Apostasy or Reality: Where Are You? – Part 4 (Hebrews 10:32-39)

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Apostasy or Reality: Where Are You? – Part 4 (Hebrews 10:32-39)

Are we truly following Christ or just going through the motions?

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grab your Bibles church and turn to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 it has been four or five weeks since we have been here together in the book and uh we’re back at it we’re looking at part four of our series titled apostasy or reality where are you Hebrews chapter 10 demands that you examine yourself to determine if in fact you are an actual True Believer I am convinced that there are more people today walking around this world including in America including California that believe that they’re on

their way to heaven when in fact they’re not they have a judgment system in which they have somehow met the standard they haven’t murdered anybody they vote or they’ve never had a parking ticket and so because of that they’re somehow acceptable to be entered or uh received into heaven assumption can kill you and you better not be assuming that you’re going to be going to heaven and this is a very timely portion of scripture not only for the age and the time in which we’re in because I’m

struggling as I told you on Sunday I want to teach Bible prophecy right now we’re going to do it soon with all that’s going on but at at the same time I I need to make sure that you and I are ready to meet the Lord at any moment and so we’re sticking right now to the doctrine of where God has us but I’m telling you I’m going to speak faster than I normally do and I’m going to try to cover more ground than I normally do because I don’t know how much time we have to get out all that we need to get out because

we’re living in very extreme but awesome moments in human history in church history and so when we left off last time we were looking at a very serious exhortation uh in this chapter 10 uh that we need to make sure that we are rerooted in all of these things first of all in a little bit of a backup he Hebrews chap 10: 29 um I just want to read this to you you can follow along he said the author of how much more punishment do you suppose will he somebody anybody be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot if

you if you refus Moses uh and that’s bad enough what’s going to happen to you if you refuse Christ so watch trampled the Son of God underfoot counted the blood of the Covenant which he was Sanctified a common thing and insulted the spirit of grace verse 30 for we know him who said vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord and again the Lord will judge his people verse 31 this is where we ended it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God now I told you before my opinion is that this is a Pauline epistle I have my

reasons to believe that Paul wrote it it’s not important if God the Holy Spirit wanted us to know that it was Paul he would have put Paul at the front of it the books got no ascribed author to it but that’s beside the point but when you hear him the the the writer of this book say that it’s a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the Living God it is a statement from a Believer to Believers that we need to realize and this is a tough cell in in the 21st century that we need to realize that we are aliens in this world this is no

longer our home that this globe is condemned to destruction and that Christ came died on the cross rose again from the dead to redeem out from this Fallen World his own and that Heaven is forever and the fact of the matter is that God’s judgment is terrifying it’s terrifying and it’s not only terrifying obviously for the non-believer but when he says it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God he’s talking about not only those who have denied Christ but for you and I to someday stand before

Christ is going to be a terrifying moment the Bible teaches how many of your Christians raise your hands every single one of us who are Christians will stand before Jesus and give an account for ourself in this life face to face with the one who Angels shielded their FA face from you and I are going to stand there and you say wait a minute that’s terrifying it sure is absolutely now that’s not a meeting with Jesus that’s going to determine your salvation that’s already been determined if you’ve

come to Christ that’s done it is a judgment of Christ evaluating the opportunities that we had that he sent us and what did we do with them did we blow them off squander them or did we take those opportunities and even Advance them for his name so Church a lot of preparation before we get going John 3:14 everybody knows John 3:16 so oh yes I just love that you need to remember where the context of John 3:16 is embedded and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness if you remember that even so must the son of

man Jesus is saying be lifted up now in that statement Jesus just announced to Nicodemus and for that matter tell the whole world that the son of man is going to be crucified to be lifted up in those days meant to be lifted up that is crucified and that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life for God s of the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life most people stop reading there for God did not send his son into

the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he who believes in him that’s Christ Jesus is not condemned but he who does not believe is condemned already that’s humans that is the the default status of the human because why because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God and this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and Men loved Darkness rather than light why because their deeds were evil and they love it you and I know people today that love

their sin for everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light lest his deed should be exposed but he who does the truth comes to the light why because they’re one in the same really that his deeds may be clearly seen that they may that they have been done in God very powerful and poignant statement oh we just love John 3:16 just know this the giving of the Gospel is awesome to those who receive it the giving of the Gospel is terrifying to those who reject it they just don’t know that yet and uh one more

before we look at some of these points from the past and that is um something that should just grieve us tremendously and that is second Peter chapter 2 ver2 this is this is so powerful for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ they are again entangled in them and overcome the latter end is worse for them than the beginning what is he saying in verse 20 there are those listen listen judge yourself right now don’t judge anybody else judge

you there are those who can recite the gospel they could preach the gospel they could write books about the gospel they could share the gospel with other people they just have no effect of the Gospel in their own life that’s who verse 20 is they didn’t lose their salvation they had the knowledge of it but they were never saved Jesus said in Matthew 7 somewhere around verse 20 2122 that there’s going to be people in the day of judgment that are going to announce I did miracles in your name I preached I I I cast out demons in

your name and Jesus said I don’t even know who you are depart from me into Everlasting fire don’t assume and when he says in verse 21 for it would have been better for them to not to have known the way of righteousness than having known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them that’s terrifying is it not very sobering you say I came to church tonight to get beat up no no no if you’re a Believer tonight it’s like yes granted it’s White Knuckle yes but maybe you’re here tonight and you’re thinking

oh my goodness this is terrifying hey that’s okay do something about it right God wants you in heaven now listen this is going to be kind of awkward as we uh go into this but we have to before we touch on tonight this is what we looked at before and verse 29 we looked at are you aware of what’s at stake and so you want to make sure in your own life that you are not one of those who are trampling underfoot uh the Son of God that is that you’re not listen you’re not telling people you’re a Christian

but you’re living a non-Christian life if you say oh I know Jesus the question we should say is does Jesus know you and that’s a very important thing because religion can get you into a setting whereby you think you’re okay even morality look religion’s fine if it’s focused rightly morality is fine if it’s focused rightly but it can’t do anything about your Eternal Soul according to the scripture an actual intimate relationship with God is what is required and when that word and we

looked at it uh together it was one word Trampled Under Foot and just quickly it means to just go back and forth with your own body weight it’s that of your own body to go back and forth and trample the doctrines of God the sacrifice of Christ the cross the blood the resurrection you know all about it but your lifestyle just tramples on it he’s warning you that’s not going to work we also learned in verse 29 that what are you going to do about it when you learn about this that you hate hypocrisy every one of us hates of

hypocrisy and what’s really funny I don’t you know this or not you know you know what level of hypocrisy I can’t stand the most it’s the one that I’m guilty of did you know that’s true psychologically with you as well you let’s you have a tendency to find something in somebody and call it out or if you don’t call it out you’re inside going how could they do you know how you identified it you’re the reason why you saw it in them you know the old saying this is the old saying that actually where it comes

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