Air Raid Sirens | Tim Sheets

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I want to deliver a prophetic exhortation regarding the current times and pray into it. We are living in a historically significant moment in America, facing a constitutional crisis. Most of you are aware of the events happening this Wednesday, which is one reason we have not gone to the cabin. Dutch will be heading to Washington, D.C. for this occasion. We are part of a nation that has forgotten its identity, and it is our responsibility to remind her. As Jen said, and as I wholeheartedly agree, I was born for this moment. I know it, and I feel it deeply. I believe this church plays an important role in this time.

This has been an incredibly busy week for me. Last Sunday, just before I preached, I shared a vision of battering ram angels, which I prophesied over us. These angels were released from Heaven and were striking down principalities and powers of darkness that had occupied thrones around our nation and world. When these angels hit those powers, they scattered like bowling pins—much like the effect of a strike in bowling. They were not rolling a ball; they were wielding a battering ram, and when it struck, the forces of darkness fell in every direction. The Lord spoke the word “strike” to me. These angels were striking, fueled by the decrees of the church, which act like missiles. Our declarations are powerful, and the angels move in a dimension of power, executing these strikes against the forces of hell.

Since that service, I have received numerous emails from prophetic intercessors, many of whom are well-known in the prophetic community. They shared with me dreams involving bowling, which seemed very significant. One of these intercessors reminded me of something I mentioned last week about Martin Luther and the Reformation. I didn’t know this, but Luther decided how many pins there should be in bowling—ten. One of the intercessors shared that they saw ten kingpins falling, struck down, symbolizing a prophetic moment where the Lord is beginning to bring down these principalities to usher in His reformation. You can watch more about this on YouTube, where over 130,000 people have viewed the message.

Thank you for joining me in prayer. After the service on Sunday morning, Dutch asked if I could join a conference call to discuss some important decisions. We decided, based on dreams, visions, and prophetic words we had received, that we must go to Washington, D.C. immediately. We agreed to leave the next day, Monday. For those following our work, we have a prophetic team that has traveled to contested states, including intercessory prayer leaders and apostles. We have been praying in these key locations, and our sessions have been live-streamed, with nearly a million viewers. We felt led to bring this team to Washington, D.C. and begin our prayers there.

We sent out a message late Sunday night to gather at the Willard Hotel the next day. We planned a strategy meeting Monday night, followed by a full day of prayer on Tuesday. Our focus included praying at the monuments highlighted in the dreams and prophecies, as well as at the White House. We were granted a two-hour time frame for prayer there, where we made specific decrees that God had given us. The level of angelic activity that day was unlike anything I have ever experienced. It was incredible, and the Holy Spirit’s prophetic insight guided us throughout the day.

That prayer session revealed spiritual strategies, and through connections with people in the know, we received valuable direction. This information is confidential, and we have set up secure communication channels to safeguard it from external interference. I returned late Tuesday night, and the team continued to pray and decree the assignments we were given. We kept the details of this mission private, and we did not live stream that evening. This past Wednesday, I awoke..

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