Abraham On: FINE-TUNING MANIFESTATION – Esther and Jerry Hicks
Abraham On: FINE-TUNING MANIFESTATION – Esther and Jerry Hicks
Abraham on Fine-Tuning Manifestation
Thank you for reminding me that feeling good is simple—good always feels good. That’s what it’s all about. My vision is crystal clear, and it feels so close. I can sense everything coming together. I don’t know the exact timing or details, and that makes the process exciting.
There’s something powerful about knowing that what I desire is just around the corner. It’s on its way to me. However, I also recognize that I’m still perceiving it as a future event. That’s what I want to understand better. If I have a goal that hasn’t manifested yet, there’s an awareness of its absence, which can keep it from arriving. When we focus on what’s missing, we hold it in a state of delay.
Instead, if my goal is to align with the Vortex—the place of alignment with everything I desire—I can achieve that instantly. The moment I do, I stop resisting what I’ve been asking for. Can you feel the difference?
I sense the pieces coming together daily. When I’m in the Vortex, I experience ease, excitement, and certainty. But rather than constantly assessing where I am in relation to my desires, what if I focus on what’s already working? Instead of noticing what’s missing, what if I shift my attention to what’s already in the Vortex?
That’s the purpose of a focus wheel—it helps align thoughts with what we already believe is possible. By focusing on what’s working and what we already know to be true, we create momentum toward our desires rather than highlighting what’s not yet here. Can you feel the shift?
I notice signs of alignment every day. However, when we count the pieces that have fallen into place, we also become acutely aware of what’s still missing. That awareness can create resistance and delay manifestation.
So, what should I do if I’m here and want to be over there? Should I stop noticing that I’m not there yet? Yes—that’s exactly it. You can’t focus on the absence of what you want and expect it to manifest. Instead, amplify and celebrate what’s already coming together. Let the missing pieces become irrelevant by focusing on what’s already working.
Here’s the key insight: You are the only missing piece. If you’re not in the Vortex, you’re the missing link. The moment you align, nothing is missing—because you are the only piece that ever needed to be there.
So, where do we want to go? Into the Vortex.
How do we get there? Any way we can.
Is there just one way? No—there are endless ways.
For example, if I want a new house, I know I want it, and I have a clear vision. But why focus on what I don’t yet have? Why highlight what’s missing instead of appreciating what’s already great in my life? Do I need to fill a perceived void before I can feel whole? No.
If what I have now is wonderful and working, I don’t need to fixate on what’s next. I can take the next logical step while staying in alignment. Instead of getting caught up in the details of what I don’t yet have, I can focus on moving forward with ease and trust.
The key to manifestation is staying in alignment with the Vortex, celebrating what’s already working, and letting go of the need to highlight what’s missing. That’s how everything we desire flows effortlessly into our reality.