Anchors and Waves | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Anchors and Waves | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Even the latest, you know, their God can move in all different ways, but don’t base your faith on a new movement.
Your faith is on God if he wants to do something that’s great, but it’s still on God and on the cross on on messiah.
My hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on jesus name on the rock.
I stand, don’t let don’t rest on everything, you know that you know, people will tell you if you’re in charismatic circles and they may may mean well they’ll tell you God said this and God says this to you and God, well they may be right occasionally, but most of the time it’s not the Lord, you said most of the time the reason being God doesn’t just do that every second and all that and he, when he does, if he does speak to you supernatural, if he does lead you, you wanna take it for all it’s worth.
You wanna you wanna treasure that. If that’s God, God’s leading you that treasure that.
But just because someone says something doesn’t mean it’s God.
Otherwise their God, by the end of God is God, test all things.
The bible says, test everything and then hold it because otherwise people go all over the place where they’re going okay, God said this, God said that, go do this, do that.
Simon said, do that, test all things, hold on to what is good.
Not every dream is the message from God. In fact, most dreams are just crazy.
But occasionally he may, there may be something, don’t get wrapped up in what people do?
Don’t get wrapped up in people, they did this that’s gonna destabilize you because you’re anchoring to something that’s all over the place.
And if they did things that were wrong, don’t anchor yourself to that, don’t anchor your emotions and and be bent out of shape for the rest of your life.
You’re anchoring something to something that should be anchored to. Why lose your piece.
Why was it that all these people who seemed like good or regular people in Russia ended up embracing communism?
Your faith is on God if he wants to do something that’s great, but it’s still on God and on the cross on on messiah.
My hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on jesus name on the rock.
I stand, don’t let don’t rest on everything, you know that you know, people will tell you if you’re in charismatic circles and they may may mean well they’ll tell you God said this and God says this to you and God, well they may be right occasionally, but most of the time it’s not the Lord, you said most of the time the reason being God doesn’t just do that every second and all that and he, when he does, if he does speak to you supernatural, if he does lead you, you wanna take it for all it’s worth.
You wanna you wanna treasure that. If that’s God, God’s leading you that treasure that.
But just because someone says something doesn’t mean it’s God.
Otherwise their God, by the end of God is God, test all things.
The bible says, test everything and then hold it because otherwise people go all over the place where they’re going okay, God said this, God said that, go do this, do that.
Simon said, do that, test all things, hold on to what is good.
Not every dream is the message from God. In fact, most dreams are just crazy.
But occasionally he may, there may be something, don’t get wrapped up in what people do?
Don’t get wrapped up in people, they did this that’s gonna destabilize you because you’re anchoring to something that’s all over the place.
And if they did things that were wrong, don’t anchor yourself to that, don’t anchor your emotions and and be bent out of shape for the rest of your life.
You’re anchoring something to something that should be anchored to. Why lose your piece.
Why was it that all these people who seemed like good or regular people in Russia ended up embracing communism?

Why? Because they weren’t anchored to God.
Some of them were, some of them might have been religious, but they weren’t anchored to God.
They made where they’re anchored to the church. We’re not anchored to the church. We are the church.
We’re not anchored to it. We’re anchored to God. Because people can go crazy. It doesn’t matter.
That’s not my anchor. You know, people focus on that so much.
It’s the church, it’s this or it’s your people. It’s not that we’re not anchored to culture.
We’re anchored to God. They were joined to the world.
They might have said, hey, I I love jesus, but they were more concerned about their own security or self interest.
So when it came down to the thing of choosing between your own self interest and God.
They chose self interest because they were anchored to that.
Why did most people in Germany go along with Hitler nice people, Why did they go along with Hitler?
Because in some way they were not anchored to God, they might have been anchored to other things.
They call themselves christians. They weren’t in the end, you’re not a christian.
If you’re not anchored to God and when they were anchored to the to their culture, they’re anchored to their jobs, they’re anchored to their self preservation.
And when that changed, they went with it because that’s what they were anchored to most churches in in Nazi Germany saluted Hitler only a remnant of pastors and believers said no we will not because we serve God, we don’t serve this evil.
They were the ones who hid jews and who risked their own lives.
They had to be anchored as something greater. How do the apostles live as apostles?
How did the first believers live as disciples in the book of box?
They did it by not being anchored to the world.
They said when the world threatened them and said persecuted them and said, stop it, we’re gonna cancel you.
Now, your time of preaching is over.
They said sorry, we we have to serve God and not you, they were anchored to God and not to man not to themselves, not to their jobs, not to their reputation, not to their self preservation.
They stood because if you can’t stand for something greater than your life? Your life isn’t gonna matter.
If you’re only living to live to survive.
That’s not a life, a life is something that can live to something greater.
Look at steven, he’s actually being stoned to death, but he’s not even looking at it.
He’s looking at the Lord’s, staring, standing up at the throne of God. He said, I see him there.
He was anchored right through it all to that. Now.
If he could see that, it says he was glowing.
If he could be glowing when they’re throwing stones at him, you can also deal with your situation and be radiant by being anchored to heaven.
Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn. Thanks for checking out my Youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with a video.
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