Be The Change – Restoring the Years | Dr Bill Winston Special

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The believer’s walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers up next on the believer’s block of faith put yourself in the place of the seed.
You are the seed that he’s sowing at your job. Save into this.
And as he has shown you at your job, even though you come in their mild mannered reporter, y’all know superman.
But notice you go into the phone booth, pull off your stuff and the next thing you know, you rising up now they wonder where did you come from?
You came from. What are you on your, on an assignment? What are you gonna do?
You can re cultivate the culture.
You want to turn it around from a place of 8 to a place of love.
You are the who seed of Abraham.
And if you be Abraham seed, then the promise is also for you.
So whatever he promised Abraham saved me to see when you saved me too.
That means that you have received what he has said for Abraham and whatever he did for Abraham he’s about to do for you.
Look at verse three, look what he said to Abraham he said this and I will bless those who bless you, who confer prosperity and happiness upon you and curse him who curses or uses insolent language towards Bill Winston.
And you will all families and kindred of the earth. What be blessed.
So my job is to reach out to all families and kindred. My job is to go to Central America.
My job is to go to Africa. My job is to go to Australia.
How should to one person here the gospel twice when a person who has an idea, I heard it once yet.
So I’m going out there cause I got my job. My part of my contract is to bless the nation.
Isn’t that wonderful?
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Now, I’m going on your behalf and when you so into my expenses, it’s like you going along with me.
What’s it? And not only that you wanna get blessed by association, not by accident.
Say amen. Look what happened in Luke chapter five to Peter.
Jesus got on Peter’s boat, am I right about it? So Jesus is a preacher, am I right about that?
So he preached the Gotham and sat down and taught the people out of the ship.
Now, when he had left speaking, he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draw.
That’s not a drought, that’s a draw. That’s a great increase. Drought is something different.
And Simon answered, said to him, master, we have toiled all night and taken nothing.
Nevertheless, at your words that you preached, I will let down the net. Watch this.
And when he had this done, he enclosed a great multitude of fishes and what happened to the net.
The net broke watch this and when and, and they beckoned into their partners which were in the other ships that they should come and help them and they came and filled both ships so that they begin to say now, wait, wait, wait, wait, his partner’s got what he got.
No, no, that’s the wrong group over here.
His, his partners, it will become all the way over here. His partners got.
I better look up here. His partners got.
Can’t you see what I’m saying? His partner’s got what he got. Why?
Because it’s by association. You can just hang out with Bill Winston.
Come on, you just hang, hang out with me and you gonna get something.
Now, see some people looking at me, oh, he’s just bragging on himself.
You know, I’m not bragging on me. I’m bragging on Jesus. He is the one in your boat.
He’s the one that’s going to increase in Genesis chapter 13 in verse one.
If you look at that, you will see the same thing.
And Abram went up out of Egypt, he and his wife and all that.
He had and lot with him to the south. Watch this. And Abram was what?
Say it again in cattle. Silver and in gold. Now, how did you get that way? God did it.
He didn’t work for it. Favor, got it. Say amen.
And look at the next verse after that, please.
And he went up the journey from the south and even to Bethel unto the place where he had tent had been at the beginning between Bethel and unto the place of the altar which he had made there at the first and there, Abram called on the name of the Lord.
Watch this and lot also which with Abraham had what flocks come on heard intense.
How did lot get his stuff By being associated? Lot didn’t have one ounce of faith.
And it proved that in chapter in Chapter 14 because they swept down and took a lot and took him, took all his stuff, took all his wives, everything and so far and ran off with him and Abraham had to go rescue him.
Why? Because he didn’t have one out of faith so you can come up in here and not have one ounce of faith yet and just be associated with the right people.
And I’m telling you the same anointing that’s on B W can come on, man.
You gotta get this. That’s the power of the anointing.
So God now is gonna take you because you’ve been chosen.
How do I know that Ephesians one in 3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ according as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world chosen.
Remember what I said about chosen. Remember what I used example.
Me and the boys were out when I was in high school, we’re going to a party.
It was late, you know, and we showed up the party, we all thought we acute and so we showed up at the party, you know what I’m saying?
No, I’m not participate. And so notice, notice what happened, me and the boys talking and I saw a young lady looking at me, you know, sharp young lady and uh I kind of backed up to see if her eyes were still on me.
You know, she, I told you don’t hate, didn’t I tell you don’t hate?
And so what happened?
I kept looking at me and then I moved back up to the boys and I said, boys, I don’t know how long I’ll be with you.
Look, look like I’ve been choked.
Now, notice, notice what I was, I was picked out of a group.
And so were you, you were picked and that’s why you up in here you were picked out of a group.
God saw something that he picked you out. He said I want you.
Now some of y’all are gonna be sent back to your own relatives with the gospel. Why?
Because he didn’t pick them. He picked you first, but he wants all the families to be saved and it’s wonderful.
So he is going to send you in to the world. He’s gonna send you.
He gets, you, pulls you out of it, trains, you send you back.
When he sends you, he’s going to empower you so that you will be having about you.
Things that will outpace the world same into this.
Now realize that I need to let my light so shine and it shines best where in darkness.
So I don’t need to let it shine up in here. I need it, let it shine where out there.
So he’s gonna send you out there whatever profession you have and he’s gonna want you to stay with kingdom principles because he knows that you cannot change the world if you’re conformed to the world.
So he says in Romans 12 to be not conformed to this world, but be transformed.
And he knows also you can’t change a system outside the system.
Oh I’m talking now you got to go into that system to change it. Say Amen.
Now I’m not talking about do like they do but because you’re gonna be different while they get revenge, you’re gonna operate in love.
Why? Because they can’t steal nothing from you.
You see God has promised you that He said touch not my anointed.
Say Amen said that see if they ever looked like they stole something from you, you can be like job.
Remember job got wiped out. You remember that?
And here’s what jobs wife said in chapter two, she said, do you still maintain your integrity?
So the answer to that is yes.
Because notice in chapter 42 job got restored twice fold everything he lost.
Now, how can he get restored twice four? Because he kept his integrity.
If you ever keep your integrity in the middle of a battle, whether it be a battle of justice, a battle of whatever it is, you will see that whatever you lost is coming back home.
So you can’t sink to another level because God won’t back another level.
He’s only going back. Kingdom principles and integrity is a key principle of the kingdom.
Justice is a key principle of the King Martin Luther kingdom win it all because he marched, he wanted all because he stood on the word called justice.
He stood on the word that God is a just God and whatever unjust God’s gonna fix it up, Lord Jesus.
Alright. Two things I want to talk about a seed first and then I want to talk about your mouth.
A seed, A seed, the power of a seed, a seed is powerful.
Now, look what he says in mark in Matthew chapter 13 and verse 31 in Matthew 1331.
He says this another parable, put, he put forth Jesus is talking now saying the Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field.
Watch this, which indeed is the least of all seeds.
But when it’s grown, it is the greatest among herbs and becoming the tree so that the birds of the air come and lodge under the branches thereof.
So even though it be small, a mustard seed, if you ever seen one, you drop it on the carpet, you can hardly find it if you got bad eyes and, and but if you, if you plant that smaller seed, then it’s gonna grow up.
Now, watch this. It’s used to growing in hostile environments.
So notice, put yourself in the place of the seed.
You are the seed that he’s sowing at your job. Save into this.
And as he has shown you at your job, even though you come in their mild mannered reporter, y’all know Superman y’all but notice you go into the phone booth, pull off your stuff and the next thing you know, you rising up now, they wonder where did you come from?
You came from God. What are you on your, on an assignment? What are you gonna do?
You gonna gonna cultivate, you’re gonna re cultivate the culture, glory to God.
You want to turn it around from a place of hate to a place of love woo, to a place where people are hateful and mad and so forth.
The place where people are forgiving.
Now this is the power of the principles of the kingdom that you come from.
It might look like they’re not working at first but they are. You just stay with what you’ve got.
Now notice from the inside out, say inside out.
So I’m not gonna be moved by the names they call me. I’m only gonna be moved by God.
You with c let me show you how powerful the seed is because a lot of people don’t look at the seed.
That’s why a lot of these kids just running around like this because they didn’t think nothing about the seeds.
Get out of here. You know, telling the kids now what you need to do is say, hey kid, come on in here.
Let me teach you something about so and so forth. So they used to do that a long time ago.
A lot of mentoring used to go on somehow they’re letting them run now, but a seed is very powerful because the seed determines your future.
See, that’s, that’s what a seed represents your future. And so now watch this.
So he plants you as a seed. Let me ask you about a seed.
Let’s say a woman, she gets impregnated. Okay. There’s a, there’s a seed in there.
Let me ask you now, women, you have to answer this.
Let me, let me try this oversight. You have the incidents.
Isn’t it true that that seed will place a demand on anything in that woman’s body that it needs if it needs calcium, if it will strip it from that woman’s bones, that’s the power of a seed.
You got to get me. Now you got to get me.
See, he’s gonna plant you there as a seed and whatever you need will be stripped out of that environment to fortify you to meet the need that you have come on so that you can come to full term and when you come to full term, you don’t even say when a baby’s gonna be born.
Now, I know they have uh induced, you know, labor and in Caesarea. So I know they got that.
But naturally, you know, you don’t know, you’re just waiting, am I right about it?
You don’t even have no say so about that.
I’m just saying when you are planted in that environment, the power of a C Paul said it like this.
And first Corinthians chapter three and verse 21 he said, all things are yours.
So whatever you need to strip out of that environment to help you meet your destiny. It’s stripped.
Jesus said there’s a donkey in town and he’s tied up, you go untie him and bring him to hear, hear if anybody asks you, what are you doing on time?
My donkey, you tell him one thing the seed has need of him.
It’s just the right group you’re known and you will be raised up in the most hostile environments known to men.
But you gotta realize that in those places of darkness, light shines brightest, watch this and the anointing works more powerful.
You got that scripture in Micah chapter four.
He said be in pain and labor to bring forth or daughter resigned that you like a woman in travail for now shalt thou go forth out of the city and they shall dwell in the field.
Watch this and thou shalt go even to where that’s the world there. Shalt thou be what delivered there.
The Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of the enemy’s notice, Joseph.
Joseph couldn’t bring forth that anointing while he was up there with his brothers with all that hate.
Notice what he did. He got replanted in where Egypt and once he went down to Egypt, the anointing kicked in, come on, the anointing kicked in.
So some sometimes you need to change environments and when you change environments that this is on the inside of you start kicking in say amen now your mouth cause pressure because pressure comes.
All right. I want to show you this y’all with me.
She is Miss stand up baby, Miss uh living word Christian Center.
She okay. Uh um I’m preparing things for the house.
Okay. Just all right. All right. Now, watch this. Watch this. Stay, stay with me. Now, stay with me.
Where am I? Where did I say I was going? Okay. Okay. Okay.
You got to show some seed to get some harvest my friends watch this genesis 37.
And look At verse 33, this is Jacob.
Jacob had some sons and Joseph was one of them.
Joseph had a dream that he was going and he’s gonna take over everything.
He had a dream that he was in a man of Dominion.
He was in, he was in control of everything. Watch this now. And what happened?
He told his brothers, brothers got jealous.
Now they got a plan to kill him, but they decided not to kill him but to sell, sell him as a slave.
Alright. But notice what happened, this is found in verse 33. What happened?
They didn’t kill him, threw him in the pit, sold him.
And now they brought back his coat that they dipped in animal blood and brought it back to the father.
Watch what the father said in verse 33 he knew it and said my son, his coat, an evil beast has devoured him, Children without doubt, renting pieces.
Check it out. Now watch this and Jacob rent his clothes and put sackcloth on his loins and mourned for his son many days, check it out and all his sons and all the daughters rose up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted.
And he said, I will go down into the grave into my son morning. What do you do?
The blessing that was on his life ensured that his Children would be blessed. Watch this.
But he looked at some false evidence that appeared real, that’s called fear, false evidence appearing real and notice what he did.
He spoke it. Let me tell you what happens when you speak it.
Look at numbers chapter 14, please.
And verse 28 they said, Joshua and Caleb came back with the 1210 spies and said, Hey, let’s go up at once and possess the land.
We’re well able to overcome it. We got the victory. Let’s go get it. What did the others say?
We’d be not able to go up that land? Those giants are bigger than us. We’re like grasshoppers.
Now watch what God says about what they both said, watch this saying to them as truly as I live, saith the Lord as you have spoken in my ears.
So will I do to you watch this, put it up there, please in the N I V.
So tell them as surely as I live declares the Lord I will do to you.
The very thing I heard you say, right.
A lady came up here and said, how did you get rid of that cancer?
She said, I never said what the what the what the doctor said?
Oh, they’re doing their professional work. But you serve a higher God. Come on.
Now you serve a God that is sending you into a place as sheep among wolves.
He knows that the devil is operating on a spiritual power, but he didn’t he forgot, devil, forgot about your God.
Now, look at the difference in Daniel and Daniel chapter three. Isn’t this good?
Daniel chapter three? And look what it says here in verse, I’ll start reading at verse 16.
They were gonna throw Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego in the fire.
Shadrach and Mindy go said, this answered and said, I said to the King Nebuchadnezzar.
We are not careful to answer the in this matter, watch this, watch this.
Now, if it be so our God whom we serve, he is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he, what will deliver us out of your hand?
Okay. Stop right there. What am I saying to you? That you’re gonna be in a tight place?
Now, what you’re gonna say? You got what I’m saying?
If you’re going in there to change Satan’s system, you better get ready for some pressure because he will try to put pressure on you to make you even talk about your mama.
And I’m saying no, not literally.
But my point to you is he gonna try to put pressure on you to make you bowed out and all you got to say no, no, the God that I said, he’s gonna deliver me.
So, Proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 says one thing, death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love, it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Deuteronomy chapter 30 and verse 19 says this glory to God.
It says I call heavy earth to record this day against you that I have set before you.
Life and death. Blessing and cursing. Therefore, do what choose life that both you and your seed shall live.
Psalm 91 says 1000 may fall at your side.
10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come nigh you.
He said with long life, I will satisfy you and show you my salvation.
Let me tell you my friend, you are on the way up.
You are not going down, you are not going under. You’re gonna be winning. You’re not gonna be losing.
You have lost your last battle. So I’m here to tell you whatever you’ve been dealing with.
This is the last day you’re gonna deal with it. This is your year of restoration.
Now give God praise. Wait, you were designed for a purpose.
You were not designed to merely survive through life no matter what your situation looks like.
It’s not too late for God.
Now is the time to operate in the power of God and take back what was stolen from you.
This is your season of restoration call right now at 1 807 11 93 27.
Or go online to Bill Winston dot org to receive your very own copy of the four message series Restoring the Years and this Revelation packed series, Dr Bill Winston expands on the most powerful force in the universe.
The anointing these messages are sure to increase your knowledge of how to walk continually in the spirit and trusting wholeheartedly in the word of God.
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It’s all yours with the anointing of the Holy Spirit in you.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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