Alistair Begg – The Strength of Weakness

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2 Chronicles 17-20: Jehoshaphat’s Leadership and God’s Deliverance

In 2 Chronicles 17, we learn about King Jehoshaphat, who succeeded his father Asa and strengthened Judah’s defenses. Jehoshaphat fortified the cities of Judah and placed garrisons in cities captured by his father. The Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the ways of his ancestor David, not seeking the Baals but honoring God. He followed God’s commandments, not the practices of Israel. As a result, God established his kingdom, and Judah paid tribute to Jehoshaphat, who gained great wealth and honor. His heart was courageous in the ways of the Lord, and he removed the high places and Asherim idols from Judah.

Moving to 2 Chronicles 20, after these reforms, Jehoshaphat faced a grave threat. The Moabites, Ammonites, and some Meunites came against Judah for battle. When Jehoshaphat received word of this great multitude from Edom, he was afraid. In response, he sought the Lord through prayer and proclaimed a fast throughout Judah. People from all cities of Judah gathered to seek God’s help.

Standing in the temple of the Lord, Jehoshaphat prayed, acknowledging God as the ruler of all nations, whose power and might were unmatched. He reminded God of His past actions in driving out the inhabitants of the land before Israel and giving it to the descendants of Abraham. Jehoshaphat recounted how Israel had spared the Moabites and Ammonites during their journey from Egypt, and now these enemies sought to take what God had given His people.

Jehoshaphat pleaded for God’s judgment on these enemies, acknowledging Israel’s weakness and uncertainty. “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You,” he prayed. At that moment, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jehaziel, a Levite, who delivered God’s message to the people: “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the battle is not yours but God’s.” God instructed them to march against the enemies, but they would not need to fight. Instead, they were to stand firm and watch God’s salvation unfold.

Jehoshaphat and all Judah fell to the ground, worshiping the Lord, and the Levites praised God with loud voices. The next day, as God promised, the enemies were defeated without Judah lifting a sword. Jehoshaphat’s faith and trust in God led to a miraculous victory.

This passage highlights the importance of seeking God’s guidance in times of uncertainty and trusting His power and deliverance. The battle belongs to God, and His plans for His people are always good.

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