Jonathan Cahn’s Full Message – Prayer Breakfast

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Jonathan Cahn’s Full Message – Prayer Breakfast

“Where was God?” he said, as if surprised by the question. “We drove Him out of our schools, out of our government, out of our media, out of our culture, out of our public square. We drove Him out of our national life, and then we ask, ‘Where is God?”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

We came here to this city four years ago.
We come now with one agenda and one purpose to seek his faith and to pray for his will.
We’ve come from every part of this land today before the Almighty, before whom kings rise and fall and who is the same yesterday today and forever.
We must pray according to God’s will and his truth. So this message will be true.
It will not be politically correct, but this is a prophetic gathering and we can say things that cannot be said out there years ago, the ship called the Arbella journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean aboard the ship was John Winthrop who would pen the founding vision of America.
He said, if America followed the ways of God, the Lord will command a blessing upon us.
He shall make us a praise and a glory. We will be a city on a hill.
Winthrop’s vision was based on the nation of Israel in the history of this planet.
There have only been two nations that were founded solely for the glory of God.
One was Israel and the other was America.
Israel was consecrated to the will of God and God blessed it.
But in their blessings, they began removing God from their lives.
They removed him from their culture from their government, from their public squares. They ruled him out of their kingdom.
And in his place, they brought in foreign gods and idols.
They replaced God, they replaced his standards of righteousness for immorality, what they once knew as sin.
They celebrate it and what they once called righteousness. Now, they called intolerant.
It was a civilization at war with its foundation. They blasphemed the name of God.
They descended to the darkest of sins. They killed their Children on the altars of bail and mole.
And those who remain true to God, they persecuted and God called them back and he sent prophets to them, but they harden their hearts.
America, those who came to these shores four centuries ago dedicated America to the glory of God.
We were to be a holy commonwealth. Its first government was established in the name of Jesus.
Its school system was established for the glory of the word of God.
As Winthrop prophesized, God commanded a blessing and America became the most blessed, powerful, prosperous nation, the world had ever seen.
But something happened to the city on the hill as the people of ancient Israel in their blessings committed a fatal error.
So have we, we’ve watched America turn from God ruling him out of our government, our culture, our lives in his place.
We’ve brought in idols of materialism of sexual immorality, what we want do to be sin, we called good and what we want you to be right?
We now call intolerant or dangerous.
America has repeated that those who held true to God have been marginalized, mocked and persecuted.
We have descended to the darkness of sins. Israel killed thousands of its Children. We have killed millions.
It was here in this city that America legalized the killing of Children and their blood cries out to heaven.
If John Winthrop could return, he’d find the city on the hill in danger.
A nation’s apostasy can’t be blamed on any one leader.
It is the nation that is accountable but an ungodly leader, a Jere an ahab can help turn a nation from God or accelerate its departure.
A Godly leader, a hezekiah. A Josiah can slow a nation’s fall or help lead it back to God.
In the past eight years, America’s spiritual fall has deepened and accelerated.
This president administration has led the nation to champion the killing of the unborn, not only within its borders, but in that of other nations, president administration has labored to strike down the standards and order ordained by God concerning man and woman and marriage.
Under this president administration, relations between the United States and Israel have been brought to their lowest point in the history of the two nations.
And the administration’s parting gift to the Jewish nation was to abandon it at the United nations to foster a resolution declaring that Israel’s ancient holy city Jerusalem belonged not to Israel but was Palestinian territory in this way too.
The administration waged war against the Word of God from Babylon and Rome to the Soviet Union and communist China governments at war with God have not only persecuted its people but have used the powers of state to coerce them to desecrate their faith and commit acts against the commandments of God.
And now in the United States of America.
Under the president administration, the government has used the powers of state to force believers to take part in overturning the commandments of God into the destruction of marriage to fund the killing of the unborn.
But in a very short time, within an hour, this president administration will cease to be the president administration.
The States of this election couldn’t have been any higher.
The democratic campaign for the presidency was a battle to seal the changes that acted in the past eight years into permanency and state was the appointing of the Supreme Court justices that to determine the future of America.
For the first time in history, the democratic platform called for the striking down of the Hyde amendment so that all Americans could now through their taxes directly fund the murder of the unborn.
For the first time in American history of major presidential candidate uttered these words, deep seated religious beliefs must be changed.
The war against God had reached the stage that a mainstream candidate for presidency could call for the overruling of God’s word and for the eradicating of faith and what was that faith to be altered for that abortion could expand?
America stood at the threshold in the face of an election that threatened to establish for ages, the ways of godlessness.
And then there was Donald Trump, there had never been a candidate like him, whatever it was that one was never supposed to do running for president.
He did them all poll after poll foretold a sure democratic victory. If not a landslide.
The only question is how much of a landslide, how much destruction to the Republican party?
They would incur the Democrats prepared for victory.
The Republicans prepared for defeat the media, the pollsters, the president prepared to be vindicated but then something happened and nobody was sure exactly what the election took a strange turn and what everybody was sure could never happen happened.
The media was in shock, the Democrats were in shock. Obama was in shock. The Republicans were in shock.
It appeared that even Donald Trump couldn’t believe it happened.
But as it was written in ancient times, it is no less true today.
As high as the heavens are above the Earth.
So are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts as we can bear witness today in the city of Washington, January 20, with God, nothing shall be impossible.
Donald Trump had not lived the life of a believer.
And there was much concern among God’s people.
Can God use those who have not known or walked with God to accomplish the purposes of God.
Can he choose and anoint them to lead nations?
He said to Cyrus king of Persia, thus says, the Lord to Cyrus is anointed whom I have taken by the right hand to open doors, that the gates will not be shut.
The Lord God of Israel who calls you by name for the sake of Jab my servant and Israel my chosen people.
Though you haven’t known me. I have called you by name God can and use such man.
He can do it as his vessel.
The Lord called the prophet Elisha to anoint the warrior Jehu to be king over Israel.
Jehu didn’t know God was a man of fiery passion, but God chose him and used him as a vessel to cause the shaking of a nation and the ending of the dynasty of Ahab and Jezebel and the rule of the priest of Vail.
Yes, God can do such a thing.
And now we must pray for Donald Trump that he will fully yield his life to be used as a vessel for the purposes of God in the days of Israel’s apostasy.
When people were warring against God’s ways, God gave them times to repent. He extended mercy.
So too, God is giving us a time to repent before I speak of the significance of what we have been given and what lies ahead, we must speak to that, which is about to lie behind on the day of the last inaugural presidential breakfast.
I asked a question of President Obama and it spread across the country in the world as we approach the last hour.
Now, there are other questions that must be asked.
These words are being recorded and now he will have more time to see it.
President Obama with all respect that is due as you approach the last hour of the presidency, you were shocked by the outcome of the election and now it appears that your legacy will largely be undone.
You came to the presidency claiming as a Christian, you could not support the ending of marriage as it had been known.
And then you did everything in your power to end that very thing.
And then you sought to force believers to take part in that very thing.
You said a believer could not take part in if one believes that God is real, how can one do such things?
You came to the president, speaking of tolerance and yet you showed no tolerance for the lives of the unborn.
You zealously fought to defend the carrying out of their murder and expanded around the world and you went farther.
You sought to force God’s people to fund their killing President Obama on the day when marriage as we know it ordained by God was with your help.
Struck down in this land, you celebrated by lighting up the white house in the colors of the rainbow.
Did you not know that the rainbow does not belong to man or to any movement?
The rainbow belongs to God. It is the sacred sign of God’s covenant and the sacred colors of His throne.
If you believe that God is real, how can you use the sign of God to celebrate the striking down of the word of God?
If you overturn the edicts of God, should you be surprised that your own edicts will be overturned?
And if you strike down the precepts of God will not your own precepts be struck down.
You launch accusations against the leader of Israel in a way you have never done to any leader of any enemy nation.
You took part in isolating condemning Israel before the world and advancing a resolution proclaiming Israel had no right to Jerusalem.
If one has ever read the Bible, how can one foster such a thing?
Did you miss what the word of God says? Concerning Jerusalem?
There is only one who has authority over Jerusalem and it is not the United Nations, it is not the European Union, it is not you.
There is only one in his name as the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is real before there was the United Nations or the United States or any of the nations that cast this vote.
The Lord issued his own resolution concerning Jerusalem and no law, no executive order, no un vote will ever overturn it.
And concerning that UN resolution, the Almighty has issued his own response.
He vetoes it 4000 years ago.
God made a covenant with abraham that states whatever you do to Israel shall be done to you.
President Obama, you sought to intervene in an election held within the borders of a sovereign nation. Israel.
Therefore, should you not be surprised if God intervenes in the election of your own nation?
You sought through Israel’s election to nullify the stands and legacy of its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.
So should you now be surprised if God intervenes now to nullify your own legacy, despite how you treated the name of God, the word of God and the ways of God, the hand of God, this is the inconvenient truth.
God is real. His word is true. His ways are eternal. His hand is mighty.
His kingdom is without end and the darkness shall not overcome it. Mr President I’m here to report to you.
Good news. The God of Israel is alive and well.
And his arm is strong to the out of kings and Kingdoms and governments and administrations.
If you don’t think he can to paraphrase your own words. Yes, he can. Yes, he can.
3000 years ago, King Solomon stood in front of the temple and prayed for this nation.
His nation that if the people of Israel ever departed from God in his ways, the Lord would have mercy.
God answered him and said, if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.
37 years ago, America was in a deep crisis. Its economy was Shambles.
Inflation was in double digits, unemployment all around the world. The nation’s prestige was crumbling. The Soviet Union was advancing.
55 Americans were taken hostage in Iran every day.
Americans turned on their television set to see multitudes chanting death to America, death to America and the president sent in a rescue mission but it ended in disaster.
The helicopters crashed in the desert and their gloom fell upon the lamb.
It was then that believers gathered from across this land to this city with the hope of one scripture proclaimed that day over and over again.
Second chronicles 7 14. If my people who are called by my name, they gathered on the Washington Mall to humble themselves and pray and seek his face and turn from their ways and cry out for America.
Two prayers were offered up above all one that where America’s military was helpless.
God would by his own hand, set the hostages free with a multitude, lifting their hands toward the western side of the Capitol building that God would bring to Washington.
Those he chose to lead the government.
The following autumn came a presidential election and there was a revolution in the polls, those candidates supporting biblical values were swept into power.
Foremost among them was Ronald Reagan. On inaugural day in 1981 Reagan made a change.
He altered the location of the inauguration from the eastern terrace to the western terrace where it has always been since then.
And is to this day as he stood on the western terrace, he was now facing the very place where the believers gathered that day to pray.
Second chronicles 7, 14, he was standing on the very spot where they lifted their arms and their hands to say God put the people of your choosing into power and then the hatches were from Iran.
In that very same hour, the two prayers were answered the same time, the same place where they had been lifted up to God and with the raising of Reagan’s hand to take the oath of presidency American history changed and the history of the world changed.
American power rebounded, military power rebounded America’s prestige rose across the world.
And until people, the Soviet Union collapsed, leaving America, the only superpower it was called mourning in America.
And we all began when Reagan raised his hand.
But there was a mystery to that moment because his other hand was resting on the Bible.
And on that, he was resting on a particular verse. And upon that verse, the history of the world changed.
What was that scripture? It was if my people who are called by, my name will humble themselves.
God showed that he hears the cries of His people. And so what was not politics that changed the world?
It was the power of God in answer to the prayers of His people.
I know I there that day and I returned to the mall this spring and we lifted up our hands again to that platform where the president will be sworn in.
The pollsters couldn’t believe what happened this year.
The experts couldn’t explain it but there was a reason for it against all odds.
The people of God, all over this land in the world gathered to cry out to God and pray for the what was it that all the experts missed?
They missed second chronicles 7 14.
If my people, God is faithful and his promises are true and now a word to Donald Trump as we close this up, Donald Trump and we pray, he hears us who will shortly take his oath of office.
Donald Trump from here, we pray, you will hear this word.
You are about to become the most powerful man on earth.
Remember always that it is the Almighty who lifts up kings to the throne.
It is the almighty who removes them.
Your authority comes not from man but from God, the king of all kings therefore, commit your life to his authority and by his authority, you shall leave to justly love mercy and walk humbly with your God.
Your life has been a vessel of your will.
Now it must become a vessel of his will and his purposes, walk in his footsteps, walk seek his righteousness, follow the leading of his voice, uphold his ways and you shall be upheld, keep his word and you shall be kept, give honor to his name above all names and your name shall be honored.
Love the Lord, your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and you will arise and you will shine and the glory of the Lord will rise upon you.
And now to you God’s people, we have witnessed the fall of a nation away from God, but God has given us a window of mercy.
And so now there is a reprieve. But what shall we do with that window?
If we place our faith in powers or man, our pride or greatness, we will have repeated the mistake of ancient Israel as recorded in Isaiah 9 10, we risk disaster.
America can be great again, but it will not be by trusting in its own greatness.
The only way America will be great again is for America to return to the God who made America great in the first place.
Without that return, there is not hope.
The answer is not government, military or the economy the answer is God and the only way is revival for revival to come, there must be repentance because without repentance, there can be no revival.
We have not come to Washington DC to seek the agency of government.
We’ve come here to seek the agency of the Holy Spirit.
We have not come here to put our trust in the abilities of man.
We have come here to invoke the power of the Almighty for revival.
We’ve been given this window and we must not waste it. This is the inauguration day and beyond the inauguration.
What the world will see. We are here to inaugurate the purposes of God.
Let the word go forth from this place this day to every child of God in this land, to every church, every gathering his name that we here commit ourselves to work for revival, to repent, for revival, to humble ourselves, for revival, to seek his face, for revival, to proclaim the gospel, for revival and by the power of God to live our lives in revival.
Starting now for there are only two options, neither revival or judgment.
However, it comes through blessing or through the shaking of a nation. Let revival.
We come now before the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the God of Moses, the God of Elijah, the God of the prophets, the God of Messiah, the God of the Red Sea, the God of the resurrection.
We come now to the throne of the sovereign Almighty God of Israel.
Let this inaugural day become the inauguration of a new move of the spirit of God for revival.
This land we cry out to God, have mercy, have mercy, have mercy on this land.
Lift up your eyes on the city, on the hill. Let your power again.
Let it fall upon your people.
Let it fall upon your churches, let it fall upon the capital, let it fall upon the White House, let it fall upon us no matter what it takes.
Let there be revival. Is it possible? We declare that with God, nothing shall be impossible. Can he do it?
We answer. Yes, he can. Yes he can.
For our God is the God of Israel and Israel is the nation of the impossible.
And for over 3000 years, all the forces of hell have tried to the Children of Israel off the face of the earth.
The pharaohs tried to destroy them, the Assyrians tried to bury them. Babylon tried to crush them.
Rome tried to wipe them off. The annals of history. The Nazis tried to annihilate them.
The Soviet Union tried to eliminate them and the terrorists have tried to obliterate them but, but, but the pharaohs are gone.
Syria is no more. Babylon is fallen. Rome has perished. The Nazis are destroyed.
The Soviet Union has crumbled the terrorists. They shout more.
But, but, but the nation of Israel lives because the God of Israel lives because Messiah of Israel lives.
And so you as people will live because the light of God is stronger than the darkest and the name of God is stronger than the kingdoms of the world.
And the government shall rest upon his shoulder and the gates of hell not prevail against it for some trusted chariots, some trust in princes, but we will trust in the name of the Lord, our God, let them light of the fire of the presence of the glory of the living God.
In the names, the name of Yeshua Jesus, the the light of the world glory of Israel.
Answer the glory of the United States of America.
Oh, you, you know you, the Lord calls his face to shine upon you.
His servants. The Lord pour out his grace upon your life.
The Lord God of heaven and earth, lift up the glory of his countenance upon your life, servant of God and the Lord give you shalom life, fullness, peace, all the blessings of his love.
Yes. In the name of Jesus, the messiah or the light of the world, Israel and the glory of Israel.

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