A Guide to Spiritual Warfare and Defeating the Enemy | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
A Guide to Spiritual Warfare and Defeating the Enemy
Jonathan Cahn gives us the keys to spiritual warfare and defeating the enemy in our lives! We all deal with spiritual warfare, even if we don’t know it. What if you could uncover the tactics and strategies the enemy may be using against you right now?
“God’s will is that none should perish. Judgement isn’t His desire…but His necessity. The good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good. And yet His mercy is still greater than His judgement. His heart always wills for redemption. And therein lies the hope.”
― Jonathan Cahn,
A rule of warfare is to seek out the enemy’s source, the the center, the foundation of the entire war effort.
The enemy is real.
If you’re a believer, he’s targeting you.
If you’re a human being, he’s targeting you, we are in a spiritual war.
That’s true for every believer, but it’s all the more true for these days.
The Bible says, in second Corinthians, too, Les Satan should have an advantage in us for we are not ignorant of his schemes.
We are not unaware of his strategies. God doesn’t want you ignorant of the enemy’s schemes.
The enemy God has plans, the enemy has schemes. War, we’re in a spiritual war.
War is part of the world. This world is is filled with war. Always had war.
I decided, what would happen if I looked at the strategies of war in the world and translated them into the spiritual realm.
What would it reveal? It’s amazing because the Bible speaks about this as warfare and warfare is something in the world.
Cause it opens up a real revelation as to what the enemy right now might be using in your life to defeat you against your life, against your walk.
But when you know the strategies of your enemy, It gives you a great advantage.
You know, the they this recently, there was a leak of the Pentagon things on the web.
Well, gives an advantage to Russia, to China, when they can see what our strategy is.
That’s what that happens in war. There’s actually a movie out.
It’s a kind of a horror kind of Christian horror movie, but it’s about the the plans of the enemy through a possessed person who’s revealing it.
Well, I’m gonna actually give you the plans of the enemy that you can know it.
God says I know the plans I have for you, but the enemy also has plans for you.
You wanna know the strategy. First strategy in warfare, in warfare, and that is it says this.
Exhaust your opponent by influencing him to increase his expenditures of effort.
In other words, one of the strategies in war in this world, have your enemy get exhausted Where him out, cause him to use up his energy.
Actually, there have been wars won by that alone, almost that alone, where a much smaller force won against the larger force because they caused the larger force to exhaust themselves and give up.
Well, the enemy is use is trying to use that in your life.
The strategy is he wants to exhaust you. He wants to exhaust it.
He wants you to spend your time and effort on things that are not gonna win your war, not gonna increase your life, not gonna make you stronger in god.
So it’s just gonna expend the energy, expand your time, expand your focus on things that are not doing anything for you, you actually get to feed, then he attacks you and you’re exhausted.
Spending your time example, there’s many ways. Spending your time in front of a television set every day.
Well, I mean, I mean, I mean, your day hours.
I’m not I’m not judging something except to say if you do that, if that you’re you’re basic things to be entertained, you’re wasting your time.
Not saying you can’t have some, but if that’s what you’re doing, and you’re not spending time with god.
Spending your energy on, you know, my my main thing if you’re maintaining life is, I wanna just get money.
I wanna get it. You’re wasting your time. God can bless. It’s not that that’s wrong.
That money is wrong, but if that’s your goal, you’re wasting it. You’re exhausting yourself spiritually.
Spending your time on pursuits that are not of god.
Spending so much time on things that are not that are wasting your time.
There are many people have fallen away from God because they got burnt out. They they got exhausted.
They weren’t watching what they were doing. They got exhausted, and they had me attack them.
Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste your resources. Don’t waste your energy.
Don’t waste your focus on things that are not of god.
They’re not gonna bless you, that are not gonna build you up.
You know, you’re focusing on, you know, the enemy throws a problem your way, and then the the the next few days, all you’re doing is dwelling on the problem.
You’re spending energy, time, focus when you could have spent it on the lord.
Build up the things focus your energy and time on things that are gonna build you up in god.
Focusing on what is it? What does the Bible say?
Whatever is good, whatever is lovely, whatever is pure, let your mind dwell on these things.
And the peace of god will build you up now. If you dwell on what is impure, what is bad.
Well, it’s not gonna the peace of god’s not gonna be there, and you’re gonna be exhausted.
Focus on the things that are gonna win your battle and get the other things out.
Next strategy, One of the things that are done, a rule of warfare is to seek out the enemy’s source that the center, the foundation of the entire war effort.
Find out where it’s all coming from and attack that.
Where’s the energy coming from, where’s the direction coming from, where’s the source, then attack that.
Attack the center and source of your opponent’s power. Well, the enemy uses that against you.
He knows if he can attack your source of power, your foundation in god, he can win the the war.
What is it? Number one, it’s your relationship with God. That’s your power.
So the enemy is going to do everything to attack that.
He’s gonna try to take you away from god, however he can, separate you, listen to you, your prayer life, power.
He’s gonna do everything he can, to stop your prayer life. Have you seen that he’s been doing that?
He tried to do everything at busyness.
He’s fine with busy You can be busy as long as you’re not praying to god, as long as you’re not in communion with god.
Because then he’s then he can get you. The enemy’s gonna attack your devotion to god.
But the consequences, if you’re not in god’s presence, that’s why so you have to be in god’s presence every day, not only you need it in for every reason, but you also needed to become victorious against the enemy.
If you don’t, you’re gonna be weak. You’re gonna be you’re gonna be exhausted.
You’re gonna be you’re gonna be malnourished. You’re gonna be weak.
But he’s also the other another source is the word of god. The word of god is powerful.
It’s a double edged sword. The enemy knows that.
So he wants to do everything he can and take you away from the word.
Take you away from the word.
Take you away from being in the word every day you need to be in the word.
It doesn’t matter how much you read.
Even if it’s one word and you take that one word and you apply it every day, you’re gonna be blessed.
You’re gonna be strong. You need the word.
You need to know the word, and you need to believe the word.
He want you know, if you have the word, but he takes away your he’ll he’s attacking your faith in the word, then you’re you’re not getting the power of the word.
Believe the word, the stronger you believe, the stronger you have, the stronger you’ll be. Make it absolute.
What else does he use? What else is a a source and a power for you? Right here.
Right here. I’m not speaking about, uh, so I’m speaking about gathering together in the body of god.
Know, people say, well, I don’t need well, yeah, we do need it. Yeah.
You know, you know, the the thing is this because the enemy will do everything he can to get you away from fellowship.
Because it’s not just fellowship. It’s the word. It’s the working of god. It’s the encouragement. It’s fulfilling your calling.
It’s all those things. It’s also having accountability. With other people who know you, all those things.
But what does a wolf do if the enemy is a wolf, what does a wolf do?
A wolf always tries if he he has a herd of sheep or cattle, the wolf will try to separate the one sheep.
They always do that. Lions do that. Separate the zebra.
Separate the one thing because he get it away from the herd, you can destroy it.
When the herd is together, it’s much harder. So the enemy wants to attack your home front.
What does that mean? First, you’re a family or you’re what you do at home.
If you’re single, it’s what you do at home. If it’s you’re married, it’s your marriage.
If you have children, It’s your children. But the enemy is gonna seek to attack your home front. Why?
If he attacks your home front, If your personal life is messed up, it’s gonna be hard to battle for the lord.
And there have been many there have been many ministries where the minister totally neglected.
I’m gonna do all this and this, then totally neglected the family, and it was not biblical.
Nurture your family, nurture your home life, nurture your marriage for those who are married.
If you’re single, nurture your private time in your house, that it be holy, because god, god will use that.
The enemy will seek to use those things, but god will use it.
Spend time, nurture, do what you have to do.
But also, if you’re a child of heaven, you have another home front because where’s your home?
Is your home New Jersey? No. No. Your home is heaven. So, therefore, you gotta be connected to your source.
You gotta be connected to your home. You gotta get refreshed. You gotta get refreshed all the time.
The enemy was gonna seek to, again, to to cut off that link, that supply link.
You know, it’s the home front that that that gives power to the battle front.
It’s the home front that empowers the battle. You don’t have a battle front without a home front.
And so the the home front for you is heaven.
To get strength and strength, then you need that all the time. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan,
and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- T.D. Jakes: Your Words Can Change the WorldTháng 9 28, 2023