Aharit Hayamim: End of Days Revealed | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Aharit Hayamim: End of Days Revealed | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn opens the meaning of Aharit Hayamin: The End of Days Revealed. The Bible speaks of prophetic times known as the ‘Last Days,’ the ‘End Times,’ ‘the End of Days, and of a generation that will be different from before it. Jonathan Cahn will reveal the Hebrew behind all, including “Shena”, the 4th beast in the book of Daniel that has metal in it, and the altered end time techonology.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Daniel it says this this creature was sha in Hebrew which means can mean it was different it was diverse or it was altered in other words the end time civilization will be different from everything before it the phrase end of days can be seen here in Daniel and it’s in Daniel 12:13 but as for you go your way to the end and then you will enter into rest and Rise Again for your allotted portion at the end of the age but it really says you shall rise again for your allotted portion at the end of days similar
Hebrew Kates hayamim the end of days so what do we know about the end of days if we just have the Bible what do we know forget about what people what what does it say in Daniel 12:1 it says at that time Michael Mikel the angel stand who stands guard over the sons of your people over Israel there’s a link between the Archangel Michael and Israel will arise and distress will come as has never occurred the end days will be a time of distress and it will also be a time where the Jewish people are in the middle of distress that’s right there
they’ll be the center of controversy but what it also means if you is that they’re also going to be in the end times and back then that wasn’t a guarantee they’re going to survive it says in Daniel 12:10 many will be purged purified and refined but the evil will act evil and none of the wicked will understand but those who have Insight will understand notice what it says very important here about the end times many will be purged purified refined the wicked will continue to be Wicked but those who know God will know that mean
what is that telling you right there it’s is telling you the end times will be you know we have you have the idea it’s only going to be dark the end times will be a time of polarization what does that mean polarization is if you have gray and all and it breaks up into black and white polarization is it divides up it gets polarized this goes this way this goes that way it’ll be a in the end times will be a separation a very dramatic separation between good and evil the good and the the righteous and the evil
and so we we find a very important thing very important principle because we’re watching it we find a parallel in Daniel also it speaks of the another thing the last days so it talks about the end of days the end times last of days who was the first author to write about end time prophecy Moses Moses it’s all the way back in the Torah Moses Deuteronomy 4:30 says this when you are in distress talking about Israel and all these things have come upon you in the last days you will return to the Lord your God all the way back in Deuteronomy you
probably didn’t know it was there he talks about the end times he talks about distress on Israel for those who are marking that that’s Deuteronomy 4:30 and he says in that day with you will return to the Lord that’s already way back there it reveals again it’s consistent will be time of tribulation for Israel distress on Israel but now it says also it says in Deuteronomy the Lord will scatter you among the peoples you shall be left few in number among the Nations where the Lord shall drive you the
people the Jewish people will be scattered to the ends of the Earth but then it says you will seek the Lord in the last days the Jewish people there’s going to be trouble upon Israel but in the last days they will seek the Lord or they will turn to the Lord this is so consistent through the whole Bible what Messiah said you’re not going to see me again until you you turn to me in Deuteronomy 29 Moses speaks of again of a Calamity coming on the Jewish people and he said yet he says here you’re going to seek the Lord in Jeremiah in
the Jeremiah 30s in the chapter 30 it talks about the judgment and distress coming on the Jewish people in the LA it says in the last days you will understand it you will understand it you will consider it and then it says God will bring you back bring you back to the land you’ll in the last days Israel will be back in the world well that is also another theme of The Bible in the last days God’s going to gather Israel back well we’re going to check out how he did with that and they will rebuild their land all that’s about the last
days in the Bible and then it says in Hosea it says this the the children of Israel will dwell for many days now when the Bible says many days you know what it’s talking about it means ages many days without a king or Prince without a sacrifice or sacred pillar without an epod or household Idols without Idols without a King Without a priesthood without a throne but they’ll be without anything but afterwards the children of Israel will return and will seek the Lord their God and they will seek David their King and they will come trembling
to the Lord and to his goodness in when the last days look how consistent the Bible is from Moses here to Hosea last days the the children of Israel in the last days the Jewish people will turn to God and to their King and who is who is their King it is clear who their King is this is not interpretation when it says David their David’s dead it’s not about it’s not about David David it’s about the one who’s called David who is the son of David who is Messiah so the Jewish people according to the Bible in the
last day will come back to the Lord trembling and will come back to Messiah interesting because to come back to somebody you had to leave somebody so it’s got to be somebody they knew Jesus Yeshua they knew him they turn last days according to the Bible consistent message here is the Jewish people will return to the Lord they will be away from the Lord they will come back to the Lord and now it’s now let’s go what does the New Testament say about the last days second Peter 3:3 says know this first of all in the last days scoffers
will come mockers who will come with their scoffing following after their own lusts and saying where’s the promise of his coming ever since the fathers were asleep all continues as it was from the beginning saying that in the end times there will be evil men will be mockers cynical cynics it says in 2 Timothy 3 the end times will be perilous times times of peril matches up with what’s in the Hebrew scriptures times of evil times of Calamity and then it says in second Timothy says this listen for men will be lovers of
self lovers of money boastful arrogant revilers disobedient to parents ungrateful Unholy unloving irreconcilable malicious gossips without self-control brutal haters of good treacherous Reckless conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God boy I wouldn’t want to live at that time huh I’m going to get into that in a moment see how see how this matches up but again evil times again that that’s also another part of it people will be sinful materialistic and then it says what it says in the in the book of
Acts on the day of Pentecost Peter quotes from The Prophet Joel and he says in the last days same thing last days God says I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams even among the the bonder servants men and women I will in those days pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy and I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the Earth beneath blood and fire smoke the sun will be darken the moon blood but before
reat and glorious day of the Lord shall come and everyone who calls upon the name shall be saved when in the last days in those last days so you’ve got the pouring of the Holy Spirit comes into the picture but also again the distress and all those things so he’s quoting The Book of Joel and the Book of Joel is Also it talks about repentance it talks about it describes Israel repenting and coming back to the Lord so there’s all this it’s like a puzzle you put together it’s all consistent but
each one adds a little bit more what else do the scriptures say about the last days there will be a great Falling Away Paul writes there’ll be a great the the Antichrist will not be revealed the man of sin until there’s a great falling away a great or in or in the word we is often used apostasy so notice a great falling away so notice what you’re seeing you see not just bad you see also good in the end times it’s not just the trouble tribulation it’s also return to the Lord and it’s also the spirit
pouring out it’s people falling away but the spirit pour pouring out same two things happening at once polarization good and bad and notice how consistent it is what else does it say if you read you read the Bible and you read even in Revelation or read read what Messiah said I’m not coming again until the Jewish people say say blessed is he and we Rec combine that with with Zechariah 12 in the last days all the nations will come against Israel Jerusalem and look at Revelation Armageddon Nations coming
it’s all consistent the Jewish people will be back in the world according to the Bible they’ll be the center of controversy the nations of the world will be against Israel it also talks about a One World Civilization a one world global State and the rise of one who the Bible calls the Beast or the Antichrist at the same time the gospel will be spread to Every Nation it says also Gentiles will take hold of a Jew and say come let us go with you that also kind of goes into the kingdom Jacob’s trouble the time of
tribulation Jacob’s trouble again that’s all the way consistent way back to DOR so we just looked at what some of the puzzle pieces the Bible gives from the beginning onward about the end days let’s put it together and see how it matches up with what is happening now one it says that in order for all this to happen the Jewish people have to survive now Moses says it over 3,000 years ago and most of the people who were around Moses most of the Hittites amorites jebusites all the they’re not here anymore so there was no
guarantee the Jewish people are going to still be around 3 and a half thousand years later all these other people are gone for these things to happen God’s word to be true the Jewish people had to survive and there is that’s not just it’s Against All Odds because all these other peoples look at it look at the map they’re gone even Egypt is not the same as Egypt was not the same people basically it’s all and all it’s just they gone but the Jewish people are still alive well all the others are gone
the Babylonians are pretty much you don’t see Babylon you don’t see Assyria you don’t they’re pretty much gone but the Jewish people according to this have to survive to go into the end times and on top of that it’s not just that they were people who shouldn’t have survived but on top of that they were also the most hated people the most crushed people the most defenseless people 2,000 years with no Army nothing no police no King they’re in they’re everywhere around the world with not their own land
hated and and destroyed destroyed destroyed all hell against them and yet they survive why cuz God is true and God said it the Jewish people have survived and they are Central no if they didn’t survive there’s no last days if they didn’t survive God’s word wouldn’t be true but God said as long as the sun is in the sky I’m paraphrasing as long as all these the all the stars and as long as it’s all there you’re not going anywhere because it’s as long as they’re there they are a sign that God
exists so the Jewish people will survive into modern times for this to happen and yet it says it’ll be a time of shaking distress modern times the 20th century was witnessed the most shaking and distress in the history of the world from World War One World War never been before World War I Another World War 60 million people got killed the Holocaust the atomic bomb the Cold War genocides persecution last days all the these things now now Daniel says it as he speaks it’s a time of purifying it really a time of light and darkness we
are seeing that as well this process there and we’re going to get to that the Jewish people it says will have been scattered to the ends of the Earth well that happened only happened the last few centuries did they go to Every nation and really even up to modern times to the 19 20th century they were scattered to the ends of the Earth we are here right now if you don’t believe that we’re here we are at one of the ends of the Earth right now you know we think you know we’re the center but we’re
really biblically kind of at the ends of the Earth We’re a coast we’re way over out out outside and yet you see Jewish people here that means God’s word is true if you don’t believe that you’re listening to a Jewish person at the ends of the Earth right now you’re at the ends of the Earth but that’s because God is true and it says yet the Jewish people will seek the Lord will turn back well do you know that that as at the same time that Israel started turning back to the land Jewish people started
turning back to Jesus the Messiah started gradually since we are here at the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem prophetic event the The Liberation of Jerusalem that that is according to the Bible and that’s another thing Jerusalem has to be in Jewish hands well that is now since only in the last 50 years 1967 and yet since that date more Jewish people have been coming back to Jesus as the Messiah than any other time since the book of Acts so all these things Jeremiah speaks of the last days speaks of it it’s the
time when Israel is wounded the Jewish people are wounded well never have the Jewish people been wounded as they were in the Holocaust and if you read that it’s an amazing thing because it talks about a day of great darkness and and they’re crushed and and yet in that day God starts bringing them back and it’s that out of the ashes of the Holocaust God brings back is is Israel comes back and according to the to the prophecies Israel has to be back in the world the Jewish people have to be back in the land rebuilding the
cities replanting the fields well that has happened that’s a key event I was with Dr Dobson and he told me a story that when he was I don’t know I’m I’m I’m not going to get the the age right but he was a kid he was like eight years old or five years old whatever whatever it was and one day his mother just took him aside and says son says you have remember remember this day remember this day and because this day Israel has come back into the world God promised it God is real God has done it and he never
forgot that in that day God done we have witnessed it most of us here have not there are some here living who have probably were old enough to witness it most of us not but it happened in our generation we’ve actually seen God’s hand God said it not only did he not only did he preserve Israel Against All Odds but to have them then come back when has the Nation been totally scattered to the ends of the Earth totally and then and then out of nothing all of a sudden the nation is Born Again born in a day when never only because
God said it he did it God is real and that has not stopped when Israel came back in the into the world it had a few hundred thousand people but then God started the Gathering from all over from the Arab lands from around the ends of the Earth in some of us we can remember the 1980s a great great gigantic return from Russia Russia opened up and the Jewish people came back I mean masses and masses of them so I remember when Beth Israel when I was preaching the the fasia Jews of Ethiopia were gathered back on an airplane lift back to Israel
another operation Moses operation Solomon this has not stopped Israel now just just around this time Israel has surpassed America for having the most Jewish people in the world in fact soon it may be that there more Jewish people are in Israel than any other than anywhere I mean right now that’s this Center that means there’s a shift coming in history but so here they are we have watched them do it the Lord they shall return they shall come back the Bible said it and there’s a lot of people there’s a lot of of of church people who
didn’t believe it they said it’s never going to be it’s all spiritual when the Bible speaks about Israel coming back and Israel being blessed that’s not about Israel that’s about the church when the Bible speaks about cursing them that’s about the Jewish people that that’s called replacement theology we replaced Israel but there if you look at some I have some commentaries from the 19th century and you read the commentaries and I love them you because these are people who believe God’s word
and and at one point there’s they’re talk they’re reading the prophecies about they’re talking about the prophecies about Israel coming back and they’re saying yes we know it’s impossible we know because back then there was nothing Israel was a desert land and had been had been nothing for two almost 2,000 years nothing was happening Muslim land and they were saying when they’re looking they’re saying you know I know we know it’s impossible but God said they’re coming
back so they’re coming back and they did it will be perilous times Moses said or or it will be through actually throughout the scripture up to the the the the New Testament but what is that what was that description of the people of the end times what did it say men shall be lovers of self does that sound familiar there is more self-love in our culture than there has ever been in the history of the world I don’t just mean American I mean modern culture culture self love selfrealization self-actualization self Obsession Self
Magazine self culture self- preoccupation in the church the gospel has become in many churches is largely uh largely for the self God is your counselor God is your personal personal agent he’s going to help you he’s your personal trainer and he’s going to help you be more successful that’s not the gopel goel God will bless you as you follow him as he chooses to bless you but it becomes a thing where are you serving God or is God serving you you’re seeking to be served by God that is not what what Jesus said that’s not what he
said he who serves himself no I’ve come to serve others but it ends up ultimately it’s about self self God wants for you and God wants for you and God will bless you but put him first don’t put yourself first if you’re put if you’re just getting more if that’s all you’re doing you’re getting more selfish in the name of God that’s not what God Said said give up be selfless love and God will bless you and even the church becoming it says what what else does it say here men will
be lovers of money become more materialistic more money oriented I was with an oldtime Minister the other day and he was speaking about how you know when he said in past I could people just volunteered volunteered volunteered for the Lord’s work and he says now people want to be paid for everything and that that is a shift people want what do I get out of what instead of just serving the lord God will bless you he says they want the reward now they don’t want it later men will be boastful arrogant culture of of of arrogance malicious go
culture a vulgar it’s describing a vulgar culture a harsh culture how many people realize that I don’t I don’t depending on where you grew up that we are in a a vulgar culture a culture that is vulgar that’s harsh that’s not gentle that that is that is that is destructive treacherous Reckless cons seeded lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God does that sound familiar we’re in it and all those things are more so now than have ever been since the gospel came to Western civilization says there shall be a great
falling away when you know before the Lord comes today the New York Times and ABC News and others will refuse to even write the name of God with a capital G they will not even give him the Dignity of a first name he’ll treat him as if he was a pagan deity recently it came out the top they had a study of the top 10 books in schools that Americans viewed as most dangerous one of the top 10 was the Bible can you imagine that in a school system that was founded by the Puritans for the for the purpose of spreading the
gospel imagine if the Puritans returned today to America to see what happened they would be shocked every year in the last seven years the numbers of those in America who identify as Christian at all not saying not saying born again Christian not saying Evangelical Christian not saying true Christian but Christian has dropped by one percentage point every single year thus in seven years 7% less now that that may I don’t know that seems to you but that has to be we’re talking about 2,000 years that has to be the greatest
CH Mass change we’re witnessing the greatest mass change of morality in the history of the world there’s never been a change of morality this fast globally ever it’s like the undoing of the Gospel when it came to to this civilization among Millennials it’s heading to almost half saying they’re not Christian at all that that’s that’s the future how many Millennials are Evangelical 19% 81% no one Paul sought to find out how many of the younger generation have a Biblical worldview the
answer 1% another translation of Timothy it says they will with with they will in the last days they will be without natural affection without natural affection interesting well they’ll be with they’ll they will therefore be with unnatural affection there there’s something about this that there’s something about the end times that’s linked to unnatural the word when Paul says there’ll be a great falling away the word is apostasy and apostasy comes from the Greek apostasia and that is taken to mean and
it does mean it means to to to move away from Fall away from your stand fall away from faith is what it’s saying here but it means Fall Away From The Stand of but it also means to fall away from the state of or the state of being so in other words in the same day when you see you see a culture a civilization Falling Away away from Faith from The Faith from the word of God you will also see man falling away from the state of man women falling away from the state of women marriage falling away from the state of marriage you get
it a falling away from being in Daniel when he looks when he looks at the last Global Kingdom or the last great Kingdom that that fourth creature that fourth beast in Daniel the word that’s used to describe first of all it’s a weird looking thing it’s the only one that has metal in it it’s like unnatural it’s artificial but the word when it’s described in Daniel it says this this creature was sha in Hebrew which means can mean it was different it was diverse or it was altered in other words the end time
civilization will be different from everything before it the first creatures are all animal forms but this one is beyond and so it’s saying the end civilization last day civilization will be unnal there’ll be an unnaturalness a dehum about it we’re watching that it’s always weird to watch people you know if I when I go to airports now I just kind of every single person is plugged into something electronic unless they’re like very old there’s almost everybody is plugged into electronic
something you know everybody it’s amazing and it and yeah we know we’re using it you’re using it but you got to be we got to be careful where this is all going we’re using it or are are we getting so plugged in that we stop Rel you know the younger generation in many ways they’re they’ve done studies they don’t relate as much to others they relate through there through that so I’m looking saying wow and I’m writing it I’m typing this up and writing it down on my laptop as I do
that but we got to be careful last days will also be a time it says of repentance I will pour out my spirit all these the world be focused on Jerusalem just this last Hanukkah not even a year ago the whole world through the United Nations voted to condemn Israel over Jerusalem and what do they say they said that Jerusalem is is does not belong to Israel it is a Palestinian territory and Israel is the occupying power again all con condemning over Israel and Jerusalem and God said in the last days the old Nations will come and
they’ll try to move Jerusalem and I will I will come in that day one world State how about that how’s that match up we never in the history of the world has there been any any approach to it as there is now we are now joined to the world as we have never been the whole world is joined more than it ever has it’s not yet political but it’s in every other way culturally technically every other way we are joined together the internet joined together there will be the Bible speaks about in the end times
there’ll be persecution of God’s people we say well I don’t see that that much well do you know that there are more Christians persecuted today than ever before across the world more than ever before around the world more than the days of Rome and then if you look at America the way America’s going you can even see it coming and there’s a mystery in the Hebrew year or really the age the age God has done something that he set up the whole age to go according to the pattern of the Hebrew biblical year and
the thing is about when you look at that year at the end of the year of the Sacred year comes a time called the days of Tesa try Tesa Tesa means the days of repentance the days of repentance and it also really you could take it as you can translate it as the days of return same thing return repentance the Jewish people return as lak to repentance and so it when does it come it doesn’t come at the beginning of the age it comes at the end of the the end of the Hebrew year that means it comes at at the End
of the Age there’ll be a great return it’ll be a t days of return so what do we see at the End of the Age we’re seeing Israel returned and you’ll see repentance as well there will be a people who come back to the Lord as we saw with Israel but also you can take this further there will be a return of the church returning to its roots because when the Jewish the Jewish people and the church are linked together Israel and church are always linked together even if they don’t think they’re together they link together at
the beginning it was all together and then it’s separate but what happened the Jewish people left Israel and the church they went they was went to all the Earth and what happened to the gospel went to all the Earth and at same time as they did that the church was separated the Jewish people were separated from their land their inheritance and the church was separated from its inheritance Israel its roots its home Jerusalem and so what happens then if Israel comes back and the Jewish people return and Jerusalem comes back it means
the church is going to come back home as well and it’s interesting because it’s not only that 50 years ago when Israel came back when Jerusalem came back not only that the Jewish more Jewish people came back returned to the Lord but also if you’ve noticed the church has more and more True Believers returned to their Roots there’s the separation between the church and Israel is Vanishing that more more the church loves Israel that I mean you know we take it for granted but it was not always the case way back in history it’s
rare love Israel you when if you know if I if you 50 years ago you’re a church and you said Yeshua they would think you’re speaking in tongues but now if you say almost every born- again believer knows it you would never hear a chofar in a church You’ never have Passover in a church but now even Israel knows that its best friends are not not even America it’s born again Evangelical followers of Messiah this is Jonathan Khan thanks for watching The Return of the Gods is available literally everywhere where Amazon
wherever books are sold and God bless you [Music] [Music]
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