Adversity – Will You Stand Or Fall? | Jack Hibbs Special

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Adversity – Will You Stand Or Fall?

God chose the Jews to be His special people, and yet they constantly faced adversity. He had a plan and a purpose through it all, though they might not have always seen it. We, as believers, also face adversity. But the question is – do we trust God to accomplish His will?

Real life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.
You can take Ezekiel 33 1 through seven and take the word watchman and put in.
Pastor, pastor sees evil coming and if he blows the Trump and warns the people, God says that’s awesome.
If that pastor doesn’t blow the trumpet of warning when evil and wickedness is coming, I will hold that pastor accountable and all the blood of the people who are shed because he didn’t do it and say it.
I’m gonna require his hand. That’s the age in which we live in.
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Now, open your hearts to what God’s Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.
You’re alive and you’re living and you are a Christian for such a time as this.
Here you are not by accident for such a time as this. Here they come. See what I mean.
Here they come. Evil. The purveyors of evil, evil becomes personified here in Esther in the name or in the life of this man.

Haman. Haman is a, a guy writes, he’s a descendant of king egg egg of the family kites.
And isn’t it amazing that when we don’t obey God, we wind up having to deal with things later on.
Listen, the Imola kites. King Saul was, remember this King Saul was supposed to kill king a gig and um allocates because God said that culture is so corrupt.
He’s got to be destroyed and all of their culture because they’re so polluted, they’re so evil. They’re so sick.
And Saul says to himself, well, we’ll save the king and his stuff.
The descendants of that sin of King Saul.
The eventual birthing of a man named Haman is the guy that wreaks havoc on the Jewish people all because of disobedience.
And what’s remarkable about this is the fact that in every culture of every age, there’s gonna be a Haman in your life, they’re gonna stand against you, they’re gonna fight you, they’re gonna resist you.
And when I say you and in us, I, I hope I’m talking more specifically about as you and I follow Jesus.
They’re gonna be rejecting the Jesus and the Bible and the God that is at work through us.
We need to remember that people can reject us all.
They want, we deserve as humans to be rejected.
But when it comes to us saying something that is purely Christ centered, it’s purely the gospel.
For example, you can be getting along with everybody.
But if you give the gospel, people will hate you in the moment. Why?
Because it’s a spiritual issue man, I tell you some of you are doubters, go to some people group or go to a family or a gathering and give the gospel and your doubt should be diminished in the moment because people who are once patting you on the back in five minutes will start grinding their teeth at you and all you gave them was a pure Bible verse and that will convince you that this is a spiritual thing we’re living in evil.
Evil is personified in our world today.
Evil is finding a place in a home in people’s lives and positions of power. Influence.
Isaiah chapter five verse 20 and 21.
Whoa, the Bible says, be those who call evil, good and good evil.
By the way, I’m reading a 2745 year old verse right now.
And it’s, it can go on tomorrow’s headlines, go to those who call evil, good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light, for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet, for bitter woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, wise woe.
To those who are experts in their own eyes.
That’s what, that’s what the word means, by the way, said the word twice.
Verse 20 woe. And look at verse 21. Whoa, God’s not riding a horse.
He’s making a statement and it’s terrifying. Whoa, the word woe is, ah, in Hebrew.
Ah, so I don’t know what that means. I understand in Hebrew it means this condemned or damned.
Are you condemned? Are you if you say good is evil and evil is good.
God serious, condemned? Are you if you put light for darkness and darkness, for light, this is what God says.
Isn’t the Bible relevant man just you know what? Open it up, let it go.
It’s alive for such a time as this. Here you stand.
We are to stand at this hour.
This is an awesome time to be alive. It’s an awesome time to be following. Jesus.
Jesus said in John 1633, these things I have spoken to you that in me, you may have peace in the world.
You will have tribulation but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. Is that awesome?
So what’s he saying? Jesus said, you follow me.
It’s gonna be a bumpy road but cheer up, cheer up because I have overcome the world.
You said, well, how does that equate to me? I’m glad he overcame the world. What about me?
Listen, he overcame the world to let you know that the world has been overcome that as you walk with Him and you stand your, it’s gonna be, you’re gonna have tribulations and difficulties and troubles.
But God is saying I’m working through this. In fact, you can just look at it this way again.
It’s a continuous of that divine appointment.
I can stand, you can stand in the time of trouble because you and I have been brought to the kingdom for such a time as this because God’s got our back for that matter.
He’s got the front, he’s got the sides. Look to God’s appointments.
Divine appointments. Look, look to them, look for them.
So listen, theoretically, hypothetically you could leave here today, get a flat tire and you can panic and punch the dash and call up the triple A chew them out or you can pull over and you can say, Lord, I’m gonna take this from you.
You may not have caused my flat, but I’m gonna take it from you that you want to use my flat.
So you dial triple A And the truck comes and it’s already look, you’re already, you’re already 50% there.
The guy gets out. He has no idea what’s about to happen to him.
Dude, I got a flat tire. Yeah, it happens all the time. Yeah. You know what’s funny?
Cause I was just praying that God would use this flat tire.
Now, look, the guy is down, he’s down there. He’s, he has to fix your flat.
You have to stand there to make sure you give him the gospel while he’s fixing your flat.
So yeah, be, listen, take your bifocals and go from the broad view down to the, the close view, the magnified view, the exact view.
Why is the flat? Listen, give that over to the broadview dial down the guys right there.
Tell him you ever use Uber when I travel?
And I’m, and if, if it’s for uh church or business work stuff, I’ll use Uber and those guys, they’re sitting ducks.
That’s how I view Uber. Uber is my, I feel like witnessing.
Yeah, I need an Uber car right here.
Those guys, I love those guys and I don’t know what it is, but every time I pull up, it’s either Khalid or Mohammed who picks me every time and I love it because they probably believe in God or Gods or something.
So the moment I get in, hey, what’s your name? Mohammed? Mohammed. Nice to meet you. My name is Jack.
Do you believe in God? Look, they have to take you to the destination.
He’s stuck, he’s stuck by the way. Listen, I gotta tell you something love on your local Muslim.
They are ready to talk about God.
You don’t have to break the ice and they need to know about the real Jesus who loves them.
And listen, we get into the most wonderful talks.
And I gotta be honest, I follow up with because you don’t have to tip.
But I always follow up with a big tip because it is a good witness.
I just told the guy about Jesus and don’t blow it by giving them a nickel, but it’s a captive audience.
Look for God’s divine appointments regarding these captive audience and take a stand and watch what God does.
Ephesians chapter six verse 10. Finally, my brethren be strong in the Lord, not your own strength, don’t do it be strong in the Lord.
In the power of His might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles.
Trickery is the plots and plans of the devil for.
We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against powers and against the rulers of the darkness of this age and against spiritual hosts of wickedness.
Man. That’s a lot of dark warfare in the heavenly places that means we war against dark things that are in the spirit realm.
Therefore, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand.
Therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace and above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench what all some, what all the fiery darts of the wicked one and taking the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God and praying.
Always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and being watchful to this end.
Be all suited up like this. See, Jack, where are you going? I’m going to the beach.
No, seriously, Jack. Where are you going? I’m going to church. I’m going to the supermarket.
Listen, I’m going to work, going to the office. The world will say, what are you doing like that?
What are you acting like that for?
No matter where we go, listen, the moment we wake up, we’re in a war and we need to, we need to have that mind.
Always be looking for the divine appointment.
Always realizing understanding, you know what, for such a time as this, you’re on guard.
It’s an awesome way to live. It’s an awesome and joyful way to live.
Isaiah 41 13 says for listen to this for I am the Lord, your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you do not fear, I will help you.
That a great verse. That’s awesome. And I love that. Number four. Here they fall.
Church family listen up, evil will not always endure evil, will not always win evil will not always last.
There’s a day of judgment coming. The Bible says in Psalm 37 18.
The Lord knows the days of the upright and their inheritance shall be forever.
They shall not be ashamed in the evil time. That’s you right now.
You’re not ashamed in the evil time and in the days of famine, they shall be satisfied.
But the wicked shall perish and the enemies of the Lord, like the splendor of the meadows shall vanish into smoke, they shall vanish away.
Evil is going to end when, when Christ comes, when judgment comes, the Bible tells us in Isaiah 3 11, but the wicked are doomed, man, listen to this, but the wicked are doomed for, they will get exactly what they deserve.
You say man, that’s heavy. You’re not kidding. That’s heavy. That’s very heavy. Haman. Haman.
Haman is gonna experience his doom. Haman says I am going to have this.
Let’s I’m gonna build gallows to hang these Jews on and I forget the exact number but one of the gallows he built for, for motor K was in his front yard In Hammond’s front yard and I think it was either 66 or 75 ft high.
And Haman is like, I’m gonna, that Mordecai, I can just see this by tomorrow.
He’s gonna be swinging in front of my yard. I can’t wait.
And the whole thing flipped and the guy hanging from his own gallows turned out to be Haman.
In the end. His plot was exposed. God intervened seemingly out of nowhere.
Did you know in the book of Esther. God’s name on the surface doesn’t appear once.
But I like what Dr Ironside says, God’s name doesn’t appear in the book of Esther, but his hand does.
That’s so true in life.
I love that evil is gonna fall. God has promised.
And number five, we end with this. Number five is here we go. See. What do you mean?
Look around this world, everything that’s going on again. Don’t sit back and be overwhelmed by what’s happening.
No, the fact of the matter is with all of these advancements of evil and things going bonkers crazy in the world.
Here we go. Here we go.
Meaning that God’s word is going to be lived out in and through somebody and I pray it’s us right here.
I pray. Listen, I sure hope that you’re not a spectator. Christian.
I don’t see that they were in the Bible.
But listen, Christianity is a non spectator faith and I’d love to be able to say, you know what in a, in a moment.
Here we go and you all strapped in mail piece, getting ready to go out there where you going, you all dressed up for war.
Where you going? Listen, Jesus said in the scriptures, I send you out like sheep in the midst of wolves.
Now background to that Jesus is there and all the disciples, he’s been trained, he’s been pouring into them.
They’re his disciples soon to be a puzzles. Alright. You guys ready? We’re ready.
I’m gonna send you up there. Send us okay. I’m gonna cast out demons. Okay.
I want you to preach. Yes, we’ve been watching. All right.
So Jesus looks at them men. I’m gonna send you out there like sheep. Yeah.
Sheep. Awesome. You’re the shepherd with the sheep. I’m not done. Peter.
Wait a minute, I’m gonna send you guys out like sheep among wolves.
Among what can you imagine everybody’s tracking until send you out like sheep among wolves?
Did he say wolves? Excuse me, Jesus. Did you say wolves? Yes, I did.
Well, why don’t we don’t know if we like that part.
No, no, I’m gonna send you out like sheep among wolves.
Yeah, we still not like it.
And that’s exactly what Christianity is. So.
Yeah, but I don’t like that kind of vulnerable, isn’t it? No, no, no, no, no.
Wait, remember a few weeks ago we talked about how sheep have to have a shepherd sheep.
Go nowhere without the shepherd. He goes ahead of us.
So wherever there’s sheep, there’s a shepherd nearby and he has a rod and a staff and he’s got a couple of sheep dogs that will tear a wolf together apart.
And what’s awesome about this is we go out into this world in the moment you’re gonna go out and you’re all suited up.
Kind of weird picture. You’re all suited up. But you are a lamb.
You are a sheep and he says, I’m gonna send you out there in this world.
That’s like a, fill up with a bunch of wolves. But you’re gonna do fantastic because I’m your shepherd.
Keep a tender heart you love on people who hate you. Remember?
None of it’s personal when government rules and decides and does what they do and when your neighbor does and says what they do and when, when your friend or family member says and does what they do, it’s not personal.
Were warring a spiritual warfare. Yeah.
And it’s the battle of Kingdoms and God is calling you to move into that Kingdom of His and to take a stand and I want to leave this picture with you.
It’s kind of goofy, but for me, it’s just a great reminder.
Going back to Franklin’s glasses depends on how you use them. It matters.
You know, if you lean your head back with those bifocals and try to look ahead.
It’s like looking through the bottom of a cook bottle, it’s not gonna work.
So we go to Universal Studios when it was open and when it was universally a studio and you know, they have the rides there and stuff and they got the tram ride that takes you through the sets and then they take you through that high tech tunnel, maybe that tunnel.
And the thing, the who’s the big, who’s the big gorilla king Kong?
King Kong is in there and Jurassic Park kind of dinosaurs are attacking the train you’re on and stuff and you know that spitting at you, remember you get wet, the dinosaurs are spitting, you get wet.
So it was a sunny day, had my sunglasses on and we get ready and they give us the glasses before we got on the train.
But we, so going around, we come into this thing, I got my glasses on and my glasses are very comfortable and I, and I wear them all the time.
So I never just, just feels normal.
So I go, we go in there and everyone’s going what they’re screaming and people are ducking up ahead.
I can see people moving and they’re flinching and everyone’s laughing and my family’s flinching and laughing.
And I’m thinking, man, this thing is cheap, this ride, this ride, this is I want my money back and I thoroughly a waste.
We get out on the other hand and we pull out and we’re driving off to the next thing that stunk.
I don’t see what the big deal was. And I remember who it was in.
Our group said, didn’t you have glasses on?
I said of course, had my glasses on. No, didn’t you put their glasses on?
They handed when you got on the train, they handed you three D glasses.
Oh I’m criticizing.
I’m thinking this, this is a bunch of junk and all these people are like a bunch of lemmings.
They’re all, all gullible on this thing together. Oh, yeah, it was like this is a joke.
So I’m cursed on the ride and it turns out that I’m the only one that’s not looking through the lens ride.
I got the wrong glasses on and people are like that, that Jesus Christianity. That’s a bunch of junk.
I understand that. But you got the wrong glasses on. You’re not looking at it. Right.
And I was not looking at it right. King Kong was attacking. I couldn’t even see the guy.
The dinosaur is spitting. We got wet but I didn’t see the thing coming.
And I’m like this is so dumb.
Now, when we got outside, my glasses were great for the sunshine.
The three D ones were a nut. What are you looking through?
What are you looking through? It matters.
I hope you’re looking through the lens that says for such a time as this, you have been brought to this kingdom of God.
And this time to be used by God Bible prophecy is wonderful and fantastic.
And so it should be, but application should announce to us we are living now such a time as this, this Jack Hibbs podcast as well as all the broadcast outreach opportunities our listeners supported.
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