2 Things GOD Is Telling You I Powerful Message l Priscilla Shirer
2 Things GOD Is Telling You I Powerful Message l Priscilla Shirer
You can only be identified by the one who gave you life; He will both reveal who He is and reveal who you are.

God says two things. He says, let me tell you who I am and let me tell you who you are.
He says Gideon. He says, brother, sister, that’s why I came tonight.
I came to tell you two things.
This is who I am and this is who you are.
I know the MidNite are right outside your window. I know your marriage is in trouble.
I know the bank account is low. I know the struggle on your job is hard.
I know the ministry is floundering. I know you’re struggling in your parenting.
I know you’ve got unrest in your heart and mind. I know things are tough right now.
But even with those midon nights right outside your window, I came to remind you that I am who I said I am.
And I can still do everything that I said I can do.
He looks at Gideon in the midst of the turmoil while he’s currently hiding out in fear and trembling.
And he says, the Lord is with you just like I said, I always would be.
We know that Gideon didn’t believe him because he spends the next verse disputing what it is that God said, he says, if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?
In other words, I don’t believe you.
But God says, your beliefs don’t shift the truth the way you feel doesn’t change who I am.
Your circumstances don’t determine whether or not they do not govern who I am.
I am still seated on the throne.
I am still God, I still made the confident and I will still follow through.
So God comes and tells him the word he says, this does not change.
Even when your circumstances do, this doesn’t shift. I am still on the throne. Ok.
Let me tell you why this is important y’all because we live in a day where everybody’s being told you have your truth, you have your truth, you have your truth and I have my truth.
Here’s a little truth. There’s a little truth. Everywhere you look, there’s a little truth, truth.
We’re being told that there is no standard anymore. However you feel is true for you.
But there is a standard that is unchanging.
It is the same yesterday today and forever more, it does not change and it does not shift.
He is still the one true God. He is still seated on the throne.
And whether or not it is politically correct to say it, there is still only one way to have a relationship with God and that is through Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ.
So he comes to Gideon.
He says, I’m gonna remind you of this truth because just truth is gonna change everything. Gideon.
I still am who I said I am.
But he said I didn’t just come Gideon to tell you who I am.
I came to tell you the truth about who you are. Remember.
Gideon is currently operating in fear and insecurity and he speaks to a person who is currently behaving in a way that is out of alignment with the truth.
He comes to him in the midst of that lapse in behavior and integrity and he says to him, even though I see you right now operating in a way that is totally incongruent with my truth.
I have come to remind you who you are that you are not your behavior, you are not your feelings, your circumstances do not dictate and change the intrinsic value of who you are as a son or a daughter of the most high God.
I have come to remind you that you still are who I said you are and you can still do everything I said.
You can do Gideon even right now while you’re operating in fear and insecurity, I came to tell you that you are a mighty valiant warrior.
And if Gideon, I can get you to come up out from underneath these shadows.
If I can get you to start acting and behaving and thinking in a way that is congruent with the truth it’s gonna change the course of your life.
Gideon. You have no way of knowing that in the year 20 19, there are going to be a bunch of people gathered in Miami that will be reading judges, chapter six and chapter seven.
Gideon. You could never know there would be chapters of the Bible, the very word of God that are going to be written about you.
You have no way of knowing Gideon that if you will come out from underneath these shadows and stop operating according to the way you feel, stop operating in accordance with your circumstances, stop letting the enemy dictate the way you behave.
You don’t even know Gideon. You’re about to come out from the shadows of this tree and you’re gonna go straight to your house.
That’s what judges six says. You’re gonna go to your house and you’re gonna break the idols that are indicative of your entire family line for years.
Y’all been worshiping idols, but you’re gonna break the curse of idolatry over your home.
If you believe what I’ve declared to be true about you, do you understand that your whole family is dependent on you?
Do you understand that your sons and your daughters, your grandsons and your granddaughters, our great grandchildren that we may never actually lay eyes on?
Do you realize that they are counting on you rising up and being who God has called you to be?
Do you know that there are whole generational curses that can be broken if you get a handle on your identity, but not just that Gideon, you have no way of knowing that.
Not only is there a judges chapter six, but Gideon, there’s gonna be a judges chapter seven because you’re gonna roll up out of your house and you’re gonna go straight into battle against the Midon and with 300 soldiers as the underdog against 140,000 MidNite enemies, you are gonna win a battle for the entire nation.
A whole nation is going to be changed because one man gets a handle on his identity.
Do you know what would happen if the men and women of God that are in the house today?
Get a handle on who they are?
Do you realize how the entire nation will be transformed when God’s people just recognize who they are?
All the enemies don’t, doesn’t want you to know who you are.
Oh He’s just trying to get you to believe that you are the way you feel that you are the way you behaved, that you are your past, that you are your circumstances, that you are what other people have called you or you are what you have even labeled yourself as long as you will rise up and be who God has called you to be.
You are not a threat to the kingdom of darkness.
But once the sons and daughters start stepping into fully that I am who God said I am.
I can do what God says I can do.
I will behave in alignment with the truth of God that everything begins to shift and everything begins to change.
The enemy is counting on you not getting this message tonight because He knows if we roll up out of here and do right.
Our whole family line will be changed in Jesus name.
He knows that not only will our whole family line be changed, but he knows there is an entire nation that will be completely transformed.
Once the people of God discover who they are.
And Gideon, you don’t even know that there’s a New Testament coming Gideon.
You have no way of knowing that in the New Testament, there will be a book called Hebrews. Gideon.
You can’t even recognize the fact that there’s going to be a great Hall of Faith in the book of Hebrews and that the writer is gonna need a way to close the chapter.
You cannot even imagine Gideon that when the writer is sitting back trying to figure out how do I close the Great Hall of Faith that the writer is going to conclude the chapter by saying, I don’t even have time to tell you everything about Gideon.
He’s gonna say that this is a man who by faith, conquered kingdoms and performed acts of righteousness and obtained promises and shut the mouths of lions and quench the power of the fire and escape the edge of the sword from weakness.
He was made strong. He became a mighty man of war and put foreign armies to flight simply because he got a hold of who he really was.
So if you don’t mind, as the ban comes, I thought there would be no better way to close tonight than by simply reminding you who you, you are a child of God.
You have peace with God. The Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you.
You have access to God’s wisdom. You are reconciled to God.
You are not condemned by God.
He says Gideon. He says, brother, sister, that’s why I came tonight.
I came to tell you two things.
This is who I am and this is who you are.
I know the MidNite are right outside your window. I know your marriage is in trouble.
I know the bank account is low. I know the struggle on your job is hard.
I know the ministry is floundering. I know you’re struggling in your parenting.
I know you’ve got unrest in your heart and mind. I know things are tough right now.
But even with those midon nights right outside your window, I came to remind you that I am who I said I am.
And I can still do everything that I said I can do.
He looks at Gideon in the midst of the turmoil while he’s currently hiding out in fear and trembling.
And he says, the Lord is with you just like I said, I always would be.
We know that Gideon didn’t believe him because he spends the next verse disputing what it is that God said, he says, if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?
In other words, I don’t believe you.
But God says, your beliefs don’t shift the truth the way you feel doesn’t change who I am.
Your circumstances don’t determine whether or not they do not govern who I am.
I am still seated on the throne.
I am still God, I still made the confident and I will still follow through.
So God comes and tells him the word he says, this does not change.
Even when your circumstances do, this doesn’t shift. I am still on the throne. Ok.
Let me tell you why this is important y’all because we live in a day where everybody’s being told you have your truth, you have your truth, you have your truth and I have my truth.
Here’s a little truth. There’s a little truth. Everywhere you look, there’s a little truth, truth.
We’re being told that there is no standard anymore. However you feel is true for you.
But there is a standard that is unchanging.
It is the same yesterday today and forever more, it does not change and it does not shift.
He is still the one true God. He is still seated on the throne.
And whether or not it is politically correct to say it, there is still only one way to have a relationship with God and that is through Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ.
So he comes to Gideon.
He says, I’m gonna remind you of this truth because just truth is gonna change everything. Gideon.
I still am who I said I am.
But he said I didn’t just come Gideon to tell you who I am.
I came to tell you the truth about who you are. Remember.
Gideon is currently operating in fear and insecurity and he speaks to a person who is currently behaving in a way that is out of alignment with the truth.
He comes to him in the midst of that lapse in behavior and integrity and he says to him, even though I see you right now operating in a way that is totally incongruent with my truth.
I have come to remind you who you are that you are not your behavior, you are not your feelings, your circumstances do not dictate and change the intrinsic value of who you are as a son or a daughter of the most high God.
I have come to remind you that you still are who I said you are and you can still do everything I said.
You can do Gideon even right now while you’re operating in fear and insecurity, I came to tell you that you are a mighty valiant warrior.
And if Gideon, I can get you to come up out from underneath these shadows.
If I can get you to start acting and behaving and thinking in a way that is congruent with the truth it’s gonna change the course of your life.
Gideon. You have no way of knowing that in the year 20 19, there are going to be a bunch of people gathered in Miami that will be reading judges, chapter six and chapter seven.
Gideon. You could never know there would be chapters of the Bible, the very word of God that are going to be written about you.
You have no way of knowing Gideon that if you will come out from underneath these shadows and stop operating according to the way you feel, stop operating in accordance with your circumstances, stop letting the enemy dictate the way you behave.
You don’t even know Gideon. You’re about to come out from the shadows of this tree and you’re gonna go straight to your house.
That’s what judges six says. You’re gonna go to your house and you’re gonna break the idols that are indicative of your entire family line for years.
Y’all been worshiping idols, but you’re gonna break the curse of idolatry over your home.
If you believe what I’ve declared to be true about you, do you understand that your whole family is dependent on you?
Do you understand that your sons and your daughters, your grandsons and your granddaughters, our great grandchildren that we may never actually lay eyes on?
Do you realize that they are counting on you rising up and being who God has called you to be?
Do you know that there are whole generational curses that can be broken if you get a handle on your identity, but not just that Gideon, you have no way of knowing that.
Not only is there a judges chapter six, but Gideon, there’s gonna be a judges chapter seven because you’re gonna roll up out of your house and you’re gonna go straight into battle against the Midon and with 300 soldiers as the underdog against 140,000 MidNite enemies, you are gonna win a battle for the entire nation.
A whole nation is going to be changed because one man gets a handle on his identity.
Do you know what would happen if the men and women of God that are in the house today?
Get a handle on who they are?
Do you realize how the entire nation will be transformed when God’s people just recognize who they are?
All the enemies don’t, doesn’t want you to know who you are.
Oh He’s just trying to get you to believe that you are the way you feel that you are the way you behaved, that you are your past, that you are your circumstances, that you are what other people have called you or you are what you have even labeled yourself as long as you will rise up and be who God has called you to be.
You are not a threat to the kingdom of darkness.
But once the sons and daughters start stepping into fully that I am who God said I am.
I can do what God says I can do.
I will behave in alignment with the truth of God that everything begins to shift and everything begins to change.
The enemy is counting on you not getting this message tonight because He knows if we roll up out of here and do right.
Our whole family line will be changed in Jesus name.
He knows that not only will our whole family line be changed, but he knows there is an entire nation that will be completely transformed.
Once the people of God discover who they are.
And Gideon, you don’t even know that there’s a New Testament coming Gideon.
You have no way of knowing that in the New Testament, there will be a book called Hebrews. Gideon.
You can’t even recognize the fact that there’s going to be a great Hall of Faith in the book of Hebrews and that the writer is gonna need a way to close the chapter.
You cannot even imagine Gideon that when the writer is sitting back trying to figure out how do I close the Great Hall of Faith that the writer is going to conclude the chapter by saying, I don’t even have time to tell you everything about Gideon.
He’s gonna say that this is a man who by faith, conquered kingdoms and performed acts of righteousness and obtained promises and shut the mouths of lions and quench the power of the fire and escape the edge of the sword from weakness.
He was made strong. He became a mighty man of war and put foreign armies to flight simply because he got a hold of who he really was.
So if you don’t mind, as the ban comes, I thought there would be no better way to close tonight than by simply reminding you who you, you are a child of God.
You have peace with God. The Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you.
You have access to God’s wisdom. You are reconciled to God.
You are not condemned by God.