Begin Your Change of Heart – Mystery of Meditation
Begin Your Change of Heart – Mystery of Meditation
Throughout the Bible, we are reminded that our thoughts greatly impact the fruit that is produced in our lives. This is why it is imperative that we meditate God’s Word. Practicing biblical meditation causes a heightened, spiritual experience with God and opens your mind to allow revelation knowledge to flow more freely!
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, Ministries, partners and viewers.
We’re talking about meditation.
We’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there and they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it now. That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe.
What meditation does, it resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating the work where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
It’s a dream again, dream, big dream, things about to happen to you.
Meditation is a God given spiritual process that provides a permanent change in your thinking and it transforms what we believe in an accelerated manner.
You need meditation because this is the way God planned for you to believe what is impossible to believe.
He told Joshua Joshua chapter one in verse eight, he said, this book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth.
But thou shalt meditate there in day and night that thou hast observe to do according to all that’s written there in for then thou shalt make that way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.
And so what I ask people is who’s gonna make your way prosperous? See, not God.
He’s, it’s already done. But what meditation does is changes your belief, which gives a passage way to your spirit which produces faith to bring about what’s already done.
He knew what he was gonna give you was impossible in the situation you were in.
So he gives you the formula for making it possible and it’s called meditation.
I’ll try this again. He knows that he’s saying, I’m gonna give you a task.
Well, look at, look at Joshua Joshua chapter six and verse one, I’m gonna give you a task.
He says, now Jericho was straightly shut up because of the Children of Israel and none went out and none came in.
Now Jericho was fortified walls were so thick. They had chariot races on the top of them, toe was fortified.
The Lord said unto Joshua, see I have given into your hand, Jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of valor.
Now notice he had to see what God had already done from the foundation of the world.
And the way he was gonna get his, his mind around that, the way he was going to transform what he believed is through the process of meditation, meditation was going to take him from what was impossible till now is possible.
Son. By that shopping mall. Whoa, wait a minute. How am I gonna do this?
Well, he gave me something to meditate Joshua 13. And this is what he said in Joshua 13.
Every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have I given to you.
So once I take that as seed and then swallow it by speaking it into my heart, it begins to build faith and transform what I believe in an accelerated manner.
So where I saw it was impossible.
Now with the mystery of meditation, I can make what is impossible possible and it’s all a function of your mind.
So if Satan wants to hold property back from the church, all he’s got to do is make it too big for their mind and whatever is too big for your mind is too big for your hand.
Joseph had to dream something, right?
And Joseph dreamed a dream and he told it to his brother and they hated him the more.
And he said unto them, he’s explained the dream here.
Now this dream which I’ve dreamed for behold, we were binding shes in the, in the field and low, my sheath arose and also stood upright and behold your sheaves stood round about and bowed down to my chief.
And his brethren said unto him, shall thou indeed reign over us or shall thou indeed what have Dominion over us?
And they, what hated him yet?
The more for his what dreams and for his word, folks in the natural, I was not supposed to get this shopping mall or we in the natural, in the natural because natural people told me I wasn’t, they said they, they’re not gonna sell you a property that big in, in that place.
Not a black man. They’re not gonna sell it to him. I said, well, who are you talking to?
Because I’m walking in the spirit, I’m walking in the, the inner man. You know what I mean?
Now I’m just saying that because this is what he wants you to do.
He wants you to do the impossible.
But with God, all things Pat Yeah.
Now where, where did that dream? What did it do?
And that dream, I’m, I’m just gonna talk here.
What happened was you don’t get what you want, you get what you are, you don’t attract what you want.
You attract what you are.
When you take this whatever desire that you have Godly desire and you begin to meditate it.
This meditation came glory to God is giving you a rewrite.
Come on on your belief system, it’s giving you a rewrite.
It is writing something. If, if nothing in your life change changes, it’s because nothing and your heart changed now that there are three sections here to the mine and I’ll put this down here.
One, there is the conscious level and the conscious level is where you make conscious decisions.
I’m gonna get out and go to the restroom, conscious decisions. But then there’s another level lower.
It’s called the subconscious level. And I believe the subconscious has levels to it and you can go down just like you’re going down to a basement floor.
And that this subconscious level is, is, is, is not the level that chooses things.
It’s the level that memorizes things.
The image is built in the subconscious so that you won’t have to keep learning it again.
So the first time you learn to ride a bicycle notice you can get on it after years and ride.
Why? Because it’s in your subconscious. So you need your subconscious. All right.
So any time you pull outside of your subconscious mind, any time you try to stretch out, go beyond the subconscious mind without the OK of the subconscious, without rewriting the subconscious, the subconscious begins to sabotage the effort.
It begins to do things that keep you from leaving what we call the comfort zone.
How are you with me here?
And it doesn’t make any difference what you believe, whether it’s true or a lie.
Most people have been programmed with a lie. And that’s why Satan can keep such control over the world.
I said on Sunday, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
Not the truth, make you free the truth. You know who’s gonna make you free.
So I’ve got to take the truth, not just hear it once I got to take it and meditate it because just hearing it once the conscious mind got it.
And the conscious mind said, oh praise God. Hallelujah. But the subconscious was never affected.
And that subconscious is not easily changed. He made it that way.
He made it that way. So what we have to do is go to work.
And so what I put down here are some of the ways that you and I can have the rewrite take place in our lives.
What programs the subconscious, what got us in this belief system? One was parents and authority figures.
Some people heard what the parents said.
I remember one man said, you know, well, you know, women, you know, just what you gotta do is just treat them like they’re not quite in their right mind and you’ll be all right.
You feel good about it. Well, see that that’s a lot, but he’s trying to feed that to the next generation.
Are you following what I’m saying?
See if a woman says, you know, I, I had a bad experience with men and all men are jerks.
Well, it’s amazing what she’s gonna attract because she believed that you attract what you believe the Bible tells you what to think on.
Let go over to Philippians chapter four and verse eight. It tells you exactly what to believe on.
Finally, my brethren whatsoever. Things are true.
It’s not true that all men are jerks. Well, let me try it again.
It’s not true that all men are jerks.
You see, and if you believe that and that goes in here, that’s what you attract.
That’s what you attract.
And you end up, they end up another marriage, another man because because there’s something in here that attract what they don’t want, but you don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are now.
Jesus thought on all of this.
He said every tree in you that the Heavenly Father has not planted or every plant shall be what, root it up.
That’s what he’s talking about, a belief system in here that, that you didn’t plant you in.
You inherited that you, you hung around parents that taught you stuff that perhaps was not true or it, it, well, let me get, let me give you a couple of these.
Are you getting something out of this? The mystery of meditation?
He said, parents and authority figures are one way that we receive things and belief systems that not necessarily from God.
Another one is um environments that you’ve been brought up in the environments that you, I was, I was brought up in an environment, I mean, tell you the truth uh is in, my book is coming out, but I was brought up in environments.
I didn’t see, I didn’t see, I didn’t see black as inferior.
I, I didn’t see it.
I, I got in the military and I could tell they, they, you know, the pilot and so forth, I could tell they kind of looked at me like, you know, they’re gonna have to give me a hand out, you know, for me to keep up with them and so forth and so on.
No, I, uh, I, I want top gun. Yeah, I, I gotta show you that my color.
I’m not who you think? You think I am? I’m, I, I had to do that.
I had to do it at I B M. I had to show him I could be top salesman.
Downtown Chicago. I, I had to show him that I’m not mad at nobody.
I just don’t want you looking at me like that.
I, I, I just got, come on, I got some honor here I’m doing because I was brought up in this whole idea of book of D Washington’s philosophy and I was brought up in a, in a grammar school that was a book of Washington lab school right on the university campus.
And then we went on. So I graduated in Tuskegee, but I had Chief Anderson who was my flight instructor before I went to pilot training and he was one of the ones who taught to Tuskegee airmen and they ended up outperforming everybody over there in Northern Africa.
I, I’m just saying you can’t judge a person by the color.
What’s happening is usually that color has been in an environment that people are functioning on a level that’s lower and so forth and that environment kind of got into them.
So the expectation of them was lower and, and you don’t have to do that.
When you come into the church, we’re gonna bring you up, we’re gonna bring you to where you both come on now.
And, and so what happens?
People get hostile, you know, and so forth, even in the church of different races of people trying to come into church and, and what they doing in my church, who’s church, this is Jesus church, this is not your church, this is Jesus church.
I am a ministry to all nations. I am a ministry to all nations.
That’s why I’m trying to get people to sing the songs for all nations and all that.
And it’s rough doing that because they have an image of something that is lacking, something that is, is, is, is less than something that is inferior, second class and so forth and we gotta get that out of us.
So I brought up an environment and he washed and trained up millionaires.
He had 20 millionaires, he trained up they were ex slaves, train them up and two of them went back and bought the plantations that they were slaves on.
I mean, this, this is what this man was doing. What his favorite scripture was.
Proverbs 23 7, this is what he built that whole ministry on as a man thinketh in his heart.
So is he so he knew you didn’t get what you want, you’re gonna get what you are.
And if he could take this word and teach you, that’s why teaching is so important because teaching brings understanding, understanding means.
Oh, I see. And when you do that, once you see it, it’s converting your inside.
Well, I got you got me here tonight, man.
This prosperity soul is, is this, is it, you don’t need any more to your spirit, your spirit is, it’s like God, but you need that soul because that’s a passage way for all the blessings to come.
Are you with me? And the same thing about this millionaire status?
And, and you, you gotta, you gotta listen to my teachings.
I give it because it’s not only the word, but it’s the anointing.
It’s the spirit that travels with the word folks.
So we have verse parents or authority figures sometimes in schools and teaching stuff that is not right and so forth environment also experiences an experience of, of a car crash and you’ll find that you get to that same place on that street that you seldom go down.
But if, when you get to that same corner automatically, your subconscious starts breaking, starts putting on the brakes.
You didn’t do it, your subconscious did it because the experience wrote something on your hard drive and, and, and it says you better slow down.
So the experience got him there.
The experience of people having been, uh, could been molested and so forth like that, all that.
He said, everything that has been planted in you that the father did not plant.
God says, I’m gonna root that out.
Isn’t that powerful because it’s producing bad fruit.
And let me just show you that he says, either make the tree good or it’s true good.
Else make the tree corrupt or it’s fruit corrupt for a tree is known by a swab fruit.
So what you believe is going to be known about what comes out of your life.
You can’t move financially. It’s because it’s a tree don’t blame.
People don’t blame what area you’re working in and so forth because God can do exceedingly abundantly above all that.
You could ask a thing. I don’t care if you’re selling hot dogs with on the corner and so forth.
He can still make you a millionaire.
See you’re, you’re you, you’ve got this, this thing, this what we come up that uh Abraham pretty soon considered.
Not, let me assure you that, ok, because look what it says in this is in Romans chapter four and verse 17, as it is written, I have made the father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quicken the dead and call it those what things that, what be not as though they were not.
This is the way you’re gonna get out of this.
Who get hope, believed in hope that He might become the father of many nations now.
No natural hope, meaning that God has told you by that shopping mall.
So no natural hope, but he believed in God’s hope. He got hope from the word of God.
And he says that it might become the father of many nations according to that, which was what spoken.
So shall thy seed be? God spoke it? Because when was it already determined?
When was it before the foundation of the world and being not weak in faith?
He considered not his own body, not dead, neither yet.
Uh When he was 100 about 100 years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb for.
He staggered not at the promise of God through what unbelief, but was what strong in faith, giving glory to God.
What I’m saying is this that when God says that He’s gonna heal you or he’s healed you or he’s gonna make you uh prosperous, whatever have you don’t consider anything else don’t consider.
Well, I’m just working in there.
I’m a clerk over here in this and I’m a night porter don’t consider that because once you consider that you eat away at your beliefs, you eat away at your, if you, I’m telling you, my, my, I got me.
He, he said, uh, I, I told, uh, you know, when I met Veronica and so forth, I, I wasn’t looking for her.
I, I just, she’s probably looking for me but I wasn’t looking for her. But anyway, don’t, don’t tell her.
I said that, OK, but, but, uh, that’s, that’s called ego tripping, you know what I’m saying?
But, but what happened was, you know, I saw this friend of mine who is also a manager at I B M and, and, um, I was going down our downtown I B M building down in the middle of town and, and I was with him and, and he was going to his office.
He wanted to show me something because we, he and I flew together and so he, he went in his office.
But as I passed by, I saw this, this desk with this woman sitting there who, who, who, when I went on in his office and I said, who is that?
He said, oh, that’s Veronica man, she’s too religious. You don’t want to know her?
I said, whoa, now I’d gotten born again. Who I said, whoa, wait, wait, wait a minute.
And I remember I’m telling you, I, I couldn’t wait.
I said, could you introduce me or I could tell her I can call her or something, whatever it was.
I called her and I was just trying to hear how her voice sound because the voice is gonna tell me something, you know, whether this is right because I hear a voice sound and, and, and so you can tell him out of time here you and so what happened was, was we arranged and I think I met her at the cafeteria in that building and something and, and man, you know, you know how I just met her and, and you know, something inside me said, oh yeah, that’s me.
And, and, and so, uh, I mean, we, we began and took out the dinner and so forth and so on.
And, and I went to this guy, a friend of mine and I said, hey, Vernon, I said, listen, I met this lady named Veronica man.
Just every time I see her, man, it’s like something just inside of me just, just come to life.
I mean, just he, he said, I said, what is it, man?
He said, God is telling me, don’t you touch it? I said, don’t touch it.
He said, nope, I said, because I, I’ve got a uh uh commotion to, to another state to, to Minneapolis, Minnesota and, and, and I said, so I’m just supposed to go, just go and move.
He said, go and move. He said, God said, he’ll put it together.
See, he, he didn’t want me to consider anything. He, well, that’s it.
But anyway, he put it together.
Pray God I’m saying you, well, how is a millionaire gonna happen to me?
See when you ask that question, you sink down to human reason and when you sink down, you take away the miracle, you take away the impossible.
You can’t touch it. You gotta say I believe I received that.
I, I, you don’t know how it’s gonna happen. You don’t know what he’s gonna use.
You don’t know so forth. All Joseph did was set it and he said it and God had to move him to an environment to make it manifest.
So God lose you. God wouldn’t.
But you just hold on and get ready for the ride because the impossible dream is coming to your life, get ready for the impossible dream.
He said dream again, dream, big dreams, big things about to happen to you.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this dynamic message.
Praise God. Here’s something you wanna remember about meditation through the mystery of meditation.
You can make what is impossible possible. Let me just give you a case in point.
God tells me in forest park uh right outside of Chicago. He says, buy that shopping mall.
Whoa, how do I do that? But he gave me a word out of the word of God.
I began to meditate it all of a sudden I see myself with it. Praise God.
And that’s what you do. He’ll give you the impossible. But meditation makes the impossible possible. Isn’t that a blessing?
Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston saying we enjoy bringing these teachings to you.
So until next time, keep walking by faith, when we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there and they are not, they meditate means ponder, it means think about it, read it and confess it now.
That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe what it is impossible to believe.
What meditation does.
It resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work and where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
It’s a dream again, dream, big dreams to grab hold of the big dreams God has for you with Dr Winston’s the Mystery of Meditation Order.
This four part series today on CD DVD or P three P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a never before aired message, want even more revelation order the meditation bundle and receive the mystery of Meditation four part series along with Dr Winston’s breakthrough book, The Missing Link of Meditation in paperback or e book.
This book provides insight to why meditation is the most important ingredient for spiritual growth and good success. Get.
This must have meditation bundle today.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
We’re talking about meditation.
We’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there and they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it now. That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe.
What meditation does, it resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating the work where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
It’s a dream again, dream, big dream, things about to happen to you.
Meditation is a God given spiritual process that provides a permanent change in your thinking and it transforms what we believe in an accelerated manner.
You need meditation because this is the way God planned for you to believe what is impossible to believe.
He told Joshua Joshua chapter one in verse eight, he said, this book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth.
But thou shalt meditate there in day and night that thou hast observe to do according to all that’s written there in for then thou shalt make that way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.
And so what I ask people is who’s gonna make your way prosperous? See, not God.
He’s, it’s already done. But what meditation does is changes your belief, which gives a passage way to your spirit which produces faith to bring about what’s already done.
He knew what he was gonna give you was impossible in the situation you were in.
So he gives you the formula for making it possible and it’s called meditation.
I’ll try this again. He knows that he’s saying, I’m gonna give you a task.
Well, look at, look at Joshua Joshua chapter six and verse one, I’m gonna give you a task.
He says, now Jericho was straightly shut up because of the Children of Israel and none went out and none came in.
Now Jericho was fortified walls were so thick. They had chariot races on the top of them, toe was fortified.
The Lord said unto Joshua, see I have given into your hand, Jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of valor.
Now notice he had to see what God had already done from the foundation of the world.
And the way he was gonna get his, his mind around that, the way he was going to transform what he believed is through the process of meditation, meditation was going to take him from what was impossible till now is possible.
Son. By that shopping mall. Whoa, wait a minute. How am I gonna do this?
Well, he gave me something to meditate Joshua 13. And this is what he said in Joshua 13.
Every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have I given to you.
So once I take that as seed and then swallow it by speaking it into my heart, it begins to build faith and transform what I believe in an accelerated manner.
So where I saw it was impossible.
Now with the mystery of meditation, I can make what is impossible possible and it’s all a function of your mind.
So if Satan wants to hold property back from the church, all he’s got to do is make it too big for their mind and whatever is too big for your mind is too big for your hand.
Joseph had to dream something, right?
And Joseph dreamed a dream and he told it to his brother and they hated him the more.
And he said unto them, he’s explained the dream here.
Now this dream which I’ve dreamed for behold, we were binding shes in the, in the field and low, my sheath arose and also stood upright and behold your sheaves stood round about and bowed down to my chief.
And his brethren said unto him, shall thou indeed reign over us or shall thou indeed what have Dominion over us?
And they, what hated him yet?
The more for his what dreams and for his word, folks in the natural, I was not supposed to get this shopping mall or we in the natural, in the natural because natural people told me I wasn’t, they said they, they’re not gonna sell you a property that big in, in that place.
Not a black man. They’re not gonna sell it to him. I said, well, who are you talking to?
Because I’m walking in the spirit, I’m walking in the, the inner man. You know what I mean?
Now I’m just saying that because this is what he wants you to do.
He wants you to do the impossible.
But with God, all things Pat Yeah.
Now where, where did that dream? What did it do?
And that dream, I’m, I’m just gonna talk here.
What happened was you don’t get what you want, you get what you are, you don’t attract what you want.
You attract what you are.
When you take this whatever desire that you have Godly desire and you begin to meditate it.
This meditation came glory to God is giving you a rewrite.
Come on on your belief system, it’s giving you a rewrite.
It is writing something. If, if nothing in your life change changes, it’s because nothing and your heart changed now that there are three sections here to the mine and I’ll put this down here.
One, there is the conscious level and the conscious level is where you make conscious decisions.
I’m gonna get out and go to the restroom, conscious decisions. But then there’s another level lower.
It’s called the subconscious level. And I believe the subconscious has levels to it and you can go down just like you’re going down to a basement floor.
And that this subconscious level is, is, is, is not the level that chooses things.
It’s the level that memorizes things.
The image is built in the subconscious so that you won’t have to keep learning it again.
So the first time you learn to ride a bicycle notice you can get on it after years and ride.
Why? Because it’s in your subconscious. So you need your subconscious. All right.
So any time you pull outside of your subconscious mind, any time you try to stretch out, go beyond the subconscious mind without the OK of the subconscious, without rewriting the subconscious, the subconscious begins to sabotage the effort.
It begins to do things that keep you from leaving what we call the comfort zone.
How are you with me here?
And it doesn’t make any difference what you believe, whether it’s true or a lie.
Most people have been programmed with a lie. And that’s why Satan can keep such control over the world.
I said on Sunday, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
Not the truth, make you free the truth. You know who’s gonna make you free.
So I’ve got to take the truth, not just hear it once I got to take it and meditate it because just hearing it once the conscious mind got it.
And the conscious mind said, oh praise God. Hallelujah. But the subconscious was never affected.
And that subconscious is not easily changed. He made it that way.
He made it that way. So what we have to do is go to work.
And so what I put down here are some of the ways that you and I can have the rewrite take place in our lives.
What programs the subconscious, what got us in this belief system? One was parents and authority figures.
Some people heard what the parents said.
I remember one man said, you know, well, you know, women, you know, just what you gotta do is just treat them like they’re not quite in their right mind and you’ll be all right.
You feel good about it. Well, see that that’s a lot, but he’s trying to feed that to the next generation.
Are you following what I’m saying?
See if a woman says, you know, I, I had a bad experience with men and all men are jerks.
Well, it’s amazing what she’s gonna attract because she believed that you attract what you believe the Bible tells you what to think on.
Let go over to Philippians chapter four and verse eight. It tells you exactly what to believe on.
Finally, my brethren whatsoever. Things are true.
It’s not true that all men are jerks. Well, let me try it again.
It’s not true that all men are jerks.
You see, and if you believe that and that goes in here, that’s what you attract.
That’s what you attract.
And you end up, they end up another marriage, another man because because there’s something in here that attract what they don’t want, but you don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are now.
Jesus thought on all of this.
He said every tree in you that the Heavenly Father has not planted or every plant shall be what, root it up.
That’s what he’s talking about, a belief system in here that, that you didn’t plant you in.
You inherited that you, you hung around parents that taught you stuff that perhaps was not true or it, it, well, let me get, let me give you a couple of these.
Are you getting something out of this? The mystery of meditation?
He said, parents and authority figures are one way that we receive things and belief systems that not necessarily from God.
Another one is um environments that you’ve been brought up in the environments that you, I was, I was brought up in an environment, I mean, tell you the truth uh is in, my book is coming out, but I was brought up in environments.
I didn’t see, I didn’t see, I didn’t see black as inferior.
I, I didn’t see it.
I, I got in the military and I could tell they, they, you know, the pilot and so forth, I could tell they kind of looked at me like, you know, they’re gonna have to give me a hand out, you know, for me to keep up with them and so forth and so on.
No, I, uh, I, I want top gun. Yeah, I, I gotta show you that my color.
I’m not who you think? You think I am? I’m, I, I had to do that.
I had to do it at I B M. I had to show him I could be top salesman.
Downtown Chicago. I, I had to show him that I’m not mad at nobody.
I just don’t want you looking at me like that.
I, I, I just got, come on, I got some honor here I’m doing because I was brought up in this whole idea of book of D Washington’s philosophy and I was brought up in a, in a grammar school that was a book of Washington lab school right on the university campus.
And then we went on. So I graduated in Tuskegee, but I had Chief Anderson who was my flight instructor before I went to pilot training and he was one of the ones who taught to Tuskegee airmen and they ended up outperforming everybody over there in Northern Africa.
I, I’m just saying you can’t judge a person by the color.
What’s happening is usually that color has been in an environment that people are functioning on a level that’s lower and so forth and that environment kind of got into them.
So the expectation of them was lower and, and you don’t have to do that.
When you come into the church, we’re gonna bring you up, we’re gonna bring you to where you both come on now.
And, and so what happens?
People get hostile, you know, and so forth, even in the church of different races of people trying to come into church and, and what they doing in my church, who’s church, this is Jesus church, this is not your church, this is Jesus church.
I am a ministry to all nations. I am a ministry to all nations.
That’s why I’m trying to get people to sing the songs for all nations and all that.
And it’s rough doing that because they have an image of something that is lacking, something that is, is, is, is less than something that is inferior, second class and so forth and we gotta get that out of us.
So I brought up an environment and he washed and trained up millionaires.
He had 20 millionaires, he trained up they were ex slaves, train them up and two of them went back and bought the plantations that they were slaves on.
I mean, this, this is what this man was doing. What his favorite scripture was.
Proverbs 23 7, this is what he built that whole ministry on as a man thinketh in his heart.
So is he so he knew you didn’t get what you want, you’re gonna get what you are.
And if he could take this word and teach you, that’s why teaching is so important because teaching brings understanding, understanding means.
Oh, I see. And when you do that, once you see it, it’s converting your inside.
Well, I got you got me here tonight, man.
This prosperity soul is, is this, is it, you don’t need any more to your spirit, your spirit is, it’s like God, but you need that soul because that’s a passage way for all the blessings to come.
Are you with me? And the same thing about this millionaire status?
And, and you, you gotta, you gotta listen to my teachings.
I give it because it’s not only the word, but it’s the anointing.
It’s the spirit that travels with the word folks.
So we have verse parents or authority figures sometimes in schools and teaching stuff that is not right and so forth environment also experiences an experience of, of a car crash and you’ll find that you get to that same place on that street that you seldom go down.
But if, when you get to that same corner automatically, your subconscious starts breaking, starts putting on the brakes.
You didn’t do it, your subconscious did it because the experience wrote something on your hard drive and, and, and it says you better slow down.
So the experience got him there.
The experience of people having been, uh, could been molested and so forth like that, all that.
He said, everything that has been planted in you that the father did not plant.
God says, I’m gonna root that out.
Isn’t that powerful because it’s producing bad fruit.
And let me just show you that he says, either make the tree good or it’s true good.
Else make the tree corrupt or it’s fruit corrupt for a tree is known by a swab fruit.
So what you believe is going to be known about what comes out of your life.
You can’t move financially. It’s because it’s a tree don’t blame.
People don’t blame what area you’re working in and so forth because God can do exceedingly abundantly above all that.
You could ask a thing. I don’t care if you’re selling hot dogs with on the corner and so forth.
He can still make you a millionaire.
See you’re, you’re you, you’ve got this, this thing, this what we come up that uh Abraham pretty soon considered.
Not, let me assure you that, ok, because look what it says in this is in Romans chapter four and verse 17, as it is written, I have made the father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quicken the dead and call it those what things that, what be not as though they were not.
This is the way you’re gonna get out of this.
Who get hope, believed in hope that He might become the father of many nations now.
No natural hope, meaning that God has told you by that shopping mall.
So no natural hope, but he believed in God’s hope. He got hope from the word of God.
And he says that it might become the father of many nations according to that, which was what spoken.
So shall thy seed be? God spoke it? Because when was it already determined?
When was it before the foundation of the world and being not weak in faith?
He considered not his own body, not dead, neither yet.
Uh When he was 100 about 100 years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb for.
He staggered not at the promise of God through what unbelief, but was what strong in faith, giving glory to God.
What I’m saying is this that when God says that He’s gonna heal you or he’s healed you or he’s gonna make you uh prosperous, whatever have you don’t consider anything else don’t consider.
Well, I’m just working in there.
I’m a clerk over here in this and I’m a night porter don’t consider that because once you consider that you eat away at your beliefs, you eat away at your, if you, I’m telling you, my, my, I got me.
He, he said, uh, I, I told, uh, you know, when I met Veronica and so forth, I, I wasn’t looking for her.
I, I just, she’s probably looking for me but I wasn’t looking for her. But anyway, don’t, don’t tell her.
I said that, OK, but, but, uh, that’s, that’s called ego tripping, you know what I’m saying?
But, but what happened was, you know, I saw this friend of mine who is also a manager at I B M and, and, um, I was going down our downtown I B M building down in the middle of town and, and I was with him and, and he was going to his office.
He wanted to show me something because we, he and I flew together and so he, he went in his office.
But as I passed by, I saw this, this desk with this woman sitting there who, who, who, when I went on in his office and I said, who is that?
He said, oh, that’s Veronica man, she’s too religious. You don’t want to know her?
I said, whoa, now I’d gotten born again. Who I said, whoa, wait, wait, wait a minute.
And I remember I’m telling you, I, I couldn’t wait.
I said, could you introduce me or I could tell her I can call her or something, whatever it was.
I called her and I was just trying to hear how her voice sound because the voice is gonna tell me something, you know, whether this is right because I hear a voice sound and, and, and so you can tell him out of time here you and so what happened was, was we arranged and I think I met her at the cafeteria in that building and something and, and man, you know, you know how I just met her and, and you know, something inside me said, oh yeah, that’s me.
And, and, and so, uh, I mean, we, we began and took out the dinner and so forth and so on.
And, and I went to this guy, a friend of mine and I said, hey, Vernon, I said, listen, I met this lady named Veronica man.
Just every time I see her, man, it’s like something just inside of me just, just come to life.
I mean, just he, he said, I said, what is it, man?
He said, God is telling me, don’t you touch it? I said, don’t touch it.
He said, nope, I said, because I, I’ve got a uh uh commotion to, to another state to, to Minneapolis, Minnesota and, and, and I said, so I’m just supposed to go, just go and move.
He said, go and move. He said, God said, he’ll put it together.
See, he, he didn’t want me to consider anything. He, well, that’s it.
But anyway, he put it together.
Pray God I’m saying you, well, how is a millionaire gonna happen to me?
See when you ask that question, you sink down to human reason and when you sink down, you take away the miracle, you take away the impossible.
You can’t touch it. You gotta say I believe I received that.
I, I, you don’t know how it’s gonna happen. You don’t know what he’s gonna use.
You don’t know so forth. All Joseph did was set it and he said it and God had to move him to an environment to make it manifest.
So God lose you. God wouldn’t.
But you just hold on and get ready for the ride because the impossible dream is coming to your life, get ready for the impossible dream.
He said dream again, dream, big dreams, big things about to happen to you.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this dynamic message.
Praise God. Here’s something you wanna remember about meditation through the mystery of meditation.
You can make what is impossible possible. Let me just give you a case in point.
God tells me in forest park uh right outside of Chicago. He says, buy that shopping mall.
Whoa, how do I do that? But he gave me a word out of the word of God.
I began to meditate it all of a sudden I see myself with it. Praise God.
And that’s what you do. He’ll give you the impossible. But meditation makes the impossible possible. Isn’t that a blessing?
Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston saying we enjoy bringing these teachings to you.
So until next time, keep walking by faith, when we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there and they are not, they meditate means ponder, it means think about it, read it and confess it now.
That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe what it is impossible to believe.
What meditation does.
It resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work and where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
It’s a dream again, dream, big dreams to grab hold of the big dreams God has for you with Dr Winston’s the Mystery of Meditation Order.
This four part series today on CD DVD or P three P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a never before aired message, want even more revelation order the meditation bundle and receive the mystery of Meditation four part series along with Dr Winston’s breakthrough book, The Missing Link of Meditation in paperback or e book.
This book provides insight to why meditation is the most important ingredient for spiritual growth and good success. Get.
This must have meditation bundle today.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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