Be at Peace with Yourself | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Be at Peace with Yourself | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

Are you at peace with yourself? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses how being at peace with yourself will help you live in peace with everyone around you.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

well I wanted to thank you for watching our YouTube channel and for those of you supporting our efforts to produce these videos thank you thank you you are part of spreading the gospel around the world if you’re not a partner prayerfully consider joining our efforts to help others the way you’ve been helped through the teachings we can only imagine all the places God sends these videos once we post them online but because it’s filled with his word we know it’s bringing light into Dark Places scan our QR code and give today
it’s a decision that provides Everlasting benefits to you and those waiting to see these messages this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries let me ask you a question did you get up today and bring yesterday’s mistakes into today with you I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s power transform my own life and he will do it for you the key to everything is found in God’s word I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt well thank you for joining me today
on Enjoying Everyday Life the last two days I’ve been talking about ways that you can increase your peace peace is so wonderful and turmoil and anger and frustration and upset are just so awful think about it are you at peace most of the time or are you worried and anxious and frustrated about something most of the time well we’re going to start with Basics today and by that I mean we’re going to start at what the root of the problem is sometimes and I want to ask you are you at peace with yourself because to be honest if you’re
not at peace with yourself you’re not going to be at peace with anything else in your life it’s amazing how many people just really are mad at themselves and really just don’t like themselves they may be mad at themselves because of a poor choice they made in the past or some sin they committed or they don’t like the way they look or you know they don’t like their skill set they don’t think they’re smart enough or talented enough or they compare themselves with other people and always
think they need to be something that somebody else is but 1 Peter 3:11 says turn away from wickedness and shun it and do right search for peace and seek it eagerly I love that seek it eagerly it’s not going to fall on you like ripe cherries falling off a tree you got to seek peace why because the devil is constantly trying to take it away from us he he wants us to be upset all the time when we’re upset we don’t really connect with God as well it’s more difficult to be led by the spirit when we’re upset many times
we’ll say and do things that upset other people he loves it when we’re frustrated and upset don’t merely desire peaceful relations with god with your fellow man and with yourself but pursue and go after them so the Bible tells us to be at peace with God which is number one if we’re not at peace with God we’re not going to be at peace with oursel or anybody else and the only way to be at peace with God is to I might say come clean with him on a regular basis you know don’t try to have hidden sin in your life and think you’re
hiding things from God because he knows everything so you might as well talk to him about everything if you’ve got things in your life that you think you’re hiding God knows and the Bible says that someday everything that’s hidden is going to come out in the open anyway so you might as well bring it out in the open now talk to God about it be at peace with him love him and receive his love for you then as you do receive God’s love you can love yourself you don’t have to love the way you act but you can love the you that
God created you to be don’t always be against yourself and then if you love yourself in a balanced way I’m not talking about being in love with yourself but just loving yourself then you can love other people I always say it like this you cannot give away what you don’t have so God spreads his love in our hearts when we receive Christ as our savior the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost the Bible says so he gives us that love so we can we couldn’t even love God if he didn’t show us his love
first we love him because he first loved us I think it’s 1 John 4:19 that says that you know spiritually mature People Press past their mistakes I think some people think it’s actually spiritual to sit around and think about how wretched they are are all the time but it’s really not Paul said in Philippians 3:1 12-15 these may be scriptures you’re familiar with but I want you to listen to these today let me ask you how do you feel about yourself do you base your worth and value on what you do or who you are in
Christ you see God cares more about our who than he does our do now he wants us to do what’s right but you you can never do what’s right until you know who you are in Christ in Christ in Christ in Christ that means when you’re born again when you receive Christ as your savior he comes to live in you and you live in him he becomes your life Paul said in you I live and move and have my being he said he was talking about wanting to reach the place of perfection he Paul wanted to be everything that God
wanted him to be and God does want us to be perfect but we’re not going to be perfect as long as we’re in this fleshly body but we can have a perfect heart and that means that we want we so want to do what’s right we will make mistakes but thank God forgiveness has already been provided for us so we don’t have to waste our time feeling guilty and condemned and feeling bad about ourselves all we need to do is confess our sin repent of them be willing to turn away from them with God’s help receive his
forgiveness it’s there receive his forgiveness and go on well very few people do that because we often think that if we feel guilty for a while that we’re helping pay for our mistake but you don’t need to pay Jesus already paid so Paul’s talking about this place of perfection he said not that I have already attained this or have already been made perfect but I press on to lay hold of and grasp and make my own that for which Christ Jesus the Messiah has laid hold of me and made me his own so Paul’s saying I let go of what’s
behind and I press on see you can’t take hold of our tear if you’re still holding on to what’s back here it I mean it’s just a common sense tells you that you got to let go of what’s behind to take hold of what’s ahead I don’t consider Brethren that I’ve captured and made it my own yet but one thing I do it’s my one aspiration forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what ahead now boy I love this because Paul said this is more important to me than anything let me ask you a question did
you get up today and bring yesterday’s mistakes into today with you anything you do wrong you repent you receive that forgiveness and you press on we can literally live in the Forgiveness of God oh that sounds so good I suffered so many years with guilt and condemnation so many years I didn’t like myself and when I started receiving Bible teaching I heard a lot about loving people and I wanted so much to love people and I just couldn’t seem to do it and God finally showed me he said you can’t love anybody else because
you don’t love yourself you can’t be at peace with anybody else if you’re not at peace with yourself if you’re not receiving God’s mercy you can’t be merciful to other people we have nothing to give anybody except what we receive from God I receive his peace I can be peaceful and pass that peace onto you he uses words like straining forward pressing forward so it’s obvious that the devil tries to hold us back but he has no real authority over you except what you give him he may try
to make things harder but he cannot keep you from doing doing the right thing if you’re determined to do it I believe we need to live with a holy determination not that we can just do things by our own willpower but we take the grace of God and we press forward with it I press on see there he is he’s pressing straining pressing I press on toward the goal to win the Supreme and the Heavenly prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward now listen to this so let those of us who are spiritually mature and full
grown is that you are you spiritually mature have this mind and hold these convictions he’s saying if you’re spiritually mature then do what I’m doing what I’ve been saying do that and and if in any respect you have a different attitude of mine God will make that clear to you also I think when I first started reading this I was kind of afraid if you know I did something wrong and I just repented and let go of it that fast and went on that wow what if I’m making a mistake but he says here if you’re doing something wrong God
will let you know you know we don’t have to imagine all the time we’re doing something wrong we need to trust God that he’ll show us if we’re doing something wrong you waste your time being self-critical the Bible does say to examine yourself I like to take an inventory once in a while just sit with God and am I doing anything that’s displeasing you you examine yourself but without a critical spirit you don’t need to criticize yourself the devil will do that enough for you other people will do
that for you he’ll use other people to criticize you when you’re born again the Bible says that you receive as a gift from God the righteousness of God because of your relationship with Christ you are made right with God through faith in Christ I love that I love that the first thing God wants to give you is rightness you’re right with him would you ever dare have enough Faith to actually think about some of the things that you do right you know there is a very strong possibility that you do more right than
wrong but the enemy would have you only think about everything you do wrong all the time you know our guilt or innocence is not based on how we feel I feel bad about myself well you know in 1 Corinthians 4 3 and 4 Paul was being judged by people for his faithfulness people were saying Paul hasn’t been faithful Paul said I’m not conscious of anything against myself and I feel blameless but I’m not Vindicated and acquitted before God on that account it is the Lord himself who examines and judges me I love that part Paul said I’m
not guilty just because I feel guilty and I’m not free from guilt just because I don’t feel that I’ve done anything wrong and prior to that he had said to the people who was judging him I don’t care what you think of me the only thing Paul cared about was what the Lord thought of him and he trusted God to show him if he was really doing anything wrong he didn’t even judge whether he was or he wasn’t by how he feel felt you know why because Paul knew that feelings were fickle yes you can feel guilty about
something and it’s a false guilt because once you have repented and asked God to forgive you for something and receive that forgiveness there is no more guilt so if you feel guilty after that it’s a lie it’s not truth you know God loves you very much and he is not surprised by anything that you I remember when the Lord put that on my heart Joyce you’re no surprise to me I knew everything you would ever do wrong before I ever invited you into relationship with me you know that God knows what you’ll
do wrong next week Psalm 139 1-4 oh Lord you have searched me thoroughly and have known me you know my down sitting and my Uprising you understand my thoughts are far off you sift and search out my path and my lying down and you are acquainted with all my ways oh my goodness for there is not a word in my tongue still unuttered behold oh Lord you know it all together so my goodness God already knows what I’m going to say tomorrow he knows every mistake I’m ever going to make he knows every right decision I’m ever going to make
he knows every decision you’re going to make everything you’re going to do right or wrong and he loves you anyway and he loves you because you’ve received his son you have believed he loves us because we put our faith in him not because we do everything right God picked you out you know that you know sometimes I think about it like going into a grocery store and picking out fruit you know if you go to pick out four oranges you you look those oranges over and you pick out the four best ones you can find
well God picked you out and he picked me out and I guess he thought we were worth having or he wouldn’t have picked us it says even as in his love he chose us actually picked us out for himself as his own isn’t that beautiful in Christ before the foundation of the world this is something that was decided before time ever began God saw down through time and he saw you he knew everything you would ever do or wouldn’t do and he picked you out for himself he picked us out that we would be holy and blameless in his
sight wow blameless in his sight above reproach before him in love for he for ordained us destined us planned in love for us to be adopted revealed as his own children through Jesus Christ in accordance with the purpose of his will because it pleased him and was his kind intent why does God love you because he wants to there’s really nothing you can do about it you can either reject it or receive it but he’s going to love you either way so why not receive it right now if you’ve never received the love of God
why don’t you just even say God I receive your love right now you know it’s the love of God that brings healing to our wounded Souls it’s time to stop being mad at yourself you know in the world we are often picked out to be picked on but with God we are be we’re picked out to be picked up I love that the Bible says that we’re saved by grace and grace is God’s favor his unmar favor Grace is also the power of the Holy Spirit to help us do whatever we need to do with ease Grace is like oil the holy spirit is a spirit of Grace
and and he’s represented by oil many times and oil makes everything easy and smooth so we need to understand Grace and the Bible says we’re saved by grace not by works Ephesians 28 and N for it is by free Grace God’s unmerited favor that you’re saved delivered from judgment and made a partaker of Christ’s salvation through your faith through your faith you don’t have to have a good record a long record of good works if you have not receive Christ as your savior you can do it right now through
faith by simply saying I put my faith in you I believe Jesus that you are the Son of God I believe that you died for me that you paid for my sins and I receive you now I want you in my life and you know what God will take you right now just the way you are and he’ll spend the rest of your life working with you helping you to be more and more and more like Jesus and there’s a phone number on your screen right now if you would like somebody to pray with you you call that number and we’ll pray with you or of course you can pray
yourself but if you have questions we have a booklet that we would like to get into your hands a little free booklet about what to do now that you’re saved it says that we’re saved by grace It Is by free Grace God’s unmerited favor that you’re saved through your faith this is not of yourself it’s not of your own doing it came not through your striving but it is the gift of God salvation is a gift and we receive it by faith not because of works not the Fulfillment of the laws demands lest any
man should boast it is not the result of what anyone can possibly do so no one can Pride himself in it or take glory to himself but now listen to this when we come to Christ how do we finally come it’s like God I I I can’t do this I need you I need your help I’ve messed my life up I can’t fix it help me but the Bible says in Colossians 2:6 that the same way we’re saved is the same way we ought to live as you have therefore received Christ even Jesus the Lord so walk and regulate your lives and conduct
yourselves in Union with and Conformity to him so I’m saved by grace and every day I live by Grace every day I trust that whatever mistakes I make God already knew that I was going to make them there’s forgiveness already provided for me Jesus already died on the cross there’s forgiveness his blood is on The Mercy Seat in heaven crying out Mercy For Us receive God’s mercy now don’t stay mad at yourself anymore for something you did wrong 20 years ago 15 years ago this morning five minutes ago learn to live by faith
now believe that you’re right with God through the blood of Christ not through your works but through the blood of Christ righteousness allows us us to enjoy peace with God we’re talking about peace how to have peace know you’re right with God Romans 51 therefore since we are Justified acquitted declared righteous and given a right standing with God through faith let us grasp the fact that we have the Peace of reconciliation to hold and enjoy peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah the anointed one
so what’s he telling us because we are Justified and we’ve been made right with God let us then receive that peace that God wants us to have you no longer have to be mad at yourself and you know what when you have peace then you have joy you know how you believe greatly affects your life if you believe that God’s love is based on on your performance you’re going to always be trying to earn his love instead of receiving as a free gift you’ll try to earn it and every time you fail you’re
going to be discouraged condemned and feel guilty withdraw from God and feel ashamed but if you know that God loves you then you’ll know that your worth and value is in nothing except your relationship with him when Jesus does come if he were to ask why should I let you into heaven the only answer that is a correct answer is to say because I believe that Jesus died for me and rose from the dead don’t give God a list of your good works because he he doesn’t care about that he only wants to know that you have
faith in him don’t forget call that number on your screen if you have any question questions about salvation or you want somebody to pray with you thank you so much for joining us today God bless you bless you bless you bless you have a wonderful day amen are you tired empty and looking for lasting peace Jesus Christ is the answer and he’s waiting to give you a new life forgiveness and hope for the future today Joyce wants to help you with the most important decision you will ever make you know receiving Christ is so simple
you don’t really have to do anything except Just Surrender just say yes yes I want a better life I want Jesus and to be honest your sin has already been paid for you don’t have to beg God to forgive you all you need to do is say I’m sorry for my my sin and I want to enter on a better course of life I want to turn around and go in another Direction get started in your relationship with Christ with Joyce’s free book a new way of living it’s yours free upon request simply call us at 1 1800 79285 or download a digital copy at Joy or through the Joyce Meer app in a new way of living Joyce explains what it means to have a relationship with God and you’ll learn practical next steps that can help you grow closer with God each and every day understand the importance of Renewing Your Mind according to the word of God the power of speaking the promises found in scripture the life-changing Freedom by seeing yourself in Christ and the joy of exchanging our fears for faith in God you know so many people are so afraid of what they’ll
have to give up if they serve god well you might have to give up misery de ression I don’t know hangovers I mean there probably are a few things that you might need to give up but trust me you want to give them up anyway and the good news is is when Jesus comes into your life you won’t ever have to do anything by yourself again because he’ll always be with you to help you do everything that you need to do through a relationship with Christ you can experience a love that you were created for and a hope that will change
your life both now and and for eternity contact us today and request Joy’s free book a new way of living call us at 1 800709 2895 or download a digital copy at Joy or through the joy Meer app the 2024 love Life Women’s Conference in Tampa Florida this fall is sold out but no worries you don’t have to miss out on any of the exciting things in store you can be part of every aspect of the event the inspiration the worship the teaching all the fun from the comfort of home it’s at home with Joyce from the love Life Women’s
Conference join us for this live online event register today at Joy lifee I can’t tell you how many days I wasted being unhappy because things weren’t going my way it was all what about me what about me I was miserable and I made everyone around me miserable too in my book what about me I want to help you get yourself off your mind and find a new level of satisfaction that you never thought possible it’s time to get out of your own way and discover the power of an unselfish life what About Me
by Joyce Meyer order your copy today hey friends fun things are happening with Joyce’s talking out podcast and we are ridiculously excited to tell you about it we love you so much and the waiting for a new episode it’s just too hard it’s too much so we had a brilliant idea let’s get get together more often join us along with Joyce and our guest for a new episode every week we have a spot saved on the pink couch just for you every Tuesday starting September [Music] 3rd we hope you enjoyed today’s
m we are so grateful to our Joyce Meyer Ministries Partners who make this and all we do possible including sharing God’s word and offering help to people in need all over the world this program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries


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