The Carob Pods | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Carob Pods | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Now the request is wrong but the father allows it well.
So you know what, God also allows things that are wrong. God gave us free will.
If He didn’t do that, we be puppets.
You can never have love if we were puppets and we had to do something.
We have to have a choice to choose or to choose to go away from or it can’t be love.
It’s all. So the thing is that the risk though to have love, the risk is we could choose to go away and we did.
So here it is, that’s the fall.
So a lot of things happened in the world that are not God’s will.
1st 13 and not many days later, the younger son gathered everything together, went on a journey to a distant country there.
He squandered his estate in wild living.
Now it goes later that when the, when the later the older brother is mad about what happened, he gives more detail.
He said, he said to his father, your son, he did this and this and he he spent it on prostitutes and this.
So this is wild promiscuous, immoral living.
So now when he had spent everything, a severe famine came in the country and he had nothing.
So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of the country.
He sent him into his fields to feed pigs. Now this is to a Jewish audience.
So feeding pigs is about how low you could get.
And he longed to have his, his fill of the chara pods that the pigs, pigs were eating and nobody was giving him anything.
So you know what, God also allows things that are wrong. God gave us free will.
If He didn’t do that, we be puppets.
You can never have love if we were puppets and we had to do something.
We have to have a choice to choose or to choose to go away from or it can’t be love.
It’s all. So the thing is that the risk though to have love, the risk is we could choose to go away and we did.
So here it is, that’s the fall.
So a lot of things happened in the world that are not God’s will.
1st 13 and not many days later, the younger son gathered everything together, went on a journey to a distant country there.
He squandered his estate in wild living.
Now it goes later that when the, when the later the older brother is mad about what happened, he gives more detail.
He said, he said to his father, your son, he did this and this and he he spent it on prostitutes and this.
So this is wild promiscuous, immoral living.
So now when he had spent everything, a severe famine came in the country and he had nothing.
So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of the country.
He sent him into his fields to feed pigs. Now this is to a Jewish audience.
So feeding pigs is about how low you could get.
And he longed to have his, his fill of the chara pods that the pigs, pigs were eating and nobody was giving him anything.

So he goes off waste, everything has nothing. Then comes a famine. He ends up feeding pigs with cara pods.
If you go to Israel, you can find them from trees or on the floor. They taste like chocolate.
So here he is, he’s saying, I wish I could be just even, even like the pig.
But when he came to his senses, he said how many of my father’s hired servants, laborers have more than enough bread.
And I’m, but I’m dying here from hunger.
I’ll set out and I’ll go back to my father and I say to him, father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, I’m no longer worthy even to be called your son, treat me as one of your hired laborers.
So that’s his plan. He’s gonna come there.
He’s gonna say that I’m not worthy but take me back as a worker.
This is a picture of salvation.
You see usually we have to go through something to go to God most of us, not most of us went to God because something like this, it may have been, you know, this is a famine but it could have been a crisis in your life.
It could have been that things you, that things didn’t work out or somebody broke your heart or maybe you got what you wanted.
But you saw this is empty. Also seeing things are empty without meaning without God.
That’s also the same picture of famine, famine.
So some way, you know, God uses this to bring, bring us back.
So he says, I’m gonna search for God.
I for me, I was an atheist as a teenager and I came to the point where I thought deeper about, I said, wait a minute, this does not work.
There cannot, it doesn’t work that there’s, there has to be a purpose.
There has to be a cause for an effect.
There has to be a Cosby behind our life, behind this world. This universe, there has to be something.
So I started seeking everything I could.
I started thinking everything about truth and that’s where one day I came across the prophecies that the Bible gave about what was happening today.
I said, whoa I had no idea.
The Bible is actually true but I had to see that it was a famine. It didn’t work.
But everybody, every one of you has you have your own story. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn.
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