A Symphony In A Synagogue | Bishop T.D. Jakes

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A Symphony In A Synagogue | Bishop T.D. Jakes

In Luke, Jesus healed a woman who was crippled for 18 years. Analyzing this miraculous restoration teaches us that God’s plans require our courage and patience. It’s crucial to trust His timing and act on faith!

Everything might not happen the way you pictured. But “delayed” does not mean “denied”. He often performs miracles in the midst of mayhem — so praise Him in every season no matter the circumstances.

Stay focused, and utilize your unique gifts and creativity. This could be your day! With God as your conductor, you’ll see life become the beautiful symphony He intended it to be.

[Music] Luke 13 10 through 17 and he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eight years how long 18 years and was bowed together and could in no wise lift up herself and when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto Heroman Thou Art loose from thine infirmity he laid his hands on her and
immediately she was made straight and glorified God and the rulers of the synagogue answered with indignation because that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day look at how he conducts his situation and said unto the people there are six days in which men ought to work in them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day the Lord then answered him and said thou hypocrite does not each one of you on the Sabbath day loose his ox or his ass from the stall and lead him away to watering ought not this woman being a
daughter of Abraham whom sat and have bound Lo these 18 years be loose from this Bond on the Sabbath day and when he has said these things all his [Music] adversaries were ashamed and all the people rejoiced look at that the adversaries were ashamed and the people re joice for all the Glorious things that were done by the conductor the master conductor the Lord Of Glory himself and all the people of God said amen remain standing my subject I’m going to use a subtopic which I seldom do but my subject is a symphony in a
[Music] synagogue a Symphony in a synagogue you cannot have a symphony if you don’t have a conductor a conductor controls every sound that makes up the symphony God is my subtitle is you don’t have to have everything to do anything this is a liberating word for you because you have been waiting on everything to be lined up right waiting on everything to fall into alignment in order for you to move for you don’t have to have everything to do anything because you have a conductor who can handle both your
adversaries your antagonists and your protagonists all at the same time can the church say amen amen father anoint this word and let it come to life while it’s yet being preached let it strengthen us and challenge us let it nurture us and stimulate us let it change us and fortify us let it correct us let it lead us into your Divine will as you orchestrate our Affairs as only God can do for this we give you praise honor and glory in Jesus name we pray shout amen you may be seated in the presence of [Laughter] God somebody holla conduct this
say in our text Jesus continues to reach out to the synagogues but you must understand that Jesus was not always well handled in the synagogues he goes there and wrestles with the theological complexities surrounding the Pharisees and the Sadducees and most of the time when we hear pH es and Sadducees we hear them
together like they are really together but they are not really together they don’t like each other they are enemies who have joined together to fight Jesus the first time we see him in the temple is 8 days old when we later see
him being baptized by John in the Jordan River he gets up and he goes into the temple and reads Isaiah 61 the spirit of the Lord God ha anointed me to preach the gospel to bind up the wounds of the Brokenhearted to loose the bound to set captive those uh that are bound and to declare the acceptable year of the Lord Jesus was not afraid to go in tough places he started in the synagogues at the age of 12 you remember when his mama left him in the synagogue and came back and he confounded the doctors and the lawyers with his WI at 12 years old but
we don’t see him again after his Bap after his uh confounding them at 12 for 18 years and I wonder if there is some Synergy between the 18 years of his disappearance and the 18 years of her infirmity after 18 years he returns to the synagogue from time to time to wrestle and orchestrate in an adverse situation so that he can accomplish what God has for him to do now I wrote down some things that I want you to get out of this message and if you’re taking notes I I want you to get these because these are important number one everything
God has
for you will require courage everything God has for you will require courage it’s not just Faith it’s not just prayer it will require courage walking into rooms with an an Agonist takes courage everything God has for you will require courage everything you’ve been dreaming about he’s been talking to you about he’s been forecasting in your future it’s been prophesied to you about everything that God has for you just because it’s for you doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy everything God has for you will
require courage so you got to get rid of your fear I don’t mean you don’t feel it I mean you don’t allow the feeling to control your movement that’s what courage is courage is not the absence of fear courage is what overrides the fear that makes you able to feel the fear and do it anyway you have walked walk away from some things that God had for you because once you saw the price of it you gave up on it because it wasn’t easy as easy in reality as it was in fantasy everything God has for you will
require courage number two avoid transactional relationships with God that’s what Prosperity preaching is if you do this he’ll do that avoid transactional relationships with God God if you just do this I’ll serve you if you do this I’ll praise you if you heal that I’ll serve you with all of my heart if you do this I’ll preach the gospel God is not into transactional relationships you cannot hold him hostage and make your obedience predicated upon him doing certain things in order for you to obey him you got to
praise him with no socks you got to praise him with no shoes you got to praise him with no house you got to praise him with no husband you got to praise him if you don’t have a child you got to praise him whether your church is big or small whether they like you or don’t like you whether they fire you or give you a raise you cannot have a transactional Rel relationship with God it is the quickest way to prove that you’re illegitimate because if you are a legitimate son you will endure chastisement if you cannot endure the
chastening hand of the Lord you have proven that you’re not legitimate God is not transactional in his relationship that’s second thing I want you to get number three rejection doesn’t equate to abandonment just because somebody rejects you doesn’t mean that God has abandon you winning people is not the equivalent of the favor and presence of God some of you think that the sign of God’s favor is everybody being in agreement with you you are never going to get everybody in agreement with you about any
so don’t let their rejection trigger your abandonment issues Jesus never would have went into the synagogue if he was worried about the Pharisees and the Sadducees these two different groups of people had two different completely different theological ideas they didn’t like each other at all but in amazing how enemies will get together to fight you people who don’t like each other and you heard them talk about each other and now they’re all together fighting you that’s what Jesus walked into when he
walked into the room number four you don’t always need more power as much as you need more patience this is what I want you to get out of this patience 18 years patience patience power does not you don’t need more power as much as you need more patience everything’s not supposed to work out in your 20s everything’s not supposed to work out in your 30s if you’re talking about finances most billionaires became billion in at least in their late 50s so if it doesn’t happen today it doesn’t mean that God said no thank you
Lord let me say it this way delayed does not mean deny you don’t always need more power as much as you need more patience number six I think I am five thank you miracles can still be performed in Mayhem that God can still perform miracles in the midst of mayem you think you got to put out every fire before God can work when the truth of the matter is God is a present help in the time of trouble you need him in the fiery furnace he does put out the fire before he comes in he works in the middle of the fiery furnace he works right in the
middle of the storm he you don’t need everything to be working out good in order for God to be present you don’t need your family to be functional your friends to be comp compliant you don’t need your bank account to be overflowing you don’t need to be in the best condition for God to do his work in fact he said my strength is made perfect in your when you’re weak then I’m strong when you can’t see no way then I show up in your let the weak say I’m strong let the poor say I’m rich do you hear what
I’m talking to you about the Mayhem that’s around you is trying to distract you from the miracle that’s about to happen in you and you think it’s your job to fix the Mayhem let the may let God conduct the mayem you focus on the miracle that God can conduct in your life in spite of what you’re going [Applause] through sometimes because of what you’re going through if if you didn’t have enemies he wouldn’t have no need to set a table before you sometimes God will wait till the enemies are there to perform the miracle
to use you as a sign to convince the enemy that he is on your side glory to God everybody in trouble holler at your boy if you’re in trouble and God didn’t deliver you out of the trouble he’s going to use the trouble you’re in to create a platform to show how strong he is in the middle of the situation he’s going to show them them that you don’t have to have them in order for him to bless you he’s going to show them that if he is for you he’s more than the world against you I don’t know who I’m
talking to but somebody in this room can testify that God will make you a sign he will make you a burning bush in the desert he will lift you up as a Brazen serpent in the wilderness he will put you in a situation and show you [Applause] off number [Applause] six the enemy has opportunity in adversity the enemy has opportunity and adversity the Bible says when Jesus was baptized at Jordan in the Jordan River straightway he came up out of the water and the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove and the heavens opened
up and the father spoke from heaven and endorsed him and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and that same holy spirit that endorsed him and identified him and the same voice that said he is my son is the same power that led him into the Wilderness to be [Music] tempted and there was an opportunity the enemy has opportunities in opposition he hides opportunities in opposition to booby tra it so that fake Christians can’t get it you got to be a real soldier of the Cross to take a licking and keep on
ticking to go through hell and high water and keep on praising God to lift your hands with tears coming down your face and your hands still go up how I feel something about to break loose in this place that’s what I want you to get out of this message the the the the the the the music you heard at the beginning that seemed so ill placed is the Ninth Symphony of Ludwick van Beethoven and if you allow me just a few minutes I want you to understand Ludwick van Beethoven was baptized at 17 years old he didn’t even live to be
60 and yet his contributions still live today his music has become the national anthem for several different countries he has done nine different Symphonies and started on a 10th that never got completed the ninth was his last completed Symphony and he is famous for many of them but none of them compare to the Ninth Symphony The Ninth Symphony is done in D Minor it is a powerful Arrangement and a unique Arrangement because he broke all the rules to do it you see up until Ludwick van Boven nobody had ever done a symphony that had
a coral piece inside of it but he takes a poem called o to Joy and makes it the lyrics inside the symphony and then brings in vocalists to sing along with the symphony and it’s common now but back then it was unheard of for anybody to mix corals with Symphonies you got to be willing to be out of step with what is normal around you in order to become who God created you to be Beethoven equally as famous as mzark goes down in history because he was a rule breaker he didn’t fit in because it was not more important to him to be
accepted by the people than it was to get out of him the creativity that was down inside of him oh my God where am I creative people creative people will always be criticized because your creativity makes other people uncomfortable because they want you to fit in a little box they want you to be predictable they want you to obey the rules they made but if you’re going to discover your real strength you got to mix stuff together that has never come together [Applause] before it took faith to compose to direct and
perform what had never been done before history says they almost had to break up fights before he did the Ninth Symphony because he was such a rule breaker he was so different look at the Mayhem around him look at the chaos around him look at all of the controversy around him and yet he maintained his focus in the middle of the fight I don’t know whose word that is but God said maintain your focus in the middle of the fight don’t let winning the fight distract you from the focus that God gave you it was not
bova’s job to break up the fight it was bova’s job to direct the symphony [Music] [Applause] oh I don’t know who I’m talking to but God is getting ready to conduct something in your life that’s going to blow your mind shout yes [Applause] somebody most people
think that the most powerful moment of the miracle is when they see it occur like when Jesus Calls the woman up front and he heals her then they get it they don’t understand that it takes faith in the [Applause] weight come on with me people come on online online I need you to make some noise I need to be able to hear you I know you thousands of miles away but I want to hear you holler in your living room it takes faith for the wait you don’t need faith when it happens for if a man seeth that which he hopes for why does he yet then hope for
it anybody can believe it when it [Applause] happens imagine with me the people marching around the Jericho wall and we talk about shout for the Lord has given you the city but I’m not sure it was the shout that broke the wall I believe it was a silent [Music] March that preceded it the marching when it looks like nothing is happening the marching when it looks like it’s not going to work the mark marching around the wall when the chariot are riding around the wall and there’s not even a crack in it whoever


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