An Uphill Battle – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

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In 1 Samuel 14:6-12, Israel is suffering under Philistine oppression, feeling hopeless due to Saul’s impatience in the previous chapter, where he failed to wait for Samuel and lost favor with God. As a result, Israel is not only under enemy control but also lacking leadership. Despite this, Jonathan, Saul’s eldest son, steps up to lead. Aware of his father’s household losing favor, Jonathan remains committed to God’s purpose.

The passage begins in verse 6, where Jonathan speaks to his armor-bearer, saying, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” His armor-bearer responds, “Do whatever you have in mind. I am with you heart and soul.”

Jonathan then lays out a plan, saying, “If they tell us to wait until they come down, we will stay where we are. But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ we will go, for that will be a sign that the Lord has given them into our hands.” They reveal themselves to the Philistines, who mockingly say, “Come up to us, and we’ll teach you a lesson.” Jonathan then tells his armor-bearer, “Follow me, for the Lord has delivered them into Israel’s hands.”

In this text, Jonathan’s faith and courage demonstrate leadership despite difficult circumstances. His trust in God’s power—whether to save by many or by few—teaches us that God is not limited by human weakness. Even in moments of personal failure or doubt, God can still work wonders if we step out in faith.

Prayer for God’s Guidance and Power
Heavenly Father, Your presence is already moving in this place. I ask that You remove anything that would block me from being fully immersed in the flow of Your Holy Spirit. Let me focus on Your face, not the crowd, and make this moment a divine encounter for me first, then let it overflow into the hearts of Your sons and daughters. Lord, I pray for immediate growth and fruit from this message, that each person here may become like trees planted by rivers of living water. Fill me and fill them, and send us out to do Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Now, I want everyone to participate. Look at the person next to you and greet them. Tell them they look great, ask them if they’re visiting for the first time, and make them feel welcome. We’re family here!

Now, imagine this person is struggling to believe that God can still bring glory through their life. Maybe they’re finding it hard to trust that their best days are ahead or that they still have purpose. I want you to turn to them and say, “I believe what God believes about you.” Don’t just say you believe in them—say, “I believe what God believes about you.” Declare over them: “You are fearfully and wonderfully made. No weapon formed against you will prosper. God is working all things together for your good. He’s going before you, making crooked paths straight. You can do everything God has placed in your heart.”

Give them a hug or a pat on the shoulder, reminding them of God’s promises. Let’s stand together in faith!

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