Antichrist Is Coming To Town – 1A | Jack Hibbs – God’s Messages

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Antichrist Is Coming To Town – 1A

Revelation 13:1-10

The Antichrist will rise out of what once was the Ancient Roman Empire. He will come with brilliant political ideas and the ability to overpower the nations. He will also usher in prosperity like no other time on earth and deceive many by signing a peace treaty with Israel.

There’s got to be some encouragement here as we get into this.
Uh You can become overwhelmed with if you’re not understanding, you know, what’s really going to take place.
Where am I in this whole thing?
Well, in revelation chapter 13, note takers Bible students mark it down and we can’t cover all, obviously all of this in one service.
So we will take the next several weeks to go through it, but it is critical that we address who the antichrist is by way, his nature and his character where he comes from what he does, who is this guy and frankly, the very title that the Bible puts upon him, uh We say antichrist, uh where we formulate this picture in our mind that he’s, he’s ugly and, and speaks weird with a hunchback and, and he’s just antichrist cusses all the time.
You know, he’s just filthy. He’s an inter Christ.
Well, that’s not what he is going to be like, nor his character.
That way people, the antichrist, the word antichrist means the replacement or impostor Christ instead of Christ, you need to write that down because he’s not going to show up the scene show up on the scene, you know, driving some weird looking Batmobile looking car with red underwear and a mustache and, and really gummy looking kind of guy.
He’s going to swoon the world with his brilliance. He’s going to be an unbelievable orator.
You know, the world is lacking today, an orator, we’ve had them from time to time in history.
But can you think of a, of a world renowned orator? You know, Adolf Hitler was a world renowned orator.
Did you know that uh Hitler had an amazing way, I think Satanic, but Hitler had an amazing way of drawing people in.
Did you know that historians tell us that when Hitler began to speak to a crowd, he spoke very soft and very quietly.
Did you know that? And he would speak soft and quietly and historians tell us that people would begin to lean and push on one another to try to hear what he was saying.
That was part of his ploy.
And as his speech went on, he began to draw them in speaking softly then a little bit louder, a little bit louder, a little bit louder.
Until at the end are the photos, you see the news clips that you see where he’s screaming at the top of his lungs on the tip of his toes and he’s yelling and what do you see the crowd?
Do you see the crowd sleeping? Anybody? Do you see them sleeping? Do you see them kind of indifferent.
They were in a frenzy.
I knew two people that are now long dead and gone.
But I knew two people who once heard in person, Adolf Hitler speak and it was said, they spoke German, they couldn’t speak English, but they spoke to their, their son who spoke to me and said that when Hitler opened his mouth, you could not walk away from what he was saying.
You couldn’t, you were bound. He said, how can that be? It’s demonic.
It’s spiritual, great orators could be very, very terrible, could be very great.
Some people are known as great orators by their content. That’s a good thing.
Some people are known and in fact, their content can be weak but their delivery is something.
But the Bible says that there’s a man coming on the world scene that when he speaks his content and how he says, it will swoon the world into believing his message.
He will be a politician. He will preside over some sort of a legislative type of judicial powers that will allow a global world church to be under his jurisdiction.
Though he won’t be the priest of it.
He will issue an entirely new type of currency that will be global and get a load of this.
It will be a currency that is apparently from the Bible revelation 13 will teach us apparently electronic.
It won’t be paper or coinage as we know it today.
It will be what we have began as a culture, as a society, as a world to delve into.
And that is electronic transfer of funds.
The Bible says that he’s going to issue a prefix a number to all humanity to come into his governmental rule.
And if you don’t accept that prefix of a three digit number into his realm, then you’re not going to live, you won’t survive.
And you can only imagine the things that are going to be argued as to why the whole world needs numbers.
I can give you one good reason right now. It’s a darn good one.
Terrorism, the effort of a national security card for everybody. Remember how that started?
Post 9 11 and boy, did it get quiet real quick, didn’t it?
A lot of people kind of freaked out about it?
But what if you took away a system and made it cashless?
How would terrorists fund themselves if it was a cashless system?
How would the drug runners ever fund themselves if it was a cashless society?
It’s a good idea to go cashless, isn’t it? How many credit cards do you have in your wallet?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have just one number? Why carry a wallet?
Wouldn’t it really be slick if you could take a number without any noticeable difference to your body and have it imprinted or embedded under the palm or on the top of your right hand just beneath the surface of the skin by virtue of an electronic chip as some people have and as many thousands of military personnel have had done to them.
That’s a good idea. Why not stop all of this diversity then in the early days celebrated a man’s independence.
But let’s do away with that man is not able to govern himself any longer.
He’s out of control the terrorism and all these crazy acts show this.
Why don’t we just have one global people, one global language. Why don’t we just have one global church?
Have you ever seen that bumper sticker? One language, one people, one world.
It’s a new age bumper sticker.
But the Bible says what they’re crying out for is what the anti-christ is going to deliver on the world scene.
But please student of the Bible make no mistake about it.
This guy is not going to be some sort of a overt tyrant on the surface.
The Bible says that this man will come and oh, I got it.
I mean, you think for a moment think this man is going to come on the world scene when Israel is having difficulty with its neighbors.
The Bible says that 3000 years ago, Book of Daniel think of that question is Israel having trouble with its neighbors.
The Bible says that this man will allow Israel to rebuild their temple. Question respond please.
Does Israel have a temple? Do they want a temple that this man will drop a peace treaty that the Bible says in the book of Daniel begin in the chapter nine verse 26 that it will be a peace treaty that will guarantee Israel’s safe existence and its Old Jewish form of Old Testament worship for the space of seven, an actual treaty, an agreement to worship in their uh Jewish way.
But under the agreement of this man that we call the antichrist, the Bible calls him the son of tradition.
The book of Zechariah calls him the idle and wicked shepherd.
This man is going to engineer this contract while all of their Arab neighbors are going to allow it to take place and there will be peace for about 3.5 years.
That’s halfway into the contract. You see, Jack, where are you getting on this? Exactly from the Bible.
Isn’t it amazing that the Bible told us 3000 years ago that before this stuff would happen, Israel would be in existence again.
And so it is that it would be in trouble with its neighbors.
And so it is and listen that out of what was once the Roman Empire, this man would arise again, that this man would come through political intrigue and means surface onto the global scene with brilliant political ideas and tremendous persuasion of nations.
And he will bring in an advent of peace and the Bible says of prosperity and by doing so will deceive many.
Isn’t that interesting? Does it not sound like the days that we are living in, at least precursors are not things happening in our world right now that suggests that such an event or such a man could not possibly be far away.
Very interesting. Well, Revelation chapter 13 is where we pick up our study.
We’re marching through the book and we come now to verse one and we’ll go as far as we can this morning.
And Revelation chapter 13 verses one through 10 tells us about the, this man, the antichrist.
So, the title of the Message This morning is antichrist is coming to town.
And, uh, I got to give you some encouragement though. You say, oh, no. Is he coming soon? Is he?
Well, I don’t know if he’s coming soon or not. Don’t know that. Exactly. Don’t know that for sure.
Quite frankly, don’t need to know. I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t need to know.
Well, Pastor aren’t gonna tell us who he is.
I don’t know who he is and I don’t think you can tell who he is.
And I think the Bible makes that pretty clear.
Yeah, but there’s people saying that they know him well, they may know him, but I don’t know him and I don’t want to know him.
But I want to tell you if you’re a Christian this morning, if you are trusting Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, you will not have to worry about the exploits and terror that will come from the antichrist.
The Bible makes it very clear.
And so you say, well, pastor, then why are we going to study this?
Because we’re gonna go through the book.
And by the way, it will also help us to identify some important things.
And that is the word, the prophetic word of God’s Bible encourages and strengthens our faith.
So we’re gonna learn a lot about this guy and um we’re gonna learn about where he came from or where he’s going to come from and where he goes.
Revelation chapter 13, beginning at verse one, John now is speaking, he is given a vision and this is what John saw.
Then I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns and on his horns, 10 crowns and his heads, a blasphemous name.
Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard.
His feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth was like the mouth of a lion.
And the dragon will remember him from chapter 12. That’s Satan.
Satan, the dragon gave him his power, his throne and great authority.
I saw one of his heads as it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed.
And all the world marveled and followed the beast.
And so they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast.
And they worshiped the beast saying who is like the beast who was able to make war with him.
And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.
And he was given authority to continue 42 months.
Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blasphemy, his name and his Tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven.
And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and overcome them.
And authority was given over to every tribe tongue and nation and all who dwell on the earth will worship him whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb Slain from the foundation of the world.
If anyone has an ear, let him hear, he who leads into captivity shall go into captivity.
He who kills with a sword must be killed with the sword.
Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
It’s almost as though John is speaking cryptically but yet very clearly we see Jack, what in the world is he talking about?
This is so exciting because once again, I have to say to you as I’ve said for this last year in this book that you’ll never understand what John’s talking about in the Book of Revelation.
Without first having studied The Old Testament.
The Book of Revelation demands that you know what the Old Testament is about, demands that you know it, where in the world we would want to ask this question is this kind of talk about a leopard, about a bear, about this, look about these feet, about this voice, about a man who the Bible says, when the Bible tries to describe what he’s like in the system that he brings forth upon the earth, it speaks of him in his system as being very animalistic, like brutal, powerful uh having the, the voice of a lion and in the body of a leopard and in the feet of a bear, what a freaky look.
What’s the Bible saying? And where does it say it?
The book of Daniel describes to us exactly these events and who this person is is because over the millennia of time, it is easy for us even now in the 21st century to open the Bible and understand that a leopard is a beast.
It is an animal, it’s dangerous, it’s beautiful, but it’s dangerous. A lion certainly also beautiful.
Regal speaks of kingship. The Bible says he’s gonna be like that. He’s gonna have a voice like that.
He’s gonna, and what, what happens when, when he roars?
Well, what happens when a lion roars all the animal kingdom listens up and fears.
The leopard speaks of great power and great speed and then the bear. What about the bear?
The bear is an animal that’s afraid of nothing. You’ve got to be careful about a bear.
We learned that camping that Mount Shasta one time about a bear, you don’t upset a bear.
You better run or like the books, tell you if you upset the bear lay down and cover your head, you know, that’s about one of the most unnatural thing in the world.
If you upset a bear. Oh, my goodness. I’ve upset this bear. I’m gonna lay down and cover my head.
Your feet automatically start moving. I mean, you’re out of there, man. Why?
Because a bear crushes a bear. They look so cute. They have little bear eyes. Oh, look a bear.
Did I already tell you this thing about vacation? I went on vacation recently.
Did I say this? I’m losing my mind in my old age. Bears look so cute.
And you wanna hug them and then they rip your head off.
We were on vacation and we went and swam with dolphins out in the ocean.
I’ll never get in the water again with a dolphin ever. I’ve been in a shark cage in Hawaii.
I’ll do that any day. This dolphin. What a cute dolphin? Aren’t they cute? This £1100 dolphin?
He did not think I was cute.
And then the, the trainer person, she’s on the boat and she’s going well, he can discern that you’re a male.
What’s that supposed to mean?
And then this dolphin, have you ever seen how sarcastic they look?
I thought they were cute until vacation. They got this little look.
Have you seen their mouths that the cunning little killer that they are.
They got this mouth and at the end it curls up like he’s smiling at you.
He came right up and started pushing on me and I’m like this in the water and he’s looking at me and she goes, whatever you do don’t touch his face.
My hands were already on his face.
So he rubbed by and he’s pushing with his body and then he turns in his flipper.
This guy was £1100. His flipper was like this. He came by and took it and boom.
And I thought I’m paying for this.
I am paying for this sick.
Well, the Bible describes the antichrist as, as this personage of a leopard and of a lion and of a bear.
And you think, well, those are really pretty little cuddly things.
The Bible tells us that from God’s perspective, it’s animalistic.
It’s a very, very dangerous evil man who the Bible says, who will be possessed by Satan himself.
He will be a genius, having the mind of Satan. He’ll know all about politics.
He will be able to connive and weave his way into the nations and the leadership of the nations of the world.
He will be unlike any politician ever and he will by the way bring to pass all that which the emperor of Japan wished for.
He will bring to pass all that Adolf Hitler longed for Mussolini Stalin, all of them who failed in their attempt to take the world, antichrist will do it.
The instead of Christ, the impostor Christ and Jesus warned us over and over again to watch out and to be careful about the antichrist.
He said at a time like that in Matthew 24 21 Jesus said in there that is during that time, there will be great tribulation.
Such has not been since the beginning of the world or until this time, nor shall be so as we get into this, I want you to remember a verse that is very comforting to us and very beneficial at a time like this revelation chapter 13 onward, teaches us some very graphic things.
But listen in revelation 13, will you jot it down? It’s still true.
My friend revelation 13 says, blessed is he who reads? OK, stop right there.
I’m in, I am encouraging you to read the Book of Revelation. Why?
Because it’s the only book of the Bible that says Happy or Blessed is he who reads this book?
And those who hear the words of its prophecy, I not only encourage you to read the book of Revelation as often as you can, but keep coming to the Bible study.
Why you’ll be blessed? It’s the only book in the Bible that invites you to be blessed in its study.
He says, and keeps those things that are written in the book for the time is near.
So let’s study it and let’s be blessed because we do study it. First point.
The coming of the antichrist is this found in verses one and two.
And regarding the antichrist and his advent, it will become a global event.
I’m going to ask you to jot that down because it’s, it’s specific, it’s written first point, it will become a global event.
The Bible teaches us that this man, this political man of intrigue will rise onto the political scene, some insignificant.
At first, that’s why you hear about the 10 heads and the 10 crowns. And you read about Daniel.
What’s that all about? You know, it says here in Revelation, the seven and the 10 and the 10 crown, what is all that?
The book of Daniel tells you what that means that the man will arise through intrigue.
He will be one who is in a leadership role of what used to be ancient Roman Empire or ancient Europe.
It will be the Bible tells us coming back together again.
In the last days, there will be a United States of Europe.
In the last days, Pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real life radio with his message called Antichrist is coming into town.
Part one, we’re glad you joined us today. Anti Christ has come into town.
Part one is part of Pastor Jack’s series called The Book of Revelation.
It’s a series on the final book of the Bible and the unveiling of future events for us and for the world and we’ll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio.
Hey, I have something for you. It’s compact but it’s powerful and it packs a punch.
It’s a booklet that we put out called Countdown All Eyes on God’s ultimate endgame.
But what does that mean in light of what’s going on in the world around us?
I have never seen the pieces coming together so well and so aligned according to Bible prophecy like we see right now in these end times, are we living in the last days?
What should we be looking for?
I ask myself these questions and looking only to the word of God, I found the answers, true answers according to the scriptures, countdown, all eyes on God’s ultimate end game is a pocketbook I wrote and I want you to have it and this is available for a gift of any amount.
Simply go to Jack Hibbs dot com.
All the information is right there on how you can obtain a copy for yourself.
Hot off the press as it were Jack Gibbs dot com. You can order it now.
Well, there you have it. The new book by Pastor Jack Countdown.
All Eyes on God’s ultimate end game and you can order it right now for a gift of any amount at Jack Hibbs dot com slash offer.
That’s Jack Hibbs dot com slash offer.
This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you, our listeners visit us at Jack Hibbs dot com.
That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. Until next time, Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio.
Wish for you. Solid and steady growth in Christ and in his word, we’ll see you next time here on Real Life Radio.

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