Act on GOD’s Word – Speak The WORD Only

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Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
Oh, we have another exciting teaching for you today. This is the teaching again on the law of confession.
Now, specifically this teaching, we’re talking about speaking the word only.
Now what we are doing in this teaching is teaching you how powerful your words are. Why?
Because we want you to stop making excuses for not getting to your destiny. You see death and life.
The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 are in the power of the tongue.
It didn’t say the power of the devil. It didn’t even say the power of God.
It said the power of your tongue.
Now, we know God has all power, but he’s giving you authority in this earth.
So death and life are in the power of our tongue. Now, here’s how we get our breakthrough.
We have to confess it, we have to believe it and we have to act on it.
I tell you, if you do all three of those, you will have your breakthrough.
Now, there’s a lot of people that have been in that same plateau or been in that same debt and so forth.
I mean, for years it’s time for a breakthrough.
And I got a feeling we’re about to get it in your life right now.
We gotta teach you how to speak the word and get a breakthrough in your life.
So get your Bibles and pencils and papers ready. Let’s go into it. It’s called speak the word only.
There are no limits to mankind.
Accept what we place on God. No, think about it.
There is no limit to your operation in this earth or to what you can do except you uh that you place on God.
No limit, no legacy because confession means to agree with God.
It doesn’t mean uh affirmation. It means confession. It means homolog to agree with what God says.
So I’m gonna agree with what God said now.
If I agree with that, God said, God is watching over his word to do what to it.
He’s going to perform it now and there’s no limit to God because ain’t nothing he can’t do.
Well, he can’t lie but we know that but there’s nothing that He can’t do. So my limit is God.
See, he’s waiting on me to take a step that is beyond my ability.
What so that I can cut Him in.
See if, if my, my taking that step is my belief.
See if, if, if I believe something, believing simply means uh to believe is to act on the word.
That’s a simple definition of belief. It’s to fully commit to it.
Abraham believed in the Lord.
See, and, and what happens is we got that book there, but the Satan who’s a liar has tried to convince us that God didn’t really mean what he said, that there’s some break between what God said and what God will do and, and how many, how many people know that?
Hey, I mean, you get the newspaper you read, you read about, there’s a sale going on down at uh, Sears.
I’m just throwing that out there. You know what I mean? And they’re selling washing machines for $99.
Whoa You, you, you know what I mean?
You, you girl, I gotta get down there in the morning. Why?
Because I believe what I read. Come on now.
So, so here’s the doctor now, here’s the physician and they go to check up.
He said, well, you know, problem with you. Now you get your, your blood pressure is over.
Now, let me, I’m gonna give you something to control that.
I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna give you this, this right here and you take this prescription and take it down there and, and get it fixed.
Now, I didn’t walk, people don’t walk out of the office and, and say, I wonder if he telling me the truth, you know what I mean?
They, they, you better get out of the way so they can get to the pharmacy.
No. Come on now. Ok. How about in Florida? I mean, I got the weather man.
Come on TV. Hey, hey, we got a tornado is coming tomorrow night. No, three days from now.
Tornadoes coming, we run out to Walmart and build a square, whatever the stuff is, get us some timber, lumber board up the windows.
I understand we have seen a tornado. No. Come on. Come on. Don’t, don’t do me like this.
We, we, we don’t really know whether a tornado is coming.
We just heard a man say it and we acted on what we hope if that be the case in the paper.
Hey, now all of a sudden he says something where girl you reckon.
Yeah. Get that. You here comes doubt.
I believe he said, I’ll never leave you. No forsake you.
And then we write a song called, please don’t pass me by.
Are you following what I’m saying?
Now I’m I’m letting you know what happens when people read the word of God, they just go off to Nut City and just, I, I don’t know about this, honey.
And this is one who cannot lie, watch this. He never lost a case.
He has never failed anyone who has trusted in him. Say Amen to this.
Hey, how are you? Hey, man.
And I really believe that’s why God used Peter.
So because Peter um was in that boat with the rest of those uh disciples and Jesus came walking on the water and Peter said, hey, if that’s really, you, you tell me to come to you on a war.
Jesus said, what come Peter got down out of the boat?
All one word, Mary.
You all got to hear what I’m telling you folks. Hello?
See what, what happens to this is that God has scoped your life out.
He has seen your life from the beginning all the way to the end.
He knows what you’re capable of doing and He knows what you did before you even did it.
Yes. Are you following what I’m saying? Here?
He knows what you’re going to need next week, right?
He even knew you needed a, he even knew you wanted a car for Christmas.
Want to Santa Claus to bring you a car. Thank you.
Keep her out. He didn’t come, did he?
Oh, that cause it ain’t no Santa Claus six.
Now my, my point to you is that every, every promise in this Bible has been given for you is for your benefit.
And I remember because I’m believing God for another bigger, well, two, I believe God for a bigger airplane and, and you know, now watch this.
I got around some folk. Come on.
Now y’all know where I’m going and, and, and they’re gonna start trying to talk me down.
Ok. Yeah. Come on. Now we note of what people try to do.
They’re trying to bring it down to the place where they can do it, that they can figure out some way they can do it.
That that’s not what God wants and turn with me to, to Genesis chapter 18, Please.
I think that’s where I go.
I believe Genesis chapter 18 have got it and look what it says here in verse nine.
And they said to him, where is Sarah? Thy wife?
Now these are the angels talk of Abraham. And he said, behold that it’s in the tent.
And he said, I will certainly return unto the according to the time of life.
And little Sarah, thy wife shall have a son.
And Sarah heard it at the door of the tent which was behind him and Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age.
I mean, they were beyond the age of child bearing and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
Therefore, Sarah did what she laughed within herself saying after I am waxed. Oh, shall I have pleasure?
Oh my Lord being and my Lord being old also.
And the Lord said to Abraham, where did Sarah laughs saying, shall I of a surety bear a child which am old is anything?
Come on too hard for the Lord on the line.
See, he said, if you believe and doubt not.
Where in your heart, see you, you can’t doubt. You gotta say I’m gonna take God at his word.
And if you take God at his word, act on it, Lord Jesus.
Now, I know I’m telling you to grow up.
Now, if you’ve been in on Wednesday night, you see, I was teaching on the different levels of the word of God.
I taught on the milk level.
I taught on the, the uh meat level I taught on the strong meat level. Then on the honey level.
Now these are different levels of the word of God.
How you can use word of God as you grow on milk, you first get saved. You’re a baby.
You got on milk, but we gotta grow, we gotta keep going.
We gotta go on up because God wants you on that honey level.
He wants you on that level where you don’t have to pray no more about your needs.
They are automatically being met and you are out meeting the needs of other people.
Are we still singing them unbelieving songs?
Not in here. Yeah.
Let’s try if you’re here now, he didn’t say feel here. Well, I don’t feel here.
He didn’t ask you to feel here. He told you believe you were here.
Well, I don’t know, I’m here.
He didn’t actually know, said believe, well, I can’t see it.
I mean, he didn’t say that just believe you believe the sale was on.
No, no. Am I right about it?
No, this is just not for healing. This is for houses.
Come on now this is for airplanes. This is for new cars.
You see you, you’re not gonna pull nothing on God.
He knows what you have made of before you ask him.
See, he already got you lined up to you his child. He’s taking care of you.
You are royalty. You’re in a royal family. You are seated at the right hand of Christ.
Say amen to that you are more than a conqueror.
You are, you are, you’re the head and not the tail. You’re the lender, not the bar.
Yes, sir. And, but what we’ve been trying to do is trying to do it in our own strength and that’s where the devil wants you because he can control that realm.
He can hold your stuff out.
Keep your, keep us in a bag in mentality, won’t you?
Hey, supposed to be in the church. We’re supposed to have building fund that’s needed.
We’re gonna build another auditorium for 25 $28 million.
And we’re supposed to say, hey, we’re gonna open the doors now for people to give, we’re gonna take about 10 minutes and we’re gonna raise the money for this new building that we’ve got and we’re gonna pay for it cash.
Do I have the first offering? Yeah. Pasta. I got two million. Yes. Pastor I got 500,000. Yes.
Not every Sunday come in trying to get envelopes out, trying to get people to build folks.
That’s a distorted image. All right.
And the enemy put that in us so we can stay down here.
I’m saying you gotta shake that off. And the way you get your breakthrough is to understand.
I don’t do it. My job is just confess it, believe it and walk it out because God’s gonna make it happen for me.
That’s all right. Look at this Matthew chapter 12. Glory to God.
Now you’re with me, aren’t you believe? If thou can, what? Believe all things are possible.
If I can guess what? Believe all things are possible. Believe in that. You don’t have to sweat.
You don’t need to be, I just believe no, no, no, no believing is not hard folk.
You believe that newspaper, you read it the first time you read it, you believe it and it can be the biggest lie that’s ever been told.
And folks, you got masses of folks acting on it and don’t mention the television. Anything that come on.
Anything other than a Christian TV is gospel.
You know, people turn that on and believe that boarding up the houses and so forth.
I’m not saying anything is wrong with that. I’m saying, why don’t you have God in that same category?
So you can read it one time. You ain’t got to. Oh, I believe I receive.
I, I believe I received. You don’t have to do that.
Just read it, act on it and watch God bring it to pass. Amen.
Look what he says here in verse 35 a good man out of the what good treasure of your heart?
Keep going. Brings forth what good thing. Now, where do your things come from?
Out of whose heart, your heart, who controls your heart? You do.
So whatever you need, you find seed, sow the seed in your what? Heart?
And a good man, folks, no one can stop you from reaching your destiny but you no, come on now, whether it’s healing, whether it’s your job, whether it’s financial freedom, whether it’s your business, whether it’s your ministry, whether it’s your joy, whether it’s your peace, whether it’s your happiness, whether it’s your success, nobody can stop you from reaching your destiny, but you, because your destiny is coming out of you.
It’s not in anybody else’s hands. They don’t control your destiny. They didn’t control Abraham’s destiny.
They didn’t control the Children of Israel’s destiny.
They controlled it and they spoke it with their mouth and death and life.
We are in the power of the tongue, not in the power of, of, of, of, not in the power of big mama, not in the power of the president of the United States.
And life are in the power of your, this side.
I don’t care what they think about you I don’t care what they say about you.
The Bible says no weapon formed against you and every tongue that shall rise against you and judgment shall be condemned for this.
It’s a her of the servants of the Lord and my righteousness is of the Lord.
Now, stop making excuses.
Well, I didn’t have, I’ve been on the uh our family is dysfunctional.
We all come from a dysfunctional family.
Stop that, stop, listen to them programs and them hurts.
It ain’t that’s corrupt communication. Don’t let it come out of your mouth.
The devil has a way of trying to keep people in bondage are the words, thou shalt be justified by your words, you’ll be condemned and I am out of time gives a lot of praise because I thought go to let the devil talk you out of your inheritance.
You are good to go.
Well, praise the Lord. I trust that you enjoy that teaching.
Now, I told you this stuff is good, isn’t it? It really is.
I’ll tell you every time I watch it and hear it, it, it does something inside of me.
I, I move up just a little bit high in revelation. Praise the Lord. Now, what are we saying here?
We’re saying that people believe all kinds of media.
I mean, the newspaper coming out, there’s said there’s a sale tomorrow night, they believe that they go out to the sale.
They, they prepare for it and if the weather man says bad weather is coming. They, they prepared for it.
Or the, some doctor says something about a diagnosis in somebody’s body.
I mean, they go out and get a prescription, right. It don’t even question it. Well, what about believing?
What God said? I mean, it’s in the paper. Praise God, it’s in the Bible.
So, if we read it and God said it, why don’t we believe it and act on it?
So what am I saying? The only limit is your belief in God.
What God said about you and God can do through you.
You see He watches over His word and makes it good and God is well able, I mean, he can do things for you that the surgeon could never do that.
The newspaper and folks can never do that. The weather man could never do. God can do it.
But all we need to do is put our trust in Him and believe the word of God, this is called Speak the Word only.
It is a powerful series. Now, the address and phone number on your screen, I want you to order it.
I mean, get it into your hand, please.
Because this is an important part of your spiritual development right here, learning to train our tongue.
It is kept so many people back from the blessings and the goodness of God, they’ve spoken and use words that have kept them locked out of the of the canon.
Land of the promised land. So, what we wanna do now is learn how to use our words correctly so that we can move into God’s best, the address and phone number on your screen.
I want you to order it right away.
We got people staying standing by, we’ve got people ready to turn that order around and get it right out to you right away.
Why? Because I know when people write us, they’re ready for the teaching. They want it that night.
Well, we can’t get it to you that fast normally.
But what we can do is get it to you as quickly as possible.
So write us, we’ll get it right out to you and you’ll be blessed.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and we want you to keep walking by faith.
How should you handle the challenges in your relationship?
Insufficiencies in your finances or even attacks against your health?
Your victory is guaranteed when you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word.
Only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe and speak it.
In this third installment of the law confession series entitled Speak the word only.
Doctor Winston provides a road map to victory for every situation in your life.
There is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Order, speak the word only today.
And Doctor Winston will explain what God does to perform His word, how to activate God’s participation in your circumstances.
Why there’s nothing more powerful than the word of God and much, much more promise, I believe it and do it to order your copy of this powerful message, speak the word only on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
No matter how difficult the circumstance, victory is yours.
When you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only.
I’m Bill Walton.
I’m the founder and CEO of accelerated wealth.
I was raised in a Christian family and uh I have uh I’m one of seven brothers.
We were raised on a, a ranch and uh one beautiful parents that uh raised us.
Um you know, to follow after, to follow after the Lord. When I graduated, I went to seminary.
And um when I finished seminary, I came out and had kind of a equal desire to do both, you know, in the pastoral world.
But I had this uh this same desire in the, in the business.
Um I, you know, I graduated from seminary. Uh but from that time, I’ve always ran businesses as well.
I’ve always done both uh between, you know, different pastoral work and different types and styles of companies.
And there’s just this idea in Christianity of, well, if you’re quote unquote called into the ministry.
That means you’re gonna be a pastor somewhere.
And so, you know, that idea really kind of kept me always feeling somewhat odd about running companies as well as the pastoral uh work that I was doing.
And I went back and forth this feeling of, you know, guilt and I chasing some type of financial thing.
And really it was under uh Doctor Winston’s Ministry, uh that I learned that it is not an either or it’s a both end.
And we are to do that. We are to be kings and priests in the marketplace.
And, and really, that is what has helped the launch of accelerated wealth.
Our company uh we were in the process of launching that uh and in its infancy when we really met uh Doctor Winston and his ministry and his uh teaching on the Revelation of Royalty.
And that idea, I listened to that series over and over and over and over again.
At that time, we had um between various investments that we had and investments in real estate and the different pieces that we had going on.
We were, you know, well over, we were well over a million in debt at that point.
And um I still remember the place I was standing listening to Doctor Winston teach and was talking about um the aspects of your covenant, right of being debt free.
He had the whole congregation at that moment, we were I was listening to this, I wasn’t there in Chicago.
I was listening to the, the video afterwards, but I stood up right where I was at and I did the exact thing.
I just, I, I started from that point on every time I thought about it, whatever was going on, started thinking God, I’m debt free over the course.
It wasn’t very long. I wanna say 18 months.
Uh maybe, maybe a little bit less than that, maybe a little more.
We’re debt free and our office in our home or this business, we operate 100% debt free from the time we started to listen to Dr Winston’s Ministry which was early on in our company to current.
We have grown every year and every year by double digits uh and high double digits on an annual basis.
So we’ve now grown to 15 offices in seven different states and our footprint continues to grow. Doctor Winston’s teachings.
He is one of the of uh just a couple voices out there that clearly articulate the idea of ministry in the marketplace.
Business leaders. Our responsibility is to hear that and not just hear it but begin to apply it to our lives, apply it to our businesses because it is not the hero of the world that gets the power to prosper.
It is the doer, it’s practically applying it.
I love uh Doctor Winston’s one of his favorite sayings that I love to say over and over again is we’re not here to take sides.
We’re here to take over. That’s the spirit of faith that we have to operate in and there, there will be obstacles in any industry.
You will have to answer it with faith.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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