up that slide. Global banking conglomerates to join with Federal Reserve Bank of New York to conduct a 12 week digital dollar pilot program.
The Federal Reserve Bank is taking the executive order that Joe Biden signed and that is, let’s get off of paper dollars.
Let’s go digitally anytime. Listen, something goes from your hands that you can hold, put in the bank or put in your mattress goes out into the cloud.
Exactly. No wonder why the Bible says, watch out money can sprout wings and fly away like a bird.
I wonder if Solomon was talking about the cloud. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we’ve got, we’ve got digital stuff down so good. Nobody can cheat on nothing. Let’s digitize our money.
What a great idea. People are gonna get in line for this.
We kind of already do you know what?
I bought a donut the other day and all I had to do is tap my credit card on some little piece of plastic.
I just went and checking. I got my donut thing who uses cash anymore.
He said, oh, you will use it.
Listen, some of us are getting statements in the bank from our particular bank saying we just want you to know that we operate our bank with certain standards.
Have you seen this watch or do you just throw your mail away.
I mean, if you watch this banks are saying we just want you to know that we have certain standards regarding inclusion and tolerance.
What are they telling you if you want to keep your money at this bank?
You better join our club.
You better, you need to start reading some of that bank junk mail you get, they’re, they’re telling you about it.
Now, watch out about that book of revelation chapter 13, beginning at verse five.
And he, that’s the antichrist was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue 42 months.
You guys, you’re experts. Now, what is that? That’s 3.5 years or 1260 days based upon a biblical Babylonian calendar.
Boom. There you go. That’s the 1st 3.5 years of the seven year tribulation period.
Everybody got that same end, please. Okay. Good watch.
By the way, uh verse five is taken right out of the book of Daniel. Remarkable.
This is John speaking in the Book of Revelation.
Then he opened his mouth and blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name, his Tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven.
Is that amazing? The antichrist is gonna curse God.
He’s gonna curse God’s authority and he’s gonna curse people who are in heaven.
That’s pretty cool because we’ll be up there.
We’ll be up there by the time he does this the rapture will have taken place by the time this bozo pulls this off.
So we’re gonna be, we’re probably going to be playing tennis or something or whatever we’re gonna be doing and we’re gonna hear this.
I curse you, I curse you, I curse you and curse you and curse all of you up there.
And we’re gonna be like that. What is that? Squeak? Oh That’s an antichrist guy.
But on earth he’s going to be something he was granted to him.
It was granted to take to make war listen to this with the saints and to overcome them.
Hello, people read that and they say, oh, we’re gonna die. That’s not what it says.
It says that he’s going to be given power to overcome the saints.
The Bible tells us that after the rapture takes place and during the tribulation period when the Jews are preaching the gospel, any Jehovah witnesses in here, You know how you were told 144,000 special Bible, 600, Go to Heaven.
You should have read your Bible carefully.
The Bible says they’re 144,000 Jewish males who have never been with a woman and they speak hebrew.
These guys are gonna be spirit filled.
Can you imagine Paul the apostle type Billy Graham like preachers, 144,000 of them.
And John said, when they preached, I saw a number so great coming out of mankind that got saved, that nobody could number them.
Those are the tribulation saints watch right now. You’re called to live for God. Are you not?
The tribulation saints are destined to die for God? They have to die during that time. Wow.
And so authority was given to him over every tribe and tongue and nation, all who dwell on the earth will worship Him.
Who are those people whose names have not been written in the book of Life of the lamb nonbelievers will worship him Slain from the foundation of the world.
He’s talking about Jesus verse 15, he was granted power to give breath. Okay. Here we go.
Wow, listen to this. He was granted power to give animation breath.
Numa to the image of the beast.
A statue remember Nebuchadnezzar had a statue of himself but it was just like this.
The anti Christ statue is going to be animated. Say that’s ridiculous.
Have you seeing what Ai can do?
We are able to build an ai human to stand here and talk to us right now.
That will freak you out. China is great at this Japan’s great at this but watch what?
Watch this. Think about Ai and the world that you and I live in right now.
And so He will cause all verse 16, small and great rich and poor, free and slave globally, right?
That means from freedom countries to slave countries, to rich people, to poor people.
Doeses’t matter to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has one or a the mark or be the name of the beast or see the number of his name here is wisdom.
Let him who understands, calculate the number of the beast. It is the number of a man.
His number is 666. This is man declaring himself to be God. Deanna Christ.
But the image that’s made in his honor are you guys with me? Everybody.
This image that’s made in his honor is some sort of creation that has the ability to see people and to determine if they have a mark of allegiance to this guy.
Now, I want to come back to that in a second.
Did you ever hear me say during COVID? Don’t get the vaccination.
It’s the mark of the beast. You know why you didn’t hear me say that?
Because that was stupid to say I was embarrassed by the Christian community who was saying that you want to know why you have to willfully pledge allegiance to the antichrist.
You will beg to get his number. You will love him.
You will think he’s the best you’ll get in line. He’s amazing.
You’re not gonna get tricked. Oh my gosh, I got the, I got the mark.
You’re not gonna get them work like that. You’ve got to just like you accepted Christ willfully listen.
Those people will, they will willfully accept their allegiance and pledge their allegiance to the antichrist.
Here’s the amazing thing, some artificial designed device image will be given animation and it will have the ability to scan the crowds and detect who’s got the mark and who doesn’t.
And can you imagine that guy right there doesn’t have the mark officers move in.
He’s on, he’s on, he’s on whatever he’s unvaccinated, unmarked on he’s unnumbered. That never happened.
China’s been doing this for years.
Did you know that when you walk around China on their monitoring systems, you have a social score, facial recognition instantly.
Boom. Social score. Social score is where do you fall?
It appears on the screen as they look, you’re walking down the street, your face pops up and it says has your family, lineage, has your income and has your education, your score is your grades, your blood type, everything about you in a second.
You can’t go anywhere in England without being on camera and oh, by the way, we keep it quiet, but a lot of that’s done here in America.
I just want you to know that we live in an amazing age and see that it happens ever so slowly.
We just think, well, here we are digital dollar.
No doubt Jesus said in Matthew 24 verses four and 5 and he answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you church family.
Listen we need to memorize this, take heed watch out beyond guard that nobody deceives you.
I submit to you today that without this Bible in your heart, without this Bible in your head, you are actually already deceived.
You are in a state of deception.
If you don’t know the Bible put up the Planned Parenthood slide.
I want to talk about Acts of Deception, Planned parenthood to spend $50 million dollars in midterm elections, which is hilarious because that’s your money, that’s your tax money goes to them.
And I guarantee you Planned Parenthood does not vote to say Babies.
Planned Parenthood edits fact sheet to say no heartbeat at six weeks of fetal development.
You know, it’s an absolute lie. They mickey mouse, the data, they sucker you in.
But if you are somehow a lemming and you just believe what they say. No, they said it. That’s it.
That’s it. You’ve been deceived. Deception is everywhere and no levels.
There’s only one thing that can cut through the deception.
It’s this and listen, when people say, oh, the Bible, you’ve already been deceived.
What are you reading the Bible for? You’ve been deceived if that’s your attitude, right?
Listen, you can burn every Bible in the world.
It doesn’t stop one page of this book from being real. It’s gonna happen with or without print. It’s alive.
It’s remarkable. But watch out we live in a time. Do we not have confusion and misinformation first?
Timothy Forrest tells us now, the spirit, the Holy Spirit expressly says that in the latter times, some will depart from the faith.
That’s what’s happening to some of you giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
Speaking lies in hypocrisy and having their conscience seared with a hot iron, having their conscience seared with a hot iron means that they are the absolute lowest form or highest form of a narcissist that you can possibly imagine.
They feel nothing. You could be bleeding to death in front of them and they feel nothing.
They are the people who, when somebody gets beat up, they just pull out their camera and watch the whole thing on their cameras.
They’re sick, conscience have been fried by deception.
And so this is a part of deception, anxiety and the anxiety.
Well, we’ll do that. One therapists say they can’t meet high demand as anxiety and depression linger.
You know what that’s from, it’s from COVID.
Why we took kids out of their world, we sequestered them. Didn’t go well, how could it go?
Well, when mom and dad maybe their marriage wasn’t also great or maybe it was okay.
But then financial situation stressed the marriage. Mom and dad start yelling at each other.
Kids are not going to school. They see it all. They felt at all.
Dad started drinking, mom started taking drugs, they both started cheating.
Kids saw it all kid didn’t know what to do.
Kids depressed and you can’t get one politician to talk about the rate of suicide in this nation post COVID.
Why? Because the truth will come out that they’ve been deceived and I’m picking on this, but it’s rampant and the Bible says we’re gonna be living in the days of deception.
Well, obviously you are learning that the word of God, as the Bible says of itself is powerful, more powerful and sharper than a two edged sword.
Have you noticed that what we just got done studying caused you to think it caused you to ponder.
It caused you to look around at the headlines and the things that you’re reading the news clips And it’s because you need to take stock.
So it should because you and I need to get ready to meet Jesus.
Look, I expect jesus to come back at any time now.
But you might say, well, what if he doesn’t come back for a week? Well, let me ask you this.
Who cares if it’s now or a week from now or 10 years from now?
Are you ready to meet him?
You see what’s going on and what we’ve alluded to in this message is the fact that in a post COVID world, there are so many things that have been left undone and we discovered so much about ourselves that we need to take it to Christ.
And with that, there are people who don’t know the word of God. They don’t have this program reaching them.
They’re not reading their Bibles for whatever reasons and they are now slipping into a state of depression.
This is the real pandemic, is depression.
So yes, you hear about the antichrist and the coming global world government and all these things.
But listen, we’re not telling you this from the Bible to depress you.
But if you find yourself depressed, then we want to know you. We want to know who you are.
We want to love on you.
You can literally go to Jack Hibbs dot com and there’s a wonderful team that’s waiting for you there, you can reach out to us, let us know who you are Jack Hibbs dot com and you’ll see the links there where you can sign up or get us your email or even call us.
You can, you can reach out to us, but you do not need to be depressed and terrified at a time like this, Jesus said in this world, you’re gonna have difficulty but be of good cheer.
I have overcome the world friend.
You need to know that truth and we want to bring it to you and remember as always test everything you hear on this program against the Bible.
But if you do that, you’ll do well, what does the American church of today have in common with the German church that allowed Hitler’s evil empire to come to power unchecked more than you realize.
And letter to the American church, Eric Metaxas warns of the haunting similarities between today’s complacency and yesterday’s mistakes giving prophetic insight into the fate of America.
If modern believers don’t step up to combat the evil that threatens our nation’s future, silence is no law longer an option.
God calls us to defend the unborn to confront the lives of cultural Marxism and to battle the globalist tyranny that crushes human freedom.
It’s time to fight before it’s too late.
Find out what that looks like in a letter to the American Church.
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Welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word never will return. Void God’s word is spirit, its power and it has its effect.
So I wanna encourage you to grab your bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us Bible prophesy to scare us but to prepare us.
But I think you’re gonna get a lot out of it.
And one of the great reasons you are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and free you are the struggles of life.
Causing you to doubt who you are, where your journey in life is headed.
Jesus Christ provides comfort and peace in the midst of your doubt.
You only need to believe it’s our desire that through Jesus Christ, you will know real life.
Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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Again, that’s 877 triple 7 23 46. And of course you can write us.
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Your gift will be faithfully put to work because it’s our desire that through Jesus Christ, you will know real life.

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